StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 11 CMC Power Armor

Chapter 11 CMC Power Armor
Augustus's class started to learn how to operate and use the CMC-200 power armor in the third week. To be honest, the first attempt made them extremely disappointed.

The power armor used for training is all old models that have been eliminated from the battlefield. The surface of the armor is covered with scratches and traces left by shrapnel. Some parts of the armor are seriously damaged, and the internal servos and pads are covered with a layer of frost. of soot.

Armor incompleteness is so common that recruits can give some understanding of the lack of arms and legs in certain armors.

These battered power armors are very different from the shiny steel armor on the recruitment posters, as if they were antiques from centuries ago.

After Augustus got the power armor, he had to clean the oil and soot inside, and use perfume to cover up the smell of feet and sweat left by the previous user.If that was disgusting enough, someone also found solidified vomit and other indescribable objects inside his helmet.

The power armor of the Federal Marine Corps is maintained by a dedicated armor technician. Usually, each platoon will be equipped with an armor technician and two assistants.The main force and the special tactics squad will be equipped with more professional technicians, but there is only one class of technicians in the entire boot camp.

Armor and weapon maintenance is a compulsory subject for recruits, even though all they can actually do is polish and oil the armor.

One of the first things Augustus learned was that he had to develop a good relationship with the armor technicians in his ranks.

On the battlefield, power armor is the only guarantee for marines' lives, and no one wants it to go wrong.If there was only one mechanic in his unit and there was a conflict between them, no one would know if the life support system of his power armor would suddenly fail.

Or more simply, there is an extra electromagnetic grenade directly in the battery unit of the power armor.


For the unlucky old man trapped in this steel prison due to the power system shutdown of the armor on the battlefield, such a failure rate is a [-]% nightmare.

This power armor still has many flaws of the old days, such as the connection gap between its various armor plates is a fatal flaw.The seam between the two pieces of armor at the knees lacks strong protection, the cables a few inches thick for the servos and the marine's environmental combat suit are no protection against bullets accelerated to supersonic speeds.

And at the right angle, fragments of shrapnel and bullets deflected by the armor could enter the seam from above, cutting a Marine's leg in half.

At the same time, the cooling tower used for heat dissipation on the back of the CMC-200 is still using the technology of the middle of this century, which makes its work efficiency far from the latest products of Tarsonis Brubaker Military Enterprise.

Despite these flaws, power armor is still an epoch-making weapon of war. Its solid armor can ignore all light weapon firepower. All rifles and shotguns of all calibers in the earth era can only leave scratches on the armor.

They are also resistant to chemical and biological weapons and nuclear radiation.People have to deal with these tin cans like tanks and heavy armored vehicles, use anti-tank guns and heavy weapons to smash the relatively fragile helmets of marines, and smash the skulls of marines.

In the territory of the Tyrann Federation, the local armed organizations in the fringe areas usually still use the hunting weapons used by their grandfathers, and even the most powerful automatic rifles are not enough to penetrate the armor of the marines. First.

In the diary of the local security officer, often a company of Federal Marines can easily defeat a large-scale rebel army, and it is a one-sided massacre.

Marines have become the most common combat force in the popular science sector, and it will be after the next century that power armor technology will flow into the hands of private armed forces, mercenaries and pirates.

In 2488, such technological barriers were enough for the Tyranid Federation to suppress the Ke Morian army, which lacked power armor, and gain an advantage in the war.

Before touching these power armors, the training camp sergeant will issue a power armor training manual to each recruit.The compiler of the training manual is an army general.

The general at the beginning is very friendly and tells the recruits that operating the CMC series of power armor is not much more difficult than using their father's exoskeleton harvesting robot.

However, every recruit lost the ability to walk as if they had returned to their infancy when they first put on these iron sheets. Beginners with uncoordinated hands and feet could not even crawl on the ground. He could only take a few unsteady steps.

Of course, it doesn't take long for recruits to adjust to the change.

CMC power armor has a set of spine-like built-in skeletons, which can bear the burden of the armor itself for the marines in it, so that they will not be crushed by their own gravity.The use of ceramic synthetic armor makes the weight of the power armor itself smaller. Even the heaviest full-body plate armor in the middle ages of the earth will not be heavier than these power armors powered by fusion energy.

The tactile feedback system inside the power armor ensures that the marines can operate flexibly. It can accurately transmit the movements and other operations of the marines to the entire power through the servo system embedded under each piece of armor and connected by cables. Armor, so that the marines will not be dislocated or sprained due to the uncoordinated reactions between the various parts of the power armor and the human body.

Marines must go through continuous training to make the power armor truly a part of their body, making the armor weighing hundreds of pounds as easy as skin.

This is no easy task for Federation recruits who are new to these new toys, but luckily they still have eight weeks to learn how to operate power armor proficiently.And according to experience and data, even the dumbest recruits can make the armor part of their body within two weeks.

The training manuals and the virtual NCOs in charge of recruit training all emphasize the same point: If you can't make power armor your external organs in a short time, become your third and fourth hands and feet, then it will be the one that bury you. grave.

Augustus has never touched any harvesting robots. His only impression of the power armor of the Tyranid human marines in the Koprulu sector comes from Tychus in the CG of StarCraft 2 Wings of Liberty.

Like every other recruit, Augustus acts like a drunk duck when he first dons his power armor.

Although Augustus didn't believe that the veterans were born to operate power armor, they were still scolded by the instructor who supervised them: "My 80-year-old grandmother can dance ballet in this suit!"

In the eyes of the instructors, the ugly performance of the recruits is as unbelievable as a newborn fish that cannot swim. Faced with their roars, any complaints will be regarded as a provocation to the commander. The only thing the recruits can say is "yes, sir .yes, sir.”.

If "yes, sir." is not loud enough, and the words are not vigorous enough, then they will be questioned by the instructor for not being energetic enough: "Why, I can't hear the voices of you maggots?"

At this time, Augustus and his comrades could only answer in unison over and over again: "We love the Marine Corps! It is the most glorious thing to be a soldier!"

"We are weapons of war! We pray for death! We desire war!"

In the next three weeks, the first thing the recruits get up every day is to quickly organize the housework, and then they will hold a personal information card with a personal number and board a military transport truck.Then the military transport truck will send the recruits to the power armor assembly platform in the barracks, and the modular programmed robotic arm will assemble the armor piece by piece.

The training will last all day, and they will not get a short break until the recruits are too tired to move or when Colonel Mybika makes a surprise inspection of the results of the Marine Corps' ideological lectures.

 Thanks to Aird, Psalm of the Night Sky for the reward, the first deacon in this book!Thanks to Dreams Chenfeng and I always like Slokai for the reward, thanks to Aird, Chant of the Night Sky, zerostart, Glory of Al, Oss, Summer Tired and Autumn Tired, Faith Can’t Change Faith, いいぁぁいい, Qin Guanshen monthly ticket, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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