StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 230 The Man Behind Augustus

Chapter 230 The Man Behind Augustus

Within the territory of the Umoyan United States.

A year and a half has passed since the Fall of Korhal, which traumatized the people of Korhal IV.During this period, more than 300 million Kaha people living in Umoyan watered the barren and mountainous land under their feet with tears and sweat, reclaimed wasteland and built cities.

This generation of Keha people has gradually taken root in a foreign country far away from their homeland. When the new generation of children is born, they can only recall the city of mercury and the verdant greenery of Keha IV from their parents' memories of the past and beautiful songs. virgin forest.

Surrounded by mountains, the main city of New Steeling still has a bit of the splendor and splendor of the old Rikha capital. The city center is densely covered with buildings.The height of the silver-colored buildings decreases from the city hall tower in the center, the round hall of the Keha Council, and the Supreme Court of the Dominion to the residential and industrial buildings on the outskirts of the city, just like the concentric circle formed by a drop of water dripping into the river ripples.

Unlike the cities of Korha IV, which emerged from the settlements of the colonial era, New Stilling does not have the inner city walls and intertwined and complicated urban transportation network with traces of the old era.

The urban layout of New Stilling follows a rigorous and detailed plan, with landmarks, roads, residential buildings and every brick laid out before it is laid.The transportation network of the entire New Stilling City is like grids and oblique lines with sharp edges and overlapping boundaries. It is a regular and symmetrical city, but a bit lacking in agility.

Due to Umoyan's variable climate, extreme weather such as hurricanes and storms make areas with stable environments and suitable climates valuable.Even though Umoyan is a planet with many plains, land resources are quite scarce.Human beings must rack their brains to use the precious land, so the residential areas of high-rise residential buildings have replaced the residential communities and animal husbandry cooperatives that the Keha people have become accustomed to, and become their living and daily life.

It was early morning local time, and the rising sun created a majestic scene, long-wavelength light refracted in the atmosphere leaving lines like citrus veins in Umoyan's bright orange sky. Thin reddish-orange lines resembling sliced ​​blood oranges.The meteor shower that flashed by from time to time flashed away, like fireworks that flickered.

In the beautiful background, the silver-white Huanyu high-rise buildings reflect a bright orange-red light, like a transparent crystal city, and the high-rise buildings are spires forming a jagged horizon.

At the end of the city is a crystal ore processing plant, a gas refinery, and a heavy factory made up of square glass and steel buildings. It uses Umoyan anti-gravity technology to suspend above the city and connects the interstellar space from the surface of the planet to the space orbit. The routes, the thousands of feet of hauling barges, also seemed like black dots on the far horizon.

It seems that the colorful city and the orange sky are still, as beautiful as the paintings made by impressionists.

Augustus stood in the center of a huge circular square paved with square stone bricks, surrounded by soldiers of the Revolutionary Army with fluttering ribbons.This square is located in the center of New Stilling City, between the three landmark buildings of the city, and the tall red city wall surrounds the entire square.

The central square, which covers one-fifth of the city center, follows the name of Stilling City Square and is named after Augustus' grandfather.At the same time, the square is not empty. It restores Keha's Senate House and the cemetery that was originally used to bury many Mengsk and great nobles. Now, tens of thousands of revolutionary soldiers are buried here.

In the very center of the square stood a brass statue of Grandfather Augustus. This stern-faced, short-haired man was wearing a long robe, with two staring Steele wolves lying on his feet.Looking past the statue, you can see tens of thousands of black tombstones with crosses carved on top, each with a bouquet of flowers in front of the tombstone.

A tall monument is engraved with a sentence from the earth hundreds of years ago: No one knows your name, and your achievements will last forever.

This necropolis holds the burials of those who died at the Battles of Korhal, Delarian, Tarsonis, and Mar Sara.The remains of some soldiers have not been taken back. What are buried here are their suicide notes, relics or a sealed gun.

The youngest among the victims was only 16 years old, and the oldest was 55 years old.Before joining the Revolutionary Army, many of them never thought that they would pick up a gun in their lifetime, and some of them had never even seen a gun or a smashed body.

They have many identities, fathers, sons, husbands, wives. Patriots, enthusiastic soldiers who join the army with fearless dedication, or simply social scum infected by the atmosphere and opportunists who want to turn around.But now, these people all have the same identity.

Augustus was wearing the dark gray cloak that had accompanied him in Korhal, Port of the Dead, and Mar Sara, looking up at the sky and the city beyond the square walls.

New Stilling was called the Silver City of the Hills, the Pure Crystal City, Sanctuary of the Korhal, and the Last Pure Place.

After Augustus led the revolutionary fleet into deep space without hesitation, Angus and his staff worked diligently to rebuild a shelter that could protect their people from wind and rain.

Keha's skilled craftsmen, the most cutting-edge scholars in various industries, and the foundation of a nation - the most ordinary people were saved from being destroyed together with the mother planet, and they quickly rebuilt the dignity of the Keha people with their own hands and wisdom .The industry and the real economy recovered in just over a year, and the shame and hatred made even those who had no hope of revenge start to work hard.

The Kehal of Umoyan pursue their almost paranoid creed, that is, to take back from the hands of the Tyranid Federation what is theirs.

The breeze blows over the square with blue bricks and red walls, and there is a strange fragrance unique to Umoyan in the air.This refreshing fragrance has the effect of relieving tension, which is why Umoyans are far less short-tempered than Kel-Morians.The people here are neither arrogant nor cold, they always treat others with a smile.

Far away, there was a train track in mid-air, and a train with a speed of more than [-] miles per hour passed by in a flash.

Augustus knew that the train was full of soldiers from the Revolutionary Fleet heading home to their families.For these soldiers who have fought and sailed with Augustus in the universe for so long, they must have returned to their families with the joy of the rest of their lives.

The unchanging training and oppressive atmosphere on the battleship made the psychological problems in the fleet and various diseases that broke out due to the alien environment have been accompanied by these brave fighters. Time and space navigation is a kind of temper for anyone's will.

Now, under the arrangement of Augustus and Warfield, soldiers of Keha origin in the revolutionary army can land in Umoyan in batches to reunite with their families, even Port of the Dead, Mar Sara and even resocialized soldiers Everyone gets their vacation.

Compared with those soldiers buried in August Square, the soldiers of the Revolutionary Army on the train can return to their families with the glory they want to achieve. When they got off the train, they had enthusiastic Umoyan Army officers Greeted with beautiful girls holding flowers, everyone can get a kiss from a young girl.

Augustus took his eyes back from the passing levitation train, and his eyes finally sat on Rick Kidd who was standing in front of the tombstone. He had just buried his adjutant who died in Baishir and for Protect your own soldiers.

Lundstein stood silently at the grave of his two uncles, four nephews and his father.Harnack was holding Curte Josephine's tombstone and weeping, probably remembering the past when he and the other party competed for food at the Turasis II boot camp.

In addition to them, there is also a demon of heaven named Henry Lane buried here.Like all members of Heaven's Devil Platoon, Henry soon became a senior officer in the Revolutionary Army, leading an elite paratrooper unit.

Of course, Augustus still remembered the demon of heaven who had saved him.

Henry's death had nothing to do with courage or cowardice, but because the battlecruiser he was on was unfortunately destroyed by the Federation Navy in the Battle of Tarsonis.

Thousands of soldiers died with the passage of time like sand in an hourglass. Most soldiers were ablated in an instant in the hot plasma enough to melt the steel plate of the battlecruiser, and because the destroyed battleship was in the midst of fierce fighting Between the parties, there was therefore no rescue.The surviving soldiers continued to fight until the last of them died a painful death from lack of oxygen and hypothermia several hours later.

During the long silence, Augustus always stood upright, like a statue.Kerrigan and the other guards beside Augustus remained silent until a man with the same dark gray hair color and eyes as Augustus walked slowly from the other side of the square.

"Someone told me that you have been staying here these days, burying the dead soldiers with your own hands, and you are exhausted and unwilling to stop."

Augustus followed his gaze and saw Arcturus' face with a neat mustache and bushy eyebrows.Arcturus Mengsk looked at his younger brother, and with that sincere gaze, no one doubted that he loved his brother deeply.

Even though he is not a politician or a soldier now, as a mine owner, Arcturus still pays great attention to his image.

He was wearing a black jacket and matching trousers, with an electromagnetic pistol and a sharp sword pinned to his waist.The finely crafted spindle buttons and the Mengsk family crest on the coat complement this outfit perfectly, and the bright red whip ring badge of the son of Keha adds a stern temperament to him.

Regardless of any status that can show dignity, Arcturus can show his majesty and strength just by wearing a black coat instead of a solemn cloak.

Every member of the Mengsk family is a natural leader, and they always have a poised temperament and a demeanor of not being surprised.If Augustus is the eagle and wolf of Keha, then Arcturus is undoubtedly the lion of the plain.

Arcturus, he means the brightest star in the constellation of Bootes, and one of the brightest stars in the whole sky on earth, and he is the one named after it, he is the brightest Star.

Augustus was named after Octavian Caesar, while Valerian was the name of an ancient Roman emperor.

"We're all very sad," Augustus said, looking at his brother. "We've been through so much, and there will be more to come."

"Anyway, it's great to see you again."

"I don't need to tell you that there is no point in indulging in sadness, Augustus, we have too many things to do, and there is no time to be sad." Arcturus walked towards Augustus with strong steps, Followed only by agents of the Sons of Keha.

The logo of the Sons of Keha comes from the insignia of the Revolutionary Army designed by Augustus himself, but bloody sawtooths are added to the whip.This organization that made Tarsonis nobles and federal officials fearful never concealed the fact that it was a populist terrorist organization. Their clear and only goal was to avenge the founding family and politicians who signed the motion and decree to destroy Korhal IV.

It took only one year for the founder of this organization to shape it into a collection of the darkest and most insane terrorists in the mouth of the Tyrannian Federation Government.Arcturus Mengsk is fully capable of leading an army or a larger organization, but for now, he is only focusing on opening up new mines and finding a new home for Korha.

After all, Arcturus is not alone. Strictly speaking, the development of New Stilling and the Revolutionary Army all depend on his achievements in the mining industry.

In the past, Arcturus learned the knowledge of the mining industry based on his hobbies, but now he is burdened with other responsibilities that he seems absolutely impossible to shirk-protecting his people.

Augustus was leading the charge, while Arcturus almost single-handedly reshaped Korhal's already crumbling economy.Arcturus' goal was much more than that, he forged ahead, only to build an unrivaled fleet for Augustus and revive Korha.

"I know." Augustus agreed with his brother's words.

Arcturus put his hand on Augustus' shoulder: "I heard about your victories. If it weren't for the mine and New Steeling, maybe I would lead the army to the front."

"You don't have to worry about our people becoming refugees, everything is fine in New Steeling." Arcturus said to his younger brother: "Relax to complete what you should do, and one day we will overthrow the tyranny the rule of the ruler, and justice."

"And the Tagore family in Tarsonis will pay the price immediately. Andrea Tagore destroyed Keha, and I will cut off her offspring. For a long time, more than 30 members of the creation family died at the hands of the sons of Keha. people."

"That's not enough," said Augustus.

"...Oh..." Arcturus smiled: "Of course not enough, far from enough."

"I have received reliable information. After repeated confirmations from the sons of Keha, the August National Security Council, and Umoyan agents, we can confirm that the founding families of Tarsonis are sending their heirs and young families Members moved to Tyrador IX in response to the assassination of the Sons of Kehal—" he said.

"Since the establishment of the Tyrador settlement, the undeveloped tourist planet has always been the back garden of the founding families, and they own many industries and real estate there."

"They're scared."

(End of this chapter)

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