The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 1116 The Disgrace

According to the order specially given by Okamura.

Although he demanded that the independent First Mixed Brigade defend HD City and the Chengnan Airport at all costs, Okamura also said that when the time comes, all the fuel and fighter planes at the Chengnan Airport must be destroyed in time, and they cannot be left behind. eight way.

The combat effectiveness of the aviation unit displayed by the Eighth Route Army in the air battle in Licheng was too terrifying.

Their pilots were highly skilled, and their tactics were even more daring. They even dared to follow the returning Imperial flying troops and carry out long-range air strikes on the Empire's large military airport in Shanghai.

Once Eighth Route was allowed to quickly expand its aviation force with the help of fighter planes captured from the empire.

Wouldn't the eight roads become more and more rampant?

Maybe even his headquarters in Okamura will be constantly threatened by the air force of the Eighth Route Army.

Therefore, before the troops were forced to retreat to the north of the city, Major General Suzuki made some special arrangements, arranging several blasting troops in advance, responsible for removing all the ammunition, fuel and fighter planes stored at the airport before the Eighth Route Army took down the Chengnan airport. destroy.

In this way, although the Japanese army will suffer heavy losses, at least these fighters will not fall into the hands of the Eight Route Army.

such a pity!
How could Commander Chen not have expected these tricks of the little devil.

As early as when he issued the order to raid the Japanese Seongnan Airport, Commander Chen repeatedly stated that he must infiltrate the Japanese Seongnan Airport in advance before the attacking troops fought over, so as to ensure that after the battle started, the devils would not have time to destroy the plane.

For this reason, Commander Chen specially dispatched an action team composed of experienced veterans from the Southern Hebei Military Region.

In addition, Kong Jie also arranged for Duan Peng to rush over with the commando team to help.

After the old devil Suzuki retreated, the blasting teams he arranged saw that the situation was unstoppable, and the little devils immediately decided to blast the Chengnan Airport, destroying all the ammunition, fuel and fighter planes.

Duan Peng and his party, who had infiltrated into the airport a long time ago, took the opportunity to kill the devil's blasting troops in advance.

The old ghost Suzuki's calculation finally came to nothing.

But to be honest, the old devil Suzuki made so much money in his own jurisdiction, and he also planted a lot of eyeliner in the HD area.

It's just that the Eighth Route Army's speed is very fast, and the intelligence blockade is very good.

When Suzuki received the news.

His subordinates hastily reported that the Eighth Route Army's field troops and main forces in southern Hebei had been dispatched one after another, and a large number of local county brigades, district squads, guerrillas, and militias were also dispatched one after another, attacking HD's peripheral strongholds and traffic arteries.

The old devil Suzuki was used to enjoying the blessings. When he heard that the Eighth Route Army's helmeted soldiers and mechanized troops were coming, he didn't concentrate on guarding the airport and the county at the first time.

He actually took the lead in arranging the mobile brigade and the car brigade to quickly evacuate in the direction of SJZ with the finances and supplies he had collected over the years.

He wants to protect his own interests. Besides, he has almost lost what a soldier should look like!
As a result, the Japanese defenders in HD City missed the best time to defend. Under the tactics of the Eighth Route Army's encirclement, they were forced to retreat to the north of the city for defense.

What poor old Suzuki doesn't know is.

Because of the surrender of a puppet army stronghold on a road bridge 40 miles outside HD City, the newly formed armored company and mechanized infantry battalion of the Southern Hebei Military Region, as well as some field troops, have already successfully captured this stronghold and paralyzed Under the reconnaissance of the Japanese army, they quietly lay in ambush here, waiting for the devils to come!

Captain Du is also a good businessman.

"Let's defend this bridge and cut off the devil's only way of retreat. I guess after the battle starts, the little devil will definitely try to transfer some good things out. As long as we guard this way of retreat, we may get rich !"

In the end, it turned out that the poor old devil Suzuki worked so hard for so many years, and after all, he made wedding dresses for the soldiers of the Southern Hebei Military Region.

There was one cart after another of silver dollars, antiques, banknotes, and supplies.

When opening the rear compartment of the vehicle escorted by the little devil, the soldiers were almost stunned. Everyone had never seen so much wealth in several lifetimes!

The battalion commander of the mechanized infantry battalion leading the team shouted excitedly: "Comrades, everyone carefully send all the confiscated items back to the military region. This time we made a fortune. Maybe we can eat meat in the future!"

The soldiers cheered immediately.


Beiping, the headquarters of the Japanese North China Front Army.

Major General Suzuki completely lost the control of HD City, and even the original phone call to the headquarters was completely cut off, so he could only use the radio to communicate with the headquarters.

In the communication, although Okamura couldn't hear Suzuki's voice, he could feel the cry and despair in those words:

"General, the Eighth Route Army armored soldiers from the Taihang area outside the Hebei Eighth Route Army joined forces to attack HD. I led the troops to fight to the death, but we were outnumbered and suffered heavy casualties. Now we are forced to retreat to the north of the city freight yard.

The reinforcements from all walks of life have never been seen.

I am afraid that HD City and Chengnan Airport will be lost.

But please rest assured, general, I have arranged the demolition team in advance according to your order, and will completely destroy the airport before the eighth road takes the Chengnan airport, and I will never leave it to the enemy! "

Inside the headquarters.

Okamura sat down on his armchair a little weakly.

He didn't know whether he should be angry or desperate at this moment.

What are you angry about?
Angry at those damned officers who didn't follow his orders to send reinforcements to HD in time?
But what can he do?
Now that things have come to this, he, Okamura, the position of the commander-in-chief, may also be handed over to others.

It is a certain fact that Seongnam Airport has been compromised.

The only good thing is that Suzuki arranged the blasting troops in advance to blow up the airport in advance, which would not be cheaper for those eight roads.

Okamura was naturally not reconciled, and wanted to struggle again.

At least the Eighth Route Army can't be so rampant. After taking down HD City and the airport in the south of the city, they can still transport supplies away in a leisurely manner.

When he issued the transfer order, he pretended not to know that Harada and other officers had followed his order and failed to reinforce HD City in time, causing HD to fall.

"The First Mixed Brigade has been forced to retreat to the freight yard area in the north of the city. After the Eighth Route takes down HD City, it will inevitably quickly transfer the seized materials to the Southern Hebei Military Region. All of your ministries will quickly launch an attack in the wild. Be sure to intercept these materials!"

The implication is that you committed crimes of not reinforcing HD city in time, and I, Okamura, can not pursue you for the time being, but you can't go too far.

It's understandable that the Eight Routes are afraid of traps around HD City, and they dare not reinforce them.

The Eighth Route has robbed supplies right now, but some transport troops are evacuating in the direction of the Southern Hebei Military Region. You can always carry out a blockade in the wild, right?
After the order is communicated.

The head of the Harada division understood Okamura's meaning in seconds.

He also knew not to play too much with fire, so after discussing with the reinforcements from all sides, he immediately decided to launch a blockade in the wild, scout around, and make sure to snatch back the supplies that Eight Routes had robbed from HD.

How could this little devil expect it.

This HD Chengnan Airport has been completely occupied by the Eighth Route Army.

Not only that, the Eighth Route Army did not walk this time to transport a large number of aviation supplies and military supplies seized from the airport, including the city of HD.

Instead, go directly by air.

Zhang Dabiao and Shen Quan were extremely busy at the ground-air integrated command center, commanding one after another air transport planes to and fro, temporarily transporting the large amount of materials seized in HD City back to a team. aviation base.

There is no way, who let the Southern Hebei Military Region not have a decent airport so far!

That can only be the same as Commander Lu in Jizhong, first park all the fighters in a team.

These include a large number of aviation materials seized at the Seongnam Airport of the Japanese army, including some damaged fighter jets and bombers that the Japanese army was forced to land at Seongnam Airport during the air battle in Lecheng.

In order to capture these fighter planes that belonged to the little devils in the past and will belong to the Eighth Route Army in the future.

Kong Jie and Commander Chen also specially arranged a group of elite aviation maintenance troops to follow the soldiers of the Southern Hebei Military Region to the Chengnan Airport and start emergency repairs at night.

Regardless of other things, first ensure that the fighter planes can take off, and directly drive the little devil's fighter jets and bombers from the south of the city airport to the air base of the detachment.

For this reason, Li Wenjie, the political commissar, and Xu Guoan, the chief of staff, were busy expanding the secret air base of a team a long time ago.

Busy to busy, but with a full smile on his face.

Back then when he secretly built an aviation base for a team, Xu Guoan felt that Kong Jie built the airport too big, "I said, old Kong, you built the airport so big, do we have so many planes?"

Only now did Xu Guoan realize how short-sighted he was compared to that old Kong.

There are so many fighter planes that they can't stop, and the airport that I thought was too big is not enough.

"Couldn't he be the captain of the detachment!" Old Xu sighed.

It was such a busy night.

The old devil Suzuki led the troops to retreat in the north of the city, but he didn't dare to move.

With the dense gunfire all around and the darkness of the night, who knows if he hastily left the fortification and broke out, would he fall into the trick of the Eighth Route?

Until the dawn of the next day.

The old devil Harada, the Japanese SJZ Division, the Ishikawa Brigade and other reinforcements, according to Okamura's order, had already set up an ambush at the predetermined location, waiting for the Eighth Route Army's transport troops to appear.

But after waiting all night, there was no movement.

After dawn, several groups of the Eighth Route Army appeared, but they looked like transport troops. The troops were fully armed and well-equipped, and there was no convoy or other luggage in the team.

In the end guess what?

On the way to Yuantian, Zhongjiang Yuantian rolled his eyes and immediately issued an order that the ambush troops from all walks of life should stand still and must not be exposed, so they let the Eighth Route Army go.

Harada is not stupid.

These Eight Routes were very shrewd, and they were very vigilant during the transfer process. The troop line was so long that it was impossible for them all to fall into his ambush circle.

There were even some helmeted soldiers mixed in, they were the elite of the Eight Routes, once the ambush started, they might not be able to kill the Eight Routes in the ambush circle, but would be turned around and wiped out by these Eight Routes.

Admiral Harada is very principled.

Your Excellency Commander's order is to intercept as much as possible the supplies seized by the Eighth Route Army from HD City, but the Eighth Route Army I saw did not carry any supplies.

Then there's no need to start a fight.

In several other directions, the Japanese army stupidly launched an ambush.

For example, Lin Tailang who came from Luxi mixed into a brigade. This old devil was probably a stunned young man, and he had never seen the power of the Eighth Route Army in Shanxi.

Seeing that the vanguard of the Eighth Route Army had entered his ambush circle, he immediately ordered an attack.

As everyone knows, when it comes to robbery and ambushes, Balu can be regarded as the ancestor of little devils.

After all, the Eighth Route Army relied on this kind of tactics to make a fortune.

When the troops withdrew from the HD area, the soldiers had already been guarding against possible ambushes set by the Japanese along the way.

After the confrontation between the two sides.

The vanguard of the soldiers quickly withdrew from the devil's ambush circle, and the follow-up main force split into two groups without saying a word, and quickly detoured towards the Japanese flanks.

When the old devil Lin Tailang found out, his original ambush force was vaguely surrounded by the Eighth Route Army.

Farther away, the devil even noticed that the mobile and armored units of the Eighth Route Army were intercepting at high speed.

But the old devil was terrified, he retreated in a hurry, and suffered a lot of losses in the fierce battle all the way.

If it wasn't for running fast enough, the entire army would have been wiped out in this ambush.

Still young after all.

Who is the shrewdness of the old devil Harada?

Lieutenant General Harada let the retreating troops of the Eighth Route Army go there helplessly. Immediately afterwards, he reckoned that the Eighth Route Army had almost withdrawn, and the materials in the city should have been moved almost as well.

In order to be on the safe side, they contacted several other reinforcements and rushed forward, arriving at HD in no particular order, and then sent several investigation troops to investigate the situation.

If the main force of the Eighth Route is still there, we will withdraw first and continue to stroll outside the city.

If the main force of the eight routes has already withdrawn, we will take the opportunity to recover HD.

In this way, they regained an empty city without any effort!
"After the fierce battle, repel the Eighth Route Army and retake HD City!"

Listen, what a gimmick!
And after rushing to HD City, and all the way to reinforcements to the north of the city where the first mixed city brigade was located, Harada found out with a look of astonishment.

There are a pile of old oil drums piled up outside the freight yard, and the oil drums are full of debris from firecrackers, and the surrounding area of ​​the camp is full of the smell of gunpowder smoke left after the explosion of fireworks and firecrackers.

What are these for?

When Lieutenant General Harada found Suzuki, who was still a bit nervous in the air-raid shelter in the north of the city, he was immediately out of breath.

"Damn it, you idiot! Suzuki, do you know what you are doing? Confronting the enemy outside the fortification, is it the firecrackers in those old oil drums? You bastard!"

Poor Major General Suzuki was almost dragged out of the air-raid shelter by the angry Harada.

When he saw clearly the situation outside the fortification, he was also dumbfounded.

The enemy who was so frightened by his feelings that he didn't even dare to leave the fortification for half a step, turned out to be fireworks and firecrackers all over the place, disguised by a dozen old oil drums!

A great sense of shame overwhelmed him in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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