StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 320 Thunder 1 Strike

Chapter 320 Thunder Strike

April 1st morning.

Granite Administrative Region, Montecatto Town Revolutionary Army Base.

As in the war against the Zerg in the past, the reliable Revolutionary Army Engineer Corps will start to build fortifications, bases or outposts around some buildings after the combat forces have retaken the cities and towns.

This was originally the central square of the town of Montecatto, but now it has been transformed into a base surrounded by more than a dozen supply depots, supply warehouses, barracks, heavy factories, and command centers. Anti-aircraft missiles stand in the middle of these red-painted buildings. The tower's wide open area is home to the landing pad and field medical center.

The town of Montecatto, which was once a hunting ground for the Fenris Zerg, has been swept by the Airborne Division of the Revolutionary Army, and more than 100 Zergs hiding in houses, vehicles, and irrigation canals have been completely removed.

The work of collecting the dead bodies of the townspeople and repairing the damaged roads and living facilities started on the day when the Zerg was cleared, and even though the Revolutionary Army had already fought against the Zerg many times, those who died in the streets and residential houses were extremely tragic. The corpses still made the soldiers who were carrying out the corpse collection work so uncomfortable that it was difficult for them to eat normally for many days.

In order to prevent the Zerg virus from spreading through the creeping creepers in the military camp, the Revolutionary Army burned all the creepers with refined high-energy gas oil, and then cremated all the corpses. All steps and procedures must be strictly followed.A storm washed away most of the blood the next day, and it seemed to take away everyone who had lived here and the nightmare.

Those who were still alive were temporarily placed on a Nova Squadron science ship, where they were to be tested for the deadly zerg virus.

Because it was found in the Revolutionary Army that Haji's infection was more terrifying than those in the Sara galaxy and the Antiga galaxy.If the Fenris group is a group known for exquisite and efficient hunting, there is another group of brain worms Carlos who came to Heji is a group known for infection, and they are even more inclined to drive infected humans fight.

Haiji's Zerg virus has changed to a great extent compared to the ones that appeared before, and the sequence of RNA has undergone fundamental changes. It can be said that it is two completely different viruses from before.Just as the zerg themselves are always evolving, the virus is always changing.

This is also the real reason why human beings have never been able to develop an effective antidote with technology. The mutating speed of the Zerg virus is too fast to be cured at all.Augustus once asked Tassadar for help, but because the protoss could not be infected by the zerg, there was no need for the protoss to develop an antidote in this area before, and there were not enough scientists around Tassadar to carry out related research. research and development work.

If Augustus wants to get help from the Protoss in the future, he can only count on Al.

At this time, an APOD transport ship painted by the Devil of Heaven is landing on the apron of the base.When Augustus, who was wearing a dark gray cloak and golden wolf head epaulets, came down the gangway from the transport ship, a colonel and brigade commander of the [-]st Guards Division of the Revolutionary Army, a dozen senior officers and staff officers were standing on their shoulders. Standing there straight and waiting for him.

The strong wind at Haji blew the lapels and long hems of the Revolutionary Army officers' dark gray greatcoats, and a crimson banner fluttered in the wind.

"Marshal, the main lair of the Zerg in the Grand area has been wiped out, and the remaining Zerg have fled into the well-developed underground wormholes. The dark and narrow underground caves are the battlefield terrain they are best at." Colonel Gorod, commander of the [-]st Brigade of the Guards Division, saluted Augustus.

Colonel Gorod was originally a captain in the 33rd Ground Assault Division of Augustus' brother, from the isolated colonial world of Tartarus.After his old boss, Arcturus Mengsk, publicly declared that he was an enemy of the Tyrannian Federation, he chose to withdraw from the army and proved his loyalty to Augustus.

"Colonel, I want to know how many people you saved." Augustus stood still on the apron full of voices, with Tychus Finley and Corporal Faraday guarding his sides.One of these two people was full of impatience, and the other held his head up slightly because of a sense of honor and mission.

"...We sent companies, special tactical units, and rangers to all areas where there might be survivors, but we failed to save many people." Colonel Gorod sighed: "Except for the city, the outer areas At best, the villages and towns have only a few machine gun turrets and missile towers to defend against bandits and space pirates, and there are no policies and measures to deal with Zerg invasion. This is not bad, and the huge slums of Haiji are the place where the most casualties are.”

"We probably only rescued more than 2 people, and it is conservatively estimated that more than 300 million people died without counting those in the cities." The colonel said the specific number at this time: "There are almost no wounded, and only a few are not lucky." Or the unlucky Haji who was burned by the acid of the Mutalisk and saved his life by pretending to be dead."

"You have done a good job. At least we have rescued so many people. When facing the Zerg, we can only try to be an optimist." Although Augustus said so, his expression Not very pretty.

"All the rescued people have been properly resettled." Colonel Gorod continued: "Unfortunately, more than 8000 of them have been infected to varying degrees."

"But do your best and let each one live in peace." Augustus was silent for a moment, as if mourning for those people.

This is probably the most hopeless thing, when they thought they were going to be eaten by the zerg, they found out that they would turn into a hideous twisted monster in a short time. The great joy and sorrow after the rest of the life after a catastrophe is enough to make people nervous.

"When the hell are the people in the biolabs going to figure out how to deal with zerg infestation? I don't want to be infected with a disease that turns me into an idiot," Tychus said.

"I'm afraid this can't be solved in a day or two. The Zerg virus is constantly mutating, and the people of Francois can't do anything about it." Augustus was silent for a while, and asked Colonel Gerod .

"What about the movement of the federal army in the city? I learned that they are sending reconnaissance planes to the outlying towns and abandoned outposts."

"Since the large army of Zerg has been evacuated from Haiji, the Federation's military operations have become more and more bold. Ten minutes ago, a Federation garrison had just exchanged fire with our garrison at the New San Franciscan Church." Colonel While speaking, Augustus glanced around and strode towards the command center with a vigorous and aggressive style.

No matter how close and easygoing Augustus was on weekdays, he was now used to calling the shots from above.Augustus was a stern field marshal, calm at all times, convincingly restrained, and unsurprisingly a charismatic general.He had great confidence, but that didn't translate into ego.

In any case, who Augustus is depends on who is commenting on it, and what positions those people take.Some people began to worry that the powerful Augustus would be farther and farther away from the people he swore to protect, but more people thought that was just nonsense.

"Go on, Colonel," Augustus said as he walked.

"Once the Federation forces are convinced that the zerg have evacuated Hegee, they are likely to attack us immediately," said the colonel. communication, even when our troops are fighting the zerg."

"This is a harbinger of an imminent large-scale attack. General Saul Creek knows very well that there is absolutely no possibility of peace talks between the Federal Army and the Revolutionary Army." Augustus had already entered the interior of the command center as he spoke. , a combat map drawn by Colonel Gorod is displayed on the wall facing the gate of Combat City.

The command room is well lit, with transparent glass on both sides. Officers and staff officers stood on both sides when Augustus walked to the combat map.

"If I were you, I wouldn't talk nonsense with those Federation bastards." Tychus couldn't help saying as Augustus looked at the battle map.

"This is a rare time for me to agree with you, Tychus." Augustus nodded: "But I believe that the first to attack must be Hedge's federal army."

"I asked someone to investigate the information of the military commander of the place, Saul Creek. His career in peacetime was mediocre and he didn't fight any tough battles. This man likes to show off his achievements and fabricate meritorious deeds, but a complete fool in itself," he said.

"He has appeared on the cover of Haiji fashion magazine many times to 'show off his head'. He is more like a politician and star who likes to show off. You know, Tychus, I have always favored people who are willing to do things down-to-earth."

"Wait, if our Krek wants to attack us first, then he will definitely make a big mistake in tactics and strategy. Waiting for work, the first one to show his flaws must be the enemy. This is what I said in my I learned it from my swordsmanship teacher."

"The zerg's siege of Grande City caused heavy losses to the garrison there, but if they continue to rely on strong fortifications, unless they use orbital bombing to destroy the entire city. Well, since they withstood the attack of the swarm, we will It can be taken easily without reason," Colonel Grodd said.

"However, I think the federal military commanders may rush into action without even knowing how many troops we have deployed at Hagie."

"I don't believe he has such guts." Tychus said, "We are not some local militia armed with outdated equipment or little pirates who are not popular. The most important thing is that the gang of bastards from Nova Squadron have just joined us. us."

"If they got down on their knees and begged Mr Finley now, I might be able to get around them, couldn't I?"

"Call the command center. I am Lieutenant Colonel Rouen, the commander of the 34th Battalion. The Federal Army has launched an attack on Hill No. 1174. We have at least two semi-motorized infantry divisions and two armored regiments in front of us." At this time, The holographic projection screen inside the command room suddenly lit up.

The voice on the other side was intermittent, apparently interfered by federal equipment.

"Hold your ground, reinforcements will be here soon!" Colonel Gorod replied immediately.

"Look at what I said?" Augustus found the location of Height 1174 on the combat map, and noticed that the area was an extremely wide plain, quite suitable for armored troops and large corps to fight.But that also means that the hastily attacked federal army will become a living target for the revolutionary air force.

"They can't hold their breath anymore." He said in a deep voice, "Now it's our turn to strike hard."

"The 1174st, [-]nd, and [-]rd Armored Brigades of the Revolutionary Army set off immediately after receiving the order to advance along the Belwoker-Tolean Highway to the aid of Height [-]. If possible, advance all the way." Augustus in The route of attack is depicted on the combat map.

"The [-]nd, [-]th, and [-]th Divisions of the Revolutionary Army west of Grande City, the two Goliath Robot Armored Battalions in the Sauron area, and Ward's four artillery regiments set out from the station to the east, heading straight for Grande City. Xander Marks is in command of the operation," he said.

"This military operation will be carried out with the cooperation of the Air Force. For the specific time and space arrangements, please read the mission briefing issued in detail."

Augustus took off his gloves and threw them on the command table next to him: "Tell the generals, I hope to see the governor of Haiji before sunset."

"Yes, Marshal." The officers and staff officers in the command room immediately saluted and took away the documents on the table to carry out their tasks.Colonel Gerod is still standing beside Augustus, because the main task of his troops now is to protect Augustus in the command center.

"The end of this game is already doomed." Tychus laughed, "How long can we stay in Hedge? The brothers have been running back and forth for so long in Antiga, and Char and Hedge should take a good rest. "

"The zerg don't rest, Tychus," Augustus said. "The enemy doesn't rest, and neither will I. As soon as we're done with Haji, we'll be back on Antiga Prime."

"By the way, has anyone seen Zeratul, the dark patriarch of the dark templar? His whereabouts are unknown after returning to the parliament from the abandoned federal border checkpoint. I guess that sneaky guy must be planning something bad. "At this time, Tychus suddenly asked.

"Haji was first discovered on it, but there are many ancient city ruins. You must know that there were no human beings here. If cultural relics are found, they must belong to aliens. This is where human archaeologists in the Koprulu space work." Augustus said: "Zeratul told me before leaving that there is likely to be an ancient Xel'Naga temple on this planet."

"Temple? We've been dealing with gods and gods all this time, and you should trust those who will steal your mind." Tychus shrugged.

In the following time, Augustus and Tychus have been waiting for the report from the frontline troops in the command center:
At 1.7.11:45, the 1174st Armored Brigade arrived at Heights [-] and had already approached the enemy. The [-]nd and [-]rd Armored Brigades were north of the Grande River. - Headquarters of the [-]st Armored Brigade.

At 1.7.13:23, the Fifth Division had completed the encirclement of the main city of Grande. Instead of surrendering, the enemy defending the city dared to fight back and resisted. ——The headquarters of the Fifth Division of the Revolutionary Army.

At 1.7.14:06, the enemy in front of the 1174 Heights began to retreat, but it did not turn into a rout, and our troops were pursuing. - Headquarters of the [-]st Armored Brigade.

At 1.7.16:38, our troops entered the urban area, and the defenders were retreating towards the Governor's Mansion.

1.7.16:57, our troops broke into the Haji Governor's Mansion.

1.7.17:04, our army won a complete victory.

After friendly negotiations, Hedge Governor Ent McMaster agreed to be summoned by Field Marshal Augustus Mengsk - Commander General Xander Marks - before sunset.

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(End of this chapter)

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