The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 1126 The Highlight Moment of the Old Japanese Bandit Okamura

Brigadier Zhang went on to say: "Our new cement factory has already started construction. While building roads, it is used for front-line mountain fortifications, and the troops are constantly gathering for mountain offensive and defensive drills.

This year's grain harvest is good, with Commander Fu's food support and the support of canned meat from the Northward Detachment, the soldiers are all fed and trained, and they are holding back their energy to fight Taiyuan City again.

Especially once our iron and steel plants and special steel smelters are mass-produced, we first imitate the cannonballs. The 45-type 150mm heavy cannon equipped by the heavy artillery unit directly under our military region, the Canadian-type 120mm cannon, the 89-type 150mm cannon, and the 96-type 150mm cannon. Millimeter howitzers, Type 38 150mm howitzers, Type 91 105mm howitzers, Type 92 105mm cannons, Type 97 150mm mortars, and Type 120 [-]mm mortars have all been repaired and maintained.

With the shells, we pulled up to fight the devils, and let the little devils taste the taste of being bombed.

We have already calibrated all the fortifications in the west of the Japs City, and are waiting for the headquarters to order thousands of artillery fire to give the Japs a surprise.

This is not counting our 75-caliber artillery, small-caliber flat-fire guns, and mortars. In the past, there was more gas and less steel, but now we also have steel, so we use cannons to vent our anger. "

The big leader heard the first one applauding and said: "Okay, that's great! What a cannon to make our angry sound. The troops brought out by Lao He are amazing, amazing."

The venue immediately applauded enthusiastically and the atmosphere became more lively.

Captain Song said happily: "Old Zhang, it seems that Yuantian sent a lot of good things outside Taiyuan City. When will you lend me this batch of heavy artillery? Lao Yang and I have been investigating Zhangjiakou for a long time. We watch it every day." The devil is itching to expand the industrial scale!"

Brigadier Zhang smiled and said: "It's easy to talk! If you need it anytime, as long as it's convenient, we will support you at any time!"

"That's daring!"

Then, Staff Officer Zhou of the 129th Division spoke on behalf of the units of the 129th Division: "The main force of the 129th Division has crossed the Ping-Han Railway in advance; the main force of the new brigade has reached the fifth division, and the main force of the fifth division has been led by Lao Pi to the south to join the Yang Department in the northern Henan base. Now, you can cooperate with the Fourth Cavalry Brigade against PY in the northern Henan base at any time.

The 386 brigade has also moved eastward to central Hebei, preparing to approach Baoding secretly, and is ready to fight with the Jinchaji troops on Baoding.

At the same time, the Qin Division near SJZ and the Fan Division of the New Tenth Brigade, when the devils in SJZ and HD were mobilizing reinforcements to other places, a black tiger would dig out his heart and destroy the devil's lair in one fell swoop.

The 385th Brigade also gathered in the middle of Hebei near Cangzhou to prepare for the attack on East Hebei. Some time ago, the head of the regiment Wang personally led the team to investigate the Cangzhou area. I will ask him to introduce the situation in detail later.

The Iron Triangle troops have been secretly assembled in the south of Hebei, and the deployment is carried out according to the plan. Among them, Ding Wei's troops are ready to attack Liaocheng and go to the Tengzhou Lake West Anti-Japanese Base.

Li Yunlong's troops also moved closer to Jizhong, preparing a feint attack on Jinan, passing through the Binzhou area, opening up the road to the Jiaodong Peninsula, and destroying all the upcoming winter raids by the Japanese.

Kong Jie's main force was used as a reserve team, and after disrupting the devil's position, he directly interspersed with Weixian on the Jiaodong Peninsula again. "

The Japanese army conspired to attack the Jiaodong base area.

"The little devil's plan is pretty good, but it's a pity that it's doomed to come to naught. We want the devil to taste what it's like to steal a chicken and lose money instead.

At that time, the little devils in the Jiaodong base will not be able to defeat them, and they will have to lose even Taiyuan City.

After this battle, the little devil was injured, and this newcomer, Naozaburo Okabe, should also stop! "

The deputy commander's speech was domineering.

The commanders agreed that while the devils were loosening control over Shandong on the surface and the Air Force continued to attack, they intended to conspire against the Jiaodong base.

It was also an excellent time for the Eighth Route Army to raid Taiyuan City.

These days, the Japanese army deliberately set off smoke bombs, replenished their troops to recuperate, suspended fighting with the Eighth Route Army, and even encouraged the troops below to conduct trade with the Eighth Route Army.

The Eighth Route Army was setting off smoke bombs, and it was also paralyzing the judgment of the Japanese army, announcing to the outside world that the various bases were temporarily renovated.

The abandonment of Licheng, Xiangyuan and other five cities, as well as the voluntary retreat of various communication lines, sent the Japanese army a signal that the Eighth Route Army was temporarily resting and unwilling to continue confrontation with the Japanese army.

Who could have guessed that at this juncture, the Eighth Route Army would do nothing but make a surprise move. While reinforcing the Jiaodong base area, it would also prepare to capture Taiyuan City?



In Beiping, the Japanese North China Front Command, Commander-in-Chief Naozaburo Okabe is leading his staff to study the battle situation in the war room.

Speaking of recent measures to relax controls in Shandong, Okabe asked:

"What was the reaction from the Eighth Route Army?"

The devil's chief of staff replied: "General, the Eighth Route Army seems to have been fooled, and there is no special movement. After we relaxed the control, the Eighth Route Army has also increased its trade with our army."

Okabe nodded, he has great ambitions, "On the one hand, the private trade with the Eighth Route Army can also relieve our army's logistics pressure and food pressure to a certain extent.

On the other hand, it can paralyze the judgment of the Eighth Route Army and cover our army's raid plan against the Eighth Route Army's Jiaodong base.

In addition, through business dealings with the Eighth Route Army, we can try to figure out their troop distribution, as well as the defensive deployment of the base areas, so as to accumulate intelligence in advance for the follow-up operations of our empire. "

"Hi! Your Excellency General is wise!"

Gumbo smiled. He dared not say whether he was wise or not, but since he came to power, in just two weeks, the entire North China Front Army can be said to have taken on a new look, the morale of the army has been re-stabilised, and the security and stability of all important occupied areas have also been further strengthened.

In comparison, he thought he was much better than his senior, Okamura Neito.

Talk about your senior.

Okabe suddenly asked curiously: "I don't know how Okamura-senpai is doing."

... At this time, if you look at the time and space from the perspective of God.

Guadalcanal, also known as Guadalcanal.

A new round of confrontation between the Allied Forces dominated by the U.S. Army and the Japanese Army broke out, and a war that was later referred to as the Battle of Guadalcanal broke out.

The supreme military commander of the Japanese side in this battle was Admiral Yamamoto 56, the commander of the combined fleet of the Japanese Navy. This old devil wanted to wash away the shame of the defeat of Midway Island and seize the initiative in the Pacific War in one fell swoop. He planned to build aviation in Guadalcanal Island first. Base, the aviation force was sent forward to cover the follow-up attack, and then gradually advanced to the southeast, approaching the important bases of the enemy and allies in the South Pacific.

In order to regain the strategic initiative, the Guadalcanal Battle was launched.

Needless to say, naval confrontations were Admiral Yamamoto’s area of ​​expertise.

What Yamamoto didn't expect was that just before he was about to launch the Battle of Guadalcanal, the headquarters actually parachuted an army commander, General Okamura.

At this time, Neiji Okamura suffered a defeat in the North China Front, retired from the position of commander-in-chief of the North China Front Army, and was transferred to Guadalcanal to command the army operations.

More or less lonely.

As the commander of the Japanese Combined Fleet, Yamamoto also played a major role in the surprise attack on the US military at Pearl Harbor. It was a time of high spirits.

The two are dwarfed by each other.

In addition, the Japanese military system at that time was divided in this way. The highest organ of the army was the Army Ministry, the General Staff Headquarters, and the Training Headquarters.

Okamura Ningji's highest rank at this time was only the commander-in-chief of the North China Front Army.

The highest organ of the Japanese Navy is the Ministry of the Navy, the Naval Command and the Combined Fleet.

As the commander-in-chief of the United Fleet, Yamamoto completely suppressed Okamura in terms of position.

Not only that, after graduating from the Japanese Naval University, Yamamoto also studied abroad at Harvard for three years. He came back with gold plating, and his ability in military command is definitely no less than that of Okamura.

Okamura began to participate in combat directly after graduating from the Army Non-commissioned Officer Academy.

So Yamamoto was very dissatisfied when he learned that Okamura was transferred to Guadalcanal.

In his opinion, all of his army commanders are elites, and they are not inferior to Okamura, the former commander-in-chief of the North China Front Army who came over from the air conditioner.

After all, the high-spirited Yamamoto somewhat looked down on the army commander in front of him who had lost the battle and was beaten by a mere Tuba Road guerrilla army, and was transferred to Guadalcanal in embarrassment.

Okamura, who came to Guadalcanal, was also full of anger.

When he was in the North China Front Army, he suffered a lot of grievances in the defeat of the Eighth Route Army. How did he know that he was still looked at with cold eyes when he arrived in Guadalcanal Island.

In the end, it was under such circumstances that the Battle of Guadalcanal officially broke out.

Throughout the battle, one side was the Allied Forces headed by the U.S. Army, and the other side was the Japanese-based invasion force. The two sides launched all-round operations in the three aspects of the Army, Air Force, and Navy.

Among them, needless to say, the naval and air force operations are under the full command of Yamamoto.

The army is commanded by Okamura, the former commander of the North China Front who was airborne.

In this regard, Okamura's opponent, the allied forces dominated by the US military, after learning the origin of the opponent's army commander, General Okamura, immediately gave birth to ridicule almost exactly the same as Yamamoto.

"I heard that he is the commander of the Japanese army who can't even defeat the Eighth Route Armed Forces in China. Is such a person worthy of being our opponent?"

"I heard that those Chinese Eighth Route Army troops even need to go to the battlefield with red cherry guns and broadswords!"

"The Japanese army has declined to the point where such a person is needed as a command?"

After the Battle of Guadalcanal officially broke out.

The US warships covering the formation began to bombard the Japanese positions on Guadalcanal, and then the carrier-based aircraft that took off from the aircraft carrier flew to Guadalcanal to carry out violent bombing and strafing.

Yamamoto 56 organized the navy and air force to counterattack.

The two sides launched a fierce competition, more like showing off their respective industrial and military strength.

Almost all the Japanese army's attention was attracted to this first confrontation.

Okamura, who served as the army commander temporarily, saw the hidden cunning intentions of the US military in this fiery first confrontation.

He speculated that the U.S. military was just bluffing, and the immediate confrontation must be to cover a secret landing. If the U.S. military wants to seize control of Guadalcanal, the landing of marine troops is the only way.

Okamura knows all too well about such a tactic of spreading doubts and attacking west.

The Eighth Route Army in the occupied areas are good at this.

The Americans who rely on their well-equipped equipment but ignore tactics are still far behind in this regard!

Aware of this intention, Okamura immediately led a group of elite troops and secretly shifted and deployed them in the direction of the river beach where the US military was most likely to land.

At that time, he was focused on the battle between the navy and the air force, coupled with his preconceived dissatisfaction with Okamura, Yamamoto did not have an insight into the intentions of the US military.

Knowing that Okamura will take all the elite away at this juncture.

Yamamoto 56 was so angry that he cursed, claiming to send Okamura back.

As everyone knows, with the support of naval guns and aviation firepower, the first wave of U.S. landing troops has already begun to land secretly. The head of the 5th Marine Regiment was the first to rush to the beach, followed by the troops, quickly landed and then took control of the coast. And immediately develop in depth, and try to advance according to the predetermined combat plan.

At this time, what does the direction of the river beach look like according to Yamamoto's original plan?

Since the Japanese army did not expect the United States to land secretly in this way,
At this time, the Japanese army on the river beach was completely unprepared, and most of them were engineers, including Korean laborers sent by the Japanese army to help build the airport.

This unit did not bring many weapons at all, and it was not an elite Japanese army, so it did not have much combat effectiveness.

There are no solid fortifications in the direction of the river beach, and it is completely an open land for anyone to attack.

In this way, the smooth landing operation even far exceeded the expectations of the US military.

After a large number of U.S. troops landed quickly, only a small number of Japanese garrison troops did not dare to resist at all, and fled into the jungle in a panic.

This all proves that the Japanese army has almost no defense in the direction of the river beach airport. They did not expect that the US military would suddenly land from this direction in this way.

In the end, the U.S. military successfully landed without even firing a single shot.

The colonel leading the team mocked the incompetence and stupidity of the Japanese army loudly.

First he scolded Yamamoto 56, and then satirized the so-called General Okamura who was transferred from the Japanese army in North China, but he was just a mob.

And are things really going so smoothly?
In the occupied area, he has been confronted with the tactically shrewd, powerful and cunning Eighth Route Army troops for many years. He has already tortured this old devil, Okamura, into an absolute expert in mountain warfare, guerrilla warfare, and jungle warfare. Actual Commander.

Since Okamura was aware of the U.S. military's intention to secretly land in advance, how could he not make preparations?
Not only that.

This old devil has a great appetite. In addition, from the commander of the North China Front to the current transfer to Guadalcanal, he was first in the hands of the Eighth Route Army, and then in the hands of the Japanese army in Guadalcanal, including the officers of Yamamoto 56. He has suffered all kinds of humiliation. He held back his anger.

When he led the elite soldiers to the vicinity of the river beach airport.

Subordinate officers proposed to immediately strengthen defense deployment to guard against enemy landings.

In Okamura's mind, a series of actions by the Eighth Route Army to lure the enemy deep and ambush the imperial troops emerged. He shook his head slowly, and the words he said immediately made the Japanese officers under him shudder.

"No, deploying defenses in advance can only repel these US troops!"

"And we came here not only to defeat the enemy, but also to completely destroy the enemy. Let's turn this place into a large slaughterhouse, put all the US troops who landed, sit on the river beach area, and start the slaughter. I think it's going to be a killing spree!"

Okamura, who had been holding back his anger, just wanted to vent.

He wished he could tear these hateful enemies to pieces.

He clenched his fists tightly and growled in his heart, "If you can't kill the cunning Eighth Route Army, can't you kill the American troops who landed stupidly?"
that's it.

In the sight of the Japanese forward observation post, a large number of American troops successfully landed and gradually advanced from the river beach area.

After two hours in a row, it is estimated that seven or eight thousand US troops have successfully landed on Guadalcanal.

However, the supreme commander Okamura on the side was still waiting with a calm expression and did not issue a combat order.

Although all the surrounding artillery and machine guns have been set up, and the troops responsible for cutting off the US military's retreat and destroying the US landing warships are all ready, this place has already been turned into a large-scale slaughterhouse made of countless local flesh and blood mills that are difficult to move. field……

(End of this chapter)

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