StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 219 Tadarin retreats

Chapter 219 Tadarin retreats

The war between humans and protoss in the northern hemisphere of Baishir fell into a fierce battle from April 2490 to 4, 22. Both sides were dragged into the quagmire of the war and could not extricate themselves.

The Revolutionary Army used more than [-] heavily armed soldiers and mechanized units from the Alpha Squadron, mercenaries, and special tactics units, while the Tadarin Protoss had less than [-] fighters, hundreds of Dragon Knight mechs, and a small number of powerful spiritual abilities. A large number of high-level ascenders and their slaves.

Under the orders of Marshal Augustus, the frontline commander Edmund Duke restrained himself from leading the Alpha Squadron Elite Guards to head-to-head with the Tadarin Protoss, using superior firepower to maximize strengths and avoid weaknesses.At least Duke would not bayonet Tadarin or use a knife on the enemy—even so, Duke always had such an impulse in his heart, just like his primitive instinct of always wanting to destroy something.

The Tadarin protoss relied on their powerful plasma shield technology and particle light cannons with a caliber comparable to the main guns of human battleships to fight back, using their sub-warp force fields and shuttles to deploy their fighters and assassins on the back of the human army. The weak points in the rear and between the front lines have given the human army a loss that cannot be ignored.

Even so, a large number of human troops are still advancing steadily.The Tadarin protoss far surpasses an ordinary human soldier in terms of technology and individual combat capabilities. A powerful warrior called the Tadarin Bloodblade is enough to kill without any damage before the energy of the plasma shield is exhausted. A warrior who died dozens of times his own body.

But their main disadvantage is that their number is too small.Protoss is a long-lived race, but its reproductive ability has always been at an extremely low level, and the branch of the Tadarin Protoss, which adheres to the tradition of survival of the fittest, has serious internal friction. The brutal internal struggle has made the number of this race increasingly rare. to their kindred in Ayr and Sacoolas.

With the fire support of Alpha Squadron's elite resocialized soldiers and mercenaries and Raynor Rangers who are not afraid of sacrifice, the Tadarin protoss began to show signs of decline and shrink their defenses after 36 Earth Standard Hours after the outbreak of the war. Plasma shields have also become weaker.

Although the Tadarin protoss are still using their incredible portal technology to bring more troops to the battlefield from various forward bases and outposts on Baishir, in the early morning of the 24th, Duke's Alpha Squadron has begun to steadily advance. advance forward.

"The Tadarin heads are starting to retreat." In the command center of the Alpha Squadron, Duke, Renault, and Hanak were staring at the windows on the main screen, which were sent back by the cameras of various front-line command vehicles and fighter planes. intelligence.

It was a sunny morning at this time, and several wraith fighters of the Alpha Squadron were flying over the command center, swinging and gliding like albatrosses riding the wind.Some of the buildings of the Tadarin Protoss have been completely destroyed, and the remains of the black alloy buildings are scattered in the lifted land on the ground like broken glass.

The sun shone on the ruins, and the remains of the building shone with an obsidian-like luster.A particle light cannon erected on the Protoss Nexus opened fire, and the extremely thick scarlet beam swept across a large area of ​​the Alpha Squadron's bunker and the infantry formations marching in line, leaving a line half a mile long and dozens of feet on the ground. In the wide black gully, the Alpha Squadron soldiers who were swept away were vaporized in an instant.

"These bastards." Renault's face began to twitch, and the Alpha Squadron lost at least several hundred people and five arc tanks that had been erected.

However, Duke's expression remained the same. Facing the loss of Alpha Squadron, he would not even blink his eyes, nor would he show any regrets for the death of those soldiers who were already criminals.

To Duke, his soldiers are just pawns used in the war sand table. They don't care about the lives of soldiers or people, and they will do whatever it takes to win. This is a common problem of many Tyrannian Federation noble officers.

"It's unbelievable that we could have an all-out war with the Tal'darine protoss," Raynor said.

"The thing that worries me the most is that this isn't the first alien race humans have encountered."

"For the Tyranid Federation, more enemies will have to force them to mobilize more forces to defend the fringe galaxies." Duke was indifferent to the loss of his men.

"This is to our advantage, because the Revolutionary Army doesn't have many planets to defend, and the Federation has hundreds of worlds after annexing most of the colonies of the Kel-Morian Confederation."

"It seems that you have entered the role very quickly, Duke." Hanak shrugged and said, "But how do you know that those bamboo shoots can't tell the difference between us and the Federation?"

"They don't care if you're a grasshopper or an ant, Hank—but I bet they wouldn't take it out on the Federation."

Raynor said, "Unless their leader is a lunatic who's taken too much terrazine - but honestly, what happened to Baishere is entirely their fault. If they don't want us to colonize this planet , It is entirely possible to warn in advance, instead of massacring innocent civilians."

"But no matter what, we have a complete enmity with the Tadarin protoss."

"We have killed so many people, this matter is endless." Hanak and Raynor had completely opposite thoughts, Raynor was worried about the revenge of the Tal'darin protoss, while his mind was full of Tal'darin this time. Big deal.

While Augustus's generals were discussing the consequences of their conflict with the Tal'darin protoss at Baishir, the command center received a flurry of reports from a frontline force.Reports indicate that the Tal'darin protoss abandoned their base and began retreating.

A company of Alpha Squadron, all resocialized soldiers including officers, was the first to break into the Tal'darin protoss defenses, bringing a rare honor to their commander, Brigadier General Duke.

"See, this is Alpha Squadron." Duke tapped the chest of his power armor with his iron gloves, intending to show off the golden eagle badge on it.

"Tadalin couldn't resist our offensive, they retreated!"

On the screen, it can be seen that the Tadarin protoss warriors are retreating into the sub-warp force field surrounded by a layer of aura around the crystal tower. The Tadarin shuttle and long shuttle fighter that can fly at high speed without propellers at all Just like a gust of wind rising into the clouds.

"Too strong." Although Harnack didn't mean any sarcasm, Duke still showed anger.

"Write a report to the Marshal's headquarters and say that Edmund Duke will dedicate him a palace with a Taldarin pointy head." Duke, with his pointy head and protruding forehead, said to his adjutant .

"Whether I can become an admiral depends on these sharp heads. Then you can wait to bring me tea and water."

(End of this chapter)

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