The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 412 The New Wave of Anti-Sweeping

Chapter 412 The New Wave of Anti-Sweeping

Yoshio Shinozuka has been pursuing long-term peace and stability since he was in charge of Shanxi. The most important thing is the security and stability in the Shanxi occupied area. The current mopping up of the Eighth Route Army must not lead to turmoil in the rear.

The independent regiment took the lead in jumping out of the encirclement of mopping up, and went so rampant that it directly attacked Yangquan and other counties where the Japanese army was in the rear. This was beyond the expectations of the Japanese.

What shocked the Japanese army even more was the speed at which the independent regiment attacked the city.

Yangquan, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack, was breached without holding on for an hour.

I really don't know how the Eighth Route Army did it.

Shinozuka Yoshio couldn't sit still, and ordered the troops in the Taihang area to be mopped up, and immediately mobilized troops to return to Yangquan and other counties that were being raided by the Eighth Route Army.

At the same time, it was near the base of the Independent Regiment.

The progress of the Ishii Regiment and the troops by the tree side of the mountain pass from Xicun and Zhangjiazhuang was slow and the losses were huge.

The persimmons were picked softly first, and Ishii Haraichi and Yamaguchi Shubian saw that the situation was not right.

It might not be realistic to attack from West Village and Zhangjiazhuang. The two immediately divided the follow-up troops into multiple routes, and first besieged other villages around the independent regiment's base.

And when the Japanese army dealt with these outlying villages, many amazing stories happened in them:
Longwo Village.

Only five comrades from the local district team stayed behind, plus more than 20 comrades from the militia.

Although there were not many of these comrades, and they were not soldiers of the regular army of the Independence Regiment, each of them performed very bravely in this anti-sweeping battle. .

Before the devils entered the village, the comrades from the district team and the militia team dragged the devils and puppet troops all the way in the wild to fight in guerrilla warfare.

After the devils and puppet troops officially entered Longwo Village, they used the mine warfare in the village and some tunnels dug in advance to fight tunnel warfare.

Comrades from the militia teamed up with a batch of shotguns distributed by the independent regiment on hand, and attacked the Japanese and puppet troops at close range. The bullets shot past like splashed ink, and five or six devils came up to meet them, and they could all be wounded at once.

In the end, the Japanese and puppet troops who swept forward did occupy Longwo Village, but at the cost of more than 200 casualties, of which more than 50 were killed by the devils, more than 20 were killed by the puppet troops, and more than 100 were injured by the enemy.

In a small Longwo village, there are only a few dozen households in the whole village, but it has caused so many casualties to the devils.

When the news reached Ishiihara's ears, Ishiihara couldn't help but shudder. He always felt that the village near the base of the independent regiment was not like a village, but rather like hell.


A squadron of devils swept all the way, and finally set fire to the Dingjiaying. The whole village did not see a single person. In the village, the devils and puppet soldiers did not seize half a grain of food.

But this village, where no one exists, is full of traps. The devils of this squadron only walked halfway through the village, and nearly one-third of them were killed or injured.

Along the way, there are various mines and traps everywhere.

The devil squadron that was finally frightened hurriedly withdrew from the middle of the village and set fire to the entire Dingjiaying.

Because of the burning of the fire, the devil squadron was blocked outside the village and waited for several hours. After the fire was extinguished, they passed through the village again and continued to sweep forward.

Xiaonan Village and Xiaobei Village.

In the two small outlying villages that Kong Jie had personally visited, there were only five or six militiamen in total.

Kong Jie still remembered the names of the three militia comrades in Xiaonan Village: Chen Xiaomin, Luo Siwa, and Zheng Gui.

Before the devils swept over, the villagers of Xiaonan Village and Xiaobei Village had been safely transferred away, but these passionate militia comrades, how could they watch the village where they lived for generations being persecuted by devils?

So he stayed in the village and finally stopped the Japanese army.

Comrade Sanmin has used guerrilla warfare and mobile warfare in mountainous areas with great proficiency.

The three of them led more than 100 devils around in circles in the mountains.

Later, there was a trick to kill with a knife, to kill a little devil with the hand of a devil.

What's going on?
It turned out that these three militia comrades lured the puppet army that was chasing them all the way, and intentionally lured this puppet army to the vicinity of another group of devils and puppet troops that had swept over, and let the two puppet army troops separate each other. A hillside rush.

The devils and puppet troops across the mountain did not find each other, and they all suffered a surprise fire from the opposite side. They thought they had encountered the main force of the Eighth Route Army. The two sides fought more and more fiercely. ?
Until later, a devil sentry detoured to check in advance. It didn't matter, it turned out that it was one of his own people.

The misunderstanding was resolved, but the two sides fought, and the two Japanese and puppet troops who bombarded each other with grenade shells across the hillside suffered more than a hundred casualties.

The stupid devils and puppet soldiers were played around by the three militia comrades like this.

This kind of anti-sweeping deeds can be regarded as a legend.


The news of the raids in the surrounding villages soon reached the ears of Ishii Haraichi and Yamaguchi Shubian.

"Obviously, these outlying villages are not the focus of defense for the Independent Regiment of the Eighth Route Army. They have shrunk their main forces to Xicun, Zhangjiazhuang, and Niukou villages, but the outlying villages also retain militia troops for some defense."

Ishii Haraichi analyzed the specific situation, his expression was not good.

"But such outlying villages actually caused a lot of casualties to our imperial troops. It is really unforgivable!"

Amidst the anger, the communications soldier rushed over to report in a panic:

"Reporting to Your Excellency, Brigade Commander, there is news from various bases in the rear that they have been raided by the main force of the Eighth Route Army."

"Your Excellency, brigade commander, there is news from Yangquan that the main force of the Eighth Route Army has been raided."


"Report to Your Excellency, Brigade Commander, the main gate of Yangquan has been breached by the main force of the Eighth Route Army."

"Your Excellency, brigade commander, the commander has sent an order to send troops back to Yangquan immediately!"


News came one after another, each time becoming more urgent and worse, Ishiihara was shocked and stunned at the beginning, and now he is dumbfounded.

"This is absolutely impossible. The Eighth Route Army troops are being besieged by our troops. Where did their main force suddenly appear in our rear?"

"Your Excellency, brigade commander, according to the news from the county, it seems to be the main force of the Independent Regiment of the Eighth Route Army."

"Independent regiment? Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

The angry Ishii Haraichi even cursed.

He didn't want to admit that he couldn't quickly break through the defenses of Yangcun and Zhangjiazhuang.

He was even more unwilling to admit that the independent regiment of the Eighth Route Army for internal defense in the village he had led his troops to fight for so long was not yet the main force.

But what is going on?How could the main force of the independent regiment, which was obviously surrounded by him, appear in the rear of Yangquan?
Shubian Yamaguchi didn't care to think about the reason at the moment, this time against the Independence Regiment, he and the Ishii Regiment teamed up, and as a result, the main force of the Independence Regiment slipped to the rear under their noses.

What a shame.

If things go on like this, the failure of this big raid will be caused by his independence of the Fourth Mixed Brigade.

The Eighth Route Army must deal with it, but the counties in the rear cannot be lost.

After receiving the order from the headquarters, Shankou Shubian didn't dare to delay, and immediately dispatched a brigade of troops to return to the direction of Yangquan County.


West Village.

The roar of the devil's Type [-] tank engine spread far away, and the trap pit made the whole tank turn over like a bastard. In the trap pit.

Not far away, the soldiers were overjoyed, "Commander, we have caught the tank."

The ghost captain of the chariot squad was a little dazed.

When the tank came here, there were deep ditches on both sides. In order not to let the tank fall into the ditches, the tank pushed forward along the dirt road in the center. Several soldiers walked a little in front of the tank, all in peace. Nothing happened, but after the tank drove past, it fell directly into a deep trap hole.

These Eighth Route Army are really very cunning.


The devil's follow-up troops wanted to rescue the tank, and even wanted to use a rope to pull the tank that fell into the pit with another tank, but the commander of the fourth battalion would not give these devils a chance, and immediately issued an order to fire.

Niukou Village.

Independent regiment, regiment headquarters.

"Reporting to the head of the regiment, there is news from the Fourth Battalion that in the direction of Xicun, our comrades let a Japanese tank fall into a trap."

Kong Jie nodded, turned to Shen Wenyue and said, "Our Eighth Route Army is far inferior to the National Army's equipment, and we don't have anti-tank weapons at hand. If this devil's tank comes, we can only use these simple methods to dig a deep hole in advance. Put the devil's tank in."

Shen Wenyue said: "The tanks of the Japanese army are very powerful. Are these simple methods really practical?"

Kong Jie said, "It's better than sitting and waiting to die."

The two were talking, the correspondent received the latest situation from the direction of Yangquan through the radio, immediately got up, and reported to Kong Jiehui with a happy face: "reporting regiment leader, good news, the first battalion commander, the second battalion commander and the third battalion commander After growing them, they successfully hit the devil's rear, and now they have broken through Yangquan."

"Beautiful fight!" Kong Jie said.

Shen Wenyue at the side was a little dazed, and the pens that were originally written in the notebook subconsciously stopped.

"Hit to the rear of the Japanese army?"

Kong Jie laughed loudly and said, "Our Eighth Route Army is not easy to bully, the little devils have made a big sweep, and they came to our door, why can't we hit his devil's door?
Reporter Shen is not curious about where the rest of the troops of our independent regiment are arranged?Now you should understand that just before the main force of the Japanese army encircled them, the main force of our independent regiment had already broken out, and took advantage of the emptiness of the Japanese army's rear to attack directly. "

Suddenly regaining consciousness, Shen Wenyue was shocked and said, "My God! Commander Kong, is this kind of slashing the bottom line a common anti-sweeping tactic of your Eighth Route Army?"

Kong Jie said: "There is no absolute tactic, only flexible application, just like the current tactic, it may work well this time, but if everyone knows it later, it may not work again."



When the news reached the New Second Regiment, Li Yunlong had already personally led the First Battalion, and rushed out again.

"What, Yangquan was taken down by that kid, Old Kong!!!"

Li Yunlong was dumbfounded when he heard the news.

"Damn it, I thought it was pretty good to break through the encirclement of the Japanese army with ease, but now I'm nothing compared to old Kong."

"Old Kong is so ruthless, this is a tactic of changing houses with the little devil!"

"Commander, what should we do now? Should we fight back or..." Zhang Dabiao, the commander of the first battalion, asked.

The first battalion is the absolute main force of the new second regiment. Li Yunlong is eccentric. When he led the new first regiment, he equipped most of the elite equipment in the first battalion.

Now the new second regiment is still the same.

The firepower configuration of the first battalion is much higher than that of the second and third battalions. Machine guns and grenades can even be equipped to combat units at the squad level.

When Zhang Dabiao led the first battalion to fight out suddenly, it was like a sharp knife, directly tearing a big gap in the defense of the Japanese army brigade.

The blocked devil troops were all stunned by the firepower of the first battalion.

"Kill it back, what a fart, kill it now, just those three melons and two dates, we Lao Li don't like it, we can't do business that loses money."

"In this way, Da Biao, that kid, Old Kong, has already gone to Yangquan, so we can't fall behind. We will fight in the direction of Yangquan County, and first remove the devil's surroundings, and then remove the rest of the counties, towns, and strongholds. Attack from the enemy's rear."

Li Yunlong, who had fully comprehended the essence of the house-changing tactic, gave the order.

"Yes!" Zhang Dabiao replied excitedly.

As for the follow-up defense of the New Second Regiment, Li Yunlong was very relieved and left it to the Second Battalion, the Third Battalion, and political commissar Zhao Gang.

The Japanese brigade besieging the New Second Regiment had already been mauled by the first battalion's back and forth assaults, and the devils had lost the will to take down the New Second Regiment.


New group.

Knowing that Kong Jie's independent regiment broke through the Japanese blockade, hit the devil's rear directly, and broke through Yangquan, Ding Wei couldn't help but grinned.

Sun Zhenguo, the commander of the first battalion, was very emotional, "Regimental Commander, this Commander Kong is too powerful. I heard that their independent regiment's anti-sweeping defensive operations are doing well. I thought it was Commander Kong who deployed the main force in the defense of the village. During the battle, who knew that when they turned around, they went to the devil's rear instead."

Ding Wei said with a smile: "Old Kong is a big business now. After the battle with the Ishii Regiment, I heard that the Independence Regiment has captured many puppet troops. Now the regiment has more than 4000 troops. He has this capital." .”

"But having said that, Lao Kong's move is really bold."

"If the devil is determined to eat the base of his independent regiment and ignores Yangquan in the rear, his independent regiment may be in trouble."

Sun Zhenguo smiled and said, "Commander, what's the trouble here? At worst, just leave the base to the devils. This is a tactic of changing families. Commander Kong and the others can't suffer."

Ding Wei said: "That's the truth. It seems that our Eighth Route Army's anti-sweeping operations have been played by Lao Kong again!"

"Maybe this house-changing tactic will even become a new wave of our anti-mopping up in the future."

"Commander, I heard that Commander Li's first battalion went straight to Yangquan after breaking through the encirclement. Are we going to join in the fun?" Sun Zhenguo asked.

Ding Wei thought for a while, shook his head, and said with a smile: "We can't be useless and just play with old Kong's leftovers. Now rush over, the day lily is cold, and the soup can't be eaten.

In this way, if we try our best to hold back the Japanese army attacking our new regiment, and then find a way to ambush the Japanese army on the way back to Yangquan, this can be regarded as indirectly supporting Lao Li and Lao Kong.

Not to mention the favors of Lao Li and Lao Kong, the key is that we also have meat to eat. "

"Hey, leader, you still understand." Sun Zhenguo replied with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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