Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 892, Chapter 901, created 3 goals, action

In Changzhi City, following an explosion, the entire city fell into chaos immediately.First, near the hospital, a few people started to run for their lives, and then fled back home and closed the door tightly.

Then, on several streets far apart, the people who heard the explosion also ran for their lives until they returned home to hide.

And those people who came from outside the city also put down their work one after another, quickly packed their things, and hurried out of the city.Some of them were quick to see the opportunity, and even dropped their things and ran out of the city.The little devil kills people without blinking an eye. In the current situation, something big must happen in the city. Losing things is better than losing your life.

In this increasingly chaotic situation, the four of Li Yuexuan had already returned to the no-man's alley area.And at this time, some people who felt unable to leave the city also came here to escape.However, when these common people saw the devil's uniform on Li Yuexuan's body, they immediately turned around and ran away as if flying.

"Captain, the captain is back..." There was no one around, and the hidden special forces members appeared.

"Let's not talk about anything else, Guohuai, take a few people, put on the devil's uniform, stand at the entrance of the alley, and don't let the people in. If you encounter a devil's team passing by, say something happened at the hospital, there was a big explosion , hurry up to support. If the devils have to come in here, then let them in and deal with them. Others, the team leaders of each class come to the meeting!" Li Yuexuan didn't talk nonsense, and directly ordered.

"Yes!" Yan Guohuai took the order directly, and then quickly took out the devil's military uniform from the backpack he brought and put it on.Soon, a second lieutenant and nine devil soldiers appeared on the street and stood up guard.

It has to be said that the street cleaning ability of the devil's uniform is really not good, especially at this juncture, the common people fled in all directions, looking at the devil from a distance, they would definitely turn around and run away.After running far, I have to be thankful that these devils are not bad, and they didn't shoot them indiscriminately.

"Okay, everyone came to the meeting, let me talk about the situation just now. Before us, we brought..." Li Yuexuan briefly talked about their actions realistically, and then said: "The environment of a pool of stagnant water is not suitable for us to fight. Now, the stagnant water in Changzhi City has been muddied, and our chance has come. Er Niu, in this situation, we have three targets that we can attack."

After Li Yuexuan finished speaking, he looked at the increasingly gloomy sky, and then said: "There are still more than two hours before it gets dark. The target we can attack now is the headquarters of a division devil. I plan to fight for the artillery. Team. 17 shells, 3 pepper shells, 4 white phosphorous shells, 10 high-explosive anti-personnel shells, all to the devil's headquarters."

"Then the remaining two targets, one is the barracks area in the ghost city, and when the devils are gathering their troops, greet them with grenades! Find a suitable place, and use the 9 grenadiers we brought to fight together. , You don’t have to put all the grenades in, just give them 16 rounds of bombing. We don’t have much else, just enough grenade grenades!”

"After 16 rounds, each grenade can still leave 8 grenades for battle. And with the reduction of these grenades, our operation will be smoother. The remaining third target is the hospital. That's right, it just exploded The hospital I went to. The target of the attack is those devils who used to put out fires and save people." Li Yuexuan began to draw on the ground while speaking.

"Here, there is a straight-line distance of 1 kilometer from the devil's headquarters; a straight-line distance of more than 600 meters from the garrison barracks to the west; and a straight-line distance of 1200 meters from the hospital to the east. Tell me, how do you fight?" Li Yuexuan After drawing a simple map, look at everyone.

"I'll go to the barracks!" Li Erniu said directly, "I'll take a combat team, and then all the nine grenadier battle teams will go there. Just stay here and take command from the center."

"Let me go to the hospital. I will bring 4 combat teams and all the machine gun teams!" said Zhao Yuanbao, who had just returned from the hospital.

"Then... I'll take the communication team to the division headquarters!" Second Platoon Leader Wu Tongxin said.After finishing speaking, he looked at Fang Bing: "Old Fang, you and Li Tie are having a fight right here. I'll watch out for you. You must fight hard!"

"Get out, how do the communication soldiers set up the telephone line? Have you thought about this problem?" Fang Bing asked.

"Did you see the bell tower? We just need to put the phone line over there! You said that the city of Little Devils is so messy, so it's okay for an extra squad of devils to patrol the line?" Wu Tongxin said.

"Haha, okay, just do what you said, and do it!" Without any other questions, Li Yuexuan directly ordered: "However, there is one thing to pay special attention to. When launching an attack, Yuanbao will attack first, and Erniu will attack next. The rest is this side. Yuan Bao and your side are finished fighting, immediately evacuate towards the east gate, and I will leave the city towards the north wall. Er Niu, you join us!"

"It's worth explaining one point: complete the mission, don't love to fight, retreat if you can, and wait until you get out of the city. Another point is, don't be captured by the devils, don't be captured, use the glorious bullets if they can be used Comrades, since the day we joined the Special Forces, our lives have been given to this nation, so... take care!" Li Yuexuan stretched out his hand after finishing speaking.

"Take care!" Several fists collided together, and then formed a team to prepare.

At this time, Changzhi City was already in more and more chaos, but amidst the chaos, there was an inherent order.The common people went home one after another and closed the gates; the devil's patrol team began to patrol; the Royal Association Army also followed the patrol team; in addition, the devil's special firefighting team was also advancing rapidly towards the hospital.The trucks pulling the water rumbled, and the ones pulling the water pumps were also walking.

In the direction of the hospital, the explosion in the hall ignited the stage in the hall, tables and chairs, and flammable objects such as tablecloths, curtains, and curtains in the auditorium.Now, the wooden dome of the entire auditorium is also on fire, and the entire hospital is like a big torch, which is very clearly visible.

At this moment, a few ghost soldiers with gendarmerie armbands, and some reluctant ordinary people, also headed towards the hospital.These people were the Zhao Yuanbao action group that went out first.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way, fight the fire, hurry up..." Zhao Yuanbao changed into a military uniform with the rank of second lieutenant, and shouted loudly at the devils who were setting up road cards on the street.

The devils who set up Luka saw the buckets and tools that the "people" were carrying, and they didn't stop them and let them go.

Thank you Cao Buzhang Danfeng for your many rewards, thank you Lao Cao.Thanks to the old iron for the reward, thank you.

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