The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 919 One army of Japanese invaders may not be able to get down to Huangya Cave

Listening to Chuan Dao's words, Kong Jie's heart was filled with turmoil.

On the surface, he was naturally calm, and even raised his glass to clink two glasses with Chuan Dao, and said something to comfort Chuan Dao.

As for the bottom of his heart, Kong Jie quickly thought about the situation about the Huangyadong Arsenal.

Huangyadong Armory, as the Eighth Route Army worked hard during the Anti-Japanese War, spent a lot of manpower and material resources, and even paid the sweat and blood of many revolutionary ancestors. The largest and most stable arsenal.

The Eighth Route Army troops in the enemy's rear were isolated and helpless.

In addition, after the Hundred Regiments War, it gradually became stalemate with Jiang's military government, completely cutting off all external material and ammunition support.

The self-raised and self-built arsenal of the Eighth Route Army is particularly important.

Among them, the Huangyadong Arsenal, located in the naturally formed Huangyadong under the uncanny workmanship of nature, soon became the largest, most equipped, and fastest-growing arsenal of the Eighth Route Army.

For the Eighth Route Army, which lacked guns and ammunition, such a large-scale arsenal that could even manufacture guns, cannons and bullets independently was simply too important.

Change the metaphor of the image point.

If the Eighth Route Army troops in the entire Taihang base area are compared to a giant.

Then the location of the Huangyadong Arsenal is the most important heart of this giant.

In addition, in the history of the Eighth Route Army's Anti-Japanese War, the little devil must have attacked the Huangyadong Arsenal, and also broke out the very famous Huangyadong Defense Battle at that time.

The Eighth Route Army even achieved an astonishing record of 6 to 1 enemy casualties.

It caused a sensation in the entire Sino-Japanese battlefield.

Kong Jie remembered that the time when the defense of Huangyadong broke out seemed to be around November, but he didn't remember the specifics very clearly.

It's just that the time has already passed. Back in November, Kong Jie was even worried about the Japanese attack on the Huangyadong Arsenal.

But it was later discovered that there seemed to be no movement.

Now it seems that for some unknown reason, the devil's plan to attack the Huangyadong arsenal seems to have been delayed.

Kong Jie's analysis of this may have something to do with the winter counterattack led by a team he led.

The little devil was probably caught off guard by himself, which led to the temporary shelving of the planned sneak attack on the Huangyadong Arsenal.

Yes, it must be so, that's right, the devil must be secretly brewing a plan to attack the Huangyadong Arsenal.

Chuan Dao was still drinking on his own, after Kong Jie quickly reasoned his judgment in his heart, he said with a smile: "So, Jia Fugui is quite lucky, and he is still alive at the critical moment. found a way to survive."

"In addition, traitors from the Eighth Route Army were found all at once. As far as I know, the Eighth Route Army has always been a monolithic interior, and the internal inspection of the Eighth Route Army is very strict. Traitors have always been rare.

By the way, what's the name of this traitor? "

"It's...Chen, what spring is Chen, I can't remember the details." Kawashima, who was already a little drunk, said casually.

At this time, Kong Jie took out the posture of being a senior, grabbed the wine bottle in Chuan Dao's hand, and said in a stern tone: "Chuan Dao, cheer me up.

Can a little Jia Fugui break your fighting spirit?
Don't forget, we agreed to investigate the bank robbery incident, and even squeeze out all those colleagues and enemies who suppressed you.

What do you look like drunk? "

Seeing Kong Jie who suddenly became strict, Kawashima seemed to wake up suddenly, but then shook his head helplessly, "Brother Matsui, what else can we do now?"

"Idiot, since you doubt this Jia Fugui, let's continue to start from Jia Fugui's line. We must not let Jia Fugui deceive the imperial army just like this.

In this way, since you still suspect that there is something wrong with Jia Fugui.

I'm afraid it's inconvenient for you gendarmerie to do some things, so just leave it to me. I have a lot of skilled disciples under my command.

Tonight I asked them to sneak into Jia Fugui's house, secretly investigate the situation, and see if Jia Fugui had an affair with Eight Routes, and whether he left any evidence enough to denounce him! "

Kawashima suddenly realized that even the original feeling of drinking seemed to have been driven away.

"Just, can it work?"

"How do you know if you don't try?" Kong Jie said.

"Then, Brother Matsui, I'll leave this to you!"

"rest assured!"

At the entrance of Laifu Restaurant, after saying goodbye to Chuan Dao temporarily.

Kong Jie took the monk back to the inn, and then got busy in the inn. He was writing a letter, in which he wrote in detail his analysis of the Japanese army's conspiracy in Licheng and his suggestions for follow-up plans. After reading it again, I finished it in one breath.

Finally, he folded the letter and handed it to the monk, saying: "Monk, this letter is very important. Although my side should not be suspected by the Japanese army, out of caution, you cannot come forward in person.

Give this letter to Lao Ding, and let Lao Ding send reliable fighters, be sure to send this letter to the 385th brigade, and hand it to Brigadier Chen personally. "


After this matter was properly explained, Kong Jie arranged another matter for the monk.

"How to put these forged letters, and the banknotes we snatched from the devil's bank to frame Jia Fugui this time, in a suitable place for Jia Fugui's house, don't I need to say more?"

The monk replied with a smile: "Leader, don't worry! It's not the first time we have done this kind of thing. What we like to watch most is the dog-eat-dog show!"

"Do it quickly, and pay attention to anti-reconnaissance along the way, don't expose it!"




The people who cooperated with Kong Jie in lurking in Licheng this time were all veterans of the 385 brigade's intelligence department, and the news from Kong Jie's side was quickly passed back.

385 Brigade, brigade headquarters.

The soldiers who delivered the letter arrived all the way, and according to Kong Jie's special instructions, the letter was finally delivered directly to Brigadier Chen himself.

Hearing that the letter was written by Kong Jie, who was lurking in Licheng and had even sneaked into the Japanese Gendarmerie, Brigadier Chen naturally attached great importance to it, so he immediately opened the letter and began to browse.

I watched it for a long time.

The political commissar beside him couldn't help asking curiously: "Brigade Commander, what did Kong Jie say in the letter?"

Brigadier Chen seemed to be still immersed in the shocking content brought by the letter, and was taken aback for a while before handing the letter to the political commissar beside him.

"Take a look! We have called Kong Jie to our 386 brigade this time, and we have called the right person. This information is so crucial!"

The more confused political commissar took the letter, and after reading it for a while, he exclaimed: "So, Kong Jie has already detected it, just as we speculated at the headquarters before.

This time, the little devil is secretly operating in the Licheng area, and even secretly building a temporary airport. He came here for our Huangyadong arsenal! "

"Looking at it now, it can't be wrong!" Brigadier Chen said.

"As for the specific conspiracy of the little devil, Kong Jie said that it has yet to be confirmed.

But what is basically certain now is that the Huangyadong Arsenal must be one of the targets of the little devil's plot this time.

In addition, the devils deliberately released news in Licheng that there would be no raids during the Spring Festival.

In addition, the devils specially strengthened the military blockade around Licheng.

In addition, Kong Jie and the others found out that there seemed to be many Japanese troops in Licheng area that were different from Licheng's own gendarmerie.

It is very likely that they are the little devils who secretly assembled in Licheng.

From this, Kong Jie speculated that the possibility of the little devils in Licheng attacking our 385 brigade base area is also very high. "

The political commissar nodded thoughtfully.

Brigadier Chen continued: "Besides, the most important thing is another piece of information that Kong Jie sent back - there is a bloody traitor in our ranks around the Huangyadong Arsenal of the Eighth Route Army!
Chen Hechun should be working in the vicinity of our arsenal, but according to the information sent back by Kong Jie, it is absolutely impossible for this traitor to be inside our Huangyadong arsenal.

It should be related personnel from the periphery.

In this way, send Kong Jie's letter to the headquarters first, and immediately start a secret investigation of the staff around the Huangyadong Arsenal, so that this traitor must be identified first. "

The political commissar said: "Yes, these hated traitors are sometimes even more hateful than devils and puppet soldiers.

However, Brigadier, according to what Kong Jie said in the letter, let us first find out who the traitor is, but we need to conduct a secret investigation, and we must not alert the traitor.

It seems that this kid has some follow-up plans. "

Brigadier Chen nodded with a smile: "Kong Jie has a good idea. The devils are obviously targeting our 385 brigade and our Huangyadong arsenal this time. They even used the traitors.

If we want to turn passive into active, we might as well use one trick and one trick.

Maybe I can take this opportunity to severely damage the 36th Division of the Japanese Army that has been firmly stationed in Changzhi and Licheng.

That's our old rival! "

... The Eighth Route Army Front Enemy Headquarters.

Based on the letter written by Kong Jie himself and sent back with important information, the boss directly called the cadres for a meeting.

The commander of the 386 brigade also came to the meeting.

Then everyone discussed the information about the Japanese puppet army in Licheng mentioned in the letter sent back by Kong Jie.

The conclusions obtained are basically the same as what Brigadier Chen and the political commissar said.

The boss is smiling very much at the moment.

Although in this winter, a large counter-offensive led by a team led by Kong Jie, led by various combat units of the Eighth Route Army to attack some counties and towns of the Japanese army, achieved considerable results.

But for the Eighth Route Army troops in the entire Taihang base area.

Facing the multi-channel military blockade of the Japanese army in North China, the situation of the troops is still very difficult.

The boss's combat style is actually similar to Kong Jie and Li Yunlong.

It has never been the nature to be passively beaten.

Otherwise, the boss would not have waved his hand and set off a classic counterattack like the Hundred Regiments War.

So the boss has been thinking about whether he can find any opportunity to launch an attack on the Japanese army, instead of passively waiting for the end of this winter to passively welcome the little devil's spring mopping up.

When the letter from Kong Jie was delivered and the boss read halfway through it, he knew exactly what Kong Jie wanted to do.

"This game of chess played by this bastard is not small!"

Speaking of which, the boss also jokingly asked: "Everyone still remember that as early as half a year ago, the boy Kong Jie proposed that we spend a lot of effort to build a full range of permanent fortifications around the Huangyadong Arsenal. Bar?"

The deputy chief of staff said: "Well, I remember this incident very clearly. I was always in charge of the defense work around the Huangyadong Arsenal.

Later, the boy Kong Jie suggested to me that around our Huangyadong arsenal, we should build an all-round multi-line and multi-fortification permanent fortification. "

Speaking, the deputy chief of staff smiled and went directly to the drawer and took out a piece of paper, then put it on the meeting table and said:
"Look at this, everyone. This is the specific defense map that Kong Jie drew for the permanent fortifications of the Huangyadong Armory!"

The cadres then looked over.

It was a sketch drawn on a large white paper. The overall drawing was not very detailed, but the essence of the overall defense layout that should have been fully highlighted.

To use an image metaphor, the entire Huangyadong Arsenal is like three floors inside and three floors outside, completely surrounded by cabbages.

From the outermost line of the mountains where the entire Huangyadong Armory is located, the only narrow canyon passage that can be entered begins with a line of sky.

Including the outer security fortifications, the fortifications guarding the first line of the sky, the outer defensive area, and the fortifications on the left and right wings.

Then, go to the central defense zone, which is the second line of fortifications planned by Kong Jie on the drawings, and then to the inner defense line.

Coupled with the external defense line, the rear defense line, etc., the core area of ​​the entire Huangyadong Arsenal is surrounded by various fortifications around it, completely guarding the most stable core area.

In addition, according to his own opinion, Kong Jie also deployed the corresponding mortar strike group and Qiwushan artillery strike group on the entire drawing, and even captured the artillery after Li Yunlong led the mechanized combat troops to attack the artillery testing ground of the Devil's First Army. Some larger caliber guns came back, specially built artillery fortifications.

For example, 105mm artillery groups and 150mm artillery positions.

In addition, there are even hidden air defense fortifications inside the defense areas of each line.

Including the construction of anti-aircraft artillery positions, as well as anti-aircraft artillery fortifications and so on.

Multi-artillery positions cooperate with defense, multi-arms joint defense, and the perfect combination of conventional combat troops and mobile combat troops.

In the end, I summed it up in a sentence from the boss:

"Did you see it? According to the permanent fortifications of the Huangyadong Arsenal built by this kid, even if his little devil goes into battle with planes and cannons, even if he sends him an army, I don't think he may be able to defeat our Huangyadong arsenal." Hole!"


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