Chapter 239
When the headquarters got the news, Kong Jie had already led the independent regiment and launched an unprecedented large-scale ambush in the history of fighting the Japanese army since the establishment of the independent regiment.

The location is on the road at the foot of Daqing Mountain.

As for the opponent, a full-staffed Japanese squadron, plus the third regiment of the Third Army of the North China Security Army. To put it bluntly, it is the Imperial Association Army. It has a lot of troops, nearly 2000 people. Among the third, fourth, and fifth regiments under the Third Army of the North China Security Army, the so-called regiment has the strongest combat effectiveness and the most powerful troops.

And how many people did Kong Jie use to ambush?
It can be said that since the establishment of the Independence Regiment, it has the strongest military strength. Four battalions have gathered here, except that the guard company and commando team are missing.

The fourth battalion in front of him is naturally the fourth battalion newly established by Kong Jie in the past few days. The main members are some backbones of the regiment, plus comrades from the local army and militia.

Battalion Commander Lei Dasheng, as I mentioned earlier, was the former Deputy Battalion Commander of the Second Battalion and the old partner of the Second Battalion Commander Shen Quan.

To be clear, the Independent Regiment participated in this ambush operation, with a total of four battalions, also nearly 2000 people.

The ratio of troops between the two sides is almost 1:1.

As for the actual troop strength comparison, before the start of the battle, when the head of the regiment Kong Jie and the four battalion commanders talked about it, this was not the case.

"Regimental commander, the fourth battalion led by the deputy commander is not counted. The guard company and the commando are fighting in the direction of Lijiapo. Our independent regiment has come out in full force this time. With such a large battle, we can only deal with one The devils in the squadron, how do you say a word? This is called killing a pig with a butcher's knife."

First Battalion Commander Wang Leihu expressed his views.

When everyone was talking, the Japanese and puppet troops hadn't arrived at Daqingshan, and it was ten minutes away, but the intelligence had already passed through the reconnaissance platoon and reached the ears of Kong Jie and his party.

Lei Dasheng, the commander of the fourth battalion, had the same opinion as Wang Leihu, the commander of the first battalion.

Maybe it's because they both have the word "雷" in their names, but their temperaments are somewhat similar.

Speaking of which, as the former deputy battalion commander of the Second Battalion, Lei Dasheng didn't see much of Shen Quan in him.

"Captain, I agree with Lao Wang's point of view, just one squadron of devils, I'm afraid it's not enough for our four battalions."

Seeing the commander of the first battalion and the commander of the fourth battalion bragging, Shen Quan, the commander of the second battalion, couldn't sit still, and very naturally started the mocking mode at his old partner:

"I'm talking about Lao Lei, Lei Hu doesn't like to use his brain when fighting, because of this matter, the regiment leader has criticized him many times, and you still follow him?"

"You don't understand the reason why a lion fights a rabbit with all its strength?"

"There is indeed only one squadron of the Japanese army coming towards Daqingshan, but don't forget that the devil is also accompanied by the third regiment of the Third Army of the North China Security Army."

Wang Leihu said happily: "What kind of shit is the North China Security Army, isn't it just the Second Devils! As for the third group army, it's just a bluff. There are only those three regiments below, with a total strength of about 5000 people."

"The appearance is glamorous. I heard that most of the officers of the North China Security Army graduated from the Army Officer Academy specially established by the puppet army. Take the Third Army of the North China Security Army as an example. The devils even have their own independent field hospital and a small arsenal, although they can only produce some light weapons, but being a traitor to the devils is pretty good."

Lei Dasheng, the commander of the Fourth Battalion, said with a smile: "Although the appearance is glamorous, in fact, the combat effectiveness is not even third-rate, and it is not much better than those puppet troops that used to be the local security regiment."

"At least the puppet soldiers of the security regiment used to be soldiers, and most of them volunteered, but this North China security army, except for some young people who joined it voluntarily and were deceived by the devils with various means, most of them are small The devils forced conscription and were arrested, and they were not willing at all.”

"In addition, the little devils both use and don't believe in the North China Security Army. They only equip the puppet soldiers of the North China Security Army with light weapons. Artillery is absolutely not allowed to be equipped, so these two devils use it in their hands. Most of them are pre-war guns, or guns captured by the Japanese army, and there are also many broken guns and broken guns."

"With such a puppet army, what kind of fighting power do you expect from them? It's not bad if you can help manage law and order in the occupied area."

"Old Shen, if you don't believe me, just wait and see. As long as we defeat the Devil Squadron in one fell swoop, the remaining Imperial Association Army, no matter how many there are, will surrender as soon as the cannon fires!"

The first battalion commander, the second battalion commander, and the fourth battalion commander argued endlessly, and the third battalion commander Wang Huaibao kept silent as usual, only occasionally smiling at the other three battalion commanders.

His eyes finally focused on the head of the group, Kong Jie.

Kong Jie concluded: "The first battalion commander and the fourth battalion commander are right. Our main opponent this time is the Japanese squadron. As long as the Japanese squadron can be defeated first, the remaining puppet troops will naturally be nothing to worry about. "

"But what the second battalion commander said is also reasonable. The lion fights the rabbit with all his strength. At any time, we must pay attention to our opponents in actual combat."

"According to the information we detected a few days ago, the Third Army of the North China Security Army has an arsenal in its hands. Although it is a small arsenal that can only produce some light weapons, you will know when you think about the situation of our Eighth Route Army. So far, there is only one water waist arsenal in our headquarters, so even light weapons may not be able to be produced."

"If our independent regiment can snatch the arsenal in the hands of the Third Army of the North China Security Army, it will definitely be of great use."

The four battalion commanders were startled when they heard that, good guy, the four of us are discussing how to get rid of the Japanese and puppet troops here, and the regiment commander is thinking of attacking other people's arsenals!

This realm is really different.

Shen Quan, the commander of the second battalion, said with a smile: "Regimental Commander, have you taken a fancy to the puppet army's arsenal?"

Kong Jie said: "You also said that with only your four battalions, this squadron of devils is not enough. As for the puppet army, they don't even have a cannon at hand. Even if they are defeated, they will be useless."

"I naturally have to think of ways to expand the results of the battle."

Shen Quan said: "However, regiment commander, it may not be so easy to snatch the arsenal of the puppet army. Although according to our information, the arsenal of the Third Army of the North China Security Army is in the puppet army's own territory. There is a distance, but that is the hinterland of the devil-occupied area after all, it is a bit too risky for us to go there so rashly."

Kong Jie said with a smile, "It's just following the vine, and you want to reap the benefits without taking some risks. How can there be such a beautiful thing in this world?"

(End of this chapter)

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