Chapter 350
Town Hall of the city of Helsin-Josala in July.

The roar of artillery fire and the hissing of the zerg finally subsided, but the people of Hilsane will never forget these nightmarish days.

Augustus brushed the dust off the desk in the public hall of City Hall, wondering how long it had been since a decent meeting or election speech had been held here.

The hall is modeled on the Nagfa Hall of Tarsonis, with huge Greek columns supporting the triangular dome, frescoes and carvings depicting sowing and harvesting scenes, and these depictions of the word Hailsanne Original meaning: as beautiful as idyllic poetry.

There are tens of thousands of seats in the hall of Nuoda, and it takes a few minutes to walk from one end to the other.There must have been a lot of people here in the past, and the people who built this city with their own hands could speak freely here, but now it is as empty as all the promises of the Tyrann Federation.

Today, it is rediscovered as the headquarters of the Marshal of the Revolutionary Army, and there is also a full-staffed Guards Battalion stationed in it.

Then Augustus picked up a piece of document paper that was left on the desk, and carefully read the content on it.There are some words and sentences used for the inscription when the speaker forgets the words, including the words that the franchised colonies should manage their own homes, and all affairs of the federal government should be open and transparent, and the capitalized justice, peace, order and law.

Augustus leaned on the table with one hand, looked at the paper repeatedly with the other, and nodded frequently: "Who is the person who wrote these words? If possible, I really want to meet him. Died in the havoc of the zerg invasion."

"The last time the door was opened was a speech given by the chairman of the Hailsain Colonial Committee two months ago, and it has been completely closed since then." Kerrigan walked past Augustus, In his hand was another stack of crumpled papers.

Kerrigan wore a sleek, tight black Wraith combat suit, with a crisp, single ponytail.She wasn't always in this suit, but the Ghost suit empowers Ghosts to the point where they gain power comparable to what the CMC Power Armor can provide.

This pair of deadly agents has a unique charm and beauty. The slender but extremely powerful waist makes the proportion of its bust, waist and hips close to perfect.Kerrigan's body is a perfect work of art.

"A killer who was in the middle of the crowd shot the chairman of the committee in public," Kerrigan said. "It was a professionally trained and experienced assassin who fired multiple shots with ruthlessness and precision. One shot was fatal. , blood spattered on the spot."

"What did the people from the Federation do?" Augustus was shocked and angry.

"It was reported that the shooter was a survivor of Kerhal IV, using a P-180 electromagnetic pistol also produced by Kerha. After being captured, he admitted that he was a member of the Sons of Korhal." Kerrigan replied.

"Low-level framing, maybe the arrested person is just a resocialized scapegoat." Augustus handed the paper in his hand to Kerrigan for safekeeping: "The son of Keha will not abuse Kill innocent people, unless that person's crimes are beyond record."

"What else did the chairman say," said Augustus. "What other dissenting views did he hold?"

"That's a lot, and some of them are basically the same as your father, Angus Mengsk." Kerrigan said after deliberation: "He accused the Tarsonis federal government of incompetence and the corruption of the Helsanne Senate and the entire administration. The system is in disarray from top to bottom."

To this day, Kerrigan is still quite cautious when mentioning Angus, and she is still afraid to go back with Augustus to visit his parents.After all, it's not a pleasant thing to have nearly killed your sweetheart's parents and sister, especially when they all knew about it.

In this regard, Kerrigan's hatred for the Tyrannian Federation increased several times, because she learned that Lisa Keshidi had already taken the lead in this matter.

"He also pointed out that certain parts of Helsingne are still secretly involved in the manufacture of drugs, because growing crops is nothing compared to the benefits brought by drugs. Long before this speech, he urged Haier The Thain Police Department handles the matter," she said, looking at Augustus.

"He must have gotten some information from somewhere, and I suspect that it all came from the Sons of Korha in Hilsane or a rebel organization other than ours."

"Drugs." Augustus grasped the key point: "There are always people who want to earn more through this way. It will make these people overwhelmed. In contrast, Agria under the joint governance of Dr. Hansen and us has begun to truly become a paradise on earth."

"There's an entire sector of people who've lost their fortunes on a few grams of something that's going to kill you," Kerrigan said.

"Halcein grows not only food, but also crabs, raw materials for hab and turk, Bolas, Tezos, and some drugs that can greatly increase the excitement of users. These drug dealers Its business is very big, and it is exported to core worlds such as Tarsonis Prime, as well as places like Turasis Guardian II." She said.

"As far as I know, your old friend may also be their loyal customer."

"However, Lisa is no longer dependent on drugs. I believe she has found a more worthwhile goal than spending time in the barracks and waiting to die." Augustus paused here.

"I haven't said who yet," Kerrigan said.

"You know my attitude towards drugs, my dear. It cannot be eradicated, but at least it should be strictly controlled. Even a scum like Tychus will only choose to use alcohol to anesthetize himself." Augustus turned his head to look He glanced at Kerrigan, then quickly looked away.

Tychus is a man who likes to enjoy himself, and there are only two insurmountable mountains in front of him: money and women, but Tychus has never touched drugs, not a little bit.Tychus had had countless chances to get a small shot of a magical drug that was said to make a person's life not in vain from his cronies, but he scoffed.

He likes to pursue pleasure and excitement, but he doesn't want others to control him through something. Tychus feels the most painful thing about having his wealth and life in one person's hands.Tychus is very smart, he knows that once a person is addicted to drugs, no matter how strong the person is, it is difficult for reason and wisdom to help him.

The villain wanted freedom even more than Raynor, and of course, that freedom was unfettered freedom, and Tychus would be happy to do some bad things somewhere out of the law and walk away.Raynor sometimes compares himself to Robin Hood in the mouth of Augustus, hoping that he can be a hero and help justice, while Tychus thinks that he is probably the one who is helped.

"I'm sure you've got some report from the Helsingne drug factory."

"Yes." Kerrigan thought he was just making a good-natured joke, and hoped that Marshal Augustus would smile more.

"Taraton City has a huge plantation—breeding, planting, and harvesting are all mechanized. A raw material processing plant disguised as Astor Pharmaceuticals has been producing crudely processed drugs for many years, and then these will be in the tower. Refinishing and repackaging on satellites in Sonny's," she said.

"The irony is that the pharmaceutical company has been declaring to the outside world that they have discovered a drug that can cure most of the intractable diseases that plague mankind today, and many people in the public have high hopes for this project."

"The fields overgrown with terrapins are so rich in flowers, the white flowers are so beautiful that it almost seems like white clouds are falling on the ground."

"People who should have saved others have brought death." Augustus said: "In the face of interests, these people are willing to betray everything. Shut him down, and I think the people in Helsingn will definitely approve."

"If anyone objects, let him come to me."

"Then this person has to cross at least two divisions first." Kerrigan smiled: "Reynolds has already blown up that factory, burned the plantation base, and sprinkled the seeds of the crown flower. He also hates drugs. , what happened to Lisa made the Devils of Heaven hate these things extremely."

"The Astor Pharmaceutical Group's factory is heavily guarded. Both mercenaries and private security are armed to the teeth. Their equipment is almost eliminated from the front line of the federal army, and some of them even look brand new. Renault dispatched two The Ranger Battalion took it."

"Has the man who made these things caught it?" asked Augustus.

"The people at Astor Pharma ran out before the zerg invaded, before they even had time to blow up the factory and destroy all the data and materials," Kerrigan said.

"Maybe they're planning to come back after the Federals have driven the zerg out."

"Is there a list of drug distribution places?" Augustus asked again: "Drug dealers have no worries about buyers."

"Yes, only those areas that are too remote are not mentioned." Kerrigan nodded.

"Strictly speaking, the Helsingne Astor Company can only be regarded as the origin and wholesaler, and they are not the ones who deliver or sell the goods. They will hand over these drugs to local local snakes and people with ability and connections. All in all, as long as they get the money, they don't care who ends up with the contraband coming out of Helsingne."

"But extremely important clients and collaborators will be recorded." Augustus said: "You know, drugs are very popular in Tarsonis."

"The drugs that work best are always the ones that are mixed with deadly poisons. Just a small dose will make people happy, but the death will be very ugly." Kerrigan nodded again.

"It's not just the nobles who are addicted to drunkenness, officials in the Tarsonis federal government are also loyal buyers of these drugs, and they are also happy to get them and arrange everything for drug dealers." She said.

"It's not surprising." Augustus has long been accustomed to the actions of the Tyrannian Federation, and only similar things in the Revolutionary Army can make him angry.

So far, few people have seen Augustus Mengsk throw a tantrum, and Jim Leno and Xandermax are definitely the two lucky enough to experience it.

"If we hadn't dispatched the army to take it there, Astor's dirty and evil crimes would never have come to light." Kerrigan also lamented: "Their crimes don't stop there. When testing, people from Astor will use people who have never been exposed to drugs and people who are heavily dependent for testing."

"There are dense bones buried under the ridge of the field."

"Once the public learns the names of these federal government officials who are colluding with drug traffickers, they will definitely lose confidence in the people of the ruling class."

"Collect these evidences." Augustus sighed for these ugly inside stories, and he only hoped that it was not too late to mend the situation.

"We will use it. If there is a chance, we will give it to Mike of UNN, and let him find an opportunity to draw the public's attention to this matter."

"The Marshal—General Renault has arrived." At this moment, a guard guarding the gate of the city hall came running quickly and said to Augustus.

"What brought you here, Sheriff Raynor." Augustus looked in the direction of the gate, and saw Jim Raynor in blue power armor striding towards him.

"Stop it." Renault waved his hand, raised the water glass in his hand and drank it down in one gulp.Obviously, he was so busy that he didn't even have time to drink a few sips of water.

"Have you heard?" He said after taking a big sip of water, "It's about Al."

"Why do you speak like Zeratul." Augustus glared at him, "Tell me the whole thing at once."

"Isn't it, can't you breathe?" Renault said hey: "I met a few protoss when I was dealing with the Zerg, and they told me that Aiur sent the expeditionary forces and colonial fleets scattered in the Milky Way. A recall order was issued, and they even recalled - what mothership."

"Sounds awesome, and I wouldn't be too surprised by whatever scary high-tech weapon the Protoss pulls out. It might be old stuff from their grandpa's grandpa's grandpa's, but it's still capable of taking our most advanced tanks Send it to heaven, it's a hell of a life."

"They won't be able to stand it anymore?" Augustus couldn't be called gloating, he was just surprised that four or five months had passed since the Mastermind invaded Aiur, and the protoss couldn't completely kill the brain worms. Xia unexpectedly withstood the offensive of the main force of the insect swarm, the insect nest.

"Who knows? It must be urgent to make those old antiques in the Protoss Council put down the face of the ancient empire and shout to the entire universe that we are being beaten to pieces by a few bugs."

"Tassadar hasn't mentioned this matter to me yet." Augustus said, "But I have guessed something."

"The scientific research team deployed near the Char galaxy also sent back information, and the detection data showed that the largest Tiamat swarm had left Char through a newly opened wormhole." He said: "This team The main duty of the Hive is to guard the Overlord itself."

"This means that the Juggernaut has probably descended to Aiur through the wormhole. If Tassadar does not return, the Protoss Empire and Zerg will penetrate Aiur."

(End of this chapter)

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