StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 118 War of Independence

Chapter 118 War of Independence
In the Temporary Command Center of the Revolutionary Army located inside the Palatine Council Hall, Augustus and his Umoyan staff officers are standing in front of a long seat moved from the main hall of the Council Hall. A global map of Korha, with each flag representing a Federation or Revolutionary Army unit of Korhal.

Augustus looked at a flag representing the Confederate Marine Corps barracks near the city of Stilling and said nothing, while the staff officers around him were having a heated discussion.

Soldiers from Kerha's divisions had begun to muster a week before Angus this morning delivered his Declaration of Independence speech.They are transported to various cities by rail train transportation network between the continents of Korha, and the incompetent Korhal government is not unaware of this.

It's just that when the bottom officials learned the news, they either didn't respond and didn't know what it meant, or they chose to conceal it and let others report instead of themselves to avoid responsibility.

Waiting for Governor Keha to get the news that a large-scale civilian armed force is gathering, this distant relative of the Tarsonis founding family is still unwilling to accept such news because of his long-term comfort.When more information poured into the governor's office, he thought of notifying the commanders of the Korhal Defense Force and the Federal Marine Corps to request support from Tarsonis.

On the issue of how to encircle and suppress these armed forces, the two forces belonging to different interest groups, the Keha Defense Army and the Marine Corps, began to shirk their responsibilities, conserve their strength, and put their hopes on the federal army that will come to support them.

After procrastinating again and again, Augustus, who is well aware of the importance of soldiers and speed, has deployed a large number of troops at various strategic locations and heavy factories and star ports that must be seized immediately.

The local Keha defense forces are all Keha people. Most of the defense forces fell to Augustus without hesitation, and the rest combined with the marines had less than 10 people.

Although this is an army with lax military discipline and lax training, Augustus still dare not take it lightly.The advantage of the federal army lies in their solid fortifications, powerful power armor and heavy weapons. Some of the synchronous orbital space stations and starports are facing decommissioning Avenger fighter units and can provide them with strong air support.

In the Keha Revolutionary Army, only the two brigades of the 1st Division of Rundstein and the 2nd Division of Kidd have completed the replacement of power armor and C-14 electromagnetic rifles, adding up to only 6 people.Augustus deployed these elite troops in Stilling, where the Federation had a heavy presence, and Ballik, a heavy industrial city in the southern hemisphere. The attack was launched on time and at the same time, just as Angus began his speech. that moment.

Fortunately, the combat capabilities of the Federal Marine Corps of Keha IV did not disappoint Augustus. Their combat effectiveness was not even as good as the frontline recruits, let alone the resocialized soldiers.

Keha has eight cities with a population of more than 100 million and fourteen federal military bases, five of which do not even require the revolutionary army to attack, rioters infected by fanaticism, defense forces who defected and self-organized militias Take control of the entire city.

There are only about 5 federal marines scattered in multiple military bases, urban barracks, and orbital space stations, and fewer than 3 soldiers actually participated in the battle.When the soldiers of the Revolutionary Army attacked the federal outpost, they even found the federal marines lying on the ground and sleeping soundly because they were drunk.

In just one day, the flames of revolution swept across Keha with the momentum of a prairie fire.

Good news spreads frequently.

But Augustus and his comrades had no time to celebrate. The Federal Marine Corps was not useless, and some Marine Corps that retreated from the front line broke out with amazing combat effectiveness. The area even briefly repelled the Revolutionary Army's offensive, and the Korhal Revolutionary Army soldiers who lacked power armor suffered heavy losses.

No. 14 hours after the war broke out, the number of casualties on both sides exceeded [-], and it was still rising. Private hospitals in various cities began to accommodate disabled soldiers.

The day was accompanied by cheers and cries of bereaved loved ones.

By the afternoon of the third day, Augustus, who had been up all night, was finally relieved to receive the news that the Ranger Air Force Squadron led by Raynor had captured the Federal Synchronous Orbit Base.Unconscious Augustus immediately appointed chief engineer Rory Swan and his team to immediately build an orbital platform and a space-based weapon station on the orbit.

Fifteen of the 22 major battlefields were won by the rapid and powerful offensive of the Keha Revolutionary Army, and the federal army also showed signs of decline on the remaining battlefields.

When the report on the number of casualties was submitted to Augustus, he fell into a long silence.Augustus tried to write down these densely packed, thousands of names, but he couldn't.

In the early morning of the fourth day, the largest military fortress in Keha, the War Plain Fortress outside Stillling City, was declared to have fallen. With the support of Umoyan's railguns and powerful laser rail weapons, the 1st Division's Long Long Destein led his soldiers into the interior of the fortress and killed the enemy commander.

The Plains of War hold special significance for the Keha people.

This is a vast plain facing the city of Stilling. A ribbon-like river flows through this place, and the flora and fauna on both sides are well protected. However, tourists or painters who appreciate the beautiful scenery everywhere have probably already Forget the meaning of the Plains of War, the first war between the colonists of Korha and the Tarsonis.

The Battle Plains is also the place where the original colonists of Korha IV reached a settlement with the federal government of Tarsonis and belonged to the unified regime.Since then, the Federal Marine Corps has been stationed on the Battle Plain, which has long been under the jurisdiction of the Federal Army.Now that the Keha people have regained the war plain, it also means that Keha has re-separated from the federal government.

At this moment, Augustus fell on the chair as if he had been exhausted, and the exhausted staff officers helped him to a camp bed.

Augustus had less than six hours of sleep and hurried to Stilling Town Hall, where he was announcing the election of a new Senate. His father appointed officials from the Pan-Tyran National Federation (PTF), some of whom were also original. Government officials have also been retained.

This is not because they have proven to be clean and capable, it is just that, compared with their lesser counterparts, these people are at least hopeless, and the new government needs them to maintain basic administrative functions for the time being.

Afterwards, Augustus took the spaceship to Stilling Hospital to visit the wounded soldiers of the Revolutionary Army. The death rate of soldiers injured by electromagnetic guns or spider lightning was astonishing, so he could only look sadly at the dying soldiers Declare a suicide note or call your mother's name and close your eyes while you're still awake.

 Thanks to SOGLans, Unkillable Little Hero, Coughing to Death, Agent Rong Rong, Floating Water Canoe, King of Variety Books, kar98k, Rainy Night Needs a Knife Without an Umbrella, Book Friends 20201016000225300, Water Blue Precipitation, Fear Originates from Fantasy, Inaction Monk , DonaldJohn, Fengyun Zhan, book friend 170412100258400, Gloria Vera, Iron Tree, Swimming Baiyun, Qi Xingping, The Way of Destruction, book friend 20180923002546695 for tipping.

(End of this chapter)

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