Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 961 Chapter 970, buried in the pit

Chapter 961 Chapter 970, buried in the pit

For the common people, these devils who are holding [-] big caps and killing people at every turn are the devil kings, and they dare not resist. All the anger can only be buried in their hearts until the end of their lives.

But in the eyes of Li Yuexuan and the others, these devils are weak chickens, weak chickens that can be crushed to death at any time.No, for all the special forces members involved in the operation, the most common way to kill the enemy is to turn around and leave.This silent and bloodless method is simply too popular with everyone, especially because the devil's height is suitable, and when he twists his neck, he only needs to raise his hand to reach it.

What's even better is that this height difference just puts the hands of the special forces at the most suitable height for exerting force.Well, reach out, press the sides of the head, and rotate vigorously, it's done.

In the dark night, from time to time, there were painful groans and extremely suppressed crying in the cell where the devils held the migrant workers.But outside the cell, there was a crackling sound, followed by the sound of a heavy object being gently put down.Of course, there is also the sound of the wind when someone moves on tiptoe.

There are more than 600 people working in Hongtu Mountain, but now there are only over [-] people, and the rest have been thrown into a big pit nearby, turning into stinking corpses.

And with the actions of the special forces, the prison cells where the common people were detained have been controlled, and the devils standing guard outside the door were replaced by soldiers of the special forces, and the machine guns erected on high places to deter the common people were also controlled by the special forces. in hand,

"Ahead is the devil's barracks, move!" Outside the devil's barracks, Li Yuexuan waved his hand, and the commandos of the Special Forces entered the barracks in groups of three, and then walked towards each room.

Soon, clicking sounds began to sound, and the sleeping ghosts were dealt with one by one.

"Ah..." The woman's panicked cry came out, breaking the tranquility of the night.

"Shut up, whoever makes a noise will kill her!" A threatening voice sounded, and even a flashlight was lit in a certain room.

In the room, there were more than a dozen disheveled women, and two naked ghosts had already tilted their heads and fell to the ground motionless.Qian Yongfu and Wu Qian looked at each other, and they both saw the anger in each other's eyes.These women, no need to ask, knew that they were captured by the devils, and they seemed to have been ravaged by beasts.

"Come here and watch that nothing happens here!" Qian Yongfu went out of the house and let the soldiers of the brigade's special forces take over the defense work here.

At the same time, the house where the devil supervisors lived was also lit up, but no devil came out to check the situation.Outside the door, the action team members heard the sound of splashing water and even a foul smell, knowing that it was the ghost supervisors who got up to pee at night.

As for the woman's yelling just now, these supervisors seemed to be accustomed to it.But think about it, these women were arrested and often abused...

The action was not delayed because of what happened just now, nor did it stop when the devil woke up in the room.

Following Zhao Yuanbao's order to act, the door that had been unbolted secretly was pushed open, and a total of 9 special forces entered the supervisor's room at an extremely fast speed.

The overseer's house was a large room with a Datong shop inside. Just like the barracks of the devils, more than a dozen devils slept in a row.However, this room is large, with a row of bunks in the north and south, and a row can sleep 20 people.

In the room, looking at the door that was suddenly opened, the ghost overseer who released urine just now looked sleepily at the black figure that came in, and did not speak for a while.

"Na... Ni..." After a click, the devil left the last two words and lost his life.

Then, as soon as the flashlight came on, the special forces who entered the house were divided into three groups very familiarly. One group was guarded by three people. The devil with the ability directly laid his hands on it.Covering the mouth and cutting the throat, this is the bloodiest, and covering the mouth, stabbing the heart with a tactical knife, this is better.

Of course, the fastest way is still to turn around and leave.The special forces members naturally chose the most direct and effective method.

About 2 minutes later, the special forces team members left the house.The devils in the room had their heads at awkward angles, but they were no longer breathing.

"Cuckoo, cuckoo... woo woo woo..." About 30 minutes later, a bird crowed from Hongtu Mountain, and then there was a chicken crowing in response. It was really the middle of the night chicken crowing.

Bang... The door of the prisoner's room was pushed open vigorously, and the lit lantern was also put inside the door, illuminating the terrified eyes of the people.

"Listen well, we are the martial arts team of the Eighth Route Army, and now this Hongtu mountain has been occupied by us. Folks, you have suffered, and our Eighth Route Army is late!" Li Erniu's honest voice came from the door, let the listener The people who heard the news were stunned.

"You guys are really... the Eighth Route Army?" Someone asked weakly.

"Of course we are the Eighth Route Army! Well, don't talk, come out and assemble now. If the wounded can't move, stay where they are." Li Erniu finished speaking and directed the team members to gather the people.

At this time, the generator in Hongtushan was found, and the electric lights in the devil's barracks were pulled out, and 5 lights were lit on the construction site, making the construction site brightly illuminated.

"Okay, folks, now I need your help with a job." Li Erniu, dressed in the uniform of the Eighth Route Army, stood in the place with the brightest light, letting the common people see his uniform.After these years of development, the name of the Eighth Route Army has become very resounding in the hearts of the common people.Especially Li Erniu's military uniform made the common people feel at ease.

"Our mission this time is to save everyone. It's just that our manpower is a little short. If you still have the strength, then help to carry out the corpses of the devils and those traitors, and throw them directly into the lime pond Well, if you still have strength, take the shovel and help bury it later." Li Erniu spoke in a gentle tone, but the content of his words was a bit surprising.

What Li Erniu said cheered up the common people, especially when two special forces members dragged two devil corpses past everyone and put them under the light, the common people believed them.Under the gaze of the common people, after someone searched the devils by the light of the electric light, immediately some common people took a step.

"Well, Comrade Eight Road, we are here to help..."

"Yes, we are all here to help!" At this time, the common people don't know that the devils here have really been wiped out.The lights were bright, and the people in the first few rows could see clearly. Aren't those two corpses with soft necks and heads swinging back and forth as they searched, not the two most vicious and vicious overseers?
"Don't kill me, I'm Chinese, my own people, don't kill me..." At this moment, the voice of begging for mercy sounded, and more than [-] people in puppet uniforms were escorted over.

(End of this chapter)

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