Chapter 330
Altera and a warm and pleasant place like Tarsonis are two extremes. It is a stone planet covered with dangerous cracks and canyons on the surface. The atmosphere is filled with red dust, which seems to cover its surface. Ugly oil film.

This closed planet is just an inconspicuous red dot in the star map, deviated from the interstellar route, closed and lonely, and the locals rarely communicate with people in other federal colonies.

Most of the population of the northern hemisphere is concentrated in a town called "Oasis", where all kinds of people can be found.

The generation of the three religions and the nine streams, those who harbor evil intentions, or the poor people who have been living here.

The criminals who were temporarily detained in Altera to be transported to the Norris Guard VI Resocialization Center, the wanted criminals, smugglers, thieves, beggars, and fraudsters who fled here A place of disorder where even the most hopeless human scum in the universe would want a piece of the pie.

Dark and gloomy, closed and depressing.

This is what Augustus felt when he first stepped on the land of Altera.The oasis town in the distance is shrouded in red mist. The tall square columns in the mist are the crowded and chaotic central residential area. A large number of single-storey buildings with open roofs, iron sheets and prefabricated panels are centered around this extend.

Augustus stepped on a gray rock with one foot and used a telescope to observe the environment around the landing site, but after a while, the strong wind smeared a handful of crimson soil on Augustus' armor and telescope.This sticky soil is firmly embedded in the gap between the telescope barrel and the power armor, sticky like chewing gum.

A blaze of bright white light shone through the swirling red dust behind Augustus, a 16-foot (4.8-meter) bipedal giant of iron striding across Altera's deep pits, ravines and chaos. The stone land advances, the sound of footsteps rumbling on the ground.

It was a walking mecha modified based on the T-280 Tarsonis space engineering vehicle. It was a heavy walking mecha prototype designed and developed by Augustus, the chief engineer of the Revolutionary Army, Rory.It is made of new alloy steel and ceramic steel, which is strong enough to resist the fangs and claws of Zerg. It is positioned as a heavy-duty mech that can provide anti-armor and anti-vehicle with strong fire support.

This mech is still far from the Wolf Warrior (seven meters high) that Augustus wanted later. The Revolutionary Army just used the technology they mastered to create a larger, multi-engine spaceship. The engineering vehicle is equipped with battlecruiser-level sampan armor, heavy artillery and missile launch pods, with amazing firepower.Similar types of modifications are not uncommon in many areas of the Tyranid Federation.

But correspondingly, the modified space engineering vehicle also needs to burn more high-energy gas and fuel—the cost of maintaining it is also frighteningly high, which is many times that of an ordinary space engineering vehicle.At the same time, since it is a mecha that has not yet been modularized and mass-produced, all parts need to be specially built and cannot be replaced by ordinary engineering vehicles.

This means that if it is badly damaged on the battlefield, there is no way for engineers to repair it immediately.It is also too heavy, and once it breaks down or is destroyed, it will have to pay a greater price to recover.

"Woohooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo and do it for those bugs!"

Augustus could clearly hear Tychus Finley, the pilot in the cockpit of the walking mecha, yelling over the comm channel, as happy as a child with a new toy.

Tychus strode forward in this gigantic mecha known as the Wolf Warrior I, with each step leaving a huge footprint on the ground.The mech's leg structure is designed for the rugged planet's surface, while another masterpiece of Revolutionary Army engineering that is in the experimental stage uses a tracked design.

"What's wrong with Tychus? After he boarded this mech, he already uttered four nonsense words in the time I said one sentence." Leno looked at the giant mecha that Tychus was driving. Into the red haze ahead, two Revolutionary Army Goliath armed droids and a Marine assault company followed.

"That's what makes Tychus so lovely," Augustus said, raising a hand to brush the red dust off the visor of his helmet.

"Lovely—a word I thought would never be associated with Tychus," Raynor said, examining his Gauss rifle, which had been dyed red by Altaira.

"I hope this mecha is worth the money." Augustus looked at Tychus who was going away: "Its cost is worth three arc tanks."

"At least it can help Tychus vent his excessive energy." Raynor was talking, and suddenly received a report from a ranger scout in his helmet: "There are zerg in the southwest, about 17 miles away from us, and the number exceeds 2 , and is expected to arrive in Altera Oasis Town in 20 minutes."

"Go at full speed, we will be there soon." Augustus immediately ordered on the communication channel: "Be careful of the zerg and locals that may appear at any time."

After speaking, Augustus turned over a huge rock and followed a revolutionary army company wearing CMC-300 power armor and carrying single-barreled rockets to the oasis town less than a mile away.

These soldiers are accompanied by puppy-sized spider-type robots, which are composed of mechanical appendages and sensors with a large number of sophisticated sensors, and have a mechanical compound eye emitting red light on their heads to observe the surrounding terrain.The spider robot is the latest upgraded version of spider traps, designed by Revolutionary Army engineer Victor Kaczynski, equipped with Umoyan's cutting-edge AI, it will explore dangerous areas or bury in designated places according to instructions, acting as The elusive mine.

Although Victor claims that the robot can act as a bodyguard and pet, no one seems to dare to do so.

When there were several gunshots ahead, the crumbling oasis town in the red whirlwind was getting closer in Augustus' vision.At first glance, Oasis looked almost indistinguishable from the Tarsonis slums that Augustus had seen.The architectural styles of the houses vary, seemingly at the whim of those who build them.

Most are flat-roofed wooden huts with slightly sloping roofs, while others are built as tall towers that can watch over the distance and neighbors.Some are solid buildings made of rock or even steel plates, while others are crude prefab houses and shacks that can collapse when blown.

Tychus' Mecha Wolf I was parked on the only road in Oasis Town that was in disrepair, made of slag and stones. The handwriting on the road sign next to it was blurred. to part of the English alphabet of Welcome to the Oasis, which also includes "Yumoyans get out", "Slutty whores", "No psycho kids here", "Screaming skulls "Such meaningless words.

The entrance to the road leading to the center of Oasis Town has established simple fortifications - mostly stone and metal garbage, and behind that are dozens of heavily armed Oasis Town residents.

Due to the rich dust and high-energy gas in Altera's atmosphere, it is difficult to dissipate the heat projected by the star to the surface, so it is still a very hot planet.Residents of Oasis Town wear breathable plaid shirts and vests, and some even wear only a pair of shorts that cover their bodies.

If the people of Mar Sara are already a model of strong martial arts and folk customs in the fringe world of the Tyrann Federation, then the people of Altera are even more fierce.The former are descendants of soldiers and miners, while Altera gathers the most hopeless scum and criminals in the Tyrann Federation.

In a sense, Altera is closer to the image that the Federation has promoted of the Korhal Revolutionary Army: synonymous with terrorists, full of violence and killing, deceit and betrayal.

Altera is a place closer to hell than Mar Sara. It is full of criminals and spies. It is said that spies from the Umoyans, Kemerians and even Earthlings have been trying to get their hands on this resource-rich world.

"Federal Army? You are not welcome here." A burly man with shiny blue hair stood on top of their simple fortifications, his face exposed outside his vest was covered with purple-black tattoos.The Alteran's first reaction was not that the soldiers were there to rescue them, but that they were as troublesome a threat as the zerg.

Although they don't dress very well, some of them are even yellow and thin, but almost everyone has weapons, ranging from electric pulse grenades, electromagnetic pistols, electromagnetic rifles and even anti-tank bazookas, which are hung on everyone's shoulders. Bullet belt made of green camouflage canvas.

"Damn it, open your eyes and take a good look, who are we, we are the revolutionary army!" Tychus turned on the external broadcasting device of the mecha.

"Revolutionary Army? Not even the Revolutionary Army." The man lost his momentum when he caught a glimpse of an entire company slowly appearing behind Tychus. He was not afraid of pirates and criminals, but he was tough when facing an entire army. Can't get up.

He had heard rumors that the Revolutionary Army had supported several Federation colonies besieged by Zerg, but he didn't think they were such great people.The kind of person who would sacrifice his life for righteousness or die for others simply cannot exist.

"I advise you to take back what you just said, or I'll knock you down right now." Tychus in the driver's seat said cursingly, and lifted the door on the right arm of Wolf Warrior I from the Sidewinder chariot. In order to power the railgun that was removed, Swan also specially installed a cold fusion battery.

"Shut up, Tychus, we are here to help the people here, make no mistake, you are neither a robber nor a bandit." Augustus stepped out of the huge shadow of the Wolf Warrior I, a marshal Guardsmen planted a fluttering banner beside it.

"That's what the Federation people said last time." The man regained his courage to face hundreds of Gauss rifles because of his anger: "They said that there are Kel Morian spies here, and they captured many people. It ended up blowing up the oil refinery to the west."

"We are not the Federation." Augustus said patiently: "There is no time to chat with you now, the Zerg is approaching the city. If you don't give way, the artillery will use artillery fire to open the way."

"I didn't say you couldn't go in." The blue-haired man gave in, not checking whether Augustus' soldiers would shoot him in the head.Under his command, a large bulldozer cleared a vacancy in the barriers at the intersection, Tychus snorted, and drove his Wolf Warrior I mecha into it.

"You're very polite," Raynor said, waving the soldiers to move on.

"Jimmy, you're right. I've always been the first to fight first." Augustus said happily, "It's a good thing that we arrived here first instead of the Zerg."

"What do you do?"

When the soldiers behind him ran into the interior of Oasis Town, Augustus found the man who dyed his hair blue.

"My name is Forsetti, and I'm a gas tanker," the man replied.

"The canner?" Augustus didn't quite believe what he said.

Augustus had never seen the worker look like this. His tattooed hands were full of pinholes that had been injected with strengthening agents. Most importantly, his hands were free from thick calluses.Anyone who can make it to the top in a place like Altera cannot be simple, except for those at the bottom, no one has a clean foundation.

"Sarah." Augustus glanced around, and a slender red-haired ghost agent appeared beside him.

"He didn't lie—except for the part of him now called Forsetti. But that was just one of a dozen aliases he used."

Aided by his Ghost suit, Kerrigan is so powerful that he can lift a Gauss rifle with one hand and rest it on his shoulder.She reached out and wiped the red dust off the goggles with her other hand, and stuck it in her wide waistband.

"Before Angus Mengsk, Augustus Mengsk and Arcturus Mengsk topped the Most Wanted list, he was a famous gun thief - for selling weapons from the Taurus Armory (Torus, Warfield was once called Torus' hero in Wings of Liberty) - worth hundreds of millions, the Brubaker family is so popular that they almost jumped off the stairs." Kerrigan said coldly.

"Colonel Horace."

"He's a hero." Augustus laughed out loud when he heard the members of the Creation Family deflated.

"Tychus has always wanted to do this."

"A mind reader. Damn it." Colonel Horace Kerrigan said was livid, as if he had suffered from a mind reader.

Just at this time, a beam of bright light pierced the sky flashed, followed by tremors and explosions, setting off an ash cloud composed of dust and gravel in the sky.It was not until a few seconds later that the glare that tore through the sky finally dissipated.

"An orbital bombing within a controllable range." Augustus repeated what Tassadar had promised himself: "The target of the strike is the main nest of the Zerg on the surface of Altera."

"Tassadar's templar and Zeratul's dark templar will also land on this planet, and their goal is the cerebrate Ark of the Jormungandard swarm."

"I bet they can't find Yark on Altera unless its brains are full of shit," Raynor said.

"Those aliens are going to blow up Altera?" Horace's face turned greener. If the Zerg didn't come suddenly, he would have escaped a long time ago.

"Don't worry, I bet they won't," Augustus said softly.

Horace's face had turned from blue to black, and he really wanted to ask Augustus what guarantee he would have against the Protoss.

 I'm a bit busy today, and I can't even sort out the archives and send them out before eight o'clock...

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(End of this chapter)

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