StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 318 Throwing a Nuclear Bomb at a Wormhole

Chapter 318 Throwing a Nuclear Bomb at a Wormhole
Before the support forces of the Fenris swarm formed a siege, Augustus' troops quickly but still maintained an organized and orderly withdrawal from the border checkpoint outside the city of Grande.

However, the Fenris swarm seemed to be less interested in chasing Augustus' troops. Only a small group of zerglings followed them leisurely, and the rest of the zerg gathered under the wormhole to guard there. .

Augustus stopped in a depression six miles from the checkpoint, waiting for the approaching transport to land.Below the sea level of this depression is an almost regular circle, just like the part where someone embedded a coin in the soil and then dug it out.

While gathering the wounded, he ordered Goliath armed robots and arc light siege tanks to build defenses, and dispatched more than a dozen scout teams to the temporary settlement.At this time, Augustus's subordinates had time to set up psionic disruptors to prevent the Zerg from continuing to pursue.

While waiting for the transport ship to arrive, Augustus put down the soldier he was carrying.

This soldier was named Erwin, and he was a member of Augustus's loyal marshal's guard. remaining heirs.

When Augustus removed Elwynn's armored helmet, he was already in tears because he could no longer fight for the Marshal.A cunning and vicious Fenris Hydralisk brutally amputated both of Elwynn's legs, and despite the profuse bleeding being choked by the power armor's servo-emergency lockout and hemostats, he was no longer alive anyway. Way to fight again as a Marshal's Guard soldier.

Augustus knelt before Sergeant Erwin and praised the warrior for his bravery and patiently told him that he would never abandon him and that he still had a chance to fight as a member of the Revolutionary Army.

Both Tychus and Corporal Faraday stood beside Augustus and watched all this. Corporal Faraday looked serious, while Tychus smoked silently, feeling extremely displeased with the sight in front of him.

Dark Master Zeratul leaned over the warrior's wounds, but there was nothing he could do about it.If the protoss can regenerate the wounded with severed limbs, there is no need for such a thing as a dragon knight mecha, which can be equipped with artificial intelligence instead of physically disabled protoss warriors.

Not far away, there were more than 40 wounded revolutionary soldiers and their remains, and many of them were directly torn to pieces without even taking their bodies back.Among those who are still alive, some are brave and silent, while others are weeping and weeping silently.

They are the bravest fighters. They have experienced many battles, and even saved many people from the fangs and claws of the Zerg, but honor does not make these fighters invulnerable.

After reassuring Sergeant Erwin as he would his own brother and son, Augustus walked over to the other wounded.Some of them were lucky enough to be pierced through the armor by the sharp scythe forelegs of the springtail, and had the opportunity to pick up the gun again after returning to Umoyan for treatment and recuperation. As for the others, they were not so lucky.

The soldiers who were previously infected with the deadly poison of the giant scorpion did not last long, and all died of brain tissue suffocation caused by the neurotoxin.Augustus could no longer remember how many fallen warriors he had said goodbye to, and he thought he would remember all of them by name, but he couldn't.

There were already too many victims, so much that it would take a few days for Augustus to read out the list of victims one by one.

Augustus assured the wounded that they would receive timely medical treatment immediately, and then rushed to a higher hill outside the depression, using binoculars to observe the checkpoint they had escaped from.

He couldn't see exactly how many zerg were there, but he could see the black, twisted hole in the sky.

It was already local afternoon at this time, the sun was low in the sky, and the sunlight was light orange, which matched the blue sky of Haiji very well.If it was in normal times, Augustus might still have the leisure to appreciate this picture elegantly. The purity of space here is just a glass, blue with green, as if it came from the plateau.

In this season in Grande, especially in the case of strong winds, the temperature has been maintained at around ten degrees Celsius. Without the servo system inside the power armor, Augustus and his men would have to fight for the bad weather. Waste of mind.

"The worm is going!" Tychus said maliciously, standing on Augustus' right hand.

"The zerg are ready to leave Hedge, their mission accomplished," said Zeratul.

"We failed to keep that chrysalis and that psyker named Gabriel Tosh in Haji forever." Augustus lamented, and now he was more worried about the Koprulu sector The fate of all, including his family, not Tosh alone.

The Overlord will use Tosh to create a character similar to Sarah Kerrigan, the Queen of Blades. He will become a terrifying character with both an immortal body and powerful spiritual power, rather than a brain worm. The enemy cannot defend itself.

This new agent of the swarm would also be the key to the zerg's escape from the enslavement of Xel'naga Amon the Fallen, which is why the Overmind had to create such a creature.

However, Sarah Kerrigan is supposedly irreplaceable, both the most powerful human psyker ever and possibly a unique human with some other connection to the zerg.No one can replace Kerrigan, presumably the Overlord is not very satisfied with Tosh's replacement.

What Augustus is more worried about is that Tosh may not be the only candidate for the agent of the swarm.

In any case, Augustus has no way to kill Tosh anymore.At this moment, in Augustus' field of vision, the king worms and different dragons covering the sky and the sun are flying around the wormhole, and a group of different dragons from other directions pour into the wormhole from time to time.

"This is the Hyperion, and I'm Jim. The fusion strike is ready, when can we send the nuclear bomb in?" Raynor's voice came from the communication channel at this time.

"It's now," said Augustus.

".Okay, let me find out where the red button is." Reynolds replied, "I didn't like this thing very much in the past-it can decide the life and death of millions of people with one touch, but if you eat The nuke is the zerg, so I don't have so much burden."

"That's because we don't have a lot of inventory. Tactical nuclear bombs can be used even for ship strikes. It seems that some days we have to tighten our belts to live. After all, we still can't make such a large fusion weapon. "

"Pay attention to the sky, guys. In 8 minutes, there will be a rain of nuclear bombs in some parts of the Haiji Xing Grande City. Jim Raynor will broadcast it for you."

"So we'll see the big fireworks soon." Tychus was also on the channel.

A few minutes later, the first curved trail crossed the sky above Augustus' head. It was a small tactical nuclear bomb with an equivalent of [-] tons of TNT, followed by the second, third, and fourth of which the trail was the longest. The bright one is the apocalypse-level nuclear bomb, which releases far more energy than all other tactical nuclear bombs combined.

If there is a command center near Augustus with top-notch sensor arrays, radar antennas, and signal sensing towers, then he must have received an alert that the mechanical intelligence lieutenant detected an en route fusion strike.

"Fusion Strike Weapon. Primitive but powerful." Zeratul, too, was staring into the sky with his green eyes.

"It's my favorite thing whenever these nukes fall on the enemy's heads instead of our own." Tychus yelled, "I can't wait to see who the lucky ones are going to eat Nukes—I've said it before, damn bugs, we've got a long way to go."

Augustus watched at least forty nuclear missiles fly towards the wormhole. The zerg tried to intercept those nuclear bombs, but to no avail. More than thirty nuclear bombs passed through the wormhole, and the rest detonated above the checkpoint.

The world turned into the ultimate white in an instant, and these rays of light were enough to blind a human's eyes.The ground began to shake, and red clouds rose over the area.

"Jim is reporting to you. Augustus, we have detected that the energy released by the wormhole in Haji is weakening, and it is likely to collapse soon." Half a minute later, Reynolds contacted Augustus All.

"It's a pity that we can't see what's going on behind the wormhole, but I guess it must be exciting enough."

"I hope those nuclear bombs can kill Tosh." Augustus shook his head. He has done all the things he can do.

Although Augustus is not a fatalist, he can only say that he will leave everything to fate.

The place where Augustus fought just now has been razed to the ground, and the wormhole has completely disappeared. The shock wave generated by the nuclear explosion tore apart all the Zerg there.

"My monitors show the zerg on Hyge are evacuating several major settlements. Strange that they don't plan to go on the offensive and eat everyone?" Raynor said on Augustus's channel.

"The Juggernaut is not trying to conquer Haji, but just looking for the agent of the Zerg Swarm on this planet." Augustus explained: "Before we and Tassadar's fleet arrived, the Zerg didn't evacuate immediately necessary."

"But after the protoss fleet came here, the worms gave up, because the protoss would blow up the entire planet sooner or later." Reynolds said: "This is the style of the protoss, so Haji's strategic value to the swarm is equal to zero."

"If we were the only ones here, it would be hard to say," Augustus said.

"Discover the latest movement of the Zerg fleet. The swarm Leviathans in the high-altitude orbit of Haji are retreating, and it seems that they are preparing to leave here." Raynor cheered again: "It's really a good thing."

"It's much easier now." Augustus announced his order: "As soon as it is confirmed that the Leviathan of the Zerg has left, send two additional divisions to the surface of Hegee. We need to clear all remnants of Hegee Zerg and Federation troops."

"I hope Haiji's governor and generals can cooperate with us more. After all, we are not here to save them." Renault muttered.

"I heard that there are some wounded on your side. The scientific ship Amerigo of the Alpha Squadron is entering Hegee's atmosphere to support you. If the weather in that area is good enough, you should be able to see the behemoth by now."

While Reynolds was talking, a behemoth was appearing above them. It was a scientific ship with a diameter of more than 1700 feet (about 530 meters).

This bright white painted Alpha Squadron science ship is made of a wide metal frame and strong galvanized steel plates. The slope-shaped superstructure is erected with cutting-edge sensor arrays and parking platforms, and it looks like a floating ship in the light of plasma thrusters. Steel mobile platform in the sky.

This super-giant exploration ship is almost equivalent to a mobile space station. It can also be transformed to take on the work of a mothership, berth fighter jets, transport aircraft, and load sufficient supplies and personnel.

However, the scientific ships of this period did not have self-defense capabilities, and they were also auxiliary ships incorporated into the main fleet. Therefore, nearly a hundred of the latest wraith fighters in two wings were escorting the Amerigo, and These fighters also come from the Nova Squadron fleet that was thrown into the Revolutionary Army not long ago.

An APOD transport ship that took off from the scientific ship landed in the depression where Augustus was located, and sent everyone to the scientific ship Amerigo.After directing the crew to send all the wounded to the first aid station of the Amerigo, Augustus walked into the interior of the science ship.

The Amerigo was a large ship, and her internal passages and corridors were even wider than those of the Hyperion.

At the same time, because it is a scientific research and exploration ship, the ratio of its internal laboratories and warehouses is much larger than that of a giant ship like a battlecruiser, because a scientific ship does not need to carry fighter jets and other weapons.Its internal structure, including the design of the crew cabin, entertainment area and canteen area, is more humane, not as cold and utilitarian as the fleet's warships.

Augustus led Tychus and others through the corridor and the straight ladder to the pilothouse of the Amerigo, and the dark templar Zeratul followed him silently.For all his worries, Zeratul usually just kept them to himself.

That's not because the Protoss is a race of few words. Whenever Zeratul talks about something, it often means that he has thought about it countless times in his heart and already has his own answer.

The bridge of the Amerigo is far from being a wide bridge overlooking the entire battlefield like the Hyperion, but it can barely be called a combat center.The observation window glass between the stainless steel guard plates is too narrow, but the control panel display connected to the detector sensors and sensors replaces the commander's eyes, allowing him to see more information.

The science ship was captained by Lieutenant Colonel Mal Heisenberg, a middle-aged man with curly blond hair who carried the grace of a Tarsonian aristocrat—what Tychus would privately call Pretentious.

"Marshal Mengsk, there are less than [-] Zerg life signals on Haji." Lieutenant Colonel Heisenberg saluted Augustus when he saw him coming in: "Considering that the Leviathan on the orbit of the planet has been evacuated, Haji The number of zerg should not increase in a short time."

Augustus didn't dislike noble officers like Heisenberg, as long as he was talented and proved to be loyal after being read by a psyker, then he would have no doubts about employing him.

"All the zerg and main nests of Haji must be wiped out to prevent the swarm from continuing to expand, and use fire to prevent the possibility of their resurgence." Augustus walked past Lieutenant Colonel Heisenberg and turned to look at the person behind him. Everyone, with a serious and firm expression.

(End of this chapter)

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