The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 830 Taijun, this is definitely the main force of Route 8!

Chapter 830 Taijun, this is definitely the main force of the Eight Routes! (seeking a monthly ticket)
With the rapid economic development of a team's base area, the opportunities for soldiers of a team's main force to be exposed to farming are actually gradually decreasing.

After all, Kong Jie still hopes that a combat force will focus on training and fighting.

But the People's Children Army, who was born as a peasant, must not forget his roots.

Therefore, even if the living conditions of the troops are better, Kong Jie will still ask the soldiers to take time out to work in the fields after training the soldiers, at least to understand how the farm work is done.

You can't be the son of a farmer who can't even plant two acres of land, can you?

Thanks to these educational measures of the army, coupled with the fact that most of the soldiers were originally farmers.

For the soldiers of the main force of the First Anti-Japanese Detachment of the Eighth Route Army in Northwest Shanxi.

The soldier who takes up the weapon and fights devils, puts down the weapon and takes out the sickle, and turns his head to become an out-and-out peasant.

In this battle, once the soldiers broke through the defense of the Japanese army and quickly hit the farmland of the devils, they replaced the guns on hand with agricultural tools, and immediately reincarnated in the action of grabbing the Japanese army's crops.

...The quietly passing time caused the situation to evolve rapidly.

This battle waits for others, but crops do not wait for others.

Once the crops are ripe and the Eighth Route Army troops snatch the crops, if the little devils want to make a surprise attack and grab the food, they will have no chance.

Sometimes in order to snatch food, the Japanese army would even launch a surprise attack in advance, directly harvesting and snatching the unripe green wheat, millet, and even unformed peanuts in the field in advance.

Therefore, after the Japanese army's combat plan was formulated, it quickly launched operations.

Time flies, around late September.

All kinds of crops in the farmland are basically mature, including rice, corn, millet, sorghum, peanuts, soybeans, sweet potatoes and so on.

Even if it is not fully mature, it is almost the same, and harvesting in advance can still be used as food to satisfy the hunger.

With the target set, the Japanese army officially kicked off its military attack on the farmland belonging to a base of the Eighth Route Army.

In the early morning, the sky was still bright.

A large number of Japanese field troops quietly took advantage of the weather from some important military cities in the devil-occupied area, such as Yangquan, Tan County, Shouyang, and Ping'an County, and quickly advanced towards a team's base area.

The vanguard used the Japanese and puppet troops to exceed [-] troops.

There are also capital heavy units, artillery units, and mechanized transport units that continue to follow up from the follow-up transportation line.

The vast march was temporarily hidden among the dead countryside, hidden under the gloomy sky.


Naturally, there is no way to hide the information from a team, especially the Japanese army's attack target this time is mainly aimed at a team.

When the Japanese troops in Yangquan, Tanxian, Shouyang, Ping'an counties and other places just took action, the intelligence news about the Japanese army's movements had already been passed to the headquarters of the detachment, and to the ears of the detachment leader Kong Jie.

"I knew that the little devil couldn't sit still. Our crops will mature within a few days, and the devil's attack will definitely be within a few days."

Kong Jie spoke slowly, without showing any obvious expression, but there was faint but firm confidence in his words.

"Then our operation can proceed," Chief of Staff Xu Guoan said with a smile.

Time passed quickly, and by around 07:30 in the morning, the sky in northwest Shanxi had basically brightened.

It's just that the warmth of the sun is missing, and the anticipation of the future of winter is more.

After the order from the detachment headquarters was issued, a team from the first to third regiments independently set off quickly.

The local army and militia troops also quickly entered the area to be fought according to the deployment.

The county brigade, district squadron, and district squad, including militia comrades, have been excited for several days for this battle.

In this regard, when the district squadron leader Zhao Ming mobilized the comrades of the district squadron before the battle, he said this:
"Comrades, for a long time, the main force of a team ate meat, and our locals ate soup.

Every time the main force of the little devils is handed over to our main force, only some puppet troops and some leftovers can be left to our local troops!
Of course, we knew very well that it was because comrades in the local army took care of us and left the most dangerous battles to themselves.

Our equipment and training can't keep up.

But now, our local army is very different. Take our squadron as an example. The equipment is now well equipped, which is no worse than the main force of the ordinary regiment.

If we are still allowed to make small troubles, we will deal with the second devils and bandits. Comrades, tell me, how can you agree? "


The soldiers answered in unison, resounding like a tsunami.

Zhao Ming smiled gratifiedly, and said loudly: "Of course not.

As the saying goes, raise soldiers for a thousand days and use them for a while.

Our local army is developing more than just equipment, and this training has not been missed for a day.

What are we sweating so much for?
Isn't it for the sake of killing a few more little devils on the battlefield? "

Speaking of this, his words changed: "This time it's a good time. Our detachment leader said that this autumn harvest defense battle will leave the main force of the little devils to our local army."

"What do you mean? It means that this time the tens of thousands of devils and puppet troops that are rapidly advancing towards our base area will be dealt with by our local army and militia."

"Comrades, this is a tough battle, but at the same time it is definitely a happy battle!"



Nearly a hundred soldiers of the district squadron expressed their firm answer with shouts of killing.

And like what Zhao Ming said, it is not uncommon in county brigades, district teams, and local troops.

This is an unprecedented time for a team of local army and militia to basically independently deal with the main force of the Japanese and puppet troops.

In the words of a certain county brigade captain: "Hey, comrades, everyone knows that this time we are fighting against devils. It is mainly our local army, supplemented by the main force of the detachment.

The detachment leader believes in our local army, so we must give him credit! "

The determined local army units and militia units moved quickly.

Kong Jie's orders this time were arranged in stages, blocking layers of attacks, harassing and exhausting the Japanese army along the way.

In fact, compared to the main force.

The local army, including the militia, is more integrated into the nearby forest and mountain environment, and is very familiar with the combat environment of blocking devils along the way.

Coupled with the fact that the equipment is well-equipped now, when laying traps, digging mines, and setting booby traps along the way, the comrades of the local army and militia are full of energy.

"There is only one requirement. Once the battle starts, no matter whether you can block the pace of the Japanese and puppet troops, your local army, including the militia, must give me the effect of the main force!"

This is an order clearly issued by the detachment leader Kong Jie at the headquarters of the detachment.

Therefore, once the battle broke out...

The scene was a shock.

In the Taihang Mountains, a detachment was in a ravine in the guerrilla zone outside the base area.

A full Japanese brigade, more than 2000 Japanese puppets, quickly moved towards the established target farmland.

It was a larger piece of farmland in the guerrilla zone outside the detachment. It was a wasteland reclaimed more than half a year ago. After the efforts of the soldiers and civilians, fertilization and replanting, it was expanded into more than 500 mu of fertile land.

The fields are full of corn, which is already mature, and rows of corn stalks are half a body taller than a person.

The huge corn lumps wrapped in the compartment on the pole make people jealous.

With just one glance, it seems as if you can already smell the mellow aroma of corn when it is steamed, boiled, or fried.

The devil seems to have come all the way by smelling the smell of corn.

Coincidentally, the puppet troops fighting with this Japanese brigade were the troops of Yan Sanfu, the Eighth Mixed Brigade of the Imperial Association Army.

For this combat operation to destroy the Eighth Route Army's autumn harvest and rob food, the little devils were hungry, excited and excited.

The psychology of the puppet soldiers is much less, and more of it is to join in the fun.

Their military pay, food, and supplies were not issued by the Japanese, so when the Japanese army was short of food and couldn't eat enough, their puppet troops were doing just fine.

..." and the brothers have explained to me clearly that the devil is now like a hungry red-eyed old wolf, wanting to go up and nibble on everything he sees.

But the Eighth Route Army, is Kong Jie easy to mess with?
I see that little devil, don't end up not eating mutton, and make a fuss again.

The little devils are eating birds to death now, we can't follow them to die, we should pay attention on the way, if the situation is not right, we will evacuate in time. "

Yan Sanfu, commander of the Eighth Mixed Brigade of the Puppet Army, summoned his confidant generals and secretly confessed.


On the way, as the Japanese army advanced all the way, they quickly tasted the sweetness.

It was some scattered farmland encountered by the Japanese army on the way. The area was relatively small, and some were even only tens of square meters in size.

The little devils didn't let it go, and quickly took a hoe and shovel, turned the land over, and dug out all the peanuts and sweet potatoes planted inside.

Then the smiles on the faces of the devil soldiers were called greed.

The little devils wiped off the dirt on the peanuts and sweet potatoes with their hands, and then started to eat and gnaw.

Feeling the deliciousness of the food mixed with the aroma of the earth, the little devils' determination to snatch the food seems to have become more and more firm this time when they sabotaged the Eighth Route Army's autumn harvest.

"Keep going!" After a little trimming, the captain of the Devil's Battalion, holding a sweet potato in one hand and a command knife in the other, gave the order.


What awaited them was a long-awaited ambush.

boom -

Seeing the devil step into the ambush circle in the ravine, the comrades of the county brigade lurking on both sides did not hesitate.

Directly pulling the rope buried shallowly under the fallen leaves rang the explosive package buried under the soil layer of the ambush circle.

With the earth-shattering bang, the more than 100 Japanese and puppet troops who first stepped into the ambush circle were blown to pieces together with the splashed mud in a blink of an eye.

Quickly regaining consciousness, the captain of the devil brigade quickly ordered to hide on the spot and organize a counterattack.

He was not very surprised by the blocking of the Eighth Route Army.

The Devil officers also knew very well that Eight Routes would never sit back and watch their farmland be plundered by the Japanese Empire.

Not to mention that this is the site of a unit of the Eighth Route Army that made the Japanese soldiers most nervous.

The two sides quickly launched a firepower confrontation. Since the Japanese army had fallen into a trap earlier, they were the first to suffer a big loss.

Immediately afterwards, the comrades of the county brigade who were ambushing attacked violently and abnormally.

The firepower of the rifles shooting from all directions fell like raindrops, mixed with the sound of light machine guns, heavy machine guns, and mortars.

"Hold it up!"

While shouting at the fighting puppet troops, Yan Sanfu, the brigade commander of the puppet army, who was afraid that he would be shot to death, leaned next to the captain of the devils and shouted:
"Captain, this is definitely the main force of the Eighth Route!
The opponent's equipment is excellent and their firepower is fierce. It seems that there are still a lot of troops. We should withdraw from the ambush circle of the Eighth Route before fighting, otherwise the casualties will definitely be serious! "

Also shocked by the fierce firepower of the eight ambushing groups in front of him, the captain of the devil team did not hesitate, and immediately agreed with Yan Sanfu's suggestion, and ordered the Japanese troops to make a temporary strategic shift.

The Japanese and puppet troops began to retreat quickly, trying to widen the distance, first avoiding the ambush of the Eighth Route Army troops, then stabilizing their heels, and then fighting back with artillery fire.Break through the blockade of the Eighth Route Army.

After the Japanese and puppet troops left three or four hundred corpses and hurriedly withdrew.

The Japanese artillery quickly built an artillery position in the rear, including two quickly assembled [-]-type infantry artillery, and launched a fierce bombardment towards the forests on both sides of the ambush circle, the original ambush position of the county brigade.

For a while, the originally dead forest was submerged by the earth-shattering explosion.

On both sides of the forest, the trees were broken, and all the beasts fled.

But soon some frontier scouts returned in a hurry, Hui reported:

"Including the officer, the Eight Routes ambushing on both sides seem to have evacuated ahead of schedule!"


After recovering from his senses, the old devil quickly stopped the artillery, and then sent a small group of scouts to the front to investigate, and the news was sent back very quickly.

The Eighth Route Army troops lurking on both sides have all withdrawn without any trace.

As for the violent bombardment just now...

The frightened old devil had a frozen smile on his face, as if he had been slapped invisibly.

He thought his sharp attack was useless.

"These goddamn eight ways"

"Your Excellency, Zhong Zuo, this is the usual trick of the Eighth Route Army. They will always rely on the environment in the mountains and forests to constantly block the advance of our army. I am worried that there will be an ambush by the Eighth Route Army in the future!"


The old devil nodded, and then issued an order: "Advance cautiously, scouts spread around, strengthen vigilance, and beware of ambushes from the Eighth Route Army at any time!"

And this battle is like a spark that was first ignited in a pile of explosives, followed by a big explosion that ignited and quickly connected together.

The Japanese army advancing from all directions soon encountered ambushes of varying degrees.

Because the Eighth Route Army troops in ambush had strong combat effectiveness, fierce firepower, and excellent equipment, the Japanese troops advancing from all directions judged that they must be the main force of a detachment of the Eighth Route Army.

The Japanese command had already expected this.

The devil commander did not panic, and continued to issue orders for a steady advance.

He believes that the goal this time is clear. Even though a unit of the Eighth Route Army is difficult to deal with, it is by no means an opponent of the powerful imperial troops.

You just have to go straight to your goal!
If the Eighth Route Army came to stop him, he could just take the opportunity to entangle the main force of the Eighth Route Army.

Waiting for the reinforcements sent by the headquarters to wipe out the entire Eighth Route Army in one fell swoop...

(End of this chapter)

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