The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 371 Destruction of the Independent Regiment

Chapter 371 Destruction of the Independent Regiment

The Eighth Route Army Independent Regiment and the New Second Regiment's Heavenly Raiders wiped out the Japanese squadron in one fell swoop, killed Takatoshi Kudo, the chief of the Japanese Taiyuan City spy agency, and cleaned up the [-]st Regiment of the National Army who was about to surrender to the devils.

The news of this incident did not gradually fade away due to the passage of time, on the contrary, it seemed to be intensifying.

In particular, the "Anti-Japanese National News" of Jinnan Newspaper published many reports on this matter, so that it maximized the follow-up influence of this incident.

A group of reporters from Jinnan Newspaper, represented by Yu Ming and Shen Wenyue, published another report after the incident.

These reporters have a patriotic heart, and they have a responsibility as journalists. The original intention of the content is to let the people in the Kuomintang-controlled areas understand the heroism of the Eighth Route Army in the war of resistance behind enemy lines.

This is not a passive resistance, swimming without fighting, and harassing the people behind the enemy.

On the contrary, this is a heroic anti-Japanese armed force that, even if it is isolated and helpless, sticks to its heart, fights against Japan wholeheartedly, and is not afraid of sacrifice.

Then, some patriotic newspapers published the incident that happened in southern Anhui on the [-]th, and criticized the coup launched by the national army.

All of a sudden, the Eighth Route Army overturned the image of the national army deliberately fabricated to smear and not fight, and transformed into a heroic anti-Japanese armed force.

It is the fact that the national army has nothing on the outside, which puts the national military government on the cusp.

In the face of this unfavorable situation, what did the military government in southern Shanxi do?
After the rumors about the Eighth Route Army’s passive resistance against Japan were dispelled, many newspapers under the overt and covert control of the military government in southern Shanxi reported heavily. He added appreciation and affirmation, and took the initiative to admit that the Eighth Route Army's "swimming without fighting, passively resisting Japan, and harassing the people" are groundless rumors.

Immediately afterwards, in the report, these reporters changed the subject and pointed their finger at the Japanese army:
"The Japanese invaders have evil intentions and slander the rumors that the Eighth Route Army swam and did not fight. It is definitely a long-planned plan."

"The Eighth Route Army fought bravely behind enemy lines and continuously defeated the Japanese army. The so-called invincible Japanese army is nothing more than that."

"Even if they can't beat the Eighth Route Army in the occupied area, how can we talk about fighting the national army in the front?"

"The Eighth Route Army is poorly equipped and ammunition is scarce, but even so, in an environment surrounded by enemies, they can still beat the little devils back and forth.

It can be seen how incompetent the Japanese army is. The heroic resistance of the Eighth Route Army troops is inspiring. Their heroic resistance in the enemy's rear has restrained the strength of the Japanese army to a considerable extent, and indirectly assisted our army in the frontal battle with the Japanese army. The model and example of the Chinese army! "

In one report after another, the national army not only denied the rumors that the Eighth Route Army swam but did not fight, but also vigorously affirmed the effectiveness of the Eighth Route Army's resistance in the enemy's rear.

Take the opportunity to attack the Japanese for their weakness and incompetence.

There is a trick to divert the water from the east.

The pressure of public opinion that directly gathered the people on the military government of the country was transferred to the Japanese army.

In order to better achieve this goal, a relatively large newspaper controlled by the national army even listed a series of classic battles of the Eighth Route Army Independent Regiment in the past half a year in a rather vivid article.

From the Battle of Cangyun Ridge, killing the Sakata Regiment with one shot, and uniting with the [-]th Regiment to defeat the Sakata Regiment, they became famous in one battle!
During the Eighth Route Army's raid, the cavalry raided Qu County, the transportation hub of the Japanese army, and the first battle was groundbreaking!
Take the lead in breaking through the Yangquan stronghold.

Blow up the Japanese Mingbao Airport.

Destroy the Yamazaki Brigade.

Go straight to the arsenal of the North China Security Force.

Set off a wave of robbery.

Fight back against the Japanese invaders and save the Jinsui Army of the National Army.

In front of us, we stopped the incident of the [-]st regiment surrendering to the enemy in one fell swoop.

If it wasn't for this thoughtful newspaper to list all these things, one by one, how could the people in the Kuomintang-controlled area know so clearly?
Naturally, there are also strange things, such as blowing up the devil's Mingbao Airport, and setting off a wave of robbery in the area occupied by the devil.

Although these things were all done by the Independent Regiment, they were done quietly, and the Eighth Route Army headquarters helped the Independent Regiment cover it up. How could the news reach the ears of this newspaper?
It turned out that it was the general of the national army who secretly gave the order to the newspaper:
"But all the things that the devils have suffered in the past six months should be put on this independent regiment. The purpose is to arouse the anger of the devils against the Eighth Route Army!"

Needless to say, this old boy originally wanted to put the shit pot on the head of the independent group.

Who made the Eighth Route Army Independence Regiment so dazzling in the past half a year that it became such an early bird?
In the end, it turned out to be a crooked attack, and the old boy was completely fooled.


Independence Corps.


"Head, there is good news and bad news, which news do you want to hear first?"

Wang An, head of the enemy industry department, asked when he came to report to the regiment headquarters.

Kong Jie said: "You boy, you have learned to play around with me, so let's tell the good news first!"

"Yes! Report to the head of the regiment, the good news is that the enemy engineering department of our independent regiment has finally successfully penetrated into Taiyuan City.

For nearly a year, our enemy industry department has successfully penetrated into the major counties around Taiyuan City, such as Shouyang County, Yangquan County, Pingan County, Tan County, etc., but this Taiyuan City, because this devil is in The intelligence force deployed inside Taiyuan City is really powerful.

Especially the head of the secret service of the little devil, the previous one named Takeda Eijiro, was very capable.

Later, after Takeda Eijiro was eliminated by us, his deputy, Tōtoshi Tōtoshi, took office. That Kudo Tōtoshi was no worse than Takeda Eijiro.

After he took over the intelligence of Taiyuan City, he immediately started to deploy defenses, without giving us the slightest chance to infiltrate.

Until we went to the [-]st Regiment this time to fight and killed this Kudo Tatoshi.

Taking advantage of the gap in the intelligence leaders of the devils, our enemy industry department finally found an opportunity to successfully break into a group of cadres, lurking inside the puppet army in Taiyuan City. "

This is an unexpected harvest, Kong Jie said with a smile: "It's good news, let's talk about the bad news!"

Wang An put the latest newspapers published by a newspaper in southern Shanxi in front of Kong Jie, and said:
"Leader, read the newspaper, this is the bad news I'm talking about.

The military government of this country has absolutely no good intentions. The Jinnan Newspaper reported our affairs and helped us smash the rumors that the Eighth Route Army swam without fighting and passively resisted the war.

These newspapers got out immediately. On the surface, they were praising us, but secretly they were clearly pushing us into the pit of fire. They wanted to arouse the anger of the devils towards us! "

Kong Jie took the newspaper and read it. After a long time, he put down the newspaper and said, "The national army has come up with a trick to divert the water to the east. They praised our Eighth Route Army troops on the surface, which is a bit flattering!"

"As long as they can successfully arouse the anger of the devils and let the little devils initiate revenge against us, their goal will be achieved."

Wang Andao: "Leader, what should we do now?"

Kong Jie smiled and said: "What else can we do? If we come, we will be safe. Since the beginning of the Zhengtai Battle last year, we have officially become the thorn in the devil's eyes. The little devil was planning to take revenge on us. Now the national army is just another Just put some eye drops on them, no big deal."

"The little devil is here, just in time to send us some equipment. During this period of time, the headquarters is still worried about the lack of supplies and ammunition!"

Wang Andao: "What's even more damning is that these stupid newspapers specifically named our independent regiment, and even listed all the battles we have experienced in the past six months, but not one single one."

"Leader, now it's hard for our independent group not to be famous!"

Ha ha ha ha--

"That's right, we are an army that fights devils. If an army that fights devils doesn't even care about little devils, then what kind of anti-Japanese army is it?"

"If this little devil really doesn't miss our independent group, I won't be able to sleep on the contrary. The more this devil misses us, the more soundly I can sleep."

"Why? Because in my opinion, the little devil is the God of Wealth of our independent regiment. Whether we are short of supplies or equipment, once the God of Wealth arrives, can we still have less?"

"Just wait and see, when the news reaches Li Yunlong's new second regiment, that kid will be scolding his mother again."

"Why? The God of Wealth is all here for our independent group!"

"Speaking of which, all you bring is good news. How can there be any bad news?"

As Kong Jie said, Wang An was infected by Kong Jie's calmness and confidence, and laughed along with him, completely relieved.


"Damn, I'm so mad, why did all the good things go to his old man?"

New second regiment resident, regiment headquarters.

After Li Yunlong, the head of the regiment, read the newspaper, he cursed out loud.

The political commissar Zhao Gang and the first battalion commander Zhang Dabiao were all in a daze.

"No, Lao Li, I didn't understand. These newspapers pointed out Lao Kong and the independent group. They clearly wanted to direct the anger of the devils to their independent group. Why are you still scolding your mother?"

Zhao Gang looked confused.

Li Yunlong scolded: "Why do I want to scold my mother? If he is here, I will scold him in front of him!

Damn, old Zhao, tell me, is there such a bully in this world?
In the battle of Cangyunling, I killed the Sakata Regiment, which I did together with Lao Kong.

During the surprise attack on Qu County, I took cover for Lao Kong, the Yangquan stronghold, which Lao Tzu led Zhang Dabiao to fight down, and the Mieyamazaki brigade, which I took the tail of. The National Salvation Army and the Jinsui Army, including this time, prevented the [-]st Regiment from surrendering to the enemy.

Which battle has our old Li not participated in?
The results of it?In the end, this reputation all fell to him, Lao Kong, who did it all, and it was all done by his independent group, but I, Li Yunlong, had nothing to do.

Just wait and see, it won't be long before he, Lao Kong, will become famous in the entire San Jin, while Lao Tzu is still a little-known head of the regiment! "

Zhang Dabiao on the side laughed.

Zhao Gang was a little speechless.

"Old Li, what you said is so interesting, is it possible that you have to win this matter? The more you let the devil think about it, the happier you will be?"

Li Yunlong said: "That's what happened. I heard that Taiyuan City also painted a portrait of Lao Kong offering a reward of [-] oceans. Why did it become [-] oceans when I came here? Damn it!" , which means that one of his old Kongs can equal our five old Lis?"

Zhao Gang said helplessly: "Old Li, is there such a comparison?"

Li Yunlong said: "Old Zhao, you don't know the situation. When will our Eighth Route Army troops get rich? It must be when there are battles and devils to kill.

That kid, Old Kong, has attracted all the anger of the devils to their independent regiment. Just wait and see, before long, all the equipment of the devils will fall into the hands of Old Kong, and we won’t even be able to drink the soup. superior.

Maybe when Lao Kong is carrying two heavy machine guns in his squad, our old Li can't even get a light machine gun in his squad!

I can't afford to lose this man. "

Zhao Gang smiled and said, "Old Li, what do you want to do?"

Li Yunlong thought for a while, and said: "Old Zhao, just watch, let that kid, Old Kong, be proud for a while."

"Once the devil's retaliatory sweep is launched, the focus will definitely be on Lao Kong's independent group.

Lao Ding's new regiment is also a veteran combat unit, and it is also the family property that defeated the Bantian Regiment in the Battle of Cangyunling. The devil must also take care of it.

On the contrary, our new second regiment, the independent regiment has stolen the limelight everywhere, and it is a newly formed regiment. The little devil probably doesn't take Lao Tzu seriously. "

"When the big sweep begins, I have to let the whole Northwest Shanxi know, look down on me, Li Yunlong, and look down on our new second regiment, what will happen?"

"At that time, the little devil should say, yo, how can this new second regiment be more tossing than the independent regiment? No wonder we failed so badly in this big sweep. Damn it, we made a mistake in the target of our focus. "

After Li Yunlong finished speaking, the room was silent for a few seconds, and then there was a burst of laughter.



The brigade commander and political commissar drank the tea made from the dried tea leaves sent by Kong Jie, roasted the briquette fire sent by Kong Jie, and read the newspapers brought back by the intelligence personnel from southern Shanxi.

Taking another sip of tea, the brigade commander put down the tea mug, and said with a smile: "Interesting, political commissar, look, if it weren't for the newspaper published by this newspaper, we wouldn't even know that Kong Jie has won so many victories in the past six months Woolen cloth!"

The political commissar laughed and said, "Who says it's not? It's just that this newspaper is passed on to the Japanese army. Kong Jie's independent regiment is afraid that it will become a thorn in the devil's eyes, and I can't wait to get rid of it as soon as possible."

"I'm a little worried now. Once the Japanese army suddenly adopts military strikes against the Independence Regiment, and the Independence Regiment is on the outskirts of our base area, Niukou Village is surrounded by enemies. The enemy situation is complicated. The Independence Regiment may not be able to deal with it!"

The brigade commander laughed, continued to cook the fire, pointed to the stove, and said, "Commissar, look at this stove, what can you think of?"

"This briquette stove is simple in design, but its concept is quite ingenious and practical. I heard it was invented by Kong Jie. Brigadier, what do you mean?"

"Political commissar, haven't you noticed that in the past six months, Kong Jie has been able to toss a lot more than before? His temper seems to have changed a lot.

If it is said that Kong Jie in the past was a comrade who obeyed orders and was able to fight tough battles.

So the current Kong Jie is a comrade who obeys orders, can fight tough battles, can use his brain, can make troubles, is cunning enough, smart enough, and can always give you many surprises.

Compared with the previous Kong Jie, the current Kong Jie makes me feel much more at ease. "

The political commissar smiled and said, "Brigade Commander, what do you mean, you like those subordinates who can make trouble?"

The brigade commander said with emotion: "There are some things, it's really hard to say, obeying orders and prohibiting orders is indeed a good thing.

But sometimes, I have to say that such a general is too well-behaved in fighting. It's okay if you let him perform some tasks, but if you let him take care of himself, it's not enough.

So although I often beat that kid Li Yunlong, when it really comes to a critical moment, hehe, don't tell me, this kid can really be of great use.

Now there is another Kong Jie, which is a good thing. If the old Kong Jie is left alone, the devils will miss the independent group, and I really can't sleep well.

Now, I'm much more at ease, let's just wait and see what this kid Kong Jie will do, shall we?
How can an army truly grow into an army of hundreds of battles without going through the baptism of blood?
If Kong Jie can't even get out of the predicament in front of him, how can he take on more important responsibilities in the future? "

The political commissar smiled and said, "Brigade Commander, it seems that you have high expectations for Kong Jie!"

The brigade commander said: "A general in charge not only needs a stage, but also needs training, and also needs talent. Today's Kong Jie has shown me this kind of talent. I should expect more from him, that's what I should."



Taiyuan City.

The headquarters of the Japanese First Army in Shanxi.

Commander Shinozuka Yoshio finished reading the newspaper, especially after he focused on the content of the independent regiment, his expression was rather ugly.

Seeing the word "independent group" again, for Shinozuka Yoshio, it was a meeting of enemies, and he was extremely jealous.

Originally, he hadn't heard any news from the Independence Regiment for some days, and Yoshio Shinozuka thought that the Eighth Route Army, which gave him some headaches, had calmed down a bit.

Whoever imagined it came again in a blink of an eye.

Kazuki Yamamoto, the captain of the Japanese First Army Special Service Team, was called to the headquarters by Yoshio Shinozuka, and Yoshio Shinozuka handed the newspaper to Kazuki Yamamoto, saying: "Kun Yamamoto, take a look!"


Kazuki Yamamoto took the newspaper, browsed it, and quickly finished reading the content.

Yamamoto stood up straight, his face still expressionless, but no one would know that after reading the newspaper, he was brewing more anger in his heart.

The rise of the independent group will only be a shame for Yamamoto.

The stories written about the Independence Regiment in the newspapers were victorious one after another.

How would the world know that many parts are actually missing.

For example, in Yangcun, the independent team defeated his Yamamoto special team.

For example, in the prisoner-of-war camp, this independent group killed not only the reserve members of Yamamoto's secret service team, but also rescued a group of prisoners. By the way, it also sneaked into the mine, and let Yamamoto, who was chasing all the way, eat ashes.

In the final gentle slope battle, a combat team led by Kazuki Yamamoto was almost wiped out by Kong Jie.

Yamamoto has long regarded Kong Jie and the independent regiment as enemies.

After Kazuki Yamamoto finished reading the newspaper, Shinozuka Yoshio asked calmly, "Yamamoto-kun, what do you think?"

Yamamoto pondered for a moment, then replied: "General, you are right, no matter how small the rabbit is, it will be a disaster after all, and if you are not careful, it will even destroy good fields.

Now the public opinions of all parties are coming towards our Great Japanese Empire.

Especially in terms of the national army, they praised the operations of the Eighth Route Army and ridiculed the turmoil in the occupied areas of the empire.

Some reporters even reported publicly, threatening that our Empire of Japan is not an opponent of the Eighth Route Army.

This is a conspiracy of the national army, but it is also a contempt that we have to smash with our own hands.

The existence of the Independent Regiment of the Eighth Route Army has seriously threatened the majesty of our First Army. I think that before a series of large-scale operations by our imperial troops, it is necessary to destroy this independent regiment of the Eighth Route Army first to boost the morale of the army.

The best way to smash rumors and scorn is to directly remove the immediate obstacle - the independent regiment - by force. "

"Yaoxi! What I appreciate is Yamamoto-kun's determination." Shinozuka Yoshio said with a smile: "Then, Yamamoto-kun, what are you going to do?"


(End of this chapter)

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