StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 303 Augustus and Tassadar Allied Forces

Chapter 303 Augustus and Tassadar Allied Forces

"Repeat, the fleet is heading for Aiur. Go home, sons of Aiur. Your loyalty is immeasurable." Tassadar conveyed his order on the communication network of the Protoss Koplu Expeditionary Force fleet for the last time .

"Hats off to Arden."

"." Behind Tassadar, the Grand Consul of the Templars, the dragon knight Taldarin, turned around and prepared to leave with his subordinates, leading the rest of the fleet back to the home planet Aiur.

"Listen, Tassadar, my brother, heir to the glory of Adun. For years to come, you will be considered a traitor, stripped of all honor, merit, and even dignity. You will lose what you once had everything, alone," Taldarin said to Tassadar before leaving.

"But you must remember that Aiur will always be your home, and the Templars welcome your return at any time."

"Thank you for your instruction." Tassadar lowered his head again, his chin pressed tightly against the armor on his chest to show respect.

Taldarin led his high-ranking templar and Valari warriors to the teleportation platform on the bridge, and the sound of footsteps gradually faded away.

At this time, Augustus was standing next to Tassadar, shoulder to shoulder with the former executive officer who had angered the Supreme Council for disobeying orders, and their respective followers stood on both sides.

This is an unprecedented scene. The human warrior in the golden-red alloy steel power armor and the protoss executive stand together, discussing their views on the current matter with each other as two leaders.

"The Supreme Council of the Protoss Empire stripped you of your power and is determined to shame you for it." Augustus said to Tassadar: "You don't have to carry out their orders, Executor. You have your own judgment criteria for the wrong standard.”

"Tassadar, you are one of the rare few who place the honor and dignity of the people above command and authority. You will do anything to uphold the nobility of your race, even if it means tarnishing your own name."

Outside the porthole of the Protoss Expeditionary Force flagship Xingshuo bridge, several huge protoss aircraft carriers driving side by side are adjusting the deflected course, and their elegant streamlined ships are like a whale flipping in the ocean.Several direct flight formations composed of shuttle planes, reconnaissance planes, and carrier-based interceptor planes passed by the portholes, and their golden ship shells shone brightly under the light of the Char binary star system.

Even with the loss of many warships in the battle with Char and the Zerg, the size of this magnificent fleet is still quite large.

"Are you trying to teach me, as a...young human?" Tassadar's voice reflected in Augustus' mind turned into an anthropomorphic hearty laugh: "Augustus Mengsk, you see very Whether it's about me or about this matter, it's almost like, you've known me for a long time."

"You're not the first to say that," Augustus said with a smile.

Tassadar paused here: "The Supreme Council not only believes that my disobedience to the order is a challenge to the arbitrator class and an intolerable transgression, but also an unforgivable...criminal act."

He was cautious in using the word crime. In the social system of the Protoss Empire, crime was often associated with harming or betraying fellow citizens.

Augustus felt that Tassadar was mourning the very word: "You just did what you thought you had to do - rejecting the unnecessary, cruel orders of the Conclave. Is to cleanse all human planets, the zerg's The threat is still there."

"As a human being, you can actually understand me. Protoss and human beings are intelligent creatures with rich emotions, and sorrow and joy are interlinked." Tassadar's voice reflected in Augustus's mind dragged on for a long time, like It was a lament: "The Supreme Council put itself in an extremely extreme position from the very beginning. Even if a human planet is only possibly infected, it must be purified with flame immediately."

"And I don't want to do that, I'm determined to do it in a way that protects our people without hurting the innocent -- sending an army to wipe out the zerg instead of burning a planet that supports the beauty of life," he said.

"This is a decision based on extreme rationality and ruthlessness. Destroying all human-infected planets is the fastest and most effective way to eliminate all zerg and infection, and it can also prevent the genes and biomass of an entire planet from becoming zerg. Nutrients for evolution.”

"There is nothing wrong with this. After all, the proud Supreme Council has never taken human beings seriously from the very beginning. In their eyes, we are no different from real bugs that can be trampled to death at any time." Augustus He said angrily: "After all, they don't need to think about other races. If the roles are reversed, humans may only be more ruthless."

"The teachings of Dawu once taught us to protect other weak races and fulfill our duties as children of God, but now the Supreme Council has completely left this behind." Tassadar knew that from the position of the Supreme Council, There is nothing wrong with preserving the Protoss at the expense of humans.

The arbitrators in the Supreme Council of the Protoss Empire are those elders who are considered to have excellent vision and statesmen who can ensure that the Protoss continues to walk on a glorious and correct path.For these arbitrators who have a very deep understanding of Kara's teachings, abiding by the system of the ancestors is more important than anything else, and the peril of the empire is above all the protoss and everything.

"Even the templar class, which is considered to be the most noble, loyal and brave, has begun to suffer from corruption and internal struggles over the years, and the gradual degeneration of the arbitrator class has made some arbitrators who are unworthy and unworthy of the name enter the Supreme Council .” Apparently Tassadar was not happy with the Supreme Council for a day or two.

"Corruption and corruption are unavoidable in any system. When they are rooted in a solidified ruling class, the Protoss Empire will be in trouble."

"From this point of view, the arbitrators in your Supreme Council are nothing more than the federal council of the Tyrann Federation." Reynolds said, "They are all frozen fish with cold blood."

"It's ironic, now it's your turn, little protoss." Tychus, who was standing behind Augustus at this time, spoke, he was feeling gloating, and showed it nonchalantly: "How about , Is it time for your Supreme Council to make up its mind to burn Al?"

Tychus didn't care if an alien he hated would take offense at his words or just beat him up, but he wouldn't mind getting into a fight with an awesome protoss.

"I can understand your anger, like I can see the good in you through your soul," Tassadar said.

"It must be pitiful." Renault laughed loudly.

"Don't peek into my brain, or I'll make you damned protoss-headed," Tychus yelled, thinking it was Tassadar's answer to his sarcasm.

"Want a fight? You stupid."

"Enough, Tychus, we are the guests." Augustus stopped Tychus, who was taking the opportunity to explode: ""You idiot, I will deduct you for next month...and the next month month's salary. "

"What. What did I do wrong? Just because I said something to that protoss? He's not your father." Tychus couldn't remember a time when he had angered Augustus.

"Damn Tychus, you just said not long ago that Augustus is like a bitch, and you know he hates it the most." Raynor reminded Tychus, "Just because he says he doesn't care, doesn't mean he doesn't." Will retaliate."

"Oh little Augustus," Tychus said angrily, "Looks like I won't be seeing those sweethearts in the club for a while. You'll have to pay, Jimmy, for the sake of the past, You can't just ignore death."

"Come on, I didn't promise this kind of thing." Renault emphasized that he is a man with a wife: "I won't go to that kind of place with you again."

"Just help me pay the bills, as soon as I have money." Tychus rolled his eyes.After joining the Revolutionary Army, Tychus had far fewer avenues for money, especially with Augustus watching him closely.

"Where are you going and what are you going to do next?" Augustus ignored Tychus' complaints, turned to Tassadar, and prepared to pull him into his gang.

". Next, I will continue my mission with the Star Shuttle - to destroy the Zerg in the Koprulu sector, protect other races, and find a way to fight the Zerg. Until my hometown, until Ayr needs it again When I am." Tassadar said truthfully.

"This is exactly what my Keha Revolutionary Army is doing." Augustus said immediately: "Maybe we can form a coalition army and act together."

Augustus believes that Tassadar, the exec of the Protoss Expeditionary Force who fled, has now obtained his own script, but he just lacks a little resistance.

Tassadar has not thought about overthrowing the rule of the Supreme Council of the Protoss Empire. He still believes that although the Supreme Council has begun to become pedantic, self-styled and paranoid, and even wants to judge the executives they once trusted, everything has not yet When Tassadar and the Supreme Council meet swords.

"Allied Forces." Tassadar was surprised. He looked at Augustus, and then he understood in his heart: "Yes, now we all have a common goal. This is rare, a common enemy, and a common pursuit."

"Let's save the world together, Tassadar, we will become the heroes of humans and protoss." Raynor threw away Tychus, who was starting to cheat. As an idealistic youth, Raynor still firmly believed that he was saving the world.

Most of the soldiers of the Revolutionary Army, represented by Raynor, believe that what they are doing is a great cause that will definitely bring about changes to the Tyrannian humans. After the Zerg invaded the Koprulu sector, fighting for the human race made this goal seem obvious. more grandiose.

"Heroes? He is a hero if he can be praised." Tassadar remained silent.

In his opinion, Raynor is too young, even a protoss in his 200s would be considered too young to be responsible.However, Reno's sheer integrity and ideals impressed Tassadar.

Tassadar felt lucky. Augustus and Raynor, whom he had contacted the most, were the most upright and charismatic people among human beings. Under the background of Tychus and Duke, these excellent qualities It is even more commendable.

At this time, the Protoss Expeditionary Army fleet moored at the edge of the Char galaxy began to move, and a black space-time rift appeared in the center of the Protoss fleet, like a black hole that was sucking the ship into it.

Hundreds of protoss aircraft carriers, shuttle frigates, reconnaissance aircraft, detectors, and other butterfly star and needle-shaped protoss spacecraft are leaping into this space-time rift, countless shining gravity thrusters and auxiliary high-energy plasma propulsion The spatio-temporal wake is like ice-blue suns.

When these protoss warships show up again, they will appear in the stargates above Aiur and in high-altitude orbit under the guidance of the fleet beacons.

Both Augustus and Tassadar noticed that some of these battleships did not follow the rescue fleet into the space-time channel.After all the returning warships entered the space-time channel, the warships that stayed in place remained at their original positions.

At the original point in time, when Tassadar announced his rejection of the Supreme Council and ordered the fleet to return to Aiur, the Overlord had not yet learned of Aiur's coordinates.When Tassadar traveled to Char in search of the Queen of Blades, Tassadar had only one Star Shuttle by his side, but now he thought he needed the support of a small fleet.

Tassadar respected the choice of everyone in the expeditionary fleet, and those who were willing to follow him would stay, and the rest would return to Aiur.

Now Tassadar's fleet, including the flagship Star Shuttle, only has 22 aircraft carriers and hundreds of small and medium-sized warships and ships attached to it. Run amok.

After a while, a thud of metal boots came from behind Augustus.Augustus was convinced that it must be the reckless and rough footsteps of humans, because the protoss were a race of elegance and nobleness like cats, and their steps were extremely orderly and quiet when they walked.

"Marshal, the medical equipment of Protoss is really advanced, our wounded." Duke rarely praised Protoss a few words, presumably the medical technology he saw must have shocked him, otherwise he was blunt and never reluctant to praise others Duke would never let go - but soon Duke's words were interrupted by Tychus who approached.

"Even the nobles have no money to lend you." Duke looked at Tychus' old face: "I don't care how you got the money, by stealing or robbing? Be some country bumpkin and uneducated people Just do what you have to do... If you have any face and dignity, get the hell out of here, you stupid ass."

"Call our soldiers and wounded, and we will return to our spaceship immediately." Augustus looked at the timer on the face display of the power armor, and realized that his third shot of stimulant was about to expire.Before he could show his ugliness, he still had to return to his flagship Huberian.

Through the communication channel inside the power armor, Augustus contacted the deputy captain on duty on the Huberian, but he heard bursts of extremely hurried footsteps.

"What happened? Colonel Ryan." Augustus asked the other party.

"Marshal, I finally got in touch with you." Lieutenant Colonel Ryan's voice was full of surprise: "The fleet of the Nova Squadron found and surrounded us 10 minutes ago, and at least thirteen Behemoth-class battlecruisers are approaching us. Incoming, Holler's Nova Terra ahead."

"Prepare to fight back, Lieutenant Colonel, report the coordinates, and the support will arrive soon." Augustus said decisively.

"Yes, sir!" The lieutenant colonel didn't ask who the support would be and when it would arrive. Since Augustus said it, there must be one.

"The Federation bastards in the Nova Squadron must not have thought that we just caught the line of the Protoss." Raynor said.

"Well done!" Tychus realized that he might not have a lot of loot before long.

"Tychus, the demon of heaven, is about to appear."

(End of this chapter)

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