Chapter 980 Chapter 989, a wave

"The fragrance of flowers in the spring, cluck, blare, blare, the fiery red sun shines in the sky, and it shines on my ragged clothes, blare, blare, blare..."

"In the spring, the flowers are fragrant, and the eldest girl is embroidering mandarin ducks in front of the window. Suddenly, there is a ruthless blow, and the mandarin ducks are beaten on each side. In the summer, the willows grow, and the eldest girl lives in the Yangtze River..."

"Blooming in spring, [-], [-], [-], ah, June [-], watching Guxiu, spring hits six or nine..."

On a certain mountain road in the hinterland of Taihang Mountain in southeast Shanxi, Hu Changyi started his spring outing under the guard of many soldiers.Of course, it is actually to inspect the agricultural production in spring.

However, for Hu Changyi, who lives in Jiuzhai and finds it difficult to come out, this kind of inspection work is really as comfortable as a spring outing.Would that be a lot of walking?The spring breeze is coming, what's wrong with walking a little bit?The usual five kilometers in the morning and one night is not for nothing. This is really nothing to Hu Changyi and the others.

Therefore, Hu Changyi's mood is relaxed, his spirit is joyful, and the songs in his mouth are also full of happiness.Of course, there are some songs that he can't sing, he can only recollect them in his mind.

"The detachment leader is here, the detachment leader is here..." At the first stop at Nanweiquan, the children who were studying while grazing cattle saw Hu Changyi from afar, jumped and shouted, and rushed down the hillside.

"Be careful, don't fall!" The old village chief looked at the lively children and shouted at the top of his voice, with love and joy in his voice.

"They are all good boys, but they are a little naughty. You see, the teacher is angry every day..." The old village head and Hu Changyi are also old acquaintances, and their words are much more casual.

"The children grow up well, so we have hope. Besides, boys, it's right to be naughty. If you are not naughty, you will not be good, just beat more." Hu Changyi echoed.

"The detachment leader is knowledgeable!" The old village head complimented, and then changed his words: "Detachment leader, we have grown rice before, even if the yield is not much more than our wheat, we are not used to it. But since the organization With the mission, we changed the land by the river into a paddy field. However, we have to wait until the wheat is ripe to plant late rice,” said the old village chief.

"Old village chief, you are the master of the crop, and you can take care of the farming... Hey, you little kids, what are you doing?" Hu Changyi said, surrounded by many children, with hands in their hands. Holding a small clay pot, it turned out to be scorpions one by one.

"Scorpion, this is a scorpion, the field hospital wants this!" A child answered with a big mouth, and then looked at Hu Changyi.

"Come on, I know you're thinking about the candies in my pocket! But, Captain, I haven't gone to fight devils recently, and I don't have that kind of toffee." Well, when Hu Changyi came last year, he casually hid the candies in the space. I took out a pack of Morinaga toffee I was carrying and distributed it to the children here, and the result is remembered to this day.

"Eat candy, eat candy..." Hu Changyi's trouser legs were hugged by someone, a child who was definitely no older than four years old, and shouted, drooling, and it was unknown whether it was from his brother's back or his sister's back.

Hu Changyi looked at the dirty child, but he was not angry. Instead, he picked it up and put it in his arms. As soon as he stretched out his hand, Su Wei quickly handed over the paper bag he was holding.Inside the bag was a long strip of brown object sprinkled with starch, exuding a burnt aroma.Well, this is when Hu Changyi has nothing to do, he asked people to make sweet potato candy from sweet potatoes, which is specially used for soldiers with hypoglycemia, and it is also good for coaxing children.

"Here, I'll give you one, for those who are greedy!" Hu Changyi picked up a sweet potato candy and put it in the little boy's mouth.

"Tang, Tang... Sister... Tang..." The little boy struggled a bit, and Hu Changyi put him on the ground.Then, the little guy stumbled and ran to a five or six-year-old girl.

Seeing the little guy drooling and presenting treasures to his sister, Hu Changyi felt a burst of emotion in his heart, and then waved his hand, Su Wei hurried forward: "There are all, come and go, one for each."

The long sweet potato candy, although it looks hard now, is very high-grade. If the children keep biting it, it can be stretched for a long time. It is a good thing that can be eaten and played with.

Well, when Hu Changyi was in elementary school, there were still some for sale at the school gate, but I didn't see them anymore. In the early 90s, for 1 cents a piece, you can eat for a long time, but your hands will be sticky after eating.

When Hu Changyi and the others interacted with the children, the old village chief watched with a smile on his face, especially the one who hugged his calf and asked for candy, that was his great-grandson, the tip of the old man's heart.But now, I am busy with spring plowing and spring planting, and I have to water the winter wheat and so on, so I don't have time to look after the children at all.However, the old village chief was even happier when he thought about the grain that would be returned to the warehouse when the wheat was harvested.

After saying goodbye to the children, Hu Changyi followed the old village chief to continue to inspect the fertile fields here.Here, there is a piece of land two kilometers long and wide, which is still irrigated. It is definitely the largest granary around Jiuzhaigou.

After a week of inspection, the wheat is growing well, the fruit trees on the mountain are also showing buds, the apricot blossoms are falling and the peach blossoms are blooming, and there is vitality everywhere.These are our hopes.

After leaving from Nanweiquan, Hu Changyi revisited Shimen Village in the west, re-checked the defense situation here, and was even dragged by the brigade commander to the brigade headquarters for a talk.

The 386th brigade is now a mobile force of the division. Like the assault battalion established by the brigade commander before, the entire brigade is now a mobile force.Therefore, Hu Changyi asked the brigade commander a lot about mobile warfare, and also asked about the demand for weapons to see if there was anything that needed improvement.

"Need? I want a cannon, can you make it? Boy, don't be so ambitious, first stabilize the current production, and ensure that the troops have the most basic weapons and ammunition supplies, which is the greatest victory. Besides, you are not studying that right now. Rocket launcher? When it succeeds, that thing can replace part of the cannon's ability." The brigade commander also said directly.

"Don't worry, Brigadier, I won't relax at all." Hu Changyi stood up and promised.

"Well, I know. Alright, go ahead and look at your defense zone. As a commander, it's okay not to be familiar with the terrain of your defense zone." The brigade commander waved away people, and Hu Changyi said goodbye and left.

After leaving the brigade headquarters, in the remaining three days, Hu Changyi really wandered around the defense area of ​​the Ninth Detachment.There are many war horses in Jiuzhaigou. It is very convenient to walk in the nearby places and ride horses in the far places.

Of course, Hu Changyi didn't go to the headquarters for a stroll, he didn't dare to face the chiefs, he was afraid of being seen out if he couldn't control his emotions.

After finishing the inspection of the defense zone, Hu Changyi continued to tinker with the arsenal.Everything has returned to the previous state of operation.

(End of this chapter)

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