The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 952 The earth-shattering explosion and one piece of ruins

Chapter 952 The earth-shattering big explosion in ruins

Where does Ding Wei's self-confidence come from?

Naturally, they came from the gun towers of the strongholds that the soldiers voluntarily abandoned and evacuated, even including some villages and towns.

The little devil really thinks that the Eighth Route Army soldiers of the Iron Triangle are all cowards, facing the offensive of the mobile troops stationed in Mongolia, they can only be forced to abandon the territory they finally won during the winter offensive and escape in embarrassment?

Big mistakes.

That is definitely not the combat style of the Iron Triangle, and the current retreat is nothing more than a deliberate empty city plan to lure the enemy into deeper.

The devils probably never dreamed that the gun towers of the strongholds that the Eighth Route Army voluntarily abandoned and threw to them, including some villages, had hidden traps.

Traps are hidden underground.

Not easily detectable by the naked eye.

Ding Wei already had the idea of ​​setting up traps using these strongholds, gun towers, and villages, especially after he scouted out the little devils in Nali City and planned to attack the Huangyadong Arsenal to deal with the Taihang base.

As for the No. [-] devils and puppet troops originally stationed in the stronghold, including the field elites stationed temporarily by the Mongolian army.

Ding Wei, who had been patiently waiting for his prey to take the bait, until the last cavalry of the Devils also completely entered the center line of the defense zone.

Where horses can go, motorcycles can basically go.

At this time, the cavalry from all walks of life did not have too many rules to speak of as a whole. Some advanced far ahead, while others fell behind, which was uneven.

The devil officer on a tall horse even saw the imperial soldiers in the stronghold, and was about to open the roadblock and let them in.

Take the three groups of the Iron Triangle as an example.

The size of the war horse is not too big, and it can walk on the road or on the small road.

If the communication equipment of the Eighth Route Army in the past was poor, it means that the regiments and brigades might not be able to communicate with each other, and had to rely on traditional human communication soldiers to deliver messages.

Ding Wei really can plan a strategy and win a decisive victory thousands of miles away.

The cavalry troops who dropped the devils into their pockets devoured them in one go.

Let the devil know how powerful we are, and when the devil is forced to gather the cavalry troops together, we will beat him hard again! "

Only then did he decisively issue the order:
"Notify all ministries that the time has come, and go into battle immediately!"

However, the devil officers stationed in the Mongolian Army were quite disdainful.

Attempt to use the mobility of the cavalry to break out of the encirclement.

At the very least, it can contain the main combat force of the Eighth Route Army.

At the same time, as the backing of the vanguard that can attack and defend at any time, it also endowed the entire Japanese army with a more stable offensive.

The devil officers leading the team laughed triumphantly.

At this point, the devil cavalry stationed in Mongolia finally woke up.

In the future, explosives factories will focus on the development and production of landmines that detonate remotely and special mines such as time bombs.

"Start preparing immediately, first eat up the three groups of devil cavalry who entered our defense zone in one go, and force the devil's cavalry unit to gather together!"

As early as when studying the tactics of how to deal with little devils.

Faced with the quietly changing battle situation and the sudden offensive of the Eighth Route Army, the devil cavalrymen of the Three Route Army stationed in Mongolia were indeed caught off guard.

The officer leading the team shook his head, and the words he said immediately almost represented the psychology of the devil officers who rushed in from all walks of life:

As the Eighth Route Army's explosives king, Dong San really lived up to expectations, and later developed many special landmines that use wires to detonate remotely.

The troops of the Eighth Route Army have high combat efficiency and strong coordination ability, and the combat effectiveness of individual troops is equally strong.

To a certain extent, if the depth of burial in the ground is more suitable.

We have to find a way to destroy his cavalry first.

The devil engineers also specially carried mine detectors, entered the stronghold and the village in advance to investigate, and found that there were no traps.

After the order was issued, cavalry units from all walks of life continued to rush forward.

The earth-shattering big explosion was violent and sudden.


It's just that when they arrived, the villagers who received the news in advance seemed to have fled. Looking at the messy village, there were even many livestock and supplies that were too late to take away.

After all, there are some special marks that can be seen.

We are about to enter the base soon.

Near, near, right in front of you.

In their view, after this first battle, there is no difference between the so-called Eighth Route Army troops of the Iron Triangle in Northwest Shanxi and the Tuba Route Army in the Northwest Military Region they knew in the past!

The same is vulnerable!
Two Japanese cavalry regiments, more than 3000 elite devil cavalry, divided up to a dozen teams at a fairly fast speed, and went straight to the base of the three iron triangle regiments.

"Sir, what should we do next? Should we wait for the arrival of the main force?"

Seeing that the victory of defeating the Eighth Route Army is easily available, the devil officers will inevitably be greedy for merit.

But at this moment, the offensive situation formed by the devil's cavalry troops and mobile troops advancing through the entire Iron Triangle defense area is quite concrete and clear on the military simulation sand table in front of Ding Wei.

Traditional landmines are often just like sitting on the sidelines, passively waiting for little devils to enter the minefield, whether it is hanging mines, stone mines, chain mines, or all kinds of cleverly set mines.

The current communication methods of the Eighth Route Army have improved a lot.

The wires buried under the ground, like specially elongated earthworms with holes, extend below the ground to the outer line of the stronghold village.

Later, Kong Jie found Dong San, who is now the director of a team of explosives factories and has always been known as the king of explosives in the Eighth Route Army.

The three-way devil cavalry that appeared on the map at this time had fallen into a partial deep trap set by the Eighth Route Army soldiers in advance.

For a moment, it was like a poor wolf chasing its prey. The cavalry of the devils ran back and forth in the fleeing, panicked.

The three-way devil cavalry, which originally had a team of more than 100 people, only a few dozen remnants remained. They continued to whip their horses with whips in a panic, and fled frantically.

There are strong gun towers and bunkers in the stronghold, which are the best barriers against the attack of the motorized troops of the Eighth Route Army.

in the afternoon.

boom -

Immediately launched an attack on the Iron Triangle base.

Cavalry run the fastest, and war horses always need some flat roads.

This is also the rear route used by the devil's various mobile units to retreat at any time.

"These stupid and cowardly Chinese!"

Under the premise of sufficient ammunition and sufficient production capacity, we should give priority to using it to deal with little devils.

At the end, some stones are piled up, or they extend under the roots of trees.

From the point of view of the devil officers, even if they were defeated, they could withdraw from the base of the Eighth Route Army at any time.

The Japanese army commander breathed a sigh of relief, and then took over the gun towers of these strongholds again.

Today, the communication equipment of each ministry is extremely advanced.

Most of them are passive and lack of active aggressiveness.

So the three regiment leaders made preparations early in the morning.

It's just that the traditional mine warfare is probably no longer effective against the little devils.

What are you doing?
Arrange some secret traps in advance in these occupied strongholds, including some villages and towns.

At the headquarters of a team, Chief of Staff Xu Guoan gave the order firmly.

After so many confrontations.

Kong Jie wrote a lot in this regard.

What kind of trap can be done, even if all the Eighth Route Army troops are withdrawn, can they still threaten the little devils who reoccupy strongholds, artillery towers, and villages at any time?

We are not chasing four legs with two legs.

Communication equipment can basically be assigned to each company.

It's even faster.

Just now.

Seeing the ambushes of the Eighth Route Army troops, the devil officers leading the team were not stupid, and quickly gave the order to retreat.

It can only be said that these little devils stationed in the Mongolian Army are still too young to have suffered any losses at the hands of Audio-Technica.

You can get rid of the pursuit immediately.

It's just that the little devil doesn't know all this.

Damn it, these bastards are really cunning!
Seeing the pursuers behind them, the devil cavalry were in a panic and tried to evacuate to the nearest advance stronghold.

Kong Jie said that it is necessary to break through the limitations of traditional landmines that lack active offensiveness, and transform more advanced landmines that can even be proactive.

As Ding Wei said, the best way to destroy the devil's cavalry with high-speed mobility is to confine the devil's cavalry to a certain area, as if putting it in a pocket.

No matter how precious these ammunition are, they are not as expensive as the lives of our soldiers.

The devil's multi-route cavalry unit rushed all the way, as if entering no one's land. After entering the outer defense zone of the three iron triangle regiments, they occupied more than a dozen villages in one breath.

That's it, with the support of this batch of new remote detonating landmines, Kong Jie, Li Yunlong, and Ding Wei hit it off with their plans to use the evacuated empty stronghold blockhouses and even villages to make a fuss.

And right now, the devils dare to take the lead in rushing forward with mobile troops, naturally because the devils re-occupied a large number of forward strongholds, and then used these strongholds to extend forward as transfer stations and logistics stations.

In order to deal with the devil's cavalry unit, a team also mobilized part of the motorized combat unit.

The devil's first offensive method is still the mobile units that the Mongolian Army assisted the First Army to go south, including cavalry, some car squadrons, and armored units.

With such excellent equipment and strong combat effectiveness, they deliberately abandoned the stronghold and retreated to lure them to go deep.

The devil cavalry turned around, but the Eighth Route Army's motorized combat troops behind them had not been shaken off, and they outflanked two motorized troops from the left and right wings again.

After all, the casualties of our soldiers can be avoided to the greatest extent.

It is basically impossible to detect it with the little devil's traditional mine detector. "

To deal with the devils, mine warfare is one of our effective means. If used well, it can severely damage the Japanese army without a single soldier.

These damned dirt roads, where did the motorized troops come from?

Kong Jie, Li Yunlong, and Ding Wei thought about it.

The soldiers of the Eighth Route Army who can be ambushed are not vegetarians.

The Japanese army, which reoccupied all the strongholds, artillery towers, and villages captured by the Eighth Route Army's Iron Triangle winter offensive, took a short rest.

Then rely on the advancing stronghold close to the base of the Eighth Route Army to fight.

At this time, from the surface, the stronghold towers, including some villages, that the little devil easily captured from Audio-Technica were peaceful.

Trap, it's a total trap.

When this batch of landmines is handed over to the front-line combat troops for use.

And below the ground that the little devil could never have imagined.

What a beautiful idea!

"As long as there are enough wires to conduct current, the landmines can be detonated at any time, even if it is separated by ten kilometers or eight kilometers, and blast the fixed point.

After all, it is only when the little devils take the initiative to break into the base area and break into the guerrilla zone that they may be attacked by landmines.

As for the motorcycles used by a team of motorized troops, even the lateral distance required by the modified tricycles is not too large.

Nature is an alternative landmine trap.

The captains of the two devil cavalry regiments were making wishful thinking.

All the devil cavalrymen who fled all the way were shocked when they turned their heads.

The soldiers completely blocked the passes of all mountain roads, main roads, and small roads in a certain area, mounted machine guns, and completely blocked the passage of the devil cavalry with the firepower of the machine guns.


Then dispatch the assault force to slowly close the net.


It's just a mortal body, how can it stop this sudden explosion.

Kong Jiebian insisted:

The follow-up main force can wipe out the outcropping Eighth Route Army troops in one fell swoop.

Around three in the afternoon.

These goddamn Eighth Route Army units in the Iron Triangle of Northwest Shanxi are clearly pretending to be pigs and eating tigers.

Dong San patted his chest and said proudly:

The little devil will probably make a fuss about the territory won by the Iron Triangle's winter offensive.

"Old Ding is right. The devil's cavalry may not be very effective in frontal combat, but if there are too many scattered troops, they will scurry around our base like headless chickens, and it will never be a problem.

The devil also suspected whether there was a trap in the evacuation of Balu.

The officers of the public security army who were familiar with the Iron Triangle's combat style and powerful combat effectiveness when they set off, kindly reminded them.

Large long-range long-wave radios, and lightweight short-wave short-range radios, including American walkie-talkies.

"The Eighth Route Army is so vulnerable. We don't have to wait for the main force to arrive. We should speed up and rush forward. If we can find the main force of the Eighth Route Army first, we will be the first to win!"

With the help of the cavalry's maneuverability and sudden offensive, they can launch surprise attacks on the Eighth Route Army base areas from multiple directions regardless of priority, and they will definitely catch the Eighth Route Army by surprise.

In addition, we have made a special device for detonating landmines remotely.

Together with all kinds of bunkers, gun towers, and brick buildings inside the entire stronghold, they were smashed into pieces in an instant, and they were sent to the sky together.

Everything came suddenly and shockingly.

Just like that, the devil's cavalry ran in front, the soldiers were driving motorcycles, and there was a soldier in the co-pilot with a crooked handle, and kept shooting, chasing all the way.

Rely on these communication devices.

After the violence, there were no bones left.

Not far away, the sound of horseshoes was still there, but the devil soldiers on the horses were already stunned by the scene in front of them.

They even forgot to tighten the reins of the horses. On the contrary, the war horses felt the danger, instinctively hung their front hooves in the air, and stopped urgently.

The ghost cavalry just watched the last hope of escape, and the stronghold not far away turned into ruins in a blink of an eye...

(End of this chapter)

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