Chapter 352 Riot
Helsingne, the main continental resettlement site.

Everything is in vain.

The afterimages of the ruins of the city in the south of the settlement point in the setting sun outline the memories of the Hirsan people about the past, but now there is only a surface covered with zerg overgrown creeps, spinous cavities, blood vessels, insect intestines, chitin carapace and A hive hotbed of still rapidly growing exoskeleton shells.

The city dwellers and animals infected by the zerg virus still wander among the tall buildings like midnight ghosts, and the queens of the swarm and the guardians of the hive still remain in the depths of those dark caves.

Lesions have developed throughout the city, and buildings have been completely reduced to breeding grounds for infected and mutant creatures.Some soaring skyscrapers were transformed into spiers of swarms, hovering above the swarms of Mutaliscus, which had not yet left, and the city parks, which were originally composed of beautiful gardens, lawns, red brick paths and benches, were destroyed by corpses and Mutants. covered in insect excrement.

Every time, the people in the refugee resettlement area will feel extremely sad when they look at the ruins of the city. I don’t know how many people’s property and family members have been destroyed in this catastrophe of Zerg invasion.

This refugee camp has a wide area, and the engineers of the Revolutionary Army Engineering Corps who designed it are obviously very experienced, taking into account all aspects of the lives of refugees.According to the design, the main mainland refugee camp can accommodate 25 people, which is enough to solve the resettlement problem of refugees displaced in the area.

The camp also provided people with food, clothing and personal security, a move that was widely praised among the Helsanne people.

The modular house panels for building the refugee camp were directly transported by air to the surface of Helsern, and necessary facilities such as a power station and a water storage tank were all available.There are concrete roads between the houses, and a convoy of refugees and supplies will pass by on the roads from time to time.

The bright red flag of the Revolutionary Army also stands in the center of the camp, reminding the people in the camp who is protecting them from the wind and rain.

In the center of the refugee camp there is an apron that is capable of landing dozens of APOD transport ships at the same time, and the transport ships that are landing on it are also responsible for transporting refugees.

Since all the Revolutionary Army troops that landed in Helsern have returned to the fleet, only some junior officers of the Revolutionary Army and the local militia are responsible for the defense of the refugee camp.

When Augustus came to this refugee camp, the expanded area was still under heavy construction. Containers and tall scaffolding that had just been put down by transport ships could be seen everywhere. Gao's T-280 space engineering vehicle is using welding torches, claw clamps and power drills to connect support columns and frames of a support frame modular house.

Some of these T-280 space engineering vehicles are still too old even after repeated painting and good maintenance. They are all old models that often go wrong. Only marginal colonies and newly established colonies are still in large-scale use.They are easy to collect in places like Mar Sara and Antiga Prime, and you can also find a lot of old goods that can be repaired and used in the giant recycling bin in the Port of the Dead.

The Revolutionary Army can now also build its own space engineering vehicle, and the design of the engine, onboard feedback module and auxiliary thrusters is not a difficult problem to overcome.In the past, the Revolutionary Army lacked factories to build engineering vehicles, these are now mass-produced in large factories in Antiga, Hege and Altera.

When Augustus stood in front of a two-story building under construction, two space engineering vehicles were concentrating on welding cables and solar panels, which can greatly solve the problem of electricity consumption for refugees.When on the surface of the planet, the construction vehicles will use the walking legs connected to the servo system to walk, and when they face danger and need to impact or carry heavy objects, they will use the thrusters behind them.

The T-280 space engineering vehicle is the cornerstone of construction and resource collection, as evidenced by the rising cities, fortresses, mines, space stations and oil refineries.

"Hey, did anyone say you're cool in this suit? Kundy." Jim Raynor, who was next to Augustus, tried to strike up a conversation with a space engineering vehicle driver.

"I took this as flattery. Lieutenant General Renault, I haven't seen you for a while. The last time was when Tychus and Colonel Hank made a mess of the Hyperion." Driving the space engineering vehicle Pilot Kundy Lired turned and lowered his front cockpit window.

When he looked at Augustus, he saluted: "Marshal, I heard that the front line has just won a battle, and it's all because we have a wise and mighty leader."

Closer to home, the pilot of the space engineering vehicle belonging to the Hyperion engineering team has seen Augustus and Raynor many times.He is also a technical team leader under Swann. He was originally engaged in technical research, and he is also an outstanding engineer.

"The lads in the frontline troops are all good, but you are also responsible for this. We are a whole, and we can't do without any one of them." Augustus said as usual that all members of the Revolutionary Army deserve the greatest credit. , He never took the honor to himself, which is even more obvious when compared with Edmond Duke who is fishing for fame.

"What did Tychus and Hank do?" After speaking, he looked at Raynor again.

Augustus was not on the Hyperion at that time, and after he came back, the people on the ship obviously did not want to disturb the busy Marshal Augustus with trivial matters.

"That happened last month. Tychus drank some spirits and went berserk in the bar, killing four or five of the best young men." Raynor said, spreading his hands.

"One of them was the Red Firebat who happened to be taking Hubrian on a mission, and you know what a hot-tempered villain their boss is," he said, "Hank and Tychus turned the bar upside down. "

"Hank thinks Tychus is so good because he's been drinking, so he's downed a few bottles of Red Star Stout, too."

"Guess what," Raynor said, laughing. "The guy just passed out, and Tychus started dancing in the bar."

"It's a good thing they didn't break my record player, it's an antique," Augustus said. "Hank is still a kid, and Tychus is so old, why is he still making trouble."

"You're too partial to Hanak Hank," Kerrigan said beside him.

"How about it, Kundy, tell me what's going on here." Augustus covered his forehead and looked at Kundy who was sitting on the space engineering vehicle.

The space vehicle's cockpit was a good five feet (1.5 meters) above the ground, and Augustus had to look up at him.

"As usual, troubles are always coming." Kundi said to Augustus: "The engineering team has built refugee camps on planets invaded by Zerg more than once, but the environment of each planet is different. same."

"The ground of Helsingne is the most satisfactory I have seen on the planet in the past few years, but the bugs may think so." He said: "When we first started building the refugee camp, we still lacked cover. After all, we can't Deploy a few battalions to protect refugee camps of no strategic value when facing an entire swarm."

"The bugs used to be here a lot, and back then we drove construction trucks and used plasma melters, power claws, and drills to deal with them. It was really thrilling."

"A company or even a platoon is enough to deal with a few springtails or Hydralisks, but the captain in command didn't take this into account." Augustus said: "He has already paid for this mistake." cost."

"We can't be too harsh on an officer who has no professional military education, and we can only hope that his successor can learn from the lessons of his predecessors."

Most of the officers of the Revolutionary Army were promoted from ordinary soldiers. They were experienced and brave in combat, but that didn't mean they couldn't make mistakes.

"Later, refugees moved in one after another." Kundy continued: "But you can't expect everyone to appreciate your efforts, and many people are still complaining about the facilities in the refugee camp. Damn it, isn't it Do they think our help is justified?"

"Some people even sneaked in to make trouble and destroy important energy facilities. Even the zerg haven't brought us such losses. We didn't come here to thank you, but doing so will inevitably make people feel disheartened."

"You can leave if you don't want to stay here. We didn't come to Helsingne for charity." Reynolds said.

"If we drive people away, those people will say that the revolutionary army is oppressing civilians." Augustus said, "At least most people still cooperate with us."

At this time, there was another noise in the refugee camp, and it seemed that there were still people making trouble.

"What's going on?" Renault looked in that direction.

"I guess it's a trivial matter," Kundy said. "People who come here are victims of this war, and it's inevitable that some people drink away their sorrows. Some people also steal relief supplies, even though the ones we distribute have been Enough for them to live comfortably."

"They can still get wine at this time?" Renault shrugged: "Is it really worth it? Some of our good brothers have stayed here forever for Hailsern, and their wives may have to be forced to do so for their children." Remarried just to save these scumbags?"

"After all, there are still a lot of people who agree with us." Augustus said to Renault: "Be optimistic, Jimmy, have we seen less absurd things?"

"Oh—it's impossible not to be optimistic. When a person has experienced many things, Augustus, he will naturally look down on those sufferings." Renault said.

"Go and see what those people are still arguing about."

"Well, I've got to keep working. Even if I told Swan that I was talking to Marshal Augustus Mengsk when I was late, he probably wouldn't believe it." Kundy said He closed the window of the cab and continued his work just now.

"I hope that when we see you next time, we can already build a fortress in Tarsonis."

"Thank you for your kind words," Augustus responded.

Augustus, Renault Kerrigan and others walked along the road under construction towards the very center of the refugee camp and noticed that many people were also rushing from their houses to the scene of the incident.

Augustus noticed that it was a relief point for distributing food and water, next to a depot warehouse where supplies were stored.He looked at Kerrigan and said, "Can you sense something?" "

Right now, there is a crowd around this relief point, many talking at the same time, there is anger and tension in the air, anxiety is spreading among everyone.Several Helsanne militiamen in blue power armor are intervening in this dispute. They are all locals who have turned to the Revolutionary Army after they settled on the planet.

"There are too many people here and it's very noisy, I can't grasp the key point." Kerrigan pressed his temple, with a pale golden light flowing in his eyes.

"Rumor." Suddenly, Kerrigan caught on to something.

"Some people spread messages here, saying that the Revolutionary Army will cut off the food supplies in the refugee camps to support the front line. Others said that once the Tyrannian Federation returns, all those who betrayed the Federation will be liquidated."

"What a dirty trick, don't forget who saved them from where the zerg were."

"Quiet!" Augustus waved his hand, and Faraday's marshal's guards ran towards the crowd with neat steps, standing in line on both sides: "Who is the culprit who caused this riot? If no one tells me, Then everyone here must be investigated."

The people who were arguing about something immediately quieted down. They couldn't ignore the soldiers of the marshal's guard with live ammunition and the golden wolf logo on them.The crowd dispersed quickly, with no one left to explain what had happened.

Kerrigan and his guards quickly arrested two people, a young man with purple hair in a turban and a middle-aged man with a big belly.

"Tell me, what did you all do?" Renault asked the two people brought to Augustus while cleaning his Colt pistol.

"I..." the middle-aged man was about to say something when Renault started to load his pistol with bullets.

"I have killed many, not a single one of the valiant guildguards of the Kel-Morians, the thugs of Mar Sara, the criminals of the Haven of the Dead." He said, "It is useless to lie, we There are mind-reading ghosts here."

"It may not be the best in the universe, but it must be empathetic." Kerrigan emphasized: "I will record every word you say and discern every detail."

"I know you are working for the drug lord of Hailsane, and he instructed you to create chaos here because he hates the anti-drug policy of the Revolutionary Army." She looked at the other person: "As for you, you at least want to stir up chaos , take advantage of the riots to get a few more supplies."

"Take it down and send it to Antiga for mining." Augustus pondered for a moment, then gave an order after a little thought.

"I like your decision. I heard that there is always a shortage of people on the construction site and in the mine." Renault said.

"It wasn't like this when the Tyrann Federation was here! You inhumane rebels, you will definitely pay the price!" The obese middle-aged man who just wanted to get away with it, but only now knew his fate, immediately shouted yelled.

"It wasn't like this when the Tyrann Federation was here!"

"Idiot!" Renault yelled.

"He's right, I built the system to make it difficult for people like that to do something wrong," Augustus said.

(End of this chapter)

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