StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 34 Talking Between Brothers

Chapter 34 The Conversation Between Brothers
"Suitor?" Augustus's memory flashed some young nobles of Keha with bruised noses and faces: "Then they should all go to hell."

As Augustus said, such a scene appeared in his mind.At Dorothy's 16th birthday dinner, half of Stilling's socialites were in attendance, with their sons and daughters all dressed up.

There were so many nobles holding flowers who wanted to meet Dorothy that they could line up from the Mengsk Sky Tower to the entrance of the Palatine Council Hall.From the minor heir to the nobility just coming of age to the youngest Senator Keha, everyone is kept out of Dorothy's sight by Augustus and her father.

Both men and women, young and old, all want to dance with Miss Dorothy, the protagonist of the birthday party, but it is Augustus who dances with Dorothy in the end.

"Dorothy is still young, and she doesn't understand the ugly and dark hearts of those fat-headed noble dregs." Arcturus took a cup of black tea from the table, took a sip, and said without any malice: "Those The inbreeding freaks make me nauseous, they only understand politics, power, and sex, and they plan to use a political marriage to tie their family to the Mengsk family."

"As long as we are alive, there is no way Dorothy will be a victim of politics and power."

"She wants to be happy forever."

"You really should go back to your hometown to see Dorothy, she is no longer the little girl you remember." Augustus smiled and said, "Dorothy is very assertive, which is very similar to my mother. Dorothy likes reading, economics, politics, classical culture and even epics of galactic heroes. In terms of business management and business decision-making, Dorothy has shown a much higher talent than you and me.”

"Dorothy should inherit the Mengsk family, and we just want to get rid of father's control, explore the unknown world above the star sea or establish a great career in the army." Arcturus pointed to himself and then to Aogu Stu: "But I'm worried that Dorothy will be under too much pressure. She's just a girl after all."

"If that's the case, I think I'll go back and help her." Augustus expressed his true thoughts. Compared to the battlefield, he would rather stay in the safety of Keha.

Arcturus was obviously taken aback, this was not the Augustus he remembered.In the nearly ten years since Arcturus joined the army, Augustus has written to him with such a high frequency of three letters every year that his e-mail box has too many emails to read.

In these letters, without exception, Augustus expressed his yearning for his brother's free and unrestrained military life, and complained about his father's autocracy and the boredom and depression of being trapped under the small blue sky in Keha.

The young Augustus aspires to be a Marshal who can lead an interstellar Marine Corps on adventures, colonies and battles with strange alien creatures.

Augustus had sworn no less than ten times that once he was able to leave Keha without his father's control, he would never go back.And although Arcturus explained to Augustus countless times that life in the Marine Corps was actually extremely boring, Augustus never changed his mind.

"No matter what, I will always support you." Arcturus nodded.

Still, Arcturus rejoiced in Augustus' change.Because no matter how much he believed in his younger brother's ability, there was no guarantee that Augustus would be unscathed on the battlefield.Selfishly speaking, Arcturus would rather his younger siblings stay in absolute safety than break their young wings for their dreams.

"But I'm still worried." Arcturus's furrowed eyebrows showed his inner worry: "You know what that bastard Angus is doing. He dreams of overthrowing the government of the Tyrann Federation, and he is putting it into practice." practice.

"Under the secret funding of the Umoyan Council, the rebel forces controlled by Angus have destroyed outpost factories in the fringe colonies in the past few years and the demonstrations they provoked have become so many that the Federation Council of Tarsonis is terrified point."

"What exactly does he want to do? If this goes on, it will be a matter of time before Korhal IV and the federal government of Tarsonis will break out in a full-scale war. The Federation Parliament will never sit back and watch Korha escape from its control. Once they admit that a planet can Declare independence from a single government, and other planets will follow."

"At that time, the federal government will send the marines. Maybe Keha can hold out for a while with the help of Umoyan. But the federal parliament still has a huge fleet, which can destroy the defense of the entire planet from high-altitude orbit. said Arcturus.

"It never occurred to Angus that if he failed, his family would be guillotined. Angus was playing with fire and self-immolation after his rebel organization targeted military installations and Tarsonis founding family holdings. How many innocent people lost their lives because of his 'justice' during the terrorist activities of the companies with shares? Do those workers and ordinary soldiers really deserve to die?"

"I don't care about Angus and his revolutionary cause. No matter what the outcome is, he deserves what he deserves. But what about Dorothy and Mom? We can't lose them."

"I will try my best to convince my father." Augustus was not very confident in what he said.

"You can't convince a stubborn old wolf." Arcturus snorted.

Augustus sighed softly, and both sides were silent, as if they were deeply touched by old Mengsk's stubbornness.

After a while, Arcturus skipped the subject and talked about his plans: "Augustus, I will probably be discharged early before the end of the war, maybe early next year, maybe this year. Until then, I want you to be an officer."

"Why?" Augustus looked at Arcturus.Arcturus, who had been promoted to colonel during the Battle of Kailian, was almost certain to become a general at the end of the war. He received more medals and honors than anyone else in a lifetime.After the war is won, glory, fame, power and wealth will follow.

"I'm tired of this kind of life." Aktur confessed: "The freshness and excitement brought to me by the Marine Corps have long since faded away. Now I want to regain my original dream and become a Adventurers and prospectors."

"I already have a start-up capital. Of course, not from Angus. I have plans to buy MRI monitors, drilling rigs, space engineering vehicles and spacecraft. I am also going to hire some people, but the money will have to be loaned Then, I estimate that I will spend a few years to ten years to find a crystal vein that is enough to make me a rich man."

Augustus suddenly showed a stunned expression. He remembered that his brother was the emperor who banned the Tyrannian Federation government and established the Tyrannian Empire through an uprising in the future.In the game, Arcturus Mengsk, the founder of the Tyranid Empire, is an interstellar hero, a sophisticated and ruthless politician and schemer.

And now, the future emperor of the empire told his younger brother that he was not interested in anything but mining in a hard hat.

"If you don't have enough funds, go find your mother." Augustus quickly accepted this fact.

"No, I just want to prove that we can do well without relying on the strength of the family." Arcturus said.

"." Augustus was silent.

Because of his rebellious attitude towards his father, Arcturus at this time extremely loathes revolution and politics.He just wants to take risks, to become a rich mine owner by exploring new mine veins in the unknown edge of the universe, and to become a rich man through his own efforts instead of inheriting his father's and family's industries.

"When I'm not by your side, be careful of those who have evil intentions." After a moment of silence, Arcturus said to Augustus earnestly: "No one is worthy except the Mengsk family, except ourselves. What we trust."

"You are the wolf of the Mengsk family, and you must be ruthless."

Augustus nodded seriously.

"Well, I almost forgot, hurry up and get your people ready, but don't mention it to others." Arcturus finally said: "After tomorrow, the Turasis Army and Marine Corps will High Command's Operation Plan No. 6 is no longer a secret—we are going to launch a general attack on the Kel-Morians on the other side of Polk's Pride, forcing them to fight here."

 Thank you Yamato vs Leviathan, Agent Rong Rong, look again, the reward of the Great Zhou Chess Car, thank you Liu Xitang, Yamato vs Leviathan, Rongrong Agent, the Great Zhou Chess Car, the monthly pass of the glory to the eldest son, thank you support!

  To be honest, the grades on the first day were not so good, it was a bit uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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