StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 305 25 Boys

Chapter 305

The flagship of Nova Squadron suffered heavy damage and deviated from the original course under the impact of kinetic energy.If this warship is a fish in the ocean that was bitten off half of its body by a shark, then the flames and parts that spew out from the gap are internal organs and blood.

The other two warships of the Nova Squadron gave up their pursuit of the Heir of Thunder, and lowered their hatches to receive the lifeboats that sailed out of the flagship's ejection bay.The other federal battleships began to move towards the starboard side of the flagship at high speed, and the naval guns fired orange-red barrages while moving.

The main engine compartment of Colonel Holler's flagship, the Nova Terra, was completely destroyed. The violent explosion was tearing apart and dismembering the badly damaged ship. It was only a matter of time before it "sinked".

Directly below the bridge of the Star Shuttle, dozens of Protoss shuttles are heading towards the Nova Terra at high speed in the light of the carrier's traction matrix, escorted by thousands of reconnaissance planes and carrier-based interceptors, like a golden torrent.

"You want to participate in this landing battle?" Tassadar looked at the battlefield ahead.

When talking face-to-face with the protoss, they would not only project their thoughts directly into Augustus' mind, but also project their emotions.

Destroying a behemoth-class battlecruiser that humans are proud of will not be more difficult than crushing a flying insect. The gap between the Protoss Empire and human civilization is as big as that between humans and monkeys.Protoss motherships have cruised the fringes of the galaxy thousands of years ago, capable of manipulating time and even creating a short-lived black hole.

But in the eyes of Tassadar, the protoss, the eldest son of the god, slaughtered low-level and backward humans, which is tantamount to a blasphemy against Dawu's teachings.If not absolutely necessary, Tassadar will never attack a human ship that has not been infected by the zerg.

Tassadar is unwilling to kill innocent people indiscriminately, but that doesn't mean he won't attack humans.

"No matter what, I will never refuse the limelight." Augustus answered Tassadar's question humorously.When Augustus was young, he was a flamboyant drag racing party and horse-killing enthusiast, but today's Augustus is no longer the same as he used to be.

Others put it down to the military career and the upheaval at Korha, saying that the trials and deaths of comrades made Augustus Mengsk who he is today.

"It's not too late." Renault said, "Let's go."

"I don't think I'd turn down any offer to beat the Federation bastards out of their heads." Tychus snorted sinisterly. "Ah, fun time is about to begin, and I can't wait to get started."

"In the old days, Nova Squadron was only good enough to lick Alpha's boots." Duke was as arrogant as ever.

"Radnanix, take these humans to the teleportation platform," Tasadar said.

A protoss templar in golden armor led the way in front of Augustus, onto a movable platform that could be raised and lowered.In the resonance of the crystal matrix, Augustus, Renault and others were sent to a larger transmission platform, and now there are only more than 30 marshal guards and Alpha Squadron elite guard soldiers of Corporal Faraday around him.

This teleportation platform is located in the central ridge area of ​​the Star Shuttle, and the dome is an entire crystal vault, with gorgeous starlight reflected on it.Hundreds of templars in gold armor and blue robes stood tall like statues.

When Augustus and others appeared on the transmission platform, all the protoss looked at them in unison.

Silence, indifference.

"Hey, buddy, good morning, you were also in a hurry to get a ride to Nova Squadron?" Tychus smiled awkwardly: "What a coincidence."

"It's an honor to be able to fight with you people." Renault elbowed a templar next to him, causing the opponent to glare.

"Come on, I know you're happy too."

"You stepped on my foot, you bloody blue-skinned alien, I'm going to throw you in jail." The fearless Duke cursed, pointing at the long chin of a templar.Although Duke's view of the protoss had changed a little, in his opinion, these aliens in front of him were still a group of dangerous aliens, not even a bumpkin.

"Give me a gun." Augustus thought to himself how could he overthrow the Federation with such a group of people.

The protoss, especially the templars who are warriors are always very serious, and it is absolutely impossible to expect them to understand human bragging.

For a moment, all the protoss looked away from the humans who suddenly appeared, and the blue light that fell from the sky shrouded Augustus's head.

The next moment, the sound of Gauss rifle firing and explosion reached Augustus' ears.The location where they appeared was the middle and upper decks of the Nova Squadron's flagship. This location was mainly used for mess halls, restaurants, and entertainment facilities.A matrix network generated by the matrix of Kaidarin crystal towers spread around them, covering all areas within sight of the naked eye.

This is the main passage from the transfer service cabin to the crew cabin, with a relatively wide left and right spacing, which can accommodate four marines to pass through at the same time.But in the face of the templar's charge, such a space made it impossible for the soldiers of the Nova Squadron guarding here to form a high and low crossfire network.All bullets and grenades were deflected by the Templar's plasma shields—they faced a brutal, one-sided carnage.

When Augustus quickly adapted to the lights here and was about to shoot, the templars around them had already flashed their shining blue blades and charged, their strong feet began to exert force, and their figures almost became an unstoppable line. Captured phantom.

When Augustus was looking for a target with his rifle in his hand, he saw with his own eyes that a soldier of the Nova Squadron who was shooting was cut in half by a scorching blue psionic blade. It was as easy as cutting a piece of tofu.A Nova Squadron soldier was so frightened that he started shooting indiscriminately, decapitating a fellow soldier before being decapitated.

The battles of the protoss templars were all accompanied by brilliant swords and swords and fanatical charges, and the human front was quickly torn apart sharply.

The terran's power armor might be able to handle most caliber firearms, but the zerg's claws and psionic blades could still slice through it with ease.Protoss attacks tend to be fatal in one hit, but Zergs are far more brutal.

Every time Augustus aimed at a target, the next moment the enemy was sliced ​​in two by a charging templar.It was simply that the protoss had read Augustus' thoughts and didn't want to share the honor of killing the enemy with him.

It is not so easy to win the approval of the protoss.

The battle in the passageway of the ship lasted only a few tens of seconds before corpses were strewn across the field. The Templars followed the retreating Nova Squadron soldiers into the passageway, leaving behind a lot of human corpses.

"My mother." Tychus said dumbly, holding his heavy machine gun, "how many times have I fired yet?"

"Follow me! No one will be left alive!" But he immediately shouted unwillingly, and followed Duke, who was also full of blood, to lead the soldiers of Alpha Squadron to catch up with the protoss troops that were about to disappear.

The bronze-colored deck was covered with blood and Nova Squadron soldiers killed by psionic light blades, and their purple armor was neatly cut, and the cut surface was as smooth as a mirror.There were probably more than 100 people lying on the ground, all of them were dead, and no one was alive.

"I definitely don't want to be an enemy of the protoss." Renault looked at the bloody scene and muttered to himself: "If it wasn't Tadalin that we met in Baishir at that time, we might have finished."

"How dare that guy Huo Le provoke the protoss." He said to Augustus who was running forward: "Now he knows how scary Tassadar's warriors are."

"Be careful in your next life."

At the same time, violent explosions were still heard from all around, and the gravity stabilization device inside the battleship had already shown signs of failure.

This location is not far from the bridge of the battleship. After Augustus walked through the corridor in the ship full of corpses, he entered the upper deck through the straight ladder that can still be activated.

In the process of rushing to the bridge, all they saw were the corpses of the soldiers of the Nova Squadron and the trembling ordinary crew members, scientific research personnel and military doctors. It seemed that the Templars were confirming that these unarmed people would not Let them go after you pose any threat.

Everything that happened today is a nightmare for the people here. The protoss boarded their ship, and then destroyed all the defense forces.If Augustus hadn't needed to capture the commander of the Nova Squadron alive, the battle would have ended the moment the Star Shuttle's main guns fired, and there was no need to board the ship.

If Nova Squadron resisted, they might be able to inflict losses on Tassadar's fleet, but the outcome was sealed from the start.

By the time Augustus walked into the flagship bridge of the Nova Squadron, the Templars had cleared all the enemies on the road, corpses and cut power armor were everywhere, and the barrels of many Gauss rifles were cut. Open up, the incision is fiery red.

The commander of the Nova Squadron, Jackson Hole, stood in front of the bridge porthole of his flagship in the dark blue uniform of the Federation Navy captain, with his back to Tychus, Duke, and a group of silent templars beside him.

"Turn around, Colonel Haller," said Augustus as he walked.

"Did you hear, you vile bastard, we were almost killed by your men in Char." Tychus stretched out a hand and was about to grab Holle and lift him up.

"I'm finally waiting for you, Marshal Augustus Mengsk." What Augustus didn't expect was that Holle immediately turned around, with a smile on his face, and walked over as if he wanted to hug Augustus .

"Stop, if you move again, I'll smash your mouth." Duke raised his chin, expressing his disdain for the former Federal Navy colleague.

"...It's too late to say such things now." Renault stared into Holler's black eyes.

"But we will save your life, but you have to let the remaining warships surrender first."

"Any order to surrender is unlikely to be accepted by those captains, but I can put them on standby at the assembly point, and you can take over these ships at that time." He said: "I had a chance to escape in time, but in I gave up after I sensed that you boarded the ship."

"Induction?" Duke sarcastically said, "You think you're a psyker? Come on, admit your failure, don't be stubborn."

"Recognize the reality that everyone will lose, except me."

"Yes, I am a psyker, and no one knows about it except me—a psyker with a PSI level of 8.5. When I was in the Ghost Academy, I was judged to be a psychopath, and the level was extremely dangerous." Holler He seemed quite happy: "I have many abilities, one of which is that I cannot be controlled by brainwashing, which is why the federal ghost project abandoned me."

"You probably won't believe how hurtful it was to me as a kid with the words 'mentally ill,' 'extremely dangerous,' 'untouchable,' and 'extremely out of control,'" he continued, overwhelmed by hatred. Gritting teeth.

"I was tortured in a cage, and I have lived until now to realize my revenge on the Federation and the Ghost Academy!"

"You are indeed a bit crazy, and the protoss dared to run after our ship." Tychus has never liked to give other people face.

"I can't imagine what terrible things will happen to my son if he enters the ghost academy of the Federation." Lei Nuo knew that the ghost academy was scary, but he didn't expect it to be so scary. He had already made up his mind not to let his son Become a ghost agent.

"Another mistake they made was taking someone 'already insane' lightly. Then I escaped from the Wraith Academy in Tarsonis and took the place of a young officer named Jackson Hole. Another one of mine The different ability is mind control, by manipulating the thoughts of other people around me, I quickly gained the trust of others and became the commander of the Nova Special Forces." Holle ignored Tychus' words.

"After the Federation decided to reorganize the Nova Special Forces into a naval fleet, I became the commander of the new fleet as a matter of course. I have been in the Federation Army for many years, just to occupy a high position and realize my revenge. Only power can Manipulating people's hearts," he said.

"Several captains in the Nova Squadron have been controlled by me. As long as you give an order, they will be under your command immediately. After you started to gain fame in all fringe worlds of the Tyrann Federation, I have been looking for Such an opportunity. A chance to go to you."

"I've heard how you deal with the federal ghost agents, you see them as real people and not as a guinea pig or a murder tool. A ghost agent who once tried to assassinate your father even became you Personal bodyguard, Sarah Kerrigan has always been the most accomplished of us."

Augustus stared into Höller's eyes, as if trying to pick out signs of a lie.

"It's a good story." Augustus said and paused, he: "Prove your ability, prove your ability to control your mind without using equipment."

No wonder Holler dared to provoke Protoss. If this guy is really a rebel who has been lurking for many years and a supporter of the revolution, then he may wish that Protoss can stop the Nova Squadron quickly so that Augustus' Hyperion can escape birthday.

Holer could have ignored Tassadar's communication signal, but he not only connected, but also threatened in the name of the Tyranid Federation, just to create a chance for Augustus to escape.

"Very well." Colonel Holler looked at Tychus.

Tychus lowered his helm and slapped himself so hard that his cheeks immediately turned red and swollen.

 The official story of this character is quite rich...but the photo is a big bald head
(End of this chapter)

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