StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 433 Prince Arcturus

Chapter 433 Prince Arcturus

Tyrannian Federation Territory, Onuru Sigma.

The barren cobalt-blue night sky is dotted with stars that pour their light all the way over towering glacial mountains and vast tundra, reflected in frozen lakes and white snow.

Affected by the blackout, etc., Onuru Sigma's city was dark, and only a few lights from private land vehicles could be seen.Only a few pedestrians were still walking on the street against the biting cold wind, erecting their high collars to resist the light snow.

A series of wars between the Kemorian Federation and the Tyranid Federation in Onuru Sigma was the fuse of the Guild War. Before that, this cold and desolate cold world was unknown.

Just like other planets with resource export as the pillar industry, Onuru Sigma is also a planet rich in minerals, and a large amount of high-energy gas is enriched under its glaciers, and the reserves are quite amazing.

In the earliest days, the Kemerians built a number of high-energy gas extraction facilities made of alloy steel on Onuru Sigma, but after the Guild War ended, these buildings, together with the entire galaxy, belonged to the Tyranid Federation. As the Commonwealth's compensation for the damage caused by the war.

Most people on the planet Onuru Sigma have experienced that terrible war, and people today are reluctant to mention the painful memories of the past.

When the air defense sirens sounded again, most of the planet's inhabitants were still asleep.When they opened their eyes, they could hear the voice of the federal sheriff on the radio, ordering everyone to take up arms and defend their homes.

Although Star Sigma was once the focus of contention between the warring parties in the guild war, after the end of the war, the Tyranid Federation incorporated most of the Commonwealth world into its own territory, and its borders were greatly expanded, and Onuru Sigma was no longer A dangerous place with an important geographical location.

The Federation Navy maintains only a token presence in Sigmar with a small fleet of dilapidated ships to counter the threat of piracy on the trade routes.About one and a half federal army divisions with less than 2 people guard Planet Sigma. Considering that this barren planet cannot support more professional soldiers, such a decision is understandable.

During the First Total War, since Onuru Sigma was not in the path of the Zerg advance, the Federal Armed Forces High Command did not increase the planet's defenses, but instead mobilized the last of the elite.

Now is the time for the earth's UED expeditionary force to invade on a large scale, and the battered Federation has no time to manage this unsurprising planet. After all, it is said that at least two UED fleets have appeared near Tarsonis.

However, today's sudden war ended unexpectedly quickly. It took only three hours from the outbreak to the occupation of the Sigmar Governor's Palace by a rebel armed force.

As soon as the air defense siren sounded, there were sporadic gunfire and explosions caused by small-scale firefights in many cities.In the calm night, some city residents saw soldiers wearing power armor and holding red flags passing through the fast street, followed by a large number of vulture hoverbikes and arc tanks driving towards the center of the city one after another.

The lax federal defenders gave up almost all the military bases and key points of government agencies with little resistance. The timing of the attack chosen by the rebels was just right. The night of Nuru Sigma was icy cold.

When it was dawn, the residents of Planet Sigma were informed by soldiers with live ammunition and people from the propaganda department of the Revolutionary Party that everything was business as usual today. All public places, schools, mines and office buildings were open as usual, and people could sit in the bar and chat. Let's talk about what happened last night.

The only thing that is different is that all the federal flags have been replaced with black-red and gold-red revolutionary army flags, and notices of the new government and propaganda posters with ruling ideas have been posted on almost every street sign. .

One heroic man dominates all screens.

"I am Augustus Mengsk, inhabitants of Onuru Sigma, and I tell you that this planet has been liberated by the Korha Revolutionary Army. Beginning today, in this land that once nurtured the great In the great land of the people, people will live their own lives in a freer and happier way, according to their own wishes."

"In the name of all secular and theocratic, and in my Augustus Mengsk's name, Onuru Sigma will be merged into the Keha Dominion, the Antiga Dominion... and the joint territories of the six planets mentioned above to become the Thai part of the Republic of London, inviolable, unalterable, forever."

Augustus read the oath he had already memorized in the control room of a radio tower that looked a little old but was still durable. Arcturus Mengsk stood behind his back until Augustus finished speaking It was said later:

"This is just the beginning. There are still so many planets waiting for us to conquer and rule. One day we will build a peaceful and stable country with our own hands."

"Yes." Augustus took off the device he was wearing on his head: "But I call this liberation, the freedom of the people of a place, so that they and their children no longer live in the past where they were bullied and abused." A life of oppression, not conquest and domination."

"There is no conflict," said Arcturus to Augustus.

"If you have concerns, let me do the things you can't do."

Augustus sighed, his pale face illuminated by the blue-white light.This is a communications tower located in a federal military base - the corner of Camp Hastings facing the Noranda Glacier.

During the Guild Wars, this federal barracks was once destroyed by the Kelmorian Federation, but it was rebuilt and expanded many times until it became the largest federal barracks on the planet.

after awhile.Augustus turned his head and shouted: "Lieutenant Sarah Angelini, go and tell General Duke that I will inspect all the soldiers of the Sigma Legion who surrendered in the Hastings camp in 15 minutes."

"I see, Marshal." Angelini just left as soon as he showed up.

Angelini is a powerful tenth-level psyker with superhuman strength, but he is completely convinced by Augustus.

Telepaths understand people's hearts, and the more they do that, the more they hate the ugliness of human nature, and the more they understand that people like Augustus are worth following for their entire lives.

"Onuru Sigma is rich in resources. The most important thing is that although the mining facilities of the Camerians are poor, they are easy to repair and the output is quite amazing. If the Camerians still rule this planet, it will be less than ten They will be able to extract all the resources here in two years." Arcturus walked through the porch of the control room of the radio tower, wearing a long black winter trench coat, and walked outside against the cold wind and snow in Sigma.

"What a swarm of locusts."

The broadcast was over, so there was no need for Augustus and Arcturus to stay here any longer. They walked together through the barracks buildings of the Hastings camp and the supply depots distributed in a grid pattern.

The ground in the center of the empty camp was illuminated by the lights of the lights. About [-] federal soldiers were standing in the heavy snow, shivering in the cold wind wearing only thin shirts.

The soldiers of the Revolutionary Army stood at the outermost edge with their Gauss rifles, waving and saluting when they saw Augustus and Arcturus.

"Let them run, Lieutenant Colonel Foss. It won't be cold if they run." Augustus yelled at a young revolutionary sergeant.

Following Augustus' order, the black crowd quickly moved, and they began to run around the playground, and the momentum was quite astonishing.

The temperature in the Hastings camp is around minus ten degrees all the time, and it is a terrible time for those soldiers to sweat under these conditions, because the sweat that wets the clothes sticks to the skin will cause terrible frostbite .

But all of this is irrelevant, they will soon be sent to the Nagar transport ship Eldridge.The interior of that magical spaceship is always warm as spring, the reason why Rory Swan still can't figure it out.

"Tell them that in five minutes they will have hot milk soup, hot coffee, and canned beef from Umoyan," Augustus said again.

"So, let me see if the Sigma Legion, which once defeated the cunning Kel-Morians, has relaxed and neglected training during this period of time." In the shadow of the snowstorm, wearing an environment-mimetic combat suit, Invisibility, Kerrigan dutifully placed the headset close to Augustus so that his voice could be heard over the broadcast facility at Camp Hastings.

"Soldiers, you probably don't know what happened just now, and now I want to tell you. In the past less than 10 minutes, only a battalion of the Seventh Division of the Revolutionary Army took this camp, and among you Many did not know that the enemy had come until they were dragged out of their tents."

"What's the matter? You have served in the federal army for at least six years, and my soldiers were students, workers, farmers, and even musicians playing the piano two or three years ago." Augustus shouted .

"start running!"

"Nearly one-third of the Sigma Legion came from the former No.30 Third Ground Assault Division. In the past, they were all my subordinates." Arcturus was full of emotion.

"I've led them to a lot of victories, and the ones we've had are unique," he said.

"After I retired, the No.30 Third Ground Assault Division was still the elite of the elite. They belonged to the Sigma Legion and fought on multiple planets. They were tempered in the icy polar regions, barren deserts, endless grasslands and dangerous primeval forests. army."

"When my old boss, General Fowler, was still alive, the No.30 Third Ground Assault Division still maintained a strong combat effectiveness, but then he died, at the end of the war."

"After that, the man who took over Sigmar's Legion was obviously an idiot, no, he was a funny trainer and a pathetic brute who trained my lion to be a rich, fat orange cat."

"In other words, they didn't train much after the war." Augustus also felt sorry.

"I got a report that after you left the federal army, that is, on the eve of the end of the Guild War, most of the officers in the Sigma Legion who had made outstanding military exploits were transferred away, and replaced by some intervening creation families. Children and other 'relationship households'," he said.

"With their military exploits, these people were quickly promoted to generals, which you and your subordinates deserved. Later, a group of officers who only wanted to get promoted and get rich took over here. They were busy selling supplies and ammunition, finding scapegoats and Rush up and down, and make the barracks a mess."

"No one expects to fight a winning battle anymore."

"What is that man doing?" Augustus suddenly pointed to a federal soldier who was lying on the ground panting.

"Make him stand up and don't stop."

As soon as the words fell, a few soldiers of the Revolutionary Army walked over under the order of a sergeant, but the federal soldier didn't want to get up again. When he was taken away, he said something like "I'm not good at running" if.

"What a shame." Arcturus shook his head.

"Give me the Legion of Sigmar, and in less than three months, I'll turn them into a lion again."

"You want to paint an orange cat with black stripes?" Augustus smiled: "Have you finally decided to command an army?"

For the past four years, Arcturus has been mining resources on the fringes.He's clearly tired of the mines these days.

When he was young, Arcturus Mengsk was determined to become the greatest explorer and mine owner who accumulated countless wealth, relying on his own efforts to obtain wealth instead of "inheriting his father", which is why he The reason why Augustus is more willing to inherit the Mengsk family.

Arcturus would rather work hard by himself than compete with his brother for the family property.Perhaps Arcturus is a cold and cold man, but there is absolutely no doubt that he loves his mother and younger siblings deeply.

Like everything Arcturus has resolved to do well in the past, he has fulfilled his original dream.Now Arcturus, driven by an ambition called ambition, began to miss the time when he commanded armies in the past.

Arcturus has opened up enough mines, even if it takes more than [-] years, it will not be exhausted.The current revolutionary army can function normally even without Arcturus digging new mines.

At this time, Augustus invited Arcturus over and asked him to help him command an increasingly large army.

"Other than that, I have nothing else to do." Arcturus said, "Let me command an army of the Tyrannian Empire. With me, neither the Zerg nor the Protoss can threaten you." great empire."

"It's an empire again. What Angus wants to establish is a republic." Augustus shrugged.

"Angus is so naive." Arcturus smiled, his gray beard shaking.

"Do you dare to say it in front of your father?" Augustus asked.

"Who told him to say that about me," said Arcturus.

"You hold a grudge," said Augustus.

"It's hatred that supports me." Arcturus said, "But I don't hate Angus, on the contrary... I don't think what he said in the past is completely unreasonable."

"But the Tyranids must have a strong government. In comparison, the people on Earth have done a good job." He said to Augustus:

"Remember the games we played when we were young? You are the emperor of the empire, and I am the prince."

"Who remembers such a thing." Augustus said, "Is there an emperor in a skirt..."

(End of this chapter)

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