StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 314 Fenris Swarm

Chapter 314 Fenris Swarm

Augustus's order was immediately transmitted through the fleet's chain of command to the flagships of Nova Squadron and Alpha Squadron. At that time, the commander of Nova Squadron, Jackson Hole, was eager to prove his loyalty to the Revolutionary Army through a war, and Du Ke is very happy that the marshal is still using him.

"Augustus Mengsk"

An old voice came from Augustus' ears, and the Dark Templar Zeratul appeared beside him from a spreading black mist.During the time on the Hyperion, Zeratul could be described as "forgetting food and sleep" studying the prophecy on the Naganaga stone slab.

"Elder, seeing you at this time makes me feel a lot more at ease." Augustus looked for his reputation.

"This trust is really invaluable." Zeratul walked towards Augustus.

"Here is Haji, Zeratul." Renault, who was sitting in the command chair, turned his head: "Captain Jim reminds you, we have arrived and I said, I am so glad to see you have changed into a new outfit.

By this time Zeratul had changed into a dark purple dervish robe and a new long veil, but it still looked old.The suit looked dull in the lights of the Hyperion's bridge, and seemed to absorb light.

Their sun-worshipping Aiur protoss brethren favored gold and blue, while the Dark Templars of Sacoolas, the land of twilight, preferred dusky shades, a race from a shadowy planet.

"Thank you, James Raynor." Zeratul also knew Raynor's name. In his opinion, this pure and righteous human being is indeed a likable guy.

The reason why Raynor didn't become the leader of this human army was not because he was not good enough as a leader, but because Augustus Mengsk's light was too shining and Raynor voluntarily took the subordinate.

In fact, Raynor had never thought of becoming a real leader, he had not even had the slightest thought.Especially when a leader like Augustus who shines with the glory of a great man is by Renault's side, he doesn't even have such thoughts.

He is a member of the Demon Platoon of Heaven, and he followed Augustus in the revolution with all his blood.As for how to make a revolution, how to really change the decadent political system of the Tyrannian Federation, Renault has never considered it.

It is enough to leave this kind of thing to Augustus, all he has to do is to shoot the head of the revolutionary marshal's enemy-if he/it has one.

"Augustus, I feel the existence of the brain worms Carlos and Nagar, and their groups are raging on this planet like a storm." Zeratul's thoughts were directly transmitted to Augustus's In the mind, this is a direct heart-to-heart communication from the protoss, accompanied by strong expressions of emotion and thought.

"Since the two brain worms are still here, it means that the swarm has not found the agent they want in Haji." Augustus said.

The Zerg that appeared on Hegee was tentatively named the Fenrisian Clan. They have bright green carapaces and are extremely aggressive and predatory. As for the other Clan, it has not yet appeared.

"We still have a chance."

There are currently six advanced giant scientific ships in the Revolutionary Army fleet, each of which is equipped with an extremely sensitive sensor array. They are not only mobile laboratories and supply centers, but also provide the Revolutionary Army with qualitatively different detection. Means, these scientific ships are the ears and eyes of the Revolutionary Army fleet.

"If we concentrate all our efforts on finding the agent of the swarm, we should still have a chance."

Raynor suggested, "But we still have a lot of people to save. Damn, judging by the distress calls everywhere, Hagie's federal government, planetary defense force and federal garrison have completely abandoned the area outside the city, the mine, the gas refinery There are quite a lot of people in the towns near the factories, factories and archaeological sites.”

"Finding a person on a zerg planet is not as useful as the number of people." Augustus said: "The people who have been ravaged by the zerg cannot be ignored."

At this time, Tassadar's flagship Star Shuttle was connected to the communication channel with the Hyperion, and he was wearing a delicate silk high-ranking templar sacrificial garment with shimmering blue light, which seemed to be cut from Al's blue sky.

"Augustus Mengsk, my fleet has detected signs of massive zerg activity on the surface of Hyge," Tassadar said.

"I am starting to order the fleet to deploy orbital bombing to clear the main administrative areas and settlements infected by the Zerg. There is no possibility of saving those areas. All Tyrann Federation humans are either killed or infected."

"The two zerg nests that invaded Haiji are better at infecting, and their speed and sense of smell are also quite keen."

"So, they are the hunting dogs of the master." Renault heard what Tassadar said: "After all, there is a specialization in the art industry."

"Just do that." Augustus said after thinking for a moment: "I have no objection to this. We will fight side by side again. Humanity will always be grateful for your righteous deeds, great executive Tassadar."

"And there are still a certain number of Tyrannian Federation defense forces in these locations. If you decide to send support troops there, my templar will provide assistance immediately." Tassadar continued.

Immediately afterwards, the scanned image of the entire Haiji was uploaded to the main screen of the Huberian, and there were several red dots marked with human text annotations, which were the last defense positions of the Tyrann Federation garrison.

The Revolutionary Army has so far been unable to intercept or decipher Protoss communications, which are transmissions they simply cannot understand.On the contrary, human communication is quite primitive to the protoss.

The technology of Protoss is extremely advanced, and this is still under the condition that the technology development of the Protoss Empire is extremely conservative.In an era when technology and civilization have reached extremely high levels, the technological development of Protoss has stopped for many years and has imposed more restrictions on its own war technology.

By comparing the scanned pictures of the protoss, Augustus confirmed that the last defensive positions of the Hegee Tyrannian federal garrison were only the cities of Grande and Marcella on the subcontinent of Hegemorise and Hagrid on the mainland of Rand. city.

In addition, there are more than a dozen positions that are still sending distress signals to the outside world, and the Haiji people are holding on. After thinking twice, Augustus handed over the task of supporting these areas to Duke and Holle's Alpha Squadron. With Nova Squadron, their troops are already gearing up and ready to go.

"The [-]st Guards Division of the Revolutionary Army, the [-]rd Army Division, and Hogg's Armored Brigade will land five miles outside the city of Grande, and considering the Union garrison is not very friendly to us, if any Union troops shoot at us Fight back immediately." Augustus gave orders one after another.

"Tell the port that hopefully all the shuttles and landing craft will be ready by the time I get to the Hyperion's bridge."

"Are you going to command this army yourself?" Raynor asked.

"I haven't reached the time to retreat to the second line." After announcing his order, Augustus looked around in the spacious and bright bridge of the Hyperion.

"Where's Tychus?"

Whenever Marshal Augustus of the Revolutionary Army is about to send troops or wants to go to the battlefield in person, his first sentence is probably to ask the people around him where Jim Raynor is now.

If Raynor is around, then this target will become high-level commanders such as Harnack Hank, Tychus Finley, and Rundstein. In any case, the only people in the Heavenly Demon Squad are Augustus Those who are the first to think of and mention.

"Oh—I saw Tychus Finley when I was passing by the bar, and he was playing cards at that time." Rory Swann, who was fiddling with cables nearby, replied.

"You are welcome, you know, anyway, I have no objection." Renault spread his hands.

Renault had nothing to do. He had to coordinate the crews in each compartment of the Hyperion, the transfer of soldiers on board the ship, and the entry and exit of the spacecraft in the ship. After Augustus left, he was also the commander-in-chief of the entire fleet.

"Very good. Jimmy, now I need you to take full command of this fleet and provide support for the landing force." After finishing speaking, Augustus walked towards the air valve at the entrance of the Huberian bridge.

The two soldiers standing guard at the door immediately saluted the approaching marshal. Their CMC-300 power armor with a golden and red background was brand new, and their C-14 Gauss rifle was equipped with a bright bayonet.

Corporal Faraday, the commander of the Marshal's Guard, was standing just outside the bridge door. Corporal Faraday followed Augustus as soon as he saw him come out.As the most trusted guard officer of the Marshal of the Revolutionary Army, Corporal Faraday will appear in any place according to the needs of the commander, including kitchens, restaurants, bars and battlefields, because he is supposed to be omnipotent.

Zeratul also followed Augustus, but he remained silent, as if he had been thinking about something.This dark patriarch always thinks twice before giving his own opinion. He spends most of the day meditating and thinking quietly.

The shadow master of the dark templar has practiced the teachings of caution all his life. If Augustus asked Zeratul for his opinion on the war, Zeratul would remind him that he should hide himself before launching a war. attack.

Augustus walked vigorously through the corridors, cabins and straight ladders in the ship that seemed crowded due to various transfer orders. In the corridors between the crew cabins, dozens of people in dark gray uniforms and heads were seen every few minutes. The revolutionary army, wearing the flat hat with the golden emblem of the ring holding the braided ring, walked past him and rushed to the armory to collect their armor and weapons.

Most of them were young, some still boys with freckles, but already brave fighters and veterans.They were still nervous and shy when they met Augustus, admiring his cold, serious eyes in wartime.

There are more than 6000 crew members on the Huberian. In addition to ordinary crew members, there are also two full-staffed battalions of about 800 people from the [-]st Brigade of the [-]st Guards Division of the Revolutionary Army. The rest are surrounded by large troop carriers. On the ground, escorted by a large number of warships and fighter planes.

Tychus Finley was sitting on a high stool rubbing his hands about drinking in violation of the prohibition when Augustus walked into the Hyperion's bar.When Tychus pushed the wine bottle under the table calmly, Augustus ordered him to grab him by the collar.

Although Tychus Finley has always been a tyrannical and rampant character, now he can't fight back except to mutter about being unlucky.All along, Tychus would only submit to those who were much stronger than himself.

"Put on your armor, Mr. Finley." Augustus said with a strong aura, "I'll just say it once, don't expect me to forgive you every time."

"The ass is moving, it's moving, Marshal." Tychus reluctantly picked up his cigarette and followed Augustus.

After passing through several opening and closing air valves, Augustus walked onto the noisy bridge of the Hyperion, and one APOD transport ship after another was sailing into space through the open dock exit hatch.

A platoon of the Field Marshal's Guards and an army company of the Guards Division were ordered to follow Augustus aboard the transport ship Imperium. ——The performance of this transport ship is as reliable as its crew members. It and the Heavenly Devil team accompanied Augustus through the most difficult years when the uprising first started.

There were several sets of commander-level power armor in the spaceship. With the assistance of Corporal Faraday, Augustus put on one of them, sat on the alloy bench in the crew cabin, and fastened his seat belt.

These pieces of power armor are all made by Hiram Fick, the magic power armor technician of Heaven, who is also Augustus's personal armor technician.As a soldier's second life, the reliability and safety of power armor is very important.

Being awarded the maintenance of the Marshal of the Revolutionary Army's power armor means that Hiram is deeply trusted by Augustus himself, almost equivalent to his personal butler.

When Augustus confirmed that the vanguard of the [-]st Battalion of the Revolutionary Army's Guards Division had left the port on a transport ship, he ordered the Little Devil to lift off.Zeratul was sitting to the right of Augustus, and Tychus was smoking on the other side.

Since Augustus was so disgusted with other people smoking around him, Tychus was one of the few warriors who dared to smoke in his closed armored helmet, so that Colonel Finley was always described as having an iron lung.

"Elder, I believe that you and your dark templar will be of the utmost importance in the search for that agent of the swarm in Hagee," Augustus said to Zeratul.

"Of course, the Dark Templar will help you," Zeratul said to Augustus as he turned to himself. "We fought together, and thus our destinies are bound together."

The Little Demon speeded out of the dock of the Hyperion, and merged into a large number of transport ships and wraith fighters. There are spider traps.

Hundreds of spaceships departed from the transport and headed for the surface of Hegee, away from the vast fleet, and gradually disappeared into the planet's atmosphere.

After a turbulence and sailing, the little devil transport ship entered the sky above the Morissian subcontinent.At this time, Augustus was able to see the long and narrow coastline and green coniferous forests of this continent through the external detector of the spacecraft. The core area of ​​this subcontinent has been covered by dark creep, like a beach Disgusting sticky paste.

"Prepare to land at the intended location," Augustus ordered over the command channel.

"Wait a minute, Augustus, I feel the remnants of a psychic shock around here. It seems to come from a powerful human psyker." Zeratul said to Augustus at this time.

"We should go and see."

(End of this chapter)

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