StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 39 Attack on Dunlin District

Chapter 39 Attack on Dunlin District

Thousands of feet above Polk's Pride, the Ky-Morian Cerberus fleets engaged the Tyranid Avengers in a brutal aerial contest.In the downtown area, anti-aircraft towers and anti-aircraft guns roared.The city is burning, and the flames are soaring into the sky, igniting the night sky.

Augustus and the soldiers in his squad followed an AVV arc tank while running and shooting, praying that the electromagnetic shells of the Kel Morian guild-style large-caliber mortars would not fall on themselves and their comrades .

According to the offensive deployment, the ten battalions of the second and fourth brigades will be divided into three lines to attack from the east of Polk's Pride, while the fifth battalion where Augustus is located will go straight all the way from the middle line and directly penetrate the enemy. The heart of the city.

The squads were far apart, spread out across a front seven to eight hundred yards wide, with a resocialization company charging at full speed in front of them, three companies of the resocialization battalion behind them, and then the Other companies of the [-]th Battalion.

In the light of flares that rose one after another, Augustus was getting closer and closer to the position that the Kelmerians built at the entrance of the city relying on sandbags, steel plates, electrified barbed wire and bunkers. The enemy's first line of defense.

Augustus stepped over body after body of resocialized soldiers lying on the ground until he could see the flashes of electromagnetic gun fire on enemy positions.

About a thousand yards ahead of Augustus, there was a Kelmorian hemispherical bunker that had been destroyed by arc tank shells, and the positions piled high with sandbags and scrap metal had already been blasted to pieces.

Even so, the Ke Morian soldiers still held their ground, using their various but powerful weapons to fight back against the charging federal army. They used the laser drills in the mines and everything else they could find in the mines and guilds. Dangerous goods are moved to the front line.

Augustus had to admit that the Kel-Morians, who had grown up in competitive guilds, had a much stronger will to fight than many Confederate soldiers who had been conscripted.They are natural fighters, and they are willing to sacrifice everything for the guild and the glory of their family.

The arc tanks moved on, their turrets swiveling, firing continuously at the Kel-Morian positions.The Goliath armed robots beside Augustus also opened fire. These twelve-foot-tall bipedal walking mechs looked like steel giants, and the stainless steel shields reflected a cold iron-gray light under the searchlights.

The 30mm automatic cannons equipped on the double arms on both sides of the Goliath mech rotated and fired thousands of bullets in a few seconds until the barrel turned red.

Immediately afterwards, the missile pod on the shoulder of the Goliath armed robot spun open, launching a series of ground-to-ground missiles, and the fierce firepower opened gaps in the Kelmorians' positions one after another.

Augustus and his squad stayed close to the tank the entire time as the bullets whizzed past his head.Although Warfield's [-]st Company was the first to attack, under the orders of the company commander, they kept pace and kept pace with the tanks.

A few minutes have passed since entering the charging distance. During this period, a shell fell on the armor of the tank, but it was immediately bounced off by the armor. Another shell fell next to Augustus, but it failed to hurt him. .

Augustus remained restrained and calm all the time, and he moved forward steadily, shooting towards the bright spot.

The soldiers of the first squad were scattered not far away, and there was a distance of [-] yards between each of them. The closest to Augustus were the sniper Rick of the first fire team and Benjamin, who was holding a honey whisperer heavy machine gun. .

After the speed of the first company slowed down, the re-social soldiers who were still charging at full speed passed the steadily advancing first company one by one.The resocialized soldiers did not have the wolf-head insignia of the 33rd Ground Assault Division on their power armor and visors, so Augustus could still tell the difference between them and normal soldiers.

There is no doubt that once the commander gives the order to attack, these resocialized soldiers will consistently charge forward, even knowing that they will plunge into hell.

Squads after squads of resocialized soldiers were knocked down in front of Augustus by Kel-Morian gunfire and bullets, but more resocialized soldiers rushed up one after another.They charge like robots that run according to a fixed program, as if they were born to only know how to move forward.

After leaving behind more than a hundred corpses, the resocialized soldiers boarded the Kel-Morian position at the entrance to the city.But after that they did not stop, but continued to advance at the same speed, and soon disappeared as far as Augustus could see.

The Kel-Morian artillery positions fell silent at last, apparently retreating.At this time, Warfield's first company was still nearly two hundred yards away from the position.

"Go ahead, keep distance from each other, and follow the arc tank closely." Warfield said in the commander channel.

Warfield and his orderlies charged forward, and the lieutenant in silver-gray power armor was the first to set foot on the enemy's position, followed by the first and fourth platoons.

After them, the arc tanks in front of Augustus directly accelerated and smashed through the temporary positions built by the Camerians with sandbags, and rolled over bloody corpses and entered the urban area through the road full of bullet craters.

But the war didn't end there.Augustus realized that the battle in the urban area was probably the cruelest stage.

With the fighting will of these Kel-Morian soldiers, they would likely have to engage in brutal street fighting, street by street and building and house for the city.

Fortunately, compared with the huge size of the city, Camerian's defenders only have 2 to 3 troops, and most of the troops were previously stationed on the north bank of the Padik River, the boundary river in the city center.

When Augustus followed the tank into the urban area lined with tall buildings, it was already dawn, and the sky was still covered with dark clouds.

From time to time, a Cerberus or Avenger fighter plane turned into a falling bright light spot in the sky, and several fighter planes with black smoke from their wings pierced into the skyscraper like a sharp sword falling from a high altitude, or hit it and became Into a ball of flame.

In the eyes of Augustus and others, the city seemed gray.The Kel Morian chariots were burning on both sides of the street, all the windows and doors of the houses were tightly locked, and all the shop windows on the ground floor of the business district were shattered.Warehouses and tables and chairs were burned in the flames, and the walls were completely black.

The streets were darkened by the weather, and the rain had begun to fall, pattering.

Gunshots came from behind other blocks and buildings from time to time, and only one IAA holographic projection advertising robot powered by solar cells was still active in the city that had been deserted for several years.

The little plastic-covered robot is only two feet tall, and it walks up to Augustus on two rusted wheels, while the holographic projection on its forehead monotonously switches between advertisements for maglev bikes and statues of Goddess attractions.

"Sir, welcome to the beautiful Poke Pride, just a few seconds of your time, please allow me to introduce you to the Terra No. 55 commercial magnetic suspension motorcycle—"

Before the IAA robot finished speaking, it was kicked away by the heavy machine gunner Benjamin next to Augustus like a football, because none of them could be sure whether the insidious and cunning Kel-Morians were installed in the robot's small body. time bomb.

(End of this chapter)

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