Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 896 Chapter 905, you climb the wall, I break the door

In the ancient siege battles of such a city wall, there were special jumping soldiers who stepped on the siege shovel to shoot at the wall with the eight-ox crossbow.Ordinary soldiers can only climb towards the city wall step by step through the ladder.

However, such a city wall couldn't help Li Yuexuan and the others.I have passed the 20-meter freehand rock climbing training. Is it not easy to have a city wall with many leverage points?

Then... the whizzing grapple flew up the city wall with Piso, hooked it into the gap in the parapet and asked to grab it.Next, there was a soldier running fast across a distance, and then stepped on the wall to borrow strength, and his body quickly moved towards the top of the wall.When all the strength was exhausted, he directly grabbed the leather rope, and with the support of the leather rope, he went upward again.

In just a few breaths, more than a dozen special forces members used this method to climb up the city wall, and Li Erniu was among them.After going up the wall, Li Erniu ignored his comrades who were still below, but raised a semi-automatic rifle and stood guard to one side.At the same time, among the soldiers who came up, 6 people followed him to guard the surrounding area.

The rest of the soldiers put the leather ropes on the wall stacks of the female wall to make the ropes more stable, and then helped the comrades up the city wall.Even the heavy 82 mortar parts were tied to ropes and dragged up.As the captain, Li Yuexuan was the last one to go up the city wall, and also the first one to leave the city from the other side.

When leaving the city, the leather rope flying claws had been coiled up and put into the rucksack, this time it was replaced with a smoother rope.This rope is specially made and soaked in tung oil, making it stronger and smoother at the same time.

The long rope was tied to the crenel of the outer wall and divided into two strands, one for falling and the other for unfastening.There are three such ropes, and Li Yuexuan led the two of them down first to be on guard.For the rest of the time, the team members lined up and descended one by one, and Li Erniu came down last.

After getting down, the end of the rope used for opening the buckle was pulled, and the noose tied to the crenel was immediately opened, and the rope fell to the bottom of the city very neatly.Well, if the devil chases after him, he will only find traces of rope friction and people's trampling, and nothing else will be found.

Li Yuexuan and his party had all left the city, none of them were missing or injured, and more than 3000 rounds of ammunition were seized.

At the same time, at the east gate of the city, Zhao Yuanbao and his party also left the city, but there were 5 more wounded, pushed by flatbed carts, and no team members died at all, which is already very good.

As for how Zhao Yuanbao got out of the city?Remember that bang?Well, it was that explosion.

Time went back to the moment when Zhao Yuanbao and his party were 300 meters away from the city gate, the devils had already closed the city gate, and the people blocking the city gate had already scattered and fled. Two 4-type heavy machine guns, plus [-] crooked handles The light machine gun built up a position inside the city gate and fired wildly towards the street.

Ding Ding Dang Dang... The sound of bullets hitting the bulletproof shield kept ringing, and Zhao Yuanbao and the others were unable to pass through for a while.

"It's finally time to use it. Push it over and get ready. Attention precision shooters, kill all the devil machine gunners for me, and make their machine guns misfire!" Zhao Yuanbao greeted loudly.

There is still some light from the setting sun, and the ghosts are facing the light of the setting sun, so the precision shooters can easily find the target and kill them with a snap.

At this time, the flatbed cart carrying the ammunition was pushed straight ahead, the tarpaulin on the cart was completely pulled away, and a long launch tube was exposed.That's right, it is the launch tube of the long artillery shell, and there is also a long artillery shell inside, but it was not fuzed before.

Now, the fuze has been installed, and the angle of the cart has been adjusted. When the devil was terrified that his machine gunner would be killed, Zhao Yuanbao pulled the fuse... Chi... Boom...

A long artillery grenade, with a little tail fire, roared towards the gate hole of the east gate, with a slight air wave in the middle.

Immediately afterwards, there was a bang, the city gate disappeared, and the devils gathered in the cave of the city gate disappeared. The heavy Jiu Erzhong, including the sandbags around Jiu Erzhong, were blown away by the violent shock wave for a certain distance. .That's right, this is a long artillery grenade with a 150mm warhead installed.A few kilograms of tnt explosives showed enough explosive power.

Once the explosion was over, there was no obstacle for Zhao Yuanbao and the others on their way forward, and they were immediately wiped out by the explosion.

"Haha, we're very lucky, we didn't blow up the city gate hole!" Zhao Yuanbao didn't look at the devils who were killed or injured, but cared about the existence of the city gate hole.

"Platoon leader, the devils are catching up!" A team member reminded.

"So what if we catch up? Comrades, build a position outside the city gate. Let's block it and completely wipe out the pursuers!" Zhao Yuanbao said.

"Understood!" The special forces members roared in unison, and immediately pushed the chariot towards the gate of the city.When passing the devils guarding the city gate along the way, he didn't forget to put a kick on the neck of the corpse.Some were quick, and even took some ammunition bags from the devil and put them on the ammunition cart beside him.

After the ammunition truck finished shooting long artillery grenades, it has now completely become an ammunition truck, but it has all the bulletproof shields that it should have, so its defensive ability is good.

Bang... squeak... The iron legs rubbed against the bluestone slabs, and three carts lined up outside the city gate in a square shape.The rest of the special forces members, when they gave the devil a kick to take away the ammunition, dragged out the heavy machine gun sandbags that the devil had piled up in the city before and put them under the chariot.

As if this was not enough, the sandbag fortification that the devil had placed outside the city gate was also removed, and a sandbag wall was arranged around the chariot.The members of the Special Forces do physical training every day, each of them is as strong as a little tiger, and it is very easy to do this job.Of course, Zhao Yuanbao didn't do any work, but led a few soldiers to look at the city gate building vigilantly.

The explosion just now was very violent, the shock wave did not destroy the city gate hole, but it killed many devils above, and I was afraid that if there were any survivors.

The special operations team members were quick to do this, and when they were ready, the pursuers in Little Devil City caught up and piled up on Dongxi Street one after another.The devils have a lot of chasing troops, there are the Imperial Association Army, the Gendarmerie, the regular patrol team of the army, and even some ronin...

Just when these ghosts and traitors gathered on the street, only 300 meters away from the city gate, the sky was already dark, and the place was obscured by the shadow of the city gate, and more than a dozen muzzle flames burst out. Strings of bullets flashed red and flew towards the devils...

PS: Thanks to chetie981 for the reward, thank you old iron!

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