The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 1159 Winning the Special Merit

Chapter 1159 Winning the Special Merit

After a victory, the atmosphere of the meeting is always particularly relaxed, which is the joy that a winner should have.

Under the brainstorming discussions of the generals, during the launch of this winter offensive, some problems and difficulties existing in each unit were raised one by one, and corresponding and applicable solutions were obtained.

After this topic was over, it soon came to the part of "appreciation of merit" that everyone was most interested in.

The regimental commanders who had achieved military exploits, including some brigade commanders, quickly sat upright with expectant eyes, thinking that they might be praised by the deputy commander-in-chief or commanders for their military exploits. .

If anyone can have this honor, he will immediately become famous among his old comrades.

Although Li Yunlong didn't speak, his head was already raised high, as if we, old Li, had great military achievements and no one was convinced.

After the launch of the autumn offensive, he, Li Yunlong, as the commander-in-chief of the Eighth Route Army's Mobile Combat Forces, led the elite mobile group of the Iron Triangle to fight thousands of miles with overwhelming force, defeating the Japanese to pieces and pieces.

Starting from the Taihang area, to Hebei, Shandong, Jinmen, and Beiping, the mobile troops led by Li Yunlong can be seen everywhere.

During this autumn offensive, Li Yunlong's military exploits were obvious to all.

Ding Wei had a smile on his face and a sparkle in his eyes.

As the commander of the Iron Triangle Field Group, Ding Wei was also very satisfied after the autumn offensive was launched.

No matter which base area it is, no matter which battlefield it is, whenever Ding Wei leads an elite field group to attack, everything he passes through will be destroyed and destroyed, as if he is entering an uninhabited land.

Under his command, the Eighth Route Army's steel-helmeted soldiers shined brilliantly in this autumn offensive, frightening the Japanese invaders.

From these perspectives, if we really talk about military exploits and just comment on the level of regimental commander, the military exploits accomplished by Ding Wei and Li Yunlong can definitely be ranked among the best.

Even some brigade-level combat units and detachment-level combat units may not be able to match the two of them.

Compared to Li Yunlong who held his head high and Ding Wei who looked confident, Kong Jie looked much calmer and still looked like an honest man with a silly smile on his face.

If you are not familiar with him, you may think that he is an inconspicuous and dispensable little character participating in the meeting!

After the commendation meeting officially started.

The deputy commander-in-chief first praised the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei base area, especially the troops of the Central Hebei Military Region, for their beautiful execution of combat missions and outstanding results during the military offensive against the Japanese army.

Then he commended the Jinsui Anti-Japanese Revolutionary Base for their wonderful battle to contain the Japanese army in the northwestern Shanxi and Daqingshan areas.

Then there are the battles around Taihang, Taiyue, southern Hebei, Shandong, Jiaodong and other places. The battles of various troops have their own merits.

Whether in large-scale confrontations or local encounters, commanders of various armies demonstrated superior military literacy and extraordinary command art in the war.

To this end, after the decision of the General Headquarters and the Central Military Commission, the Deputy Commander-in-Chief stated that there are a total of six collective command units in the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei base area, the Shanxi-Suiyuan base area, and the Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan, Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia and Shandong base areas. A great achievement.

The exciting part soon came, and it was time for personal commendation.

The Deputy Chief of General Staff held the commendation list that had been drawn up long ago, stood up and announced:

“After the decision of the command headquarters and the approval of the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China, the following military cadres are awarded special military merit recognition as an encouragement.

Among them, the military cadres who have won the third-class personal merit include... Among them, the military cadres who have won the second-class personal merit due to their proper command include..."

"For the military cadres who won the first-class individual merit, after discussion at the headquarters, three places were finally determined, namely: Comrade Li Yunlong, Comrade Ding Wei, and Comrade Wang Wenshan!"

Because it was a special commendation, and because the number of people was small and full of honors, the deputy chief of staff also gave a brief introduction:

"Comrade Ding Wei was in charge of our most elite field group troops in the Taihang area this time. He fought across long distances and successively repelled the main force of the Japanese Army's Third Route Brigade. He also ambushed the combat troops of the Third Route Brigade and above who severely damaged the Japanese. He achieved rich seizures and outstanding military exploits. "

"It has established the prestige of our Eighth Route Army, demonstrated our determination to win, and accumulated valuable experience in long-distance field command of our Eighth Route Army troops."

"Comrade Wang Wenshan led the field troops led by the 769th Regiment this time. They fought bravely and took the lead in breaking through Tianjin, completely disrupting the Japanese army's deployment. They achieved a lot and made outstanding achievements."

"As for Comrade Li Yunlong, he is responsible for the unified command of our Eighth Route Army's mechanized combat troops this time. During the battles on all sides, he assisted the infantry from all walks of life to take the lead in breaking through the Japanese positions and defense lines, and created a new era for our Eighth Route Army troops to use large-scale operations in large-scale operations. It was the first time that a large number of mechanized armored troops cooperated with infantry combat."

clap clap clap-

Thunderous applause broke out, and Kong Jie took the lead in applauding.

Captain Wang smiled with a smile on his face.

Li Yunlong even laughed so hard that his eyes were gone. The old brigade commander sitting not far from Li Yunlong adjusted his glasses frame with joy. It was rare that this kid Li Yunlong had made great achievements and had not made any mistakes. He had finally changed some bad habits.

After the applause ended, Lao Li was happy but also a little puzzled. He went to the side and asked Ding Wei: "Old Ding, this situation is wrong. It is said that Lao Kong must share the first-class merit, why not?" Did you hear Lao Kong’s name?”

Ding Wei is actually thinking about this too.

Li Yunlong had already taken the lead in guessing, "Did Lao Kong make any mistakes in the middle?"

Ding Wei smiled and said: "Come on, do you think that Lao Kong is like you, Lao Li? Lao Kong is so good! What mistakes can he make? When we make mistakes, we don't see him making mistakes. Even if he makes a mistake, no one can catch him. Take advantage of him.

Let me see, maybe there is even greater military merit reserved specifically for Lao Kong! "

The voice just fell.

This time, the deputy commander-in-chief personally spoke, "After a joint decision by the Central Military Commission and the Eighth Route Army's former enemy headquarters, it was decided to award Comrade Kong Jie, whose personal performance was particularly outstanding in the autumn offensive operations, a special merit."

The deputy chief of staff on the side smiled and added: "As for the medals awarded to our comrades who have won military honors, I am afraid it will take a few days. According to the instructions of Yan'an, the medal awarding ceremony will be held in Yan'an."

Kong Jie, who seemed ordinary, kept silent, didn't speak much, and seemed extremely disciplined, suddenly became the protagonist of the meeting.

Kong Jie was actually a little surprised by this.

The Eighth Route Army's military merit award system is roughly divided into five levels so far. From bottom to top, it is divided into commendations, third-class merit, second-class merit, first-class merit, and the highest military merit-special merit (heroic model medal with honorary title). .

In the war-torn years, it was relatively common for front-line combat troops, whether they were fighting groups or individual military cadres, to receive military honors.

Along the way from the Red Army period, Li Yunlong has achieved various military merits, including first-class, second-class and third-class military merits.

There are even more verbal commendations.

Third-class merit, second-class merit, including first-class merit. There are many soldiers who have won these honors.

However, the number of extreme military merits such as special merit is very small.

Even in the Eighth Route Army, from the founding of the army until now, there are probably not many people who have won individual special merits, from the most basic soldiers to the highest-ranking commanders.

The General Headquarters and the Central Military Commission awarded Kong Jie a rare special merit this time. This is indeed a special honor.But surprisingly, as the voice of the deputy commander-in-chief fell, more than 100 cadres attending the meeting looked at Kong Jie. In addition to envy, they were more impressed by admiration, but there was no one who was unconvinced.

Until the deputy chief of staff joked: "Why doesn't anyone applaud?"

"If any comrades have any objections to the Central Military Commission's award of special merit to Comrade Kong Jie, they can stand up and say a few words!"

The generals who suddenly came to their senses spoke one after another.

Someone said: "The eyes of our headquarters and the Central Military Commission are always sharp. I, Lao Zhao, will not be convinced who will receive the special merit this time. But if it falls on Lao Kong, I will be the first to stand." Come out and raise your hands in approval.”

Then someone echoed: "That's it, the construction of our Eighth Route Army's aviation force. If it weren't for Lao Kong, would it be possible?"

"Including this autumn offensive, if Lao Kong hadn't commanded various aviation units, seized air supremacy from the Japanese flying teams, and assisted our various infantry operations, I don't know what this battle would have been like!"

Someone else admired him: "If nothing else, just blowing up the Izumo that sank the Japs, it is more than enough for Lao Kong to win the personal special merit."

"When I heard about this, I felt like I was dreaming. The Japanese flagship Izumo was sunk by our aviation force!"

This is far from over.

After the deputy chief of general staff explained Kong Jie's achievements in brief words.

From the construction of troops to the development of base areas.

From the rise of the economy to the cultivation of various high-yielding crops.

From the militia military training manual, to the barefoot doctor manual, to the mass production of penicillin, the establishment of various factories, the promotion of the production chain, and then to leading aerospace research talents to conduct research in the aerospace field.

From the rapid development of the Eighth Route Army's artillery unit, to the establishment of armored units, to the creation of mechanized combat units, and the establishment of various field units, the emergence of the Eighth Route Army's steel helmet soldiers...

One by one, Kong Jie is busy participating in every project, and his contribution as the founder is everywhere.

As the deputy chief of staff narrated, not to mention the other generals' expressions of admiration, even Kong Jie felt a little emotional in a trance.

It turns out that since I came into this world, I have accomplished so many things without even realizing it.

Although it's still far from enough.

But it's still great.

clap clap clap-

Explosive applause broke out one after another and lasted for a long time.

Among the generals who participated in the meeting, who didn’t admire Kong Jie?

Knowing what Kong Jie has done over the years, it's natural to give him a thumbs up.

Even if you don't know, this autumn offensive was assisted by the aviation force commanded by Kong Jie, supported by supplies from the Iron Triangle Force, and a variety of high-yielding crops, food, equipment and supplies that the team had often reinforced over the years. , this makes people short-handed and soft-spoken, so everyone has to remember something about Kong Jie.

Kong Jie won the personal special merit, and finally deserved it.

Even Li Yunlong said with emotion: "The headquarters has clear rewards and punishments, this is what it means!"

Ding Weile on the side said: "Old Li, don't you like to compete in everything? Don't you feel aggrieved just because I got a first-class merit?"

Li Yunlong said: "I am so wronged. Lao Kong has made so much contribution and yet he has received special merit. After such a comparison, Lao Li suddenly feels that this first-class merit is more than a reward!"

"Hahaha, Lao Li, Lao Li, it's rare that you have some self-awareness."


"Tell me a few words!"

"Lao Kong, say a few words!"

The old comrades broke into trouble.

Kong Jie couldn't resist, so he had to stand up and said loudly: "Since comrades asked me to say a few words, I will say a few words casually."

"To be honest, I feel that I deserve this special merit."

"I feel even more worried!"

"Why do you say that?"

"In my opinion, this special merit belongs to our comrades who have sacrificed their precious lives and made heroic sacrifices for the cause of revolution!"

"This special merit belongs to the countless revolutionary warriors of our Chinese nation who have worked hard to save the nation!"

"There are too many such heroes, famous and unknown, so many that we can hardly count them. If we want to commend them for their meritorious service, no amount of meritorious service is too great, but when they shed their lives and blood, who will Have you ever thought about these false names?"

"Comrades, when this meritorious deeds weigh on us, we should feel not only this honor, but also this heavy burden on our shoulders!"

“To revitalize the Chinese nation, we need to create a new China, a strong and prosperous new China, a new China where future generations will no longer have to suffer from the flames of war and can live upright and hold their heads high. For revolutionaries like us, , there is still a long way to go!”

The heavy words fell.

The generals fell into deep silence.

The deputy commander-in-chief, deputy chief of staff, teacher, and old brigade commander who were watching all of this silently, their eyes rested on Kong Jie. While shocked by Kong Jie's words, they couldn't help but nod secretly.

Kong Jie has grown a lot over the years. Not only has he shown extraordinary talents in various fields, but his ability to be prepared for danger in times of peace and his long-term vision are beyond the reach of ordinary people.

This made the deputy chief of staff, deputy commander-in-chief, and teacher look at each other, smile, and nod in tacit understanding, as if they had made a complete decision.

Finally, the military meeting, which lasted for more than two hours, ended.

A meeting further united the hearts of these generals, the mainstay of the Eighth Route Army.

A meeting gave the generals in the base areas of all parties a deep understanding of the Eighth Route Army commanders in the Taihang base area, especially generals like Kong Jie, Li Yunlong, Ding Wei, and Commander Wang.

The heads of various base areas and military region commanders were even more emotional.

Sure enough, the rise of a team is no accident. There are no empty warriors under the great reputation. After seeing it with your own eyes, you can better understand why the Iron Triangle Force, which is dominated by a team in the Taihang Base Area, has been able to rise to the top in just a few years. Rising like a dark horse...

 Monthly tickets are doubled at the end of the month, please vote brothers!
(End of this chapter)

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