StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 291 Zeratul

Chapter 291 Zeratul (6k Chapter)

"Will this work?"

Renault walked towards the fragment of the Xel'Naga Artifact that was suspended between the black inverted tripod brackets.This polyhedron with mysterious engravings on its surface is suspended several feet in the air, emitting a light blue light amidst the flying ash and sparks.

This mysterious irregular geometry is obviously part of a larger whole, which is extremely difficult to destroy.Swann used a hot-melt laser drill and couldn't shake it, and all human detection equipment could not analyze the core of this object.

"What exactly does the person who made it want to use it for?" Renault stood in front of the Xel'Naga artifact fragment, pacing around it amidst the sound of the power armor servo engine running.

Augustus calls in Corporal Faraday and Ghost "Recruit" to ask him what he thinks of the Xel'Naga Artifact Fragment.

"There is no doubt that it is a container, a container for storing psionic energy." Ghost Agent "Recruit" replied: "But it is not complete, otherwise its power may far exceed any weapon we have."

"I trust your judgment." Augustus' words flattered the ghost agent: "When we can put together all the puzzles, it will be a magic weapon that can deal with Zerg and humans."

"...Where does your confidence in this thing come from? The only way I can think of using it as a weapon is to shoot it on a bug's forehead." Renault had a big prejudice against the Xel'Naga artifact fragments.

"Why do we believe that this thing is so attractive to the things on the black spaceship. Or, next, we should set up a trap near here, just like putting oil and spices in a mousetrap."

"Ah, if they dare to come." Duke, who couldn't quite understand what Augustus and Renault were saying, thought that he finally had a chance to show himself.

"They'll turn into a bunch of dead dogs that I'll drown in the water." He gestured viciously, gesticulating, as if he were strangling someone.

"Use your brains, General, we're going to catch someone alive." Renault said, "Or you didn't?"

"Go eat shit, brat." Duke roared angrily.He must have turned blue with anger.

This heir of the Duke family with a bad personality is extremely irritable. Reynolds has become so proficient that he can irritate him with just a few words, and enjoys the appearance of the other party being angry but helpless towards him.

In the final analysis, the completely different ideological education is the root of the conflict between Renault and Duke.

Both Augustus and Reynolds were in control of Duke's easy-to-understand facial expressions.The only redeeming feature of this stubborn, 45-year-old former leader of the Federal Squadron is that even if Duke only has a battleship or even a gun in his hand—as long as he has one, he will rush to face the enemy without hesitation. .

"Jim, you shouldn't treat an old man like that." Augustus tried to mediate between the two, hoping it wouldn't add fuel to the fire.

"Guys, take this artifact fragment to command."

Under the order of Augustus, the Revolutionary Army engineer responsible for transporting the fragments of the Xel'Naga artifact walked towards the command center of the Alpha Squadron carrying boxes and other equipment.

Even Renault had to admit that although Duke was a complete idiot, he was still an old officer with great insight and command experience.The location of the Alpha Squadron's landing site camp and fortifications is so tricky that you can't find any faults. In addition to the command center, there are also a series of marching tents and logistics supply centers.

Duke's experienced engineers found a precious water source nearby, a non-toxic hot spring.After removing ash, sulfides, and other impurities, freshwater processors turn the water into a precious, drinkable resource.

The command center is set up near an orbiting satellite base station, and a water tower is set up on the other side.All equipment is powered by the power reactor of the cargo ship, and these precious energy sources are hard-won on Char.The layout of Duke's barracks is the same as that of other federal noble-born officers, no matter what, it is necessary to ensure that the commander's environment is comfortable.

There are about 2000 Alpha Squadron Marines guarding the base, and almost all of them are resocialized soldiers.All of Alpha Squadron's officers had been replaced with officers and political commissars from the Korha Revolutionary Army, to ensure that Duke, who always liked to act without permission, would not squander the army.

Alpha Squadron is equipped with CMC-300 power armor and has heavy weapons such as electromagnetic rail guns.Except for the inflexible minds of the resocialized soldiers, they are almost second only to the Keha Revolutionary Army's veteran divisions of the Keha Revolutionary Army.

The most elite troops under Augustus are now the Keha-origin Veteran Division led by the demons of heaven such as Long Destein and the Keha nobles, Milan Han's Port of the Dead Marauder Assault Division, Renault Rangers, The Wolfhunters of Tychus and the Sara-born army commanded by former Governor of Mar Sara Pryor.

Governor Mar Sara's forces have been given a new name - Sons of Dante.

The interior of Duke's Alpha Squadron command center was unexpectedly simple and tidy, in the usual military pragmatism style, but medals and weapons were hung all over the walls.

The Chinese staff and officers in the command center were basically dispatched by Augustus alone. In addition to making suggestions for Duke, they also had to keep an eye on him all the time, in case Duke suddenly slapped his head and took the marshal's elite troops to Find someone desperately.

On the entrance steps of the Alpha Squadron Command Center stood Lieutenant Aisha, who was delivering orders for Duke. She was a petite but plump blonde with a charming smile like a smiling cat.

But no one in Alpha Squadron would want anything to happen to her, because she cut off the genitals of eight men over the course of a week before being arrested and turned into a resocialized soldier.

Dangerous crime routines are always the same, and when you pick up a drunk with a boobs on the street, she's probably just sitting on the sidelines.

Augustus doesn't know anything about any of this, he just treats her like a normal resocialized soldier.Some soldiers may be arrested and imprisoned for simply pissing off a Confederate nobleman, while others may have committed extremely heinous crimes.

"Call my elite guard," Duke said to the herald.

"We need anti-stealth equipment. But we don't need to deploy too many defensive forces." Augustus looked at the beautiful blond female officer.

The other just tilted his head, apparently not understanding which of the two conflicting orders to follow.During the time she was confused, Augustus only frowned slightly.

"Do as the Marshal says," Duke said immediately.

"I told you, Duke, those poor fellows who have been neuromodified can also do some work of serving tea and water," Raynor said.

"Or you'd rather have a servant who can only carry out orders than a wise lieutenant."

"No, I'm enough for Alpha Squadron." Duke replied conceitedly, "The real commander only needs one person, and that's the smartest one among the people."

"Aha, it's a pity you're so far from that," Raynor said.

"Slick country bumpkin, don't let me get a chance." Duke said through gritted teeth.

"Then prove to me that you are smart enough, but whether it is chess, poker or dice, you can't beat me." Raynor shot back.

"True ingenuity will not be reflected in these games that are not on the table." Duke snorted.

Surrounded by Renault, Duke, a dozen or so ranger vulture bikers and the elite guards of Alpha Squadron, Augustus walked into the command center, where there were several mobile phones facing the wide tempered glass windows. LED2d display screen, computer console and camp monitor, the commander in it can use these sophisticated equipment to have an overview of the entire battlefield.

"Put the artifact fragments here." When Augustus turned his head to look at the main screen of the monitor, Renault was directing the engineers and soldiers who transported the artifact fragments: "Turn up the power."

On the monitor screen was the satellite map of the Burning Lands. The main nest, Alpha Squadron's outposts, and firepower points were all marked on the map.Cameras monitor the base's main entry and exit passages, and under each camera are heavy machinery and automatic artillery.

Due to the energy waveform of the fragments of the Sarnaga artifact being enlarged, the electronic equipment in the command center became extremely unstable.

"What are you going to do now?" Renault looked at Augustus: "Wait?"

"Jimmy, we're not here just to find them." Augustus found the coordinates of several nearby zerg lairs on the main screen that was flashing garbled characters like snowflakes.

"General Duke," he said.

"What is your order?" Duke immediately showed great humility and caution, which caused Renault to snort.

"While the Zergs there are still in the chaos of killing each other, I want you to destroy the main nests B to E." Augustus circled on the screen a few main nests of the Zerg that he thought must be eradicated immediately , to mark letters manually.

After destroying these Zerg main nests located on the island reef in the center of the magma lake, the Alpha Squadron does not need to deal with enemies from all directions on the ground, and can concentrate on dealing with the Zerg that is gushing out of the volcanic area to the east.

"Call our air strike force and transport ships to launch an airborne operation, and retreat as soon as the target is destroyed." Augustus said to Duke.

"I believe this is what you and your Alpha Squadron do best," he said.

"You didn't read the wrong person." Duke immediately followed suit.

This is indeed the battle that Alpha Squadron is best at, using its fleet and air force superiority to launch an attack.If the army must be dispatched to destroy the enemy on the ground, then Duke will rely on the air force to launch a powerful surprise attack and retreat unscathed.

After Duke led his subordinates out of the command center headquarters, the place immediately fell silent, leaving only Renault, Corporal Faraday, a ghost agent and a few engineers, and the Rangers with the white Wings of Liberty badge on their armor were Guards the corridors and various entrances in the command center.

Augustus was silent for a few seconds, then he opened the mask on his power armor, took a deep breath, and walked to the huge window of the command center facing the magma lake in the Burning Land.

The oxygen and sulfur content in Char's atmosphere is quite high, and the smoke is billowing, as if thousands of Tarsonis garbage incinerators are spewing black smoke.There is a smoky smell in the air, and when inhaled, it will make people feel uncomfortable and dizzy.

It is also dangerous to inhale too much ash fragments into the lungs. Augustus can only breathe relatively clean air in the command center with an air purification system.

At this time, more than five hours have passed since Augustus' army landed on Char. At this latitude of the Burning Land, a day is particularly short.

The sky in the distance gradually dimmed as the sun set, and the orange-red released by the magma lake burned the ashes clouds on the horizon into red.In the golden light of the falling star, two purple moons hung in the sky, and a huge red planet with a halo appeared on the other side.

In Char, the alternation between day and night is as short as a split second.Char's thin atmosphere can't hold the temperature, and the temperature will cool down rapidly.

The fire on the ground became particularly bright, as if the fire forged by the God of Craftsman had fallen to the ground.The Alpha Squadron's landing point base and soldier camp were flickering with lights, and the lights and the red light of the magma complemented each other.

Augustus stood there for a long time, no one knew what he was thinking.Renault didn't bother Augustus, just stood with him.

Perhaps in the eyes of this 22-year-old Shiilo native, Augustus is thinking about the future of the Revolutionary Army.Time passed slowly, and Augustus did not wait for the dark templar he expected, but Lieutenant Aisha.

Lieutenant Aisha delivered a fixed amount of food and water to the command room at a fixed time as usual, and Duke's general meal standard was still higher than that of the soldiers.

"Dinner, please." Lieutenant Aisha had an invariable sweet smile on her face. She didn't know how many more dinners she should prepare for Renault and others without being reminded.

"You should see that there are more than one person here." Augustus took the plate in the lieutenant's hand and said in an orderly tone: "You must"

Just as Augustus uttered a few words, the flickering lights in the command room immediately went out one after another, and all electronic devices and screens went dark.

"Oh——damn, the zerg must have bitten off our wires." Renault cursed and turned on the searchlight in front of his power armor breastplate, and he immediately paid attention to a purple veiled figure that suddenly appeared in the light. Startled by the face.

Black mist billowed in the command room, and the temperature indicator inside dropped by more than ten degrees Celsius in a short period of time. A pair of eyes burning with green psionic flames brought the icy coldness of the void.

Raynor pulled out his holstered Colt Army revolver almost on condition, but the hand holding the gun was immediately grasped by a pair of huge hands with dark purple nails and dark gray skin.

He tried to pull the trigger or withdraw his hand, but now he couldn't move a finger.

The reaction of Corporal Faraday on the side was only an instant slower than that of Renault, but when he was about to draw his gun and shoot, Augustus stopped him.

"Don't fire, keep calm." Augustus looked into those green eyes with piercing eyes: "Tell my guards that I'm just receiving a distinguished guest."

This sentence was obviously addressed to the visitor.

"I'm afraid, there are more than one." Renault is a person who has experienced big storms and has great courage, and he was not panicked by the scene in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, two other pairs of eyes of the same color appeared.Their dark purple robes move without wind, as if a strong wind is blowing around them.Augustus could only tell from the light of the power armor searchlight that the owners of these two pairs of eyes came from a Protoss female and another male.

"Humans. This Xel'Naga creation is too dangerous for you." The female protoss said.

"What you have is power that you cannot control." The male Protoss followed up.

"Soldiers, put down your weapons, you will be guests when you come." Augustus' unusual calmness surpassed the imagination of the visitors, who originally thought that these humans were just another group of arrogant people who wanted to borrow the holy things left by the creator Sarnaga. Generations nothing more.

"Protoss warriors, I think." He said calmly, "at least turn on the lights first, and then we can sit down and have a good talk about the current situation."

"A wise move." The first protoss to appear was clearly the leader of their ranks.After he finished speaking, the lights in the command room were turned on, and other equipment also resumed normal operation.

Before that, he had been observing Renault, Augustus, and the fragment of the Sarnaga artifact without saying a word.

After the lights were turned on again, Augustus was able to see the appearance of the visitors clearly.

The leader was a tall protoss elder.He is a little hunchbacked, and even compared to the protoss's long life, he is already quite old.

His narrow chin is tied with a long dark purple veil, and above the veil is a broad gray forehead with pointed protuberances, which is different from the Aiur Protoss with light blue skin and smooth facial features.

The Elder Protoss wore a purple robe that was soft and woven as if woven by the breeze, with shoulder straps sewn from some kind of beast leather at the neckline, and a belt and arm armor inlaid with green crystals on his body.His robe was quite worn out, full of traces of time, but the elder didn't care about it at all.

"In the name of Adun, I am Zeratul, the leader of the Dark Templar." The voice of the protoss elder in Augustus's mind was hoarse, but not harsh.That is not the sound of dead branches rubbing against each other, but the deep tone of aged conch.

"You are not part of the prophecy." Zeratul stared into Augustus' eyes: "You are not destined, nor do you know nothing about it."

"." Augustus knew Zeratul's character well, so he just rolled his eyes.

This is Zeratul, a dark templar who firmly believes in the prophecies of the Creator Xel'Naga.He never explained a thing clearly and thoroughly, and the opening remarks were always incomprehensible.

And never take the usual path.

"What nonsense is he talking about?" Renault didn't care so much.Seeing that it was the protoss in front of him instead of anything else, the frightened Lei Nuo immediately complained loudly.

"Do not be disrespectful to the Master." The glowing green eyes of the female Dark Templar were fixed on Raynor.

The clothes of this female dark templar look much better than Zeratul's. The dark purple burqa that wraps her whole body is painted with mysterious symbols and patterns. It should be a scholar among them.

"It's you people who have no manners—or Protoss. Why don't you go through the front door?" Renault complained.


The rash Raynor overwhelmed Zeratul and his dark templar.

"Whether you walk through the main entrance is not the key to the problem." Augustus hurriedly told Renault to shut up: "What I want to know is whether you just killed a brain worm."

"Yes, so you will find that some of the zerg have suddenly become crazy." Without any arrogance or mystification, Zeratul answered Augustus's question frankly: "This is the purpose of our coming to this planet— —destroy the zerg."

"But as far as we know, a brain worm cannot be completely will be resurrected by the master of the zerg." Augustus said.

"Both the Juggernaut and the cerebrate are very powerful, but they are not invincible." Zeratul raised his head gently. This may be a specific physical movement, but Augustus now There is no way of knowing its true meaning.

Zeratul held out a hand, the open palm clenched into a fist, and a gleaming green psionic blade instantly shot from the bracer on his arm.The Senleng's psychic blade was completely different from the Templars under Tassadar.

"I killed that cerebrate, its name is Gwen, the Lord of the Silver Swarm." He said: "I used the void power to cut off its connection with the master. Gwen's death is irreversible, and it will no longer Resurrected."

"Gwen..." Augustus muttered the name silently.

It seems that the first cerebrate Sass, who was supposed to be killed by Zeratul, escaped a catastrophe... It has just been revived, and it should still be by Juggernaut's side.But Gwen was out of luck.

"You'd better prove that what you said is true." Renault said.

"I can't prove it to you, but he is dead." Zeratul put away his psychic blade, not wanting to dwell on the issue any further.

"Okay, I believe it." Renault spread his hands, admiring the frankness of this dark templar.

"." Augustus did not pursue further.

If Augustus asked Zeratul whether he had contact with the thoughts of the master at that moment when he killed the brain worm Gwen, I believe that must be the answer.Because you have to go through this process if you want to kill a cerebrate completely, and Zeratul may take it as an honor.

But Zeratul didn't know that this kind of contact was two-way. At the moment he contacted the Juggernaut's thoughts, the Juggernaut also learned the coordinates of the star spirit mother star Aiur from Zeratul's mind.

Al is falling again.

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(End of this chapter)

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