StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 335 Artanis

Chapter 335 Artanis
Altera Airport.

This cliff-top shipping port was once abandoned, as illicit cargo only entered the little-known private starports.

Now it has been put into use again after being repaired by the Revolutionary Army Engineering Corps, and it has been recorded in the Revolutionary Army's star map under the new name of Altera Air Port, and is open to any Revolutionary Army army or friendly army.

The airport has a wide and brand new landing pad and a towering launch tower, and all the buildings exude a beautiful silver-white luster under the sunlight.

Halfway up the mountain below is a battalion-level unit camp of the Revolutionary Army. The mountains are high and the roads are far away, and there are few people. blanket.These mountains are generally considered to be poisonous, because the gas spewed by the large number of high-energy gas springs even formed a lingering fog among the mountains.

When Augustus heard the news that the unknown protoss fleet had jumped into the Altera galaxy, when he arrived at Altera's air port from the Kymerian Gas refinery, two gold-red Revolutionary Army APOD-33s were landing with the rumbling of their engines.

A pirate with his hands bound by metal shackles was walking down the gangway below, followed by Revolutionary Army soldiers in power armor.

These pirates wore long ivory waistcoats and long leather boots that looked old and tattered, and wore turbans or low-brimmed hats on their heads. Chimera And Ship In Line.Since the interstellar pirates roamed the fringe star regions all year round and took pirate ships as their homes, their equipment and clothing generally looked dilapidated and outdated.

Some of the pirates were still wounded, apparently from fleeing while the Revolutionary Army was chasing them.Chimera pirates have strongholds in many places, and what the revolutionary army destroyed this time was only a pirate gas collection station in Altera.

In this galaxy, hundreds of Chimera pirates use a huge space hulk as their base, using fast small raiding airships to pillage technology and goods.Of course, what they do most in Altera is black-and-white business.

Chimera pirates are a larger faction in the Altera galaxy, and their main plundering fleet roaming the Koprulu sector even has modified battlecruisers.But if they encounter the largest reactionary force in the star sector, the Keha Revolutionary Army, they can only consider themselves unlucky.

"Haunting pirates, you can find them anywhere." Kerrigan frowned her pretty eyebrows in disgust as she followed Augustus past the dejected pirates.

"Pirates are pirates. They are everywhere and penetrate every hole." When Augustus figured out that the Chimera pirates just ran into him unluckily, he no longer cared so much about these pirates. He was thinking about the strange The purpose of the protoss fleet.

"As long as the sea of ​​stars still exists, the pirates will not disappear."

"Hope these pirates have a longer memory," Kerrigan said. "The Federation has enough headaches for us."

Augustus shrugged, didn't even look at the group of hapless Chimera pirates, and directly boarded the imp transport ship with Kerrigan and others.Along with the transport ship, there were also several Wraith fighters. These fighters with a deep red background and gold trim turned into a part of the silver meteor shower in the rotation of the horizon of the sky.

After jumping out of Altera's planetary gravity field, the transport ship headed straight for the Star Shuttle, the flagship of the Tassadar fleet. Outside the observation window on the small and round side of the ship where Augustus was, the magnificent and shining Protoss fleet had already arrived. close at hand.

Tassadar's protoss fleet did not intercept the transport ship of the Little Demon that Augustus was on. In the past, Rio Gustus would often take this spaceship to visit Tassadar on the Star Shuttle. The human revolution The army's growing friendship with the ex-executive of the Protoss Crusade is well known to followers of Tassadar.

On Altera’s outer space orbit, apart from the Tassadar protoss fleet that Augustus was familiar with, there was another golden and blue fleet facing it far away. Judging from their consistent styles, it should be It also belongs to the fleet of the Protoss Empire.And these two fleets are obviously confronting each other.

Judging from Augustus' understanding of Tassadar's current situation, it should be the fleet of the Supreme Council of the Protoss Empire that came to hunt him down.

Augustus, who was sitting on the hard-padded seat of the transport ship, contacted the bridge of the Hyperion once again when the spaceship he was riding was rapidly heading towards the Star Shuttle. Issue a first-level alert order to all decks to deal with emergencies that may arise at any time.

"Lieutenant Colonel, prepare for a space fleet battle in the Altera galaxy." Augustus gave an order to the deputy captain.

"They came with bad intentions."

"Who is our enemy?" asked the vice-captain. "If they go to war, shall we go to war?"

"Of course." Augustus replied, "And there is no doubt that we must stand on Tassadar's side."

"Yes, Marshal." The vice-captain responded to Augustus' order with a short answer.

Augustus then asked Lieutenant Colonel Ryan, "Where's Zeratul's Dark Templar fleet?"

"The Protoss Dark Templar fleet disappeared when this strange Protoss fleet appeared, and should have entered an invisible state." The deputy captain replied immediately.

"If the fleet of the Supreme Council discovers that there is a dark templar fleet here, it will inevitably trigger new conflicts." Augustus nodded.

"Zeratul's choice is very wise."

"Stay on high alert, Commander." He told the vice-captain of the Huberian at the end of the call: "You shoulder not only the fate of a battleship crew, but also our lofty beliefs and immortal mission. .”

Augustus then handed over the command of the Altaira Revolutionary Army fleet to Jim Raynor who hurried back to the Hyperion, focusing on the two Protoss fleets outside the porthole of the transport ship.

"It seems that the internal strife of the protoss is no less than that of humans." Kerrigan, who was sitting next to Augustus, said at this time: "It's strange, since the protoss has the ability to connect everyone's thoughts and emotions together. Kara, the psychic network, why is it still in conflict and civil war.”

"Even when it comes to mutual understanding and empathy, the opinions and ideas of the Protoss will not be exactly the same." Augustus replied: "The Kara of the Protoss cannot dissolve all conflicts. Kara may be able to do it like a heart." There is no distinction between each other, but as long as it is a creature with independent thinking, differences cannot exist."

The Imp transport ship sailed past the side of a protoss aircraft carrier to the star shuttle, the most magnificent and gorgeous warship in the protoss fleet. It seemed so small in front of these magnificent and flashing giant warships, as if Sardines swimming past a giant whale.

All kinds of beautiful butterfly shapes, needle shapes and saucer shapes shuttle back and forth around the giant battleship, and the elegant artwork-like hull shines bright golden light under the light of the stars.

The pilot who drove the ship for Augustus sailed into the anchorage port of the Star Shuttle's bow with ease, and stopped at a position full of protoss golden shuttles.As soon as the gray Little Devil stopped, two Protoss phasers in blue robes walked towards it.

Swimming fish-like minions came around the human spaceship, using blue-rayed ion beams and gravitational traction beams to repair the damaged hull.

Whenever Augustus came to the Star Shuttle, the spaceship would be meticulously maintained without exception.Human spaceships are crude and primitive in the eyes of protoss engineers. In the eyes of protoss, humans still believe in the principle that as long as the engine power is strong enough, spaceships can fly into the sky, no matter how crude their aircraft is, There is no art or beauty at all.

As for the extremely violent aircraft of human mercenaries and pirates, in the eyes of the engineers of the Protoss Empire, they are undoubtedly a desecration of beauty.

"Salute to Adun." Amidst the sound of the hydraulic device deflated, Augustus stepped down from the gangway of the transport ship below, and said to the two protoss phasers who came towards him.

"Salute to Adun, Marshal Augustus Mengsk." When the protoss called Augustus, they would still say Augustus's full name and position almost rigidly, which seemed reasonable to them. what should be done.

"What happened, my friends?" Augustus asked the two Protoss phasers.

"That's a fleet that was supposed to guard Aiur," a Protoss phaser with long fascicles covered in gold hoops told Augustus.

"We don't know who the Executors of this fleet are, but they bear the emblems of the Templar Akiri and Arbiter Yara tribes."

"Hasn't Aiur been raided by Zerg?" Kerrigan was walking down the gangway: "Could it be that the Protoss has already dealt with the Zerg that invaded Aiur, and can they send out their fleet?"

"We don't know," said the protoss phaser.

"Where's the Executor?" asked Augustus.

"Bridge," the Phase Technician replied.

Augustus nodded, leading Kerrigan and Faraday straight to the bridge of the Star Shuttle.Seeing Augustus walking in a hurry, the two Star Shuttle phase technicians just looked at each other, and then immersed themselves in their work again.An ancient protoss Kalani language is still spoken among the Kalai class of the Protoss - our duty never ends.

Through the teleportation matrix inside the Star Shuttle, Augustus arrived at the bridge corridor with the dome piled with clear crystals and stars in a few minutes.

"—We are here to arrest you. Then, we will bring you back to Al for trial." Just as he walked into the bridge of the Star Shuttle, Augustus heard a haughty voice.The voice was far less powerful than Tassadar's, but it was definitely not weak.

"The tone reminds me of that old fellow Duke," Kerrigan said as they walked. "The arrogance of the old nobles of Tarsonis is exactly the same as that of the protoss."

"Arrest me? The zerg are destroying Aiur, and you have traveled thousands of miles to arrest me?" Tassadar's voice sounded angry.

"Tassadar, what happened?" Augustus went straight to Tassadar who was standing in front of the bridge platform.The templars around Tassadar did not stop Augustus, they didn't think Augustus was the one who would hurt Tassadar.

Sarah Kerrigan, a human psyker who follows Augustus, may be a dangerous character, but her devotion to Augustus himself is absolutely unquestionable.

"Who is this human here? Tassadar."

"He is Augustus Mengsk, the leader of the Human Revolutionary Army. He is a brave and righteous man." Tassadar replied.

Augustus finally saw clearly the owner of that voice. He was a protoss in a golden-red robe and a hood, with a crystal-clear blue crystal embedded in the top of the hood.

"Interesting, your taste in choosing companions is becoming more and more incredible. You have already touched heresy, and I can feel the stain left by the dark templar in your spiritual world, and that stain even blasphemed Kara."

"Who is this arrogant and disrespectful fellow?" Augustus asked Tassadar.

"What an idiot." Kerrigan said venomously, "Stop looking down on humans, Duke is simply a good guy compared to him."

"You are here, Augustus." Tassadar looked at Augustus and said.

"He is Aldaris, the arbitrator of the Supreme Council. As you heard, the arbitrator Aldaris is here to arrest me."

"Don't let them take you away, executive officer, you are not a puppet at the mercy of the Supreme Council." Augustus said to Tassadar.

"Arrogance, this is not the place for you to talk, human being." The blue flames in Aldaris' eyes sparkled with anger.

"Shut up," Kerrigan said. "Don't be rude to Marshal Augustus, or I'll shoot you."

"If you have a mouth—poor fellow."

There was no need for Kerrigan to humble herself to Aldaris. She would never show any kindness to those who dared to offend Augustus, whether they were humans or protoss.

For a moment, Aldaris, choked by Kerrigan's rage, was almost speechless, the fire in his eyes had never been brighter than today.But as a protoss, Aldaris would not be like Tychus even if he was furious.

"Interesting." Aldarius declared that he remembered the two humans.

"If you remember the honor you once achieved, Tassadar, we once believed in you so much, we believed in you like the sun and the great Adun." He ignored Augustus and Kerrigan, and continued to talk to Tassadar. Dahl said.

"And now you have not only failed the expectations we placed on you, you have even allowed these humans to enter the supreme and noble Star Shuttle. I have come to arrest you! I want to reiterate that you and all your stupid Followers will be imprisoned and brought back to Al for trial!"

"What is he trying to do? Make people rebel?" Kerrigan whispered.

"Everything I do is for Aiur! Once the opportunity is right, I will return to Aiur." Tassadar responded calmly.

"The Dark Templar has corrupted you so deeply." Aldarius' voice rose.

"Arbitrator, anger will not help solve the problem." At this time, a voice that sounded too young appeared.

A protoss in a golden-blue executive robe stood out from behind Aldaris. He was wearing a plate armor that was almost old-fashioned, and his eyes were sky blue as clear as water.

"Executive Officer, you are still so young, yet you have been promoted to my old position." Tassadar said while looking at him.


 The tavern missed me!
(End of this chapter)

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