StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 476 Rosa Morales

Chapter 476 Rosa Morales
After boarding one of the Wagray guided-missile frigates, Renault appeared very satisfied.He immediately ordered to train the Revolutionary Army's own Wagray driver and related crew members as soon as possible, so as to be incorporated into the combat order of the Charle fleet, and.
"Earthling stuff is high-end—but now it's ours," Renault declared as he stepped down the gangway:
"Captain Hauer, get someone to paint these ships in our colors, the UED badge is an eyesore."

"As you wish." The captain of the Revolutionary Army named Jessica Hall was a woman with light gray pupils and short brown hair. She was wearing a blue and black navy uniform with a cardigan, and she looked heroic.

Over the years, Augustus has recruited many people from all over Koprulu, most of them are people like Howe, who are young, have fighting spirit, and have ideals.

At the same time, Raynor noticed that more shuttles and transport ships were landing on the tarmac of Fort Intrepid, and many dejected UED soldiers came out of them, followed by Revolutionary Army officers and soldiers escorting prisoners.

Most of the military uniforms of the UED expeditionary force are khaki and dark brown. The fabric is comfortable and breathable. The eagle emblem and golden five-star are worn on the shoulders, which are easy to identify.They were lined up from the transport ship with their hands raised high, and most of them were injured, either limping or needing the support of their comrades to walk.

These UED soldiers were all survivors scattered on the Char battlefield, and they really survived after a narrow escape.

Some people fell into the abandoned tunnels and worm nets, and lay down for 3 days before meeting the revolutionary army motorcycle team patrolling the red wasteland of Char. Some people escaped the zergs but were left in the wilderness, dying of heat and hunger. When he died, he happened to meet the army of the protoss.

The revolutionary army treated these earthlings pretty well, at least they didn't mistreat them.

"It seems that these earthlings are still not convinced." Charles raised his head slightly while looking at the earth captives, breathing out his nostrils.

Many UED soldiers were very uncooperative. Even when they were pointed at with guns, they still held their heads high and refused to take off their hats with silver wings.

"They thought they were defeated by the protoss rather than us." Raynor had a better view of the people on Earth than Charles: "The people on Earth are here to be conquerors, not captives."

"Leave them alone, we are the ones who have a headache when there are 10,000+ more people eating." He patted Charles on the shoulder: "We are teachers of the benevolent, and we must not let these people starve to death."

"But someone has to go to a war crimes court."

"Let's go." Renault left the tarmac and walked towards the core area of ​​the Fearless Fortress.

There is a newly built hospital inside the Fearless Fortress, which is probably the warmest corner of Char, the purgatory world of death.

The main body of the hospital is a modular steel frame with stamped composite wood floors.The berthing port is full of shuttles, and many engineers are driving unloading trucks and space engineering vehicles to move supplies.

The outermost ones are rows of gray and black tents, which are used to store supplies, unpacked medical equipment, bandages, surgical tools, or piles of various canned fruits and synthetic protein rations.

There is a fluttering gold-red revolutionary army flag on every tent, which is as reassuring as the red cross worn by medical soldiers.

The tent was full of busy medical workers and wounded, and the smell of disinfectant and medicine was quite strong.

The outermost tents were used to house the less wounded soldiers, some of whom were fast asleep, snoring loudly from lack of breath.People who are still awake are whispering, or quietly reading e-books, wearing headphones and listening to music stored in personal terminals.

Every now and then someone is moaning and crying out of pain.

The situation in the innermost operating room and intensive care unit is much worse. On average, every 2 minutes, a stretcher carrying several seriously wounded people is sent in.

A gunnery sergeant lost feeling in his legs because of the poison of the scorpion. He was crying and struggling to wake them up. The doctor and his comrades had to hold him down with all their strength.

The scorpion venom is so deadly that just a few milligrams can paralyze a person.If the treatment is not timely, the toxin will soon spread to the whole body and cause the body to fester.

A communication soldier in charge of radio equipment was blindfolded, and his hands were cut off by Qi Gen.He couldn't stop crying, not because of pain, but because he was asking about the whereabouts of his company.

The nearly collapsed Revolutionary soldier actually knew exactly what the truth was, a dozen or so fearsome Tiamat-slayer Hydralisks killed everyone in extremely brutal fashion, chopping off limbs and digging out hearts (Zergs did heart) to make sure these people don't stand up and threaten the swarm again
There are thousands of people fighting for death, and medical equipment can only improve their chances of survival as much as possible.The people here are both heroes and tragic sufferers.

Just standing outside and watching for a while, Renault saw more than a dozen body bags being sent to the truck, filled with pale-faced young men and women, some of whom could even be called immature children.

And Lei Nuo couldn't imagine how sad the parents of these children would be when they saw such a scene. He felt a pain in his chest and a sore nose whenever he thought of his mother's sad appearance.

Trucks full of remains drove towards the crematorium at the frequency of ice-cold machinery without stopping.In Char, if corpses are not cremated quickly, infectious diseases and plagues are a trivial matter, and the zerg virus spores scattered in the air can quickly turn them into abominable monsters.

Renault knew that he could not help the surgeon at all except to make trouble, so he could only walk into the lightly wounded to see them.

When Renault and Char walked into one of the tents, several bandaged Revolutionary Army soldiers were still reading letters from their parents and relatives, all of which were sent from the distant Antiga Starport with the supply fleet of.

The supply fleet promised by Marshal Augustus will continue to arrive. While bringing in shortages of supplementary troops and various supplies, it will also bring the soldiers of the Revolutionary Army who can no longer fight or want to escape from Char. go back.

Also in the tent was a young female doctor in an ill-fitting white coat and with her light brown hair tied back.

"Where does it hurt? I heard someone needs a doctor." Her voice was gentle, sweet and soft.There is no need for anesthesia, and the big soldiers softened when they heard this voice.

But the gentle voice was immediately interrupted by excited cheers from the wounded. Jim Raynor was a man of great standing in his unit, and the soldiers loved him as much as a field marshal.


"General Renault—"

"Salute to you."

"Brothers, it's me who should pay tribute." Lei Nuo signaled these soldiers who were eager to get up to lie back on their beds, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart that he used to read letters from his family members as happily as they did, not letting go of the letters in them. every word.

"Are you reading the letter that just came from the rear?" he asked one of the soldiers, whose face was bandaged.

"Yeah, it's from the mayor of Atticus Gordon Town, he's probably the last one who remembers me." The soldier's face, which was still extremely pale due to the pain, was so sad, but he still smiled .

"We all remember you, brother." Renault's nose twitched, and he hugged the soldiers one by one: "You all did a good job."

"Thank you for taking care of them, doctor." He finally turned to the doctor.

Raynor noticed the doctor's ID card—Lieutenant Rosa Morales, which showed that she was a specially licensed UED medical soldier.

"People on earth?" Charles almost jumped up: "How can such a person come to guard our soldiers, she will poison needles and sling bottles."

"General, my duty is to protect other people, whether it is a Tyranid or an Earthling." The UED medical soldier named Morales replied:

"It has always been like this. You are responsible for killing people, and we are responsible for saving people."

"Well water does not violate river water."

"Don't rush to be a villain, Charles, the hospital is simply not enough manpower. UED's medical equipment can save many people, and they are the only ones who know how to use it best." Renault couldn't help shaking his head: "People from Earth are also admitted here, we More chivalrous than Earthlings - the Tyranids follow the 'Geneva Convention'."

"But I don't know, where did they find you?"

"We lost too many comrades on Char, and after successfully breaking through, we encountered one of your light motorcycle companies." Morales waved his hand and replied, "My people and I had to surrender to them in the end. .”

"I'm deeply sorry, but this place is full of people who have just lost comrades in arms, and I can't help you." Renault said regretfully to Morales: "They found a good doctor, maybe an angel."

"Angels of the Gospel and Angels of Death are angels too," Morales said.

Indeed, Lei Nuo noticed that this earth woman did have an almost angelic face.

Most of the medical soldiers of the UED expeditionary force are this kind of women, with a sweet voice.In any case, Lei Nuo thinks that those who cure diseases and save lives should look like this. Compared with demons, they must look more like angels.

In a barracks full of lads, a lady in a dress is always welcome.In the era of material scarcity, just seeing them is enough to boost morale.

Renault didn't even dare to comment on Morales' appearance, because it was hard for him not to let his imagination run wild.

"No matter good or bad, those who can save people are good angels." Renault changed what Augustus once said:

"We need talents like you here." The sense of identity and belonging to the Revolutionary Army made Renault involuntarily start recruiting talents for Augustus:

"Marshal Augustus Mengsk needs someone like you to train him a standard medical soldier like the UED. If everything goes well, you will see him soon." Renault was only hinting at the team commanded by Stukov. UED troops will fail quickly:

"I believe the marshal will be very satisfied."

"That doesn't sound like a good thing." To Morales, it sounded more like backwoods slang.

Morales didn't know everything about Augustus Mengsk, but the versions that circulated were either terrible or too perfect to be truly human.

"There are enough women around the Marshal," Charles pointed out cautiously.

"Charles, what are you thinking, you old tortoise." Renault was stunned for a while, and then angrily reprimanded.

"General, Protoss executive Tassadar has an urgent communication that needs you immediately." At this moment, one of Renault's adjutants came in with an information panel in his hand.

"Come in," Charles said immediately.

"En Taro Adun, General James Raynor, we must now leave Char and return to Sacoolas." In an unfolding hologram, the Protoss Executor Tassadar appears, behind his ornate crown is gold The blue executive robes are windless and automatic.

"I can understand." Renault nodded and said:

"But why so suddenly?"

"Sacoolas was invaded by Zerg—the actual situation is more complicated. Some dark templar believe that the betrayer Orega is also among them." Tassadar's words surprised Leno.

"That sounds bad," Raynor said. "Zeratul hasn't caught that traitor yet?"

"No." There was no expression on Tassadar's face, but his usually calm voice was also more urgent.

"Friends, I'm sorry we have to leave. May the light of Adun shine on you."

"Goodbye, my friend," Raynor said too.

"The Protoss fleet left Char's high-altitude orbit, and they disappeared from our radar scanning chart." Ten minutes later, Raynor's adjutant said.

An unspeakable uneasiness surged into everyone's heart.

If Sacoolas is attacked, it means that it will be difficult for the protoss to spare any energy to help humans.Not only that, but as the mortal enemy of the Zerg, it would never be a good thing if the power of the Protoss was greatly damaged again.

At this time, the sky gradually dimmed, and the huge blood-colored sun was setting in the sky.That is the irregular variable star in the Charle binary system, which means that its size and brightness are not stable, and sometimes it is abnormally bright and sometimes its brightness plummets.

"Commander, several outposts report that they have found tens of thousands of zerg-infected humans in multiple directions outside Dauntless Fortress," the lieutenant reported.

"Damn it, why don't these bugs let them go?" Lei Nuo was upset and looked at the holographic screen on the control panel.

Under the bloody afterglow of the setting sun, infected people faltering in twos and threes appeared in the distance of the horizon.They were all part of the UED Expeditionary Force, perhaps the Revolutionary Army, and perhaps some of the early settlers of Char.

"Oh my God!" the UED medical soldier Morales next to her exclaimed, feeling saddened by this.Most of them are former comrades-in-arms and fellow countrymen of Morales. They came here to defend the earth, but they did not expect that they would become such hideous monsters.

"I've heard before that infections are scary, but this is just too scary."

"Before the antidote to the Zerg virus is developed in the foreseeable future, killing these poor people and bringing them relief is the last thing we can do." Renault quickly issued an order:
"Send firebats and armor to wipe out these infected - I will lead them myself."

"It's terrible." Charles hummed, frowning: "Since the master has left Char, who is controlling these monsters?"

"Where did that bastard go?"

 Orega's attack on Sacoolas is the content of the Star Wars campaign Dark Revenge, and it is also an officially recognized content.

(End of this chapter)

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