StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 461 Negotiation on Redstone Star

Chapter 461 Negotiation on Redstone Star
In August, the Koprulu sector was under the cloud of war.

The situation was changing so quickly that the Tyrann Human Throne World, known as the beacon of civilization, had already fallen before people in many areas of the Tyrann Federation got the news that Tarsonis was being besieged.

Admiral Gasser Duke of the Federation Supreme Command once bluntly said that the main star of Tarsonis is fortified and indestructible, even if it takes 10 years for people on earth to capture it.However, it took Gerald Dugal less than a month to cross the Koprulu star sector and go straight to the federal capital, and most of that time was spent on the way of the leap.

Even if Tarsonis fell for only a short time, the war on the surface of the planet and even in geosynchronous orbit may be one of the largest human civil wars in Koprulu to date.A conservative estimate puts the number of Tarsonis civilians killed alone at more than 600 million.

Gerald Dugal was indeed the most powerful general in the United Earth Council, and his efficient and quick surprise tactics were the key to his brilliant victory.Although Dugal was the leader of a typically ruthless military faction and rarely appeared in public, he had already made a name for himself after the fall of Tarsonis.

Many of the Tyranids living in the Commonwealth Territories may have never seen an Earthling army, but they must have been able to catch a glimpse of Gerald Dugal, the Hand of Man, from the news and rumors that spread quickly. The thin face and hard expression became a symbol of the earth.

When it comes to people on Earth and their coalition government, whether it is a crystal miner working in a mine, a farmer running a private farm or a hooligan with nothing to do in a bar, Dugar will be associated with a tough and cold image.

On colonized planets that were less influenced by Tarsonian culture, people there even began to expect how Earth would rule their long-lost colonies.The distant earth should also send governors to manage the colonies, and they should be nobles of noble blood.

"The Tyranids will never give in. As long as I am alive, the earth will not be able to achieve their hegemony in the Koprulu sector! We will fight at the landing point of the earthlings, in the fields of the countryside, and in the streets of the city."

When Augustus took a galaxy jumper in a hyperspace transition state to the coordinates of the peace talks with the UED expeditionary force, Arcturus Mengsk was still using his personal terminal decorated with the wolf head logo to admire Read the speech that Augustus had just delivered this morning.

It was showing the scene of Augustus speaking in the Clusas Senate. He stood among the elected senators in suits and ties looking around him, wearing only a dark blue military uniform, a sword and The pistol is imposing, with extraordinary demeanor.

Arcturus watched it a dozen times over and over again, presumably nothing is more satisfying to him than seeing his outstanding younger brother show off.

"We shall fight, on Braxis, on the Della IV, on Tarsonis. On the wrecks of battleships and armor, on the ruins of bunkers and trenches, on our blood and remains, until the final victory .”

"Earth wants to enslave us, and we will not submit!"

Augustus could almost hear the cries that went up to the sky, and the Clusas who supported the war were shouting his name, which made him and those around him feel a visceral, blood-pounding shudder.

"This is public opinion. The Tyranids need a leader that everyone expects. We, the army and the people, can defeat all enemies." Arcturus said this sentence for the fourth time.

Arcturus can almost predict that this 20-minute impassioned speech will cause a sensation on hundreds of planets.In any case, the use of nationalism to unite people of different traditions from different planets has been by far the most effective means.

What a twist of fate, the former terrorist federal traitor turned into a national hero of Tyrannian humans. No one cared whether Augustus was an ambitious man who set off riots.

"Well done, Augustus, let those who dare not resist hear your voice and your determination. The Tyrann Federation is over, and we are the last hope of the Tyrannians." Aktur Sitting next to Augustus was Augustus, who looked very imposing in the uniform of the General Staff.

Arcturus is 33 years old this year, and he is in his prime. He has been transferred to the General Staff of the Revolutionary Army for less than half a month. Earned the respect of the staff officers.

Anyone who thinks that Arcturus Mengsk got where he is today on the back of his brother's fame would be dead wrong.

"I don't want to spoil your interest, Arcturus. Nine years ago, in the name of the nation, the Federation asked its people to make selfless sacrifices in the Guild Wars, and now it has experienced the first full-scale war that has swept dozens of colonies. The willingness to rebel in many colonies is not as high as we think." Augustus was dressed in much the same attire as he had been wearing when speaking before the Clusas Senate.

"The Federation is still lingering, they have not been truly eliminated."

"So what, I won't give them any chance to revive." Arcturus's face was as hard as steel, and his gray eyes, which were extremely similar to Augustus, were staring at the back of the driver's seat in front of him. Back, those eyes are so sharp that they seem to be able to kill the people in the seat.

"No matter where the Federation Council and the remnants of the founding family hide, my son of Keha will find them, and then leave none behind." He showed a fierce and decisive aura like a hero.

Today's Sons of Keha has changed from a top-ranked terrorist organization on the past list to a part of the Revolutionary Army, but it has an independent command department, and its equipment is also different from that of the regular Revolutionary Army.

The Sons of Keha established by Arcturus Mengsk doesn't care about the difference of blood, as long as they hate the Federation as much as the Keha people, they will be absorbed into it.Compared with the soldiers of the Revolutionary Army, their beliefs are more firm and unshakable, and they firmly believe that someone must pay the price for the destruction of Keha.

After transforming from an organization specializing in sabotage, propaganda, and espionage behind enemy lines to a military organization, the Sons of Keha turned to absorb people from the Revolutionary Army who had a fanatical belief in Augustus.

——These people worshiped Augustus extremely, praised everything he said and did, and almost worshiped him as a god.That kind of fanaticism even made them lose the ability to distinguish right from wrong, so that other comrades in the revolutionary army could not understand.

The Supreme Command of the Revolutionary Army has always criticized the son of Keha, fearing that it will become a private army of Arcturus.The Sons of Korhal are absolutely loyal to Augustus and Mengsk behind him, but not to the Revolution.

Deep down in Arcturus's heart, he obviously didn't trust the generals under Augustus, or he never trusted others.

The size of the Sons of Kehal Legion has always been maintained between 5 and 5. There are so many people who want to join this legion that the legion has to strictly select qualified recruits.

It is undeniable that the sons of Keha were absolutely loyal to Augustus, and they were more like his own guards.

Augustus was worried about whether Arcturus was really planning to form a head of state assault team, and later he found that this worry was gradually becoming a reality.

"Not one left? You want to execute their family members, including the old and weak, women and children." Augustus could not agree.

"It's enough to install a psychic transmitter on the planet where they are hiding." Arcturus said amazingly: "In this way, no matter how many fleets they have, it will not help. After that, we only need to use the psychic disruptor to expel aliens insect."

"Just let the bugs do the dirty work for us?" Augustus was not surprised by Arcturus' words.It can only be said that this is indeed a plan he can come up with.

"But even if I agree with you to do that, this matter will be revealed sooner or later, just like the Federal Zeng Nacha Sara and Ma Sara's experiment on the zerg." He shook his head and said:
"Paper cannot contain fire. If one wants to be a ruler under the supervision of the people, then such little secrets should be kept as few as possible."

"There are plenty of scapegoats." Arcturus shook his head: "Well, you always think that there is a better solution to a matter. But it's not better for yourself, but for other people."

"But if you want to completely defeat your enemies, then don't give them any chance to fight back." He suddenly remembered something.

"Speaking of little secrets, I have secretly destroyed the photos of you wearing skirts when you were a child. Anyone who knows this must be destroyed humanely."

"It's not something to be ashamed of." Augustus was startled at first, his eyes widened, and then he argued: "Who didn't wear a skirt when they were young, maybe it can be passed down as a good story."

"That means you don't care." Arcturus smiled.

"Damn Arcturus! You can't do this!" Augustus was shocked and angry.No matter how many years have passed, his elder brother is his elder brother, which is as irreversible as a person's life, old age, sickness and death.

"Are you there? Bob." Arcturus turned to ask the shuttle driver in the driver's seat ahead.That was the top pilot carefully selected by Arcturus, the old nobleman of Keha with young roots.

"The preset coordinates have been entered, and the difference is being calculated." The shuttle driver replied immediately.

A fiery red planet appeared on the holographic projection screen in front of Augustus, and he would never forget that strange and spectacular sight even after another 20 years.

If Char and New Folsom were already a hell on earth full of volcanoes and lava, this planet labeled Redstone III was even worse.

The surface of Redstone III is covered with ash-like brown-black land and a super magma ocean that can be observed even in synchronous orbit. The area of ​​that ocean is almost equivalent to 1/3 of the planet's surface, quite In 20 Korhal radiation deserts.

This planet has an extremely active geological movement up to now. Several billions of years ago, its many continents were thrown into the sky in one piece, and now it has become a number of giant satellites bound by the gravitational field. The tidal effect brought about further exacerbates the frequent large-scale geological movements on the surface of the planet.

The low-lying areas on the surface of Redstone III are flooded by rising magma every few minutes, and its surface is even more treacherous than many areas in Char.

However, even such planets are inhabited by human colonists chasing the rich and valuable deposits of crystal minerals.

In the Koprulu star sector, humans are such a tenacious race. They may be easily knocked down by emerging diseases and look fragile, but they can be found in the harshest corners of the universe.

"Redstone III, the territory of the Kelmorian Consortium. They are sandwiched between us and the UED expeditionary force, which is considered a neutral area. ——KMC can only remain neutral, because they dare not speak." Kerrigan was sitting On the rear accelerator seat of the Augustus.

"There are more than 10,000+ Camerian settlers on this planet, most of whom are miners with their families. When the Zerg came, the Camerian Federation ignored the people here, and they could only fend for themselves."

"Redstone Star." Augustus muttered the name.

During the guild war, this was the focus of competition between the Tyrann Federation and the Kel Morian Federation.Long before the Tyranids intervened, the Kelmorian family-style mining guild on Redstone Star had been fighting for resources and fighting among themselves, and there were frequent fights between guilds.

Redstone Star is a real battleground, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is full of gold.The Kel Morians are called mineral locusts in the universe. Their planetary excavators and guild joint mining machines plunder enough resources to fill the Antiga Starport every minute, and they can dig three-dimensional land in the Kel Morian Mining Guild. Planets that have flourished for many years in the midst of razor-sharp mining operations are pretty amazing.

It does not mean that resources with extremely harsh environments must be very rich. Only under this premise that the value of resources far exceeds the risk of exploitation can they become human colonies.

It was beyond many people's expectations that the Kemerians were able to retain this land after their defeat in the war, but at that time, the union that had almost captured all the mining planets by the Tyranid Federation was really poor and useless.

The directors of the consortium board and their executives will say, what else can you take away?Just take my life away!

The Tyranid Federation wouldn't mind taking the Kel-Morians' lives, but they wouldn't make any money that way.

This location was selected through mutual discussion between the two parties, because neither large-scale revolutionary army troops nor UED expeditionary troops are stationed here.

Even so, coming here means that Augustus and the people sent by UED have to take a lot of risks, because no one can be sure whether this is a grand feast or not.

The UED expeditionary force sent their No. [-] Lieutenant General Alexei Stukov. Augustus should have sent generals of the same level to participate, such as Jim Raynor.

But Augustus was determined to meet Lieutenant General Stukov himself.

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  In addition, it may take a while for the easter egg chapter to pass the review (——)
  The group is blocked, I'll see if I can solve it, if not, I'll create another one.

  Tired heart.

  Destroy it.

(End of this chapter)

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