Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 956 Chapter 965, quietly developing

Chapter 956 Chapter 965, quietly developing

On the side of the Seventh Brigade Commander, with the strong support of the Laogou Arsenal, he quickly upgraded his weapons and equipment.The Czech-style light machine gun that I used to think was good, but now that I have a squad machine gun, I don't think it's very easy to use.Well, not to mention that it is heavy, the bullets in the magazine are also small, and the recoil is also strong, so it is not as good as the squad machine gun we made ourselves.

Therefore, among the three main regiments, 100 combat squads were selected and directly replaced with squad machine guns. What is the ratio of 100 classes?There are only 277 combat squads in the three regiments, which account for more than 277%.Well, don't worry about why the three regiments organized by Sansan have [-] combat squads. Which regiment has no reconnaissance company?

In fact, the New Seventh Brigade had been issued with machine guns for many squads before, but it was not enough for every squad to have them.Why is the number of machine guns used in the squad 100?It was because Minister Zhang took out his small notebook to take a look, calculated the number of equipment of the New Seventh Brigade, and issued 100 squad machine guns.In this way, the squad machine guns of the entire New Seventh Brigade are all Qilari light machine guns.

The use of the 6.5mm caliber Kailari as the squad machine gun of the combat squad has now been unanimously approved by everyone.The gun itself is lighter, and the recoil of the 6.5mm bullet is much smaller, making it easier for the machine gunner to control the shooting state of the machine gun.In addition, the speed of replacing the barrel is not slow. There are 30 bullets in the magazine, and the firepower of suppressed shooting lasts for a long time.

The squad solved it with a machine gun, and then the 6.5-caliber new Bayi-style horse rifle was also assigned to the combat squads of the three main regiments according to needs.The distribution standard was set by the seventh brigade commander, which was to try to make the ammunition of a squad uniform in caliber.Well, the veterans and the backbone of the class with good marksmanship use the captured [-] guns, and the recruits use the new Bayi-style horse rifles.

Well, although the craftsmanship has improved and the barrel steel has better materials, the effective shooting accuracy distance of the Bayi-style horse rifle of the arsenal has never exceeded 300 meters.

Although the value of 300 meters is difficult for many good shooters to achieve accurate sniper kills, the gap is the gap, which is incomparable with the devil's three-eighth gap.Well, veterans use a three-eighth cover, and replace the bayonet with an extended three-edged thorn. When fighting the bayonet, it will be more polished, and the combat effectiveness will also be invisible.Moreover, the New Seventh Brigade also obtained a large number of shotguns from the Laogou Arsenal before, and this is also installed in each squad.

Haven't you seen that the deputy squad leader of each squad has 10 rounds less bullets than other soldiers?Just because he has a shotgun on his back with 7 rounds in it.

The equipment of this shotgun gave the New Seventh Brigade a big advantage in the previous battle.Well, in a certain battle, a company of soldiers fought a breakout battle with the devils in the village, and it turned out that these shotguns disrupted the devils' stabbing formation, and then everyone went up with a bayonet See the red end of the fight.

Squads were issued with machine guns, and the grenadier soldiers of each squad were also supplemented with a large number of grenadier grenades, allowing them to fire a dozen more shots in battle.

The grenadier group took enough grenades, and the backs of ordinary soldiers were also full of grenades. This is our conventional heavy weapon, so we must bring more.It seems that a soldier has at least 8 grenades behind him, and at most there are more than a dozen.Even so, the distribution has not been completed, and a large part of the brigade headquarters has been kept, which can only be kept as a reserve for war.

The next step is to replace the shotgun groups of each platoon with new shotguns.The so-called new shotgun is the one with a platoon of 5 shells added and a shield in front.For such a shotgun, the gunner does not say that he is safe. After blasting a shot, he pulls the breech breech, ejects the shell case, and shoots a new shell into the barrel with a single tap.

According to the reaction of the 386 brigade with many combat units using this shotgun, basically an ambush battle can end the battle if the 5 rounds of a platoon can't be fired.Of course, if there are many enemies, after five shots, basically the bayonet will see red.

Well, Hu Changyi is actually very satisfied with the military worker who created this bomb platoon structure.He didn't have the chance to be on the battlefield in person, but imagine: a cannon is guarded on a high place, and there is a marching team of devils below, and then the cannons are fired, and a barrage of death can be blasted basically every two seconds... live.

As a result, this kind of shotgun began to gradually replace the original old guns in the army.The old cannons were replaced and either used by the local militia guerrillas, or returned to the factory for refitting.In short, this kind of shotgun, based on the old-fashioned big gun, was gradually researched and improved by Hu Changyi and many military personnel. It is already an indispensable melee weapon and ambush weapon for the main force.

Well, strictly speaking, this shotgun is more like a human-controlled directional mine with a longer range.Although it's a bit ugly, and it's a little different, but is it a good weapon that can kill devils?

It took the New Seventh Brigade a whole day to complete the final dress-up process.After the change of clothes, it is the adaptation training, so that the soldiers can adapt to their new weapons and new tactics, which will take a long time to further improve their combat effectiveness.The good news is that the little devil doesn't have the time or the ability to come out and fight with the Eighth Route now, and the Eighth Route has time here.

When you have time, you can continue to train, continue to organize the team, continue to engage in production, and continue to accumulate strength for the next anti-mopping up.

In the continuous stage of war, both sides are actually accumulating energy, storing energy, and then releasing big moves to see who is better.

The 129th Division currently has 10 brigade-level units. If nothing else, it will increase in the future, and even reach a huge military strength of more than 20 troops in the end.These are just a little bit of development and growth.

On the side of the New Seventh Brigade, the ring equipment was completed and the training continued. The New 385 Brigade, which was better than the New Seventh Brigade, also received a large amount of ammunition from the Jiuzhai Arsenal to supplement the battle losses.Then, the other brigade-level units are also gradually being completed, strengthened, and enhanced in combat effectiveness.

In Northwest Shanxi, the newly established military region actually got a lot of old equipment and ammunition from Mao Xiong's family.Well, these are all obtained from commercial channels, and then sent across the Yellow River from the ferry of the Yellow River, and sent directly to the 120th Division.The most unlucky one is the 115th Division, which is too far away from Shandong, so it is not easy to send them ammunition or something.

However, the devils they faced were relatively weak, and they developed better than the 129th Division.Well, the 129th Division faced too many devils directly, and it was completely surrounded by devils.

(End of this chapter)

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