StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 301 Invasion of Al

Chapter 301 Invasion of Al
"what does that mean?"

The Taldarin in the ice-blue life-support fluid of the Eragon Mech's reservoir seemed to be in the middle of the ocean, and some white-glowing bubbles flashed before his torch-like eyes.

"You want Tassadar to violate the order of the Supreme Council and refuse to step down and return the command of the fleet." Taldarin immediately read the direct link to this passage in Augustus's superficial thoughts. Meaning - This true thought of the human heart speaks for itself.

"That's right." Augustus watched Taldarin's long dragon knight mechanical limbs cross several huge black rocks, and stopped uneasily on the edge of the crater.

Taldarin's reaction was the same as that of the templars present, shocked, shocked, and at a loss.

For the high-ranking templars, this is undoubtedly a bolt from the blue. Executor Tassadar is considered an outstanding leader comparable to Adun. He is wise and knowledgeable, and he is full of enthusiasm for the people and institutions he wants to defend. .

Tassadar was considered the most eminent military leader since his time as Executor, he was also the most tolerant wise man and mentor.But after the Supreme Council decides to try Tassadar, the revered Executor will lose all glory, even humiliation.

Never before has an executive officer in charge of a fleet been brought back to stand trial during a major war, which is both a great loss of reputation and an insult to the person being tried.

The people of the Protoss Empire would not be told that Tassadar disobeyed the order of the Supreme Council out of pity for mankind. He would only become a sinner, a templar who dared to disobey the order of the arbitrator in the Supreme Council.

"Things have really reached the point of no return?" Taldarin walked past Augustus and Zeratul, and his voice reflected in their minds was like waves in a strong wind, smashing the boulder with waves roar.

"I still can't understand the actions of the Supreme Council." Even Zeratul didn't believe his words: "Perhaps this is due to the far-sighted considerations of the arbitrators and other irresistible factors."

"The Supreme Council cannot tolerate an executive officer who will disobey the orders of the Supreme Council, because it was Arden who once disobeyed the order to execute our ancestors, so that the ancestors of the Dark Templar escaped to Sagu, the star of the immortal dawn Russ."

Although the history of being expelled from the Supreme Council made the Dark Templar loathe and hate him, Zeratul still did not believe that the rulers of the Protoss Empire would issue such an order without any long-term thinking.

All templars consider Adun a perfect, glorious hero, but he also defied the orders of the Supreme Council, sheltering the ancestors of the dark templar and teaching them how to use the forgotten void spirit can.

"Anyway, you won't know until you return to Tassadar," Augustus said.

"You can leave Char on our spaceship." Zeratul took Augustus's words and said, "These spaceships are equipped with ancient and advanced Xel'Naga technology and invisibility devices, which can send everyone out of Char." Char."

"Aren't you going to leave with us?" Renault was very smart, combining the conflict between the dark templar and the templar, he immediately understood Zeratul's approach.

"The Templars will not welcome us." Zeratul made a farewell gesture to Taldarin: "May Adun bless you."

"...I'm afraid it's not as simple as not being welcome." Taldarin put away his uneasy emotions, and said after listening to Zeratul's words carefully.

"After Adun, all the Protoss in the Protoss Empire were instilled in the knowledge that the Dark Templar is evil and there are terrible legends about it." Taldarin read his concerns from Zeratul's mind , and expressed understanding.

"Even Tassadar has been greatly affected, and his choice to cooperate with the Dark Templar may simply be the best choice in the war situation."

Taldarin is one of the very few protoss who survived the Eden era and knew the truth about the exile of the dark templar. If he hadn't led the landing army, Zeratul's dark templar would have drawn their swords when they met .

"How do you say, then when can we leave this ghost place." Tychus threw the cigar on the ground and crushed it, and spat.

"If you've already made up your mind, you'd better hurry up. Char, a place full of smoke, is about to give me prickly heat on my ass. The air here is also terrible, and the sun can kill people."

"It's all because of you, you have been smoking and drinking in the power armor." Renault complained, "Tychus, the doctor has been reminding you that you may suffer from lung cancer or other intractable diseases."

"The spaceship is right next to it." Zeratul was not displeased by Tychus' rudeness and disrespect, because this muscular Tyranid hunk was the image that the Protoss had always recognized for humans.

Greedy and cunning, overindulgent, selfish and cruel, cruel and vicious.

Augustus and Raynor constitute the only positive image of the human race in Zeratul's impression.

When Zeratul was speaking, several dim black protoss spaceships appeared in front of Augustus and others in the light distortion. They were the strange spaceships they had seen in the high-altitude orbit of Char before.

Compared with the golden and blue spaceships of the templars, the spaceships of the dark templars are restrained and low-key, and they also pay more attention to stealth and detection and interference technology, which is to cope with the pursuit of their Aiur brethren.Nevertheless, these unobtrusive black spaceships are also full of artistic beauty.

The hatch of the spaceship opened amidst the melodious chants of the crystal matrix, and a soft green light shone inside.Tychus headed straight for the ship without any remembrance.

"Are you still staying with Char? There are many dangers here." Augustus said to Zeratul.

Although the Protoss spacecraft can directly load passengers on board through the warp matrix, they will also set up gangway entrances composed of openable plastic energy curtain walls and light bridges to deal with emergencies.

"We must stay here to monitor the overlords and cerebrates, looking for opportunities to kill them." Zeratul replied: "This is the duty of the dark templar, and this is the mission of the Nerazim family."

Zeratul's psychic voice sounded deep and magnetic, perfectly fitting Augustus' perception of what a wise elder should sound like.He is the kind of elder who has countless experiences and stories as soon as he hears it, and the kind of loving elder who can make the noisy children calm down and listen when he tells a story.

"Elder, we will definitely have a chance to meet again." Augustus has always called Zeratul "Elder", which is another consistent address for this dark patriarch.

It was also acceptable to Augustus that Zeratul would stay on Char, which meant he at least had an exact position to know where the other party was.

"Dark Master Zeratul, maybe you can seek help from your matriarch Razagal." When Taldarin was about to hitch a ride with the Dark Templar and leave, he said to him that he was still in Char's low-earth orbit. Dozens of spaceships on board issued an order to retreat.

"If more Dark Templars could join the fight against the Zerg, we would have a chance to kill more Cerebrates."

"I will consider this suggestion." This is undoubtedly Zeratul's self-deprecating statement: "I have been away from my hometown for too long. I don't know if the people of Zaguras still remember their brother."

After Augustus finally said goodbye to Zeratul, he and Raynor walked into several spaceships of the Dark Templar, accompanied by the Marshal's Guard and the High Templar of Taldarin.

The interior of the Dark Templar's spaceship looks the same as the Xel'Naga spaceship Void Seeker, except that the light source is more abundant.

In the cabin is a huge dark black metal seat and a deep purple silk cushion similar to a futon. In the recessed niches on the four walls of the cabin, green crystals carefully carved by dark templar craftsmen are placed.

There is no pilot in the spaceship, but the operating system is not much different from that of the El Protoss, and the words and numbers used have also not changed. After all, the Dark Templar is also a branch of the Protoss Empire.

Several spaceships lifted off in a burst of harmonic resonance of the matrix, pushing aside the dense ash cloud of Char space-time and sailing into space.

At this moment, Zeratul has become a black spot in the mountain wind, above the dominator's nest are zerg flying creatures covering the sky and closing the sun, guarded by hundreds of millions of king worms, different dragons and swarms. The latter is jumping into the wormhole above, accompanied by asteroid-like Leviathans.

From a high altitude, it looked like a black smoke pouring into a black hole.

The ships of the Dark Templar traveled at breakneck speed, silently and silently passing through the dense zerg flying creatures in the high orbit of Char in a state of stealth.

When entering the detection range of the expeditionary fleet on the edge of the galaxy, these spaceships were quickly detected and were almost locked as hostile targets by the weapon system.

While waiting for the spaceship to arrive at the fleet, Augustus rested on the seat cushion of the spaceship for a while.

At this moment, Augustus realized that the stimulant shot he took last night was about to wear off, and when the headache and dizziness were about to hit like a tsunami, he gave himself another shot.

For at least two days after that, Riogus would have to regret his decision at this moment, but at this moment he must not fall down.

Augustus realized that the euphoria and refreshment of stimulants were simply intoxicating compared to the extreme exhaustion and severe headaches that accompanied the side effects of stimulants.This is why Lisa Keshidi became addicted to it. If humans can develop a strengthener with fewer side effects, then it will definitely be welcomed by the army.

He sat on the cushions of the cabin for a while, and almost immediately calmed down.The seat cushion is emitting some kind of calming negative ions, which is necessary for the dark templar to meditate.

Hardly felt any turbulence, when the light curtain hatch of the spaceship opened again, the light inside the Star Shuttle immediately shone in.

"Damn it, is this a palace made of gold? Maybe I can trade this thing for a lot of money." Tychus' eyes lit up as he stepped on the golden deck of the Star Shuttle dock.

"This is really—a miracle." When Tychus was uncontrollably doing his job of stealing sheep and stealing sheep, Raynor, Corporal Faraday and others made voices of amazement.

If it is said that human battlecruisers are still limited by the age and technology and must compress the space of various cabins and cabins, then the deck of the flagship Star Shuttle of the Protoss Empire Expeditionary Force does not have the cramped space and dim lights at all. depression.

The dock deck of the Star Shuttle is unusually wide. Hundreds of interceptors with butterfly wings are neatly stacked on several wide platforms that are constantly rising and falling, like golden butterflies crouching on leaves.The field of vision here is wide, and you can see the distant control core and the relay matrix made of blue crystals at a glance. Those crystals cut into regular hexagons are like blue neutron stars, constantly radiating outward like waves. Light, brilliant and dazzling.

The ground under their feet was also engraved with leaves and curly vine-like patterns with the ingenious skill of the protoss Kalai engineers. The walls were covered with blue light curtains, and behind them were exquisite carvings and wooden decks.

Above their heads is not a ceiling but a gradual starry sky. The brilliant and charming starlight casts through the upper deck plasticized by energy, giving people a wonderful feeling that they are in the universe.

In the dock and the wide corridor leading to other directions, there are hundreds of protoss phase technology in blue robes and mechanical servants in the shape of tropical angelfish, and templars in armor stand like statues on both sides.

To Augustus' surprise, Tassadar was waiting for them on the shipyard.

"It makes me happy to see you, Marshal Augustus." Tassadar said kindly, not seeming to be frustrated or angry because he was dismissed: "General Duke's soldiers have been properly Hospitality, the wounded are also being treated."

"Now, you are the commander of this fleet, great consul Taldarin." He turned to Taldarin beside him.

"I'd rather not get this appointment." The distance between Taldarin's eyes seemed to shrink a bit: "You are the executive officer who deserves this honor, not to be sent to Hui Aiur for trial."

Since Kas, the founder of Kala, established the initial order after the turbulent catastrophe, the arbitrator class is the group of people who define the law and issue orders, and the templars who are warriors are the executors of these orders.They are just people who carry out orders.

"It sounds like this supreme council is as unreasonable as the federal council." Tychus lit a high-end cigar imported from Antiga star port in this gap.

Tychus' recent financial status can be seen in the quality of the cigars he smokes.Tychus doesn't know what good people do when he's short of money, but he knows what bad people do.

Usually, Mr. Tychus was in a bad mood at such times, especially after being left with Char for so long.

"Those in power only care about whether their authority has been damaged, and don't want to hear even the slightest voice of opposition. There is only one way to deal with this kind of person, and that is to smash his mouth."

"It doesn't matter, I was ready when I decided to go against the orders of the arbitrators to help human beings." Tassadar is a philanthropic person, he cares more about others than himself, this kind of kindness even crosses the barriers of race Gap: "Taldarin, you must not have heard the bad news from our homeland."

"Just now, the executive officer Moyo who was cruising the Edna galaxy told me: Although I don't know where the sudden enemies come from, Aiur is being attacked by Zerg."

(End of this chapter)

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