Chapter 294
Augustus is located between a tall alloy steel parapet and a double-layer modular logistics supply station, and a T-280 space engineering vehicle is parked next to it. The lights of the supply station and searchlight tower illuminate the The area in front of the fortification wall was brightly lit.

He and Raynor, Zeratul, and Corporal Faraday's elite guards boarded the fortification wall, watching the Tiamat swarm approaching the base.

This is Charle's night, dangerous yet strangely beautiful.Char's night is not overly cold, because the magma released by geothermal volcanic eruptions provides additional temperature in addition to the star's light.

The flames of the magma lakes and rivers reflected the distant ground into bright red, and the two purple moons and the huge red planet in the sky reminded Augustus that this was a world very different from the earth.

Augustus stood behind the galvanized baffle of the 330mm electromagnetic railgun on the fortification wall, and the artillerymen of the Revolutionary Army beside him were confirming the location of the Zerg Nydus Worm based on satellite images.

This long-range artillery can strike the enemies of the Revolutionary Army beyond the visual range. It is amazingly powerful, but it takes a long time to recharge.

More soldiers were transporting weapons such as rocket launchers, grenade guns and heavy machinery to the fortifications.As the most elite branch of the Federal Navy, Alpha Squadron's equipment is also among the best.

"These humans... so pathetic." Zeratul let out a sympathetic mental wave as he walked past the resocialized Alpha Squadron soldiers.

"Their brains have been altered and they become a completely different person than they used to be, a group of sad prisoners trapped in their own heads."

Even without using telepathy to probe human minds, Zeratul could detect the difference between these resocialized soldiers and ordinary humans in the surface thought fluctuations.

There is a cruel soul in the heart of resocialized soldiers, and the memories about the past have been covered by tampered memories after brain tissue modification.But that part of the brutal and cruel past was just hidden, not gone.

These memories are easy to detect for a powerful dark templar shadow master like Zeratul.Zeratul was thrilled to see a butcher who once loved finding his victims in the squalid neighborhoods of the slums of Tarsonis to kill and disembowel them transformed into a soldier with a dreamy childhood and lofty ideals. It is amazed at the cruelty of human beings and their ruthlessness towards their fellow man.

"They are part of the resocialization of the Tyranid Federation, focusing on reforming those criminals who are considered hopeless, so that these people can work for the federal government again." Augustus explained to Zeratul.

"This is unthinkable among my people," Zeratul said. "We will never harm our own people."

When Augustus looked ahead, the thermal imaging of his mask headset showed that the surging Tiamat swarms in the middle and far distance were nothing but red dots piled up on the display panel.

Some 15 to 20 Tiamat zerg with crimson skin and hardened carapaces were running across the grayish ash layers that littered the giant rock on Char.The numbers may not seem so impressive, but when they spread out on the flat ground, it is like spreading a red flood.

The attack of the Tiamat swarm is definitely not a messy charge, their formation is staggered and orderly, the front is the hill-like ultralisk, and a large number of Hydralisks and springtails appear below it.

Among the roaring xenos of Tiamat's swarm, the larger and deadlier elite Hydralisk individual slayers far outnumber any hive clan that man has ever seen.

Thousands of Overlords and more Mutalisks, Swarm Guardians, and Scourges that existed to protect them hovered in the sky, like black smoke and black clouds.Clearly from another race, these fearsome zerg flying creatures, their yellowed carapaces stand out against Char's moonlight and the glow of the volcano.

With the flying height of the king worm, it is absolutely impossible for a rifle in the hands of a human to hit it.Unless they fly very low, only anti-aircraft guns and fighter planes can deal with them.

"To the west of us, the Garm swarm and another hive appeared in Sass, and they are numerous." Raynor reported to Augustus: "But the good news is that the reinforcements of the protoss are coming soon. "

"Elder." After confirming that he was in the center of the endless swarm, Augustus looked at Zeratul, the dark templar who was also watching ahead.

"The Juggernaut has sent some of its most powerful hives, and the rear must be empty. I think this is an opportunity for the dark templar who is good at assassination."

"As long as we can take this opportunity to kill enough cerebrates, the power of the master connected with the cerebrates' spirit will definitely be weakened." Augustus said to Zeratul in an extremely serious tone.

"This may be our only chance to kill the Overmind."

Augustus didn't think Zeratul could kill the Overmind.

Juggernaut might be the most powerful psionic entity in this universe, but if it could be weakened, it would at least create an opportunity to kill Juggernaut in the future, and that would be enough.

"With so few fighters, how long can you hold on here? Perhaps courage is not enough to bridge the gap between humans and the swarm."

Zeratul was indeed taken aback by Augustus' bold idea, and he saw more excellent qualities in this human being.At a moment when the situation was so bad that it was almost hopeless, Augustus was thinking about how to make a comeback.

"Protoss Expeditionary Officer Tassadar's troops are coming, they will help us." Augustus replied.

"Tassadar, are they your allies?" Zeratul had to admit that the human in front of him would always give him various frights.

"Hail to Adun." Augustus smiled.

"Commander, you know more about the protoss than I thought." Zeratul had already remembered Augustus's name, and he would never forget it in his still long life.

"I agree with your thoughts." He faced Augustus: "The dark templars have been looking for opportunities to sneak into the main lair of the Zerg. The situation on this planet is getting more and more chaotic. The more profitable it is. I will lead my dark templar myself."

"May the Shadow of Twilight bless you all, and we shall meet again soon."

Zeratul stepped back, disappearing in a cloud of black smoke.

"Wow. Mysterious dark templar, but it looks cool, doesn't it?" Raynor whistled loudly: "When will our psykers be able to come and go without a trace like them?"

"Let our psykers learn from Zeratul's dark templar?" Augustus guessed what Raynor was thinking: "I'm afraid it's impossible, Jimmy, but let the dark templar train ours." Agents might be effective."

Renault reminded Augustus that once the relationship between the Revolutionary Army and the protoss is stable and even formally established diplomatic relations, then he can hire the protoss to serve him.

Protoss does not have the concept of human goods trade and money exchange, and their technology has already reached the level of unnatural death rate to the lowest level, but that does not mean that a protoss has no desires, Augustus There was always a way to hire a few templars to train his psykers and warriors.

"That's what I thought," Raynor said.

"The bugs are coming up, and they are starting to attack!" At this time, the shout of a revolutionary army officer nearby sounded.

After two rounds of shelling by the artillery positions of the Revolutionary Army, the densely packed red zerg had already entered the fire range of the machine guns and howitzers, and the ground-to-ground missiles had already been launched into the air.

A thick fog permeated above the Tiamat swarm, reflecting a dim yellow light in the searchlight lights and flares of the Alpha Squadron base.

It was not poisonous gas or high-energy gas gushing from the cracks in Char's crust, but a biological cloud composed of countless tiny organisms, which greatly confused the sight of human soldiers.The smoke formed by living micro-organisms can also shield detection equipment such as thermal imaging, making them unable to see enemies in the smoke.

However, this kind of smoke does not have much practical use except to confuse the line of sight, and it cannot stop bullets and shells at all.As long as the human firepower is strong enough, the zerg in the yellow smoke will not be completely safe.

"See those scorpions?" Renault pointed in one direction.

At this time, the vanguard of the Tiamat swarm was only less than [-] yards away from them, and Augustus could see a slender figure like a snake among the numerous Hydralisks and Zerglings. flashed by.

"There are a lot of them, not comparable to the sporadic one or two in Mar Sara and Antiga." Lei Nuo said with lingering fear: "When we were on the main star of Antiga, many patrol teams encountered such monsters in the wild. , they lurk underground, popping up whenever someone steps into their hiding place, spitting deadly poisonous spores."

"Even power armor can't defend against it. The disease carried by the spores can kill a row or even more people in just a short while."

"We can only send special operations teams and snipers to deal with them from a distance, and we can't let those monsters approach our base." Augustus looked at Renault.

Augustus' order was immediately carried out, and the elite team that was originally deployed to focus on killing hunters changed their target accordingly. They ran around the commanding heights of the long fortification wall looking for outcropping scorpions.

The roars of the zerg, the clashing of carapaces, and the swallowing of saliva seemed to be part of the torrent of the swarm, the sound of waves crashing against each other.

Instead of Augustus issuing an order, the officers in the fortification walls and bunkers on all sides gave the firing order as soon as the zerg entered the effective shooting range.It is not so easy to guard a large base with less than 500 troops, and the firepower points are inevitably scattered and sparse.

At this moment, Augustus went straight to a double-barreled Gatling machine gun mounted on a bracket, and fired a series of bullets at the Zerg below.Reynolds held the Mark Railgun and focused on greeting Ultralisks, Slayers, and Scorpions. Wherever the bullets passed, the wailing and roaring of the Zerg could be heard.

In the darkness, the swarms of Tiamat swarmed one after the other, and when one Zergling fell, more Hydralisks took its place.A huge Thunder Beast ran into a protective wall with a thunderous roar as it ran, and the huge impact force almost tore that section of the fortification wall apart.

The soldiers of Alpha Squadron on the parapet were swept by the ultralisk's huge chitin scythe, spattering with blood.In this case, the resocialized soldiers of Alpha Squadron still stood firm in their positions, even though the ultralisk spattered the saliva on the mask when it roared, they still kept firing.

Resocialized soldiers are not just any emotionless robots, they also get angry when they fight, and the stimulants adrenaline and morphine make them extremely high.In the order of battle of federal resocialized soldiers, they will even be ordered to keep injecting stimulants until they die.

The flaws of these soldiers are still obvious, such as their stubbornness in carrying out the last order when the only commander is killed in battle.

Just like now.

All the firepower was aimed at the ultralisk, but the latter did not retreat because of this, it was still hitting the fortification wall with blood dripping from its body until it was in danger.

Fortunately, the protoss support was timely. More than a dozen golden and blue shuttles flew over the heads of the soldiers of Alpha Squadron, dropping hundreds of templars with sharp blades.Without landing, the Protoss warriors directly use the Protoss phase technology to transfer to the ground.

The shining protoss stick-shaped fighter flew across the sky and dropped several antimatter bombs at the roaring Ultralisk, killing it with ease.

Although the performance and power of this fighter plane has far surpassed that of humans, the Protoss still calls it a reconnaissance plane.

The templars of Tassadar did not land on the fortification wall of the revolutionary army, but jumped directly into the middle of the Tiamat swarm, and a large number of dragon knights and golden beetles appeared in the base.

In just a few minutes, thousands of protoss reinforcements arrived at the base, and a large number of warp cracks appeared in the middle of the base. Obviously, the protoss were warping the defense building from their home planet Aiur.

"It's really a hunk that fell from the sky," Augustus said.

A protoss dragon knight jumped to a place not far from Augustus. His shining mecha with four walking limbs seemed to be made of gold, and was inlaid with brilliant blue crystals and gems.

"I am Taldarin, Grand Consul Praetor (distinguished from White Ball Archon, Consul, in fact, these two are different positions, but the translation is the same) and the commander of Dragon Knight." Dragon Knight said.

As the earliest dragon knight mech manufactured by the Protoss Kalai Phase Technician, it is still polished like the sun after thousands of years.

The Dragoon armor came out at a time when the Protoss were still using solar shards instead of the current Kedarin crystals to power their warships, buildings, and weapons, so the Dragoon's firepower is also quite impressive.

Compared to now, Taldarin's weapon system is still advanced enough.

"Humans, we have detected a large number of human psychic signals around here, what's going on?"

Taldarin walked towards Augustus, his long mechanical limbs rattling against the fortification walls.

"Ah, I feel the power of the void, what a familiar and sad power." After walking a few steps, he suddenly stopped.

As a powerful and respected consul, he was stunned, and his sad voice sounded in Augustus's mind.

"It reminds me of my old friend Arden."

"Oh, you have a really good nose." Renault shrugged.

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(End of this chapter)

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