time flies.

Soon came the August [-]st Army Day.

At this time, looking at the past from a distance, Li City seemed to be as peaceful and peaceful as before.

It's just that at this time, the master of the city has changed from the brutal Japanese army to the Eighth Route Army of the People's Soldiers.

According to Kong Jie's suggestion, the plan to create an empty city plan for all the people from Licheng and other five cities to migrate on a large scale has been successfully implemented and completed.

In other words, at this moment, the five cities of Licheng, Xiangyuan, Lucheng, Liaoxian, etc., seem to be calm and calm on the surface, no different from the past, but in fact they have already become veritable empty cities.

Hundreds of thousands of people have been transferred under the cover of the Eighth Route Army soldiers at night, and all of them have been settled in the vast base area under the jurisdiction of a team.

Most of the people who appeared in the city in the past few days cooperated with acting. After some fellow villagers showed up during the day, they moved back to the base area at night.

On the outer line of Licheng, the Eighth Route Army set up multiple lines of defense in one go, setting up barriers layer by layer, and the Japanese army's eyeliner could not penetrate at all.

The only thing that can reach it is probably the reconnaissance plane that the devil occasionally passes over Licheng to conduct reconnaissance.

In this regard, Kong Jie, who is acting and doing a full set, did not miss this point.

In Kong Jie's words: "Aren't they just human beings! Let's give the little devils as much as they want!"

With the concerted efforts of the soldiers, it took less than a day to tie up tens of thousands of scarecrows, then put them in the clothes of ordinary people, and let them go in the county.

At first glance, it really looks like a real person, let alone a ghost pilot conducting high-altitude reconnaissance. "

Everything is ready, and all artillery and equipment for air combat are also in place.

Waiting to start a confrontation with the Japanese flying troops at any time.

There are also air defense fortifications dug and built by the soldiers at night in the city these days. Once the devils launch an air strike, the troops stationed in the city will quickly evade to avoid casualties.


Beiping, the headquarters of the Japanese army in North China.

After the flight team completed the reconnaissance mission, the relevant report has been conveyed.

"General, our reconnaissance planes have scouted the sky over Licheng and other five cities for many days, and found nothing special, and the people in the city are not unusual, and many people can still be seen in the streets and alleys.

What kind of medicine is sold in this eight-way gourd? "

Okamura shook his head, he naturally didn't know the situation.

At the moment, he is still worried about one thing, "The aviation unit built secretly by the Eighth Route Army, it is now certain that it has not been destroyed by the Sixth Division at all.

In addition, in the later period of the May [-]st sweep, news came from various airports in Shanxi that they were raided by the Eighth Route Army troops. The fighter planes stored at the airport were suspected to have been robbed by the Eighth Route Army.

Including some of the fighter jets we lost at Minburg Airport. "

Speaking of this, Okamura was outraged and felt humiliated. These damn Eighth Route Army were so rampant that they directly attacked the airport, robbed him of the fighter planes of the Japanese Empire, and went back to form an air force.

It just doesn't make sense!

For so many years, since the Japanese army confronted the Eighth Route Army, the Eighth Route Army ambushed and attacked the Japanese army, and used the captured Japanese weapons to attack the Japanese army in turn. This method has already become one of the important sources of their daily equipment and ammunition.

As a China hand, Okamura even heard a jingle in the Eighth Route Army:

"No guns, no cannons, the devils made them for us!"

It's really annoying to hear this. I feel that the Great Japanese Empire came to China to send equipment and supplies to these Eighth Route Army?

Now even the planes have been sent to the Eighth Route Army, and their aviation troops have been built.

Everything is like a joke.

Not to mention the troops from various countries watching the excitement, even the Japanese army themselves felt like they had had a nightmare.

"That's why I'm worried that after our army bombs Licheng, the aviation unit secretly built by the Eighth Route Army will take the opportunity to attack our imperial aviation unit!"

But the devil's chief of staff laughed: "General, you are overthinking, even if the Eighth Route Army formed an air force by capturing our planes, the number would not be large, and the fighting power would not be much stronger.

Didn't you still worry about how to destroy this secret aviation unit of the Eighth Route Army?
If the Eighth Route Air Force dares to attack, we might as well take the opportunity to destroy it.

I suggest that when bombing Licheng, we should divide our air force into two batches. The first batch will be used as a bait to lure the Eighth Route Army air force to attack. It is possible to destroy the enemy's air power in one fell swoop! "

Okamura nodded and agreed to this battle plan, but still said that this matter should be cautious.

"Doolittle and his team have rich flying experience. If there is no accident, they are now in the base of the Eighth Route Army. If they assist the Eighth Route Army in the training of aviation units, or even participate in the battle in person, their combat effectiveness must not be underestimated."

"This time, it would be great if we can eliminate these bastards who dared to attack the capital of our empire together!"

Soon after, the Japanese army secretly held a meeting to launch an air strike plan against the Eighth Route Army parade troops in Licheng.

The squadron leaders of some flying squadrons of the Japanese air force and the captains of the flying teams were all present.

During the meeting, the devil officers discussed the specific tactics of the air raid on Licheng.

It also determined the general establishment of the flying team participating in the war, and the corresponding fighters and bombers.

Among them, the Japanese army's main flight team in Central China is basically equipped with Type 97 Falcon fighter jets, and the bombers are basically Type [-] heavy bombers.

The combination of the two can be regarded as a very advanced fighter combination.

First, the heavy bombers spread out a carpet-like fire coverage, and then the fighter jets conduct low-altitude strafing in a dive style, so as to ensure that all targets are destroyed under two successive firepower strikes.

In North China, there are basically Type 97 fighter jets, Type 98 light bombers, Type 99 dive bombers, and Type 92 heavy explosive bombers and other second-line fighters and bombers.

Speaking of it, this North China region is the base camp of the Japanese army in the occupied area of ​​China's Guannei.

Law and order has always been good.

The Eighth Route Army troops living in the cracks of the occupied area were not taken seriously by the Japanese army in the past few years.

I thought it was just a group of anti-Japanese armed forces who couldn't make a difference.

But no one thought that the strength of the Eighth Route Army had developed so fast and advanced by leaps and bounds in recent years that it had become a serious threat to the Japanese army.

North China, the rear area of ​​the Japanese army, was even more disrupted.

Therefore, the Japanese army originally thought that it was stable, so the second-line fighters assigned to the North China region were not enough at the moment.

The fighters from East China are mainly the Type 96 land attack bomber, a long-range shore-based bomber developed by the Japanese Navy in the mid-30s.

Plus some dragon swallowing bombers.

It can be said that the power of the air force used by the Nikkei this time is no less than that used in a large-scale battle.

Even more than that!

Okamura also went all out this time. With his old face, he asked the navy for help, and got reinforcements from the Japanese Navy's flying troops.

During the meeting, when Okamura asked the devil's chief of staff to introduce the relevant information of the Eighth Route Army to the devil's flight commanders, and specifically stated that the Eighth Route Army also had an aviation unit that might not be too weak in combat effectiveness.

The captain of the devil's flight team said confidently: "The eight-way air force is nothing more than hitting a rock with a pebble. This time, our East China Flying Team has also specially enhanced some Type II double-seat twin-engine fighters to perform ground attack missions. There are 37 aircraft guns, which can specifically deal with the mobile armor and self-defense anti-aircraft guns of the Eighth Route Army.

Regardless of whether the Eighth Route has a trap built in advance in Licheng, we will burn Licheng together with all the Eighth Route and the Chinese people in the sea of ​​flames. "

This is so exasperating.

But the faces of some army officers of the North China Front Army who also participated in the meeting were not very good.

Listening to the tone of these flight officers, it is clear that they are mocking their army, so they can only rely on their navy!

But the facts are indeed true. This time, only the Japanese air force can launch a targeted strike against the rampant military parade held by the Eighth Route Army in Licheng.

Count on the North China Front Army?
——One by one, they have shrunk in the stable county towns and towns, and they have become shrinking turtles.

The high-level Japanese army also attached great importance to the large-scale battle of the Japanese air force this time.

Junroku Hata, the commander-in-chief of the Chinese Expeditionary Force of the Japanese Army, even rushed to Nanjing Dajiaochang Airport in person to encourage the Nanjing regional air force directly under the headquarters of the Chinese Expeditionary Army to go out.

Including the Shanghai Hongqiao Airport in East China and the airport of the Central China Expeditionary Force in Wuhan, the commanders of the Japanese army rushed there in person to mobilize and encourage the pilots before the battle, and watch the planes take off.

"Victory must be victorious! The Great Japanese Empire must be victorious! Long live the Emperor!"

The devil pilots who were on the expedition roared in unison, and one by one their faces were filled with self-conceited brilliance, and they got into the plane.

Time goes on.

The day of August 8st has gradually brightened up.

The Eighth Route Army troops stationed outside Licheng raised their vigilance and guarded the line of defense.

The interior of Li City is very lively and full of jubilation.

Looking down from a high altitude, you can see that there are many people in the city, almost a sea of ​​people, especially the large square where the Eighth Route Army is preparing to hold a military parade.

In addition to the crowd, looking down from a high altitude, you can also see a series of artillery, as well as mechanized vehicles such as armored vehicles and military vehicles.

Around 8:30am.

First, two reconnaissance planes of the Japanese army flew over Licheng at a relatively high altitude. The ghost pilot on the plane held up his binoculars to investigate the situation, and saw the crowds and people in Licheng at a glance. Those mechanized vehicles that are still moving.

in the city.

Under the jubilant appearance, the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army secretly prepared.

Several regiment leaders of a team were in the temporary headquarters of the air defense positions. After receiving the news from the signal soldier, they learned that the enemy's reconnaissance aircraft had appeared twice.

Shen Quan smiled and said: "The little devil is obviously losing his temper. Once the investigation phase is over, the follow-up flight team designation will come."

"Speaking of which, the devil is probably still confused at the moment, and has no idea what our intention is.

We just held a military parade in Licheng openly and aboveboard, and it was just after the Japanese army's May Day raids were defeated, so it's no wonder the little devils are not in a hurry! "

was talking.

boom -

There was an explosion sound from outside the air-raid shelter.

Shen Quan's smile was even worse, but he had to raise his voice even louder when he spoke, "Haha, here we come, the little son of a bitch is finally here."

The communications soldier has already received the intelligence message from the frontier observation station outside the headquarters through the phone.

"It is reported that there are seven or eight Japanese light bombers bombing the sky above Licheng."

Shen Quan asked: "Has our team moved into the air defense fortification in time?"

"Leader, please rest assured, all have been transferred!"

Shen Quan nodded.

Wang Leihu, the head of the Second Regiment, couldn't sit still anymore, "Why hasn't the old head's order to start the fight come down yet?"

Facing Wang Leihu's anxiety, Shen Quan was obviously more able to sit still, he said unhurriedly:
"Leihu, what's the rush? As the saying goes, it's never too late for a good meal. We've made such a big commotion in Licheng this time, do you think the little devils just dispatched these seven or eight bombers and sent us away?"

Wang Leihu said: "You mean this is the devil's first test force?"

Shen Quan said: "That's for sure. The devils have been scared by us all these years, and they are cowardly! If they don't investigate the situation clearly, the devils will not dare to make large-scale air strikes rashly."

"You don't know what kind of temperament our old regiment leader is? Be steady! He will never order to fight back until the devil's main air strike force fully shows up."

This is indeed the case.

Kong Jie, who was in charge of the Licheng Air Defense Front Command, was calm. He took the absolute initiative in the battle around Licheng. He was not afraid that he would not be fooled by the little devil, and he was not impatient.

"Let the devil taste the sweetness first, that old devil Okamura is cautious!"

Beiping, the headquarters of the Japanese North China Front Army.

The vanguard light bomber squad has taken the lead in bombing the Licheng area, but it has not received much response.

According to the feedback from the front-line pilots, a large number of bombs were dropped, and the smoke almost obscured the view, and the city was in chaos. Eight Routes used a lot of self-propelled anti-aircraft artillery, but most of the artillery had been destroyed by the bombs.

The air defense force built by the Eighth Route Army in Licheng does not seem to be very powerful.

There should have been howls in Licheng, and civilian casualties could be seen everywhere.


"Pass to the front-line air force, carry out the second round of air strikes according to the plan, prepare to throw incendiary bombs, and all fighters are always on alert for emergencies." After a moment of silence, Okamura issued an order.

Okamura didn't believe in evil yet, he threw the incendiary bomb and plunged your Li city into a sea of ​​flames, but he wanted to see what kind of tricks Eighth Road had hidden.

In addition, this old devil is still thinking about using this method to lure out the Eighth Route Air Force. For this reason, he has prepared a third special flying team to deal with the Eighth Route Army's air force that dares to show up. .

He even prayed silently in his heart:

Come on, damn Balu, release your air force, and compete with my Great Japanese Imperial Air Force! (end of this chapter)

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