Chapter 742

The howitzer led the artillery to destroy the four tanks of the Devil's third tank squadron that had fled all the way.

Only Kazuo Uehara, the captain of the Devil Tank Squadron, commanded the last Type [-] tank to break out in embarrassment.

At this time, the battle inside the anti-tank trenches was also coming to an end.

After falling into the trench, the little devil who hid inside the tank as a turtle was used by the soldiers in various ways, or threw pepper bombs into the tank to force the devil tank soldiers out of the tank to kill; Thin-skinned armor, killed with special armor-piercing bullets that have been hardened.

The next step is how to quickly transfer the captured armored vehicles and tanks from the battlefield.

If this is placed on other Eighth Route Army units, these cumbersome devil tanks and armored vehicles.

There is no way to drag it away in a short time by manpower.

Maybe we had to blow it up on the spot to prevent the devils from coming back and snatching these armored vehicles and tanks.

Armored vehicles and tanks are also rare military equipment for the Japanese army, and the devils will never let these tanks and armored vehicles be captured by the Eighth Route.

But right now, the devil is facing the independent regiment, so all this is different.

For winning this anti-tank battle, Commander Kong is confident.

From the very beginning, Kong Jie said to the soldiers:
One of the difficulties in this anti-tank operation is how to capture tanks and armored vehicles as completely as possible.

The second difficulty is how to transfer the captured tanks and armored vehicles in time before the devil's plane reacts.

In order to solve these two problems, Kong Jie made many preparations...

"Quick, all tank crews are in place immediately!"

"Start all the tanks that can still move."

When the howitzer commanded the artillery to chase the five tanks that the devils fled out of, Lei Dasheng, the commander of the first battalion, had already issued an order.

"Let the soldiers carry out the soil work immediately, and hurry up and drive the excavator transformed by the repair shop to dig through the trenches, and let our drivers drive out all the devil tanks and armored vehicles."

"The devil tanks and armored vehicles that are overturned, hurry up and use our cranes to turn them over."

"Hurry up, hurry up, the transfer must be completed within 15 minutes!"

Following the order of the first battalion commander, the painting style on the entire battlefield changed suddenly.

The soldiers of the independent regiment who took care of the infantry coordinated by the devils and the devils' tank soldiers hidden inside the tanks.

Just a moment ago, he was fighting bravely with a gun!

The next moment, after the first battalion commander's order was issued, the soldiers unanimously took out a small and delicate military shovel with a short handle from their waists.

This is already a second-generation military ordnance shovel transformed and produced by the independent regiment's repair shop.

Killing enemies, digging soil, cooking, and blocking bullets is really a multi-purpose shovel, and there is no more practical weapon than this.

The soldiers have long been prepared for quick soil work and the transfer of captured tanks and armored vehicles after the battle.

The second-generation military shovel has been carried with me from the beginning.

Amidst the roar of the engine, several cranes and excavators remodeled from devil's cars and armored vehicles by the independent regiment's repair shop quickly drove over.

The entire interior of the anti-tank trenches began to be dusty.

After a large number of soldiers quickly entered the anti-tank trenches, they started digging wildly with the military shovels in their hands, dug up one side of the trench as much as possible, and quickly piled up the excavated soil on the bottom of the Devil tanks and armored vehicles to form an Climbing the ladder.

The soldiers of the tank team who were quickly in place had specially studied the tank soldier course in the military skills training class, and had corresponding driving tank training on the training ground.

According to Kong Jie's original idea.

A team of military skills classes was built.

It aims to cultivate a large number of professional military talents for a team.

Regardless of whether it is the devil's artillery, armored vehicles, tanks, or even planes, as long as they are captured by us, there will be corresponding artillery, tank soldiers, and even pilots immediately, and they will drive away.

This is the real ace unit.

Although there are not many tank soldiers and armored soldiers trained by the first team, there are still two or three drivers for each tank and armored vehicle of the Devils.

In the dusty battlefield, the soldiers who acted efficiently, cooperated and cooperated quickly, explained with practical actions what it means to be powerful in numbers.

It's like a group of ants with a well-organized division of labor and efficient actions, even if they are the prey of a behemoth.

In a short period of time, even less than 10 minutes.

The Devils tanks and armored vehicles captured as completely as possible by the soldiers only need to drag out the Devils tank soldiers who have been killed inside.

The tank soldiers quickly got into the tanks, and drove the devil's tanks and armored vehicles into motion.

Flanks of anti-tank trenches.

Soldiers are strong in numbers. You shovel, I shovel, and quickly dig out several spacious passages.

Plus an excavator to assist in the digging.

The slope was leveled with soil pads inside the trench.

With the roar of tank and armored vehicle engines.

At this time, the soldiers who had replaced the Devils' tank soldiers drove the Devils' armored vehicles and tanks out of the anti-tank trenches with excitement on their faces.

Among them was a devil's armored vehicle. In the previous battle, the engine was blown up and there were some malfunctions.

The soldiers used the artillery tractor modified by the repair shop to forcibly drag the devil's damaged armored vehicle into the village.

"The armored vehicles and tanks have been transferred, and it's time for our war bureau to play."

"Hurry up, hurry up and send the camouflage tanks to the trenches!"

Shi Dahu, director of the Bureau of War and Suspense, is also busy here.

The captured Devils tanks and armored vehicles were quickly dragged out of the anti-tank trenches by the soldiers, or after they were driven out.

Shi Dahu hurriedly commanded the corresponding soldiers, and sent the wooden camouflage tank prepared earlier in the morning to the inside of the trench.

The soldiers used the ordnance shovel at hand to quickly fill the channel dug out on the flank of the anti-tank warhorn back to its original appearance.

"Corpse corpse!"

"Don't forget the corpses, get the corpses of those puppet army devils who have changed into military uniforms for me!"

Shi Dahu yelled and kept urging.

The corpses of these devils and puppet soldiers were collected by the soldiers from the several gun towers that were laid down these days.

Originally, using a scarecrow might also be able to get away with it.

But Shi Dahu said that the acting should be done more delicately, and the scarecrow is too easy to expose.

So a corpse was used instead.

The three battalions of the Independent Regiment, plus the soldiers from the New First Regiment and the New Second Regiment, totaled nearly 3000 people.

Everyone was so busy that they didn't dare to stop for a moment, and it took almost 10 minutes.

The entire battlefield has been remodeled.

At this time, looking down from the sky, the magnificent anti-tank trench that originally lay outside Dafengzhuangqian Village, which seemed to have dug out a huge crack in the earth, was completely repaired.

Inside the trenches, at first glance, there are tanks and armored vehicles.

Of course, if you look closely, you will find that the color of these tanks and armored vehicles is quite different from the metallic color of the armor of real tanks and armored vehicles.

In addition, around these tanks and armored vehicles, there are many soldiers wearing Eighth Route Army uniforms sitting or standing.

What does such a situation look like?

As if the battle had just ended, soldiers of the Eighth Route Army were cleaning the battlefield inside the trenches, trying to find a way to dispose of the captured tanks and armored vehicles...


the other side.

As early as three 10 minutes ago.

Kazuo Uehara, the leader of the Devil Tank Squadron who knew the situation was over, asked the communications soldiers to send a call for help to the Japanese headquarters in time.

In the communication, Kazuo Uehara conveyed heartbrokenly:
"In the Dafengzhuang area, the Eighth Route has ambushed for a long time. The so-called grain storage is purely a huge trap. The plan to raid Dafengzhuang has completely failed!"

"Our department is in danger of being destroyed!"

"Request the headquarters to immediately dispatch air reinforcements to prevent our tanks and armored vehicles from falling into the hands of the Eighth Route Army."

In Taiyuan City, the Japanese Army was stationed at the Shanxi First Army Headquarters.

Yoshio Shinozuka, commander of the Devil's First Army, has been following the Dafengzhuang battle.

When he learned that the tank squadron and cavalry squadron he had sent had encountered a trap set in advance by the Eighth Route Army in Dafengzhuang, the entire cavalry squadron and tank squadron were almost wiped out.

The expression that appeared on the face of the old devil Yoshio Shinozuka was quite complex, including astonishment, anger, shock, regret, and heartache...

In the end, it was mixed into an angry shout:

"Immediately send an order to the flight team, and dispatch all idle fighter planes to quickly reinforce Dafengzhuang!"

"If the tanks and armored vehicles of the Great Japanese Empire were captured by the Eight Routes, it would be a great shame. They would rather be destroyed than leave them to the Eight Routes."

"In addition, according to the location of the Dafengzhuang granary provided by the intelligence department, blowing up all the grain hoarded by the Eight Routes will definitely not make it easier for the Eight Routes!"


After the order from the headquarters was issued, the members of the Devil Flying Squad who had been on standby at the airport were a little puzzled.

Why did this just blow up the target of the Eighth Route Army Independent Regiment base area.

Are you going to fly to Dafengzhuang to carry out a bombing mission?
Haven't tanks and cavalry troops been dispatched in the Dafengzhuang area?

(End of this chapter)

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