Chapter 328 Home
At the beginning of February 2492, Ansardar City.

Antiga Prime is synonymous with the first contact between humans and aliens and the outbreak of war. Before it was almost completely destroyed by Zerg, it was also a barren land with a dangerous environment for many people.

——General Edmund Duke would say: Bad people come out of poor land.

This planet with dotted red terraces, vast Gobi and extremely high salinity ocean can only support very little life, just like other Tyrannian human colonies with dangerous environments but still among the colonies, Antiga Prime must have The reason why the colony has such unique advantages that it can make the colony establish a settlement here even if it endures a difficult environment.

Huge amounts of metal and mineral resources, abundant reserves of high-energy gas, or soil suitable for planting.The advantage of the main star of Antiga lies in its extremely rich mining resources.

Centered on the underground of the Antigas Stikole Forest and its surrounding rich mineral mountains, precious mineral resources and extremely high-value Ardion crystals are almost at your fingertips, and the resources all over the delta subcontinent are enough to support one or more industrial centers.

Early the next morning after returning to the main star of Antiga, Augustus set off from the governor's mansion in Ansardar, and took a revolutionary army fox hunting armored vehicle along the main road of the city to the Antiga alloy armor casting factory.

The factory was located in Gaspar Satellite, a newly founded city named after a Revolutionary second lieutenant who died at the Battle of Antigah and whose story was enough to bring tears to anyone who heard it.

Since Augustus returned to Ansardar's Governor's Office, the work report documents waiting for him to read and sign for the last time have piled up.These clear words and genuine data allowed Augustus to understand the great changes in Antiga Prime, but he was still ready to see the city and its people with his own eyes.

In the early morning, the goose-yellow sun has just risen, and the wind carries the smell of cold rust.Augustus, who was wearing a thick dark gray military overcoat, found out when he walked out of the Governor's Palace that although Antiga barely met the conditions for human survival, it was still better than Hegee, which was accompanied by hurricanes all year round. At least the climate was better. Much more stable.

Sarah Kerrigan stood on the right side of Augustus with a smile on her lips. She was wearing a hand-knitted sweater with a long placket and a Revolutionary Army Army coat of the same style, and she was wearing a pair of small and delicate leather boots .

A heavy armored vehicle painted in red camouflage was parked under the steps of the Governor's Office, and the Marshal's Guards with live ammunition were standing around.The original Antiga Governor's Mansion was facing the central park of Ansardar, but now there are high walls, automatic turrets and missile towers around it to ensure that no enemies will break into it.

Every few 10 minutes, there will be a dim meteor shower over Ansardar, which is a transport ship that is entering the atmosphere from a synchronous orbit.When Augustus raised his head, three wraith fighters were whizzing past, and the orange-yellow thruster tail flames were bright and shining.

Augustus saluted the Wraith fighter flying through the sky, and then walked towards the armored vehicle.

"Good morning, Marshal, everything is normal in the Antiga galaxy today." Corporal Faraday stood beside the armored vehicle and opened the door for Augustus: "Did you sleep well last night?"

"...Yes. Faraday, let's go. In the afternoon, I will go to the mining base in Stickler Forest." Augustus smiled.

Augustus sat with Kerrigan in the back of the Foxhunt, while his captain, Corporal Faraday, drove the field marshal himself as usual, a duty that should never be delegated lightly.

The armored vehicle drove out of the governor's mansion and drove all the way along Ansardar to the western part of the city.

Augustus didn't like traveling in a grand manner, but the necessary security measures were still very important. A squad of Marshal Guard soldiers rode a vulture car and escorted the armored car Augustus was riding in.

The central park outside the Governor's Mansion has been transformed into a square open to everyone, and the rare flowers and plants inside are still specially maintained by people.In the middle of the park stood a crimson banner with golden five-pointed stars, mighty arms and whips.

The central city has not changed much from the past. After cleaning up all the zerg and creeping creeps, most of the buildings have been restored, and the high-rise buildings and glass curtain walls are shining in the morning sun.

Most of the streets in this area were soldiers of the Revolutionary Army in uniform on duty, engineers and people working in the Ansardar City Hall, and then Augustus saw the reopened shopping malls and shops.

This area is even busier than before the invasion, full of people.A large number of refugees from other peripheral worlds who came to Ansardar are trying to find a foothold in this city through their talent and industry.

The main road is crowded with high-end suspension cars, Volkswagen cars that drive on the ground, and large transport vehicles that transport goods.Since it's time for planting, many rusty reclamation machines and planters are being driven from one end of the city to the other.

The driver's seat and the rear hood of these large agricultural machines emitting steam are full of farmers carrying tools. They are dressed in a variety of clothes. Immigrants from the Martell IV wear thick clothes and wear assisted breathing masks. , because it is a planet full of high-energy gas springs, and the air composition is quite different from Antiga.

The Minara people wear thinner clothes, and their home is an ocean planet with a pleasant temperature.

The lavender-eyed Alterans kept their distance from others, as their homeland was always a stone town teeming with criminals and syndicates, a place of pirates, spies and gangsters, and a federal transport. A temporary transition point for dangerous prisoners. When walking on the street, be careful at all times if someone rushes out from behind and puts a gun barrel into their mouth to grab money.

But no matter what, these people with different identities and backgrounds are all sitting in the same car at the moment, and they are now called citizens of the Republic of Tyrannosaurus.

The closer he got to the outskirts of the city, Augustus could notice more things that made him feel particularly happy.

Every mile away from the urban area, more and more new houses and factories are built. They are fixed buildings built with pipes and metal elevateds, most of which are Antigian-style light gray polygonal dome buildings.The tea-white buildings are factories and newly built modular settlements for those who have just arrived in Antiga and cannot find a house.

As the capital city of the main star of Antiga, Ansardar was once built on the ruins of an ancient civilization on the dry ocean. Even as a Tyrannian human city, there are few cities with a history comparable to it.

Under the control of the Revolutionary Army, Ansardar has become a prosperous and enterprising city. Due to the invasion of Zerg, all kinds of people were forced to flock to this city and settle here. The earth-shaking changes did not exceed the ancient Stu's expectation.In some ways, the threat of a zerg invasion is far more useful than the hype.

Among the refugees pouring into Ansardar, there are a large number of skilled technical workers, outstanding architects, engineers, teachers, doctors and people from all walks of life. They are tough and tenacious, and will not show symptoms of acclimatization due to the alien world , because its original homeland may be a much more sinister place than Antiga.

The cultures of these refugees from other planets may have been somewhat different from the Anticans, but not enough generations to make the differences vastly different.

Approaching the factory, the first thing Augustus saw were brand-new low sheds and rows of rectangular houses that stretched for several miles. The huge vaulted buildings that roared in the distance were storage warehouses for raw materials and finished products. A large number of curved and interlaced pipelines constitute heavy factories under construction, gas refineries, and transportation hubs with heavy trucks.

At the very center is Ansardar's second airport, the interstellar port shaped like a goblet, hovering with cargo ships that are about to take off and land.The gigantic cobalt-blue transport ship with a length of several thousand feet continuously transported the crystal mines collected from the Antioch satellite and the asteroid belt to the smelting factory, and then sent the finished products to the interstellar port on the synchronous orbit.

The Antiga Industrial Center, which inherited the Korha IV industrial system and technology, can produce everything from delicate electronic components to alloy armored sampans of battlecruisers.Most of the products are used to supply the industrial chain inside the planet and equip the Revolutionary Army. Other products, such as explosives for mining mines, are exported to the Camerian Federation.

In addition, souvenirs made of zerg parts can also be sold at high prices in the territory of the United States of Umoyan.

The Foxhunting armored vehicle with a crimson flag stuck at the rear drove along a north-south main road at high speed and entered the interior of the industrial residential area. Augustus saw the two rows of people on the road through the rear window of the armored vehicle and immediately became Intensively, hundreds of port workers are wearing light blue and light gray work clothes, riding the industrial park bus or walking on foot.

The workers who saw the armored vehicles were actually not very curious. The Gaspar Industrial Zone directly supplied the Revolutionary Army's armored forces and the orbital shipyard. It adopted strict military control, and a whole brigade of the Revolutionary Army's Seventh Division was stationed next to it.

Augustus remembered that the last time he sat in an armored car and looked at pedestrians through the car window was four years ago in Keha IV Steeling City. At that time, he clearly remembered that his father Angus had eagerly Called every Keha he saw his own people.

This also proves the original intention of Augustus to form the Pan-Tyranian Nationalist Party. Whether it is the Keha, Tarsonis, Antigah or Mar Sara, the most important prerequisite is that they are all Thai. The Revolutionary Party wants to unite all the Tyrens and establish a new regime based on this.

It has to be said that Augustus actually didn't care much about how he lived. He could cope with a luxurious lifestyle and accept a simple life.But Augustus felt an indescribable sense of satisfaction in seeing that those he called his people were at least happier than before.He enjoys seeing his people happy and sees it as his duty.

"Stop, Faraday." Augustus yelled, and the car pulled over steadily on the side of the road next to a series of low-rise modular houses.Rows of close-knit houses separated by sidewalks more than ten feet wide, full of workers on their way to work.

When Augustus stepped out of the armored vehicle, people passing by immediately recognized him as Augustus Mengsk, the current actual ruler of the main star of Antiga, with his cold gray hair, eyes and other The weather-beaten dark gray cloak is the most distinctive feature.

Of course, the main reason is that the portrait of Augustus waving and leading the soldiers is painted on the large poster next to it, and there is such a slogan on it: Unity, union, and federal freedom are not the freedom we want, fight for the future!

There were whispers in the crowd, but Augustus noticed that not all of them were praises for himself. Some people were saying that Marshal Mengsk was really wise, brave, wise and powerful, and some people were tiredly asking who looked very attractive. Who's the grey-haired kid, hope the guy doesn't find any extra work for them.

Nevertheless, Augustus received a warm welcome as he approached them.

Augustus asked where these workers came from, their living environment and working conditions, and told them that once the interstellar trade voyages with the United States of Umoyan and the Kelmerian Federation were completely connected, the current situation would definitely improve.

The workers passing by were still full of gratitude to Augustus and the revolutionary army. They had nothing, but the revolutionary army rescued them and gave them a bite to eat.The workers here are all war refugees from other planets. For them, it is the greatest luck to continue to live, especially the life of Antiga is actually better than that of many people.

The conditions of the factory in Antiga are based on the standard of Keha IV. Not to mention being the best in the fringe world, it is much better than the core world of most federations.

After the Garm swarm and the Sutur swarm evacuated Antiga and the Antiga defense war ended, the planet seemed to be developing for the better.People's livelihood has been restored, and the prosperity of a large number of light and heavy industries linked to military industry orders and the influx of a large number of foreign labor force have brought more than just economic recovery.

In fact, this is entirely an opportunity for Antiga to develop rapidly. She was on the verge of destruction due to the war between humans and Zerg, but now she is flourishing because of it.The population of the main star of Antiga is still expanding.In the "census" of the Revolutionary Army, the officially registered population exceeded 300 million the day after Augustus arrived on the planet.

The large-scale influx of people did not lead to chaos, and strict militarized management and strong crackdown on crimes erased all unstable factors.Antiga Prime is not just a resettlement site for refugees, it also has the laws that Augustus came from Keha IV and those who implement the laws with blood, passion, and love for the people.

There are many young idealists and passionate youths in the revolutionary army, and what they lack most is enthusiasm for work.Augustus would have called these people men of faith.

The large number of garrisons and fleets also make Antiga Main Star the safest planet in the Zerg Invasion Star Field - if it is not under the control of the "rebels", then those who fled to Antiga will surely Much more than now.

Because of this, Augustus and the Revolutionary Army will be considered the saviors of Antiga.A planet that was supposed to be destroyed by the protoss after the zerg invasion became a sanctuary instead, thanks to the revolutionaries.

Augustus walked Kerrigan and Corporal Faraday through the crowded workers' residential area, seeing not only muscular workers but also their families.Outside the industrial park is the affiliated school, which is full of teachers who fled to Antiga.

The children are going to school together against the crowd. The children in the marginal colonies are very independent. They carry the schoolbags issued by the school with the badge of the Revolutionary Army on their backs, singing songs while walking, with candy in their pockets, and hope in their eyes.

Seeing them laugh, Augustus laughed too.Only Kerrigan could understand what Augustus was thinking at the moment. How much she wished to meet Augustus when she was a child.

Antiga is a place where countless people who lost their families to the zerg huddled together to keep warm in the cold nights, and suffering is binding these people tightly together.

 Yesterday, when I learned that Microsoft acquired Blizzard, I felt like I could see the moon when the clouds opened.

  This pool of stagnant water after the update has finally had a chance to move.

  I was so excited, I couldn't sleep at all, and my mind was full of wow.I only hope that StarCraft II can be updated again, not only the balance, but also the battle of Tal'darin, Serandis, and the building skin of the purifier
  If it’s not possible, it’s not impossible to make a game of StarCraft Ghost and create an interstellar world based on the interstellar universe.

(End of this chapter)

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