StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 211 Into the Jungle

Chapter 211 Into the Jungle
This newly completed settlement consists of ten thousand modular single-storey prefabricated houses and more than two-storey functional houses. materials to provide the required energy.

Residential houses are distributed in a colonial grid form from south to north, leaving a wide four-lane asphalt road and an airport for parking transport planes in the middle, which looks like a blue and white grid plate when viewed from the air.

The components of these cube-shaped houses are cast from concrete and light alloys in the factory of Keha IV. The metal housing shells are painted with blue and white primers and painted with whip rings The golden and red logo of the Mengsk family, the wolf head of the Mengsk family and the gold star flag of the Korha Dominion are flying on the command center, which is the tallest building.

The enclave is surrounded by a Plaid steel fortification wall more than ten feet high, and the jungle outside the wall has been leveled by plasma flamethrowers and forklifts, clearing the view for the soldiers on guard on the protective wall.

To this day the inhabitants of the settlement remain skeptical of the usefulness of this defensive wall, and rumors and horror stories begin to circulate among the restless colonists, who believe that the strange alien creatures seem to need only Jump over high walls with a single leap, and walk through them like a ghost.

This settlement of colonists, which was once thriving a month ago, was full of hope, and people temporarily forgot the sorrow of leaving their hometown, and focused on building a new home.

Baishir is a great world to colonize, without even having to go through a lengthy terraforming process to make it habitable.This will be the first new home of the wandering Keha people, and they will inherit the tenacious character of their ancestors to develop this primitive world.

It should be like this.

Next to the command center is the barracks square and the dispatch square, which are also made of prefabricated panels. There is about a battalion of revolutionary army soldiers in red power armor and nearly 13 soldiers in dark gray uniforms holding C-[-] Gauss rifles at their waists. Rod stood upright in the dispatch square, and parked beside them were light reconnaissance vehicles produced by the Keha Military Factory and armored heavy tanks equipped with a heavy machine gun on the roof.

The flag bearer held a bright red flag in his hand, and every soldier had a solemn expression on his face.All soldiers know very well that in this dangerous world, they are the only wall between their families.

The ratio of the Keha people to soldiers is close to an astonishing five to one. In addition to the disabled and special jobs, men and women aged 50 to [-] are required to receive professional military training as a reserve force that can supplement front-line soldiers at any time.

The composition of these soldiers, especially the personnel in the colonial fleet, is very complex. There are both working-class people in the main city of Stilling, the capital, and sea fishermen from the ocean city.

"Slow down, stand at attention." Rick Kidd used the speaker inside his Commander's power armor.

"What we have encountered are strange creatures that have never been seen before. Those monsters are the most terrifying enemies that human beings have ever encountered." Rick took less than 1 minute to lecture.

"On this planet eight thousand light-years away from Keha, there are two highly evolved intelligent races living at the same time. This is a race that is full of malice towards us and refuses to understand and communicate with all peace. Then what awaits us is life and death. war." He was only in his early 20s, but he already acted like a majestic general.

War and cold killing as a sniper make Rick the most ruthless fighter among the demons of heaven. He will never allow himself to betray Augustus' trust or let him down. For this reason, all enemies standing in front of him They will all be eradicated resolutely and without hesitation.

"No matter how long the battle lasts, there is only one final result. Either we kill these monsters completely, or we are exterminated by them. Gentlemen, tough guys from Keha IV, let those proud monsters see what human beings are. courage." His voice echoed over the Dispatch Square.

"When you return in triumph, they will greet you like heroes."

"Fight for Korhal, we are the sons of Korhal," the soldiers immediately shouted in unison in response to Rick.

In the eyes of the people of Keha, the Sons of Keha is not the name of a terrorist organization.In fact, every Korhal who reminds himself to remember the events of Korha's Fall calls himself a Son of Korhal with pride.

The investigators of the Tyrannian Federation will find that among the exiled Keha people, there is no information about the terrorist organization Sons of Keha, or that all of those Keha people are sons of Keha.

"Order all the troops to start from the Alpha Gate, with tanks and flamethrowers in front." Rick continued to order: "Let the bombers go into the air and prepare to deliver incendiary bombs."

"The reconnaissance plane has arrived at the sky where the vulture car company sent the distress signal. It is twelve miles away from us, covered with dense virgin forests. In the complex ground environment, the radar equipment cannot function at all, and the thermal imaging equipment of the reconnaissance plane Only captured fighters can be detected," replied his adjutant.

"Other than that, we didn't find any enemy troops."

Rick's adjutant is named Alan Philip. Like many ordinary officers in the Revolutionary Army, Philip is just the son of a construction worker.As a student, he won a full-year scholarship to the Stilling Artillery Academy with his excellent grades, and he joined the Korha Revolutionary Army as soon as he graduated when the Korhal War of Independence began.

Just like this, the occupations of Rick’s officers before joining the army are also varied. Some of them were pastry chefs or chefs. Many of them come from all walks of life, including elementary school teachers, taxi drivers, art students, and journalists.
The chief speaker of the Keha Council, Angus Mengsk, once declared to his supporters that no matter they were nobles or ruffians, they were willing to defend their homes and the country. This is the great and united Keha nation.

"They're sitting on the sidelines," Rick said. "They're sacrificing the lives of our people to force us to send relief troops, and they're trying to piss us off just to get us out of the cities and into the jungle."

"Then, what awaits us is the brutal hunting of aliens." He said: "Just like the hunters on Korha, they set traps, wait for deer or wild boars to enter the traps, and shoot them one by one."

"That's good, I've been waiting for an opportunity like this. Our warriors urgently need to engage in a fight of sword and fire, facing the real enemy instead of shadow or fear. Otherwise, even if these damn monsters don't kill us all commanders, isolated cities will slowly crumble."

"We became prey." Rick's adjutant Philip said: "Finally one day, humans became prey again."

"Let's go." Rick said as he took over the bosun's sniper rifle from his adjutant who had been with him since the time of the Federal Marine Corps.This sniper rifle is well maintained and shiny.

Because he was worried that the enemy would have a devastating strike capability against the human air force, Rick dared not let all the soldiers march in transport planes.

Rick was at the forefront of the marching ranks in a saber command car from the Kailian war period. The infantry marched in three columns at a speed of three miles per hour through the jungle with complex terrain. The team's Avengers and five Mirages provided air support.

The first six miles were low and flat jungle. The troops of the Revolutionary Army had been marching at a relatively fast speed. When they got deep into the jungle, with the appearance of taller and denser vegetation, Rick had to order the soldiers to abandon the car they were in. Travel through the jungle with only supplies.

This is a green jungle world full of orchids, ferns and early angiosperms. In the plant-covered corners, there are ancient ruins that have been buried by time.

Those grass-gray buildings with weathered traces are engraved with mysterious and ancient symbolic words, and these words will also flash a fluorescent green mysterious light like fireflies in the dark night.

Relics older than the entire history of mankind are buried in the dense forest with lush foliage. Those majestic rectangular buildings seem to be the Mayan pyramids in Central America on the earth, and the circular altar seems to be related to some kind of cruel and bloody sacrificial activities. .

In the distance, the terrazine gas spring permeating the vast primeval forest and grassland is like a straight upward smoke column, rendering the blue sky of Baishir into a magnificent purple.

If they pay attention to the sky, they will find that in the cloud of purple terrazine, there will occasionally be huge paddle fins and silhouettes similar to huge whales, as if there is a group of floating whales swimming in the air.

To this day, human beings have not discovered that there are strange lives living in certain corners of Baishir that are like peach gardens.

As the vanguard of the Revolutionary Army gradually penetrated into the jungle, Rick also led a company equipped with power armor to advance on foot in the dense jungle of Baishir.

A canopy of dense broadleaf gradually blotted out the sun above them, casting a dark shadow across the woodland.The jungle in Baishir is terribly silent, there is no sound of birds or beasts, only primitive insects buzzing on the flowers.

The diamond-shaped leaves of the shrubs were still covered with a layer of damp water vapor, and the uniforms of the soldiers of the Revolutionary Army gradually became damp and sticky.When the vanguard led by Rick got closer to the destination, there was almost no way to follow in the dense forest.

In this case, Rick and his warriors had to use the thorns to cut down the small trees and the tough vines that tangled between the trees.Because the soldiers' vision was obscured by the surrounding environment in the dense jungle, the officers of the Revolutionary Army had to use radio equipment to repeatedly confirm the position of their troops.

Nearly [-] soldiers were scattered in the dense jungle, marching in a search formation, with a distance of three to five meters between soldiers, and the marching ranks of the revolutionary army would stop briefly every ten minutes, gather In the team, the officers report to the commander whether their troops have disappeared for unknown reasons.

Soldiers in crimson power armor walked on the outermost perimeter as the backbone of the team, while more soldiers wearing only ordinary cotton uniforms carried Gauss rifles, gas flamethrowers and heavy machine guns to provide fire cover.

Less than a mile away from the destination, Rick sent out another team of elite scouts, and that team of scouts quickly lost contact with him ten minutes later.

Rick and his men immediately realized that the enemy was nearby.

At this moment, the breeze was blowing the plants under the feet of the soldiers of the Revolutionary Army, and the leaves were rustling. Unknowingly, Rick's face and body began to sweat.

"Sergeant Noyd still has no news. The positioning device in their power armor shows that it has not moved for more than twelve minutes." When Rick's power boots stepped on the slippery grass, his helmet A captain's report came from inside, and a dozen adjutants and guards in power armor stood beside them, walking forward step by step.

The soldiers glanced left and right, using the thermal imaging devices in their power armor visors to keep an eye out for anything in the jungle.As the most elite troops under Rick, their masks are equipped with sophisticated anti-stealth equipment.

Since there is no large-scale stealth equipment in the human army of the Tyrann Federation, it is neither necessary nor costly to equip a large number of anti-stealth equipment. They are all equipped with anti-invisible tactical eyepieces, so for the current colonists, invisible enemies are almost invincible.

This kind of detection equipment has limited functions, so that Rick's soldiers can only observe the enemies inside the field of vision with the naked eye, and this has a fatal dead angle.

Rick, holding the boatswain's sniper rifle, seemed to be able to hear his own heartbeat, and he couldn't help but think of the scene when he held the gun for the first time—he was a human psyker with fifth-level psychic power, When it is focused, the passage of time slows down.

In Rick's eyes, even the shaking of the leaves slowed down, but his thinking was still clear.He listened to the rustling of branches, and the rustling of the grass in the dense forest from time to time.

Rick has been thinking about where he would attack if it was him--

Suddenly, Rick suddenly raised his head and looked towards the sky, and suddenly found a blurry figure standing on a tree that looked like a banyan tree in front of him, from his long dreadlocks and gleaming scarlet eyes Look, this should be the same creature as the monster they killed earlier.

He (it) was wrapping one strong arm around a sloping branch, holding a scarlet light blade about five feet long in the other, and propped his feet on the thick trunk like a Only prepare for the eagle that is going down in a swooping stance.

"Pay attention to the tree at ten o'clock, on the top of the tree!" Rick shouted immediately.

Sensing that Rick had spotted him, the creature jumped from the tree, the scarlet cloak whistling behind it.

The surrounding Revolutionary Army soldiers immediately opened fire on him, but the nail-shooting bullets that could easily shred adults bounced off as soon as they fell on it, and a circular shield avoided all damage for him.

He moved forward with graceful steps amidst the sound of gunshots, and while running, he easily cut off the head of a revolutionary soldier who was closest to him, and then cut off a lieutenant with a horizontal blow. The blood immediately fell from the sky like rain.

Power armor is as fragile as tofu.

With absolute calm, Rick used his illustrious sniper rifle to aim at the opponent's head and fired round after round, while his loyal subordinates ran forward desperately, defending against the enemy's attack while firing. among their commanders.

Along the way, the alien monster chopped down twelve Revolutionary Army soldiers in power armor, and cut the adjutant Philip in front of Rick in two.He was nearly unstoppable until a grenade hit him, staggering and falling to the ground.

He obviously underestimated the power of human weapons and believed too much in his own shield.

When the alien creature roared in a strange language, Rick could only guess from his own perspective that the other party was swearing.

At the same time, Rick shot the opponent in the face one after another until he stopped moving.

"Can you speak English?" he said to the dying creature in a tone of disgust.

(End of this chapter)

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