Imperial Planet, Keha IV, Augustgrad.

Keha's low inclination and moderate rotational speed have bred a lush, warm and pleasant Garden of Eden, a highly developed complex industrial system and an idyllic world with idyllic red flowers and leaves.

When this generation of Keha people took over this prosperous and prosperous world from their ancestors, Keha IV was already the jewel in the thirteen main star worlds of the Tyrann Federation.

But like all other Commonwealth worlds, Korha is nothing more than a vassal and colony of Tarsonis.The oppression and blood-sucking of the Federation eventually triggered the uprising cry of the Korha revolutionaries, and the revolutionary wave eventually caused the Tarsonis founding family to lose billions of coins.

The inhuman nuclear bombing of the Federation followed, turning this lush and beautiful garden into a nuclear wasteland covered in black glass.

Huge mushroom clouds rose up, radioactive dust fell in ribbons, and a black rain fell on Keha.The entire planet was dead silent, with huge craters permanently changing the landscape, twisted steel bars, black crystals, and smoldering debris covered with layers of radiation dust.

Since Emperor Augustus Mengsk defeated the Earth Federation Expeditionary Force and recaptured Tarsonis to establish the Tyrann Empire, the first decree issued by the emperor was to invest a large amount of money in the purification and reconstruction of the imperial capital of Keha.

By February 2494, huge cities had already taken shape in the radiation wasteland and dangerous wasteland.

The tenacious resistance of the Korha Rebel Army was not useless. The Federation Fleet actually only delivered more than 400 apocalypse-level nuclear bombs to Korha instead of the pre-planned 1000. Therefore, although the radiation is still frighteningly high, the natural The environment recovered by itself within two years after the nuclear explosion, and nature once again showed her greatness and tolerance.

Although the Imperial Academy of Sciences, the Imperial Emigration Department, and the spokesperson of the Imperial Palace have all promised that most of the area of ​​Keha IV has become suitable for human habitation again, but no matter how convincing the analysis report given, the immigrants Before deciding to come to Korha, there must be a great determination.

On thousands of square miles of land, tens of thousands of super cranes, cranes, bulldozers, and high-energy gas tank trucks are operating day and night.Every day tall buildings go up, every day the tracks of the skytrain are laid, every day the steel metropolis made of tons of steel, concrete and glass expands.

Since laying the first brick of the reconstruction plan, to factories, power stations, food processing plants, laboratories, trading port Keha is rapidly transforming into a cosmopolis (ecumenopolis).Under UNN's tireless reporting, all the imperial worlds are paying attention to the changes in Korhal, and those with a brain see the development opportunities in this new imperial city.

Keha IV, which was declared dead by the Federation, once again glowed with new vitality, and the interstellar shipping route was re-planned again, and all roads lead to Keha.

Encouraged by the emperor's call and a series of decrees and policies, Keha IV ushered in the first round of large-scale immigration, attracting immigrants from all over the world. The technology industry and the service industry provide the basis for development.

Within four months, the resident population of Keha IV had reached the size of its former heyday, while the floating population was twice that number.

Not only the Tyrans, but even the Kemerians and Umoyans also came to this emerging imperial world to live and live.It is believed that the age of a strong and open empire has arrived.

August Grad, New Styrling (New Styrling Technopolis), Aurora (A map in Aurora Dawn Goddess StarCraft I, an orbital platform on Korha), Simonson (Simonson Military Center ), Wolf (Wolfrec Port City), Fairston (Fairstens Industrial Center). The new city not only inherits the past name, but also commemorates the revolutionaries and soldiers who died.

In February, news of the return of Augustus the Great, who had vanquished the Zerg and the Protoss, aroused widespread concern in Korhal without much fanfare.

By the 14th of that month, the Imperial Fleet arrived at the Korha galaxy after a long jump voyage, and berthed in the Sky Shield and Bennett Harbor under construction to carry out necessary repairs and maintenance work.

When Augustus successfully arrived at the Augustograd Capital Airport on a gray shuttle, hundreds of holographic news media, newspapers and freelance writers from all over the world had been waiting for a long time, with their trembling mouths and flying auto Both the camera and the microphone were extended to the heroic and extraordinary emperor of the empire.

It is not the first time that the emperor has appeared in public and in front of the people in military uniform, and this navy uniform is really extraordinary on him.

Standing beside him were Queen Sarah Kerrigan, Admiral of the Imperial Navy Horace Warfield and Captain of the Royal Guard Faraday, who also wore military uniforms. They were all important figures who followed the emperor to many times.

The interior of the airport is also covered with a red carpet with capitalized words: peace, law, order. (Imperial Propaganda Catchphrase: Peace. Law. Order.) and that Korhal will shine once again. (Korhal will be great again- Arcturus Mengsk)

"Your Majesty, do you have anything to say about this complete victory over the Protoss?" A tall, thin, blond man was the first to ask the Emperor a question, and the logo on the microphone indicated that he Is a reporter for Empire Today.This is not a recently established news agency, its predecessor is Today's Federation.

"The significance of this victory is self-evident. This is the first victory since the Tyranid Federation lost its power and humiliated the country. This means that the alien evil forces represented by the Tadarin protoss are not invincible. This is human beings, and this is Thailand. The power of the Lun Empire!" Of course Augustus knew about this interview.

Now that we have achieved victory, we must publicize it.

"Every time the Tadarin protoss and Zerg attack, the empire will defeat him once." He said to the camera:
"The glory belongs to Horace Warfield and all the soldiers of the Empire, and the victory belongs to the Empire."

"Does this mean that the empire's system is superior to the federation, you can say yes or no." After the reporter from Empire Today asked this question, he was squeezed away by other reporters who swarmed up.

"I make history, I write history, and the shadowed posterity will judge." Emperor Augustus smiled and said with a little humor: "If you ask me, the empire is better than the federation. "

"Your Majesty, I am Joey Floyd of the Augusta Grad Daily, may I ask if it is true that the agricultural world Agria is experiencing an unprecedented zerg infestation and pandemic? "This is a black-haired female reporter of medium build. It is not easy for her to squeeze out among this group of crazy reporters:

"Is Capital World's Quarantine Policy Linked To This Infection Crisis?"

"It is true that the Empire has never concealed the invasion and the terrible disaster that has befallen Agria." Augustus noticed the trap in the reporter's question: "Korhal's policy has nothing to do with the Zerg virus, which It is one of the necessary measures to deal with the influx of immigrants. In this era, there are too many emerging diseases."

"As for the Zerg infection in Agria, the empire has developed a targeted and powerful virus serum, and the cure rate is close to 14%. At present, the infection has been eradicated in [-] empire territories including Agria." He said go on:
"If you pay attention to the announcement of the Imperial Ministry of Health, you will know how great the new virus serum has been in Agria and other places. As the Minister of Health Spielt said, the level of the Agria Zerg virus has been weakened to An epidemic limited to some star provinces of the empire. It can be seen that Zerg infection is not hopeless, trust the empire!"

"Your Majesty, there are reports that you have abandoned the refugees in Agria and ordered to drive away all the refugee ships heading to the core world." Another reporter with a big waist came to the emperor: "Is this related to the yet-to-be-promulgated Imperial policy has something to do with it?"

At the beginning, when Agria and other places were invaded by Carlos, a large number of refugees flocked to the core world.But because of the fear of the virus they carry, no planet dares to take them in.

Those with a better attitude sent short-range shuttles from the colonies to drive them away, and those with a bad attitude directly attacked the refugee ships.As for those who landed secretly, they did cause infections in those worlds, and the bloody conflicts and darker events that occurred for this were even more terrifying.

After Augustus learned of this, he immediately sent soldiers to build multiple isolation areas and refugee settlements, so that the infection did not spread further.This is actually not an inaction of the empire, but the control of many worlds is still very weak after the founding of the country, even if it reacts, it will be difficult to dispatch support in time.

As the former Commonwealth world after another joins the Tyranid Empire, a bureaucracy delegated by and accountable to the Emperor will also reconnect the Commonwealth worlds as a whole.

"The Tyrannian Empire has never driven away any refugee ship, and all refugees have been properly resettled." Augustus emphasized: "The empire will not abandon any citizen."

This group of media is thinking about making big news all day long, even the emperor is not afraid, because they know that Augustus is not a tyrant.In fact, facing the media's questions can further shape his image as a virtuous monarch.

"The Kel-Morians of Redstone Star have been declared to be the 127th franchised world of the empire after a referendum. This matter has already aroused the protest of the federation's board of directors." This is a UNN reporter, a young black-haired lady:

"An Augustegler poll shows that this is very likely to trigger political and diplomatic conflicts between the Empire and the Commonwealth, and even lead to a second guild war."

"The Tyrann Empire respects the choice of the people of Redstone Planet. This planet and everyone on it will be protected by the Empire and enjoy all the rights of the citizens of the Empire." Augustus immediately replied.

The population of Redstone is not large, they are mainly miners and mercenaries from Ke Morian, and they are mainly concentrated in orbital habitation stations.

The current Camerian Federation is becoming more and more corrupt, and there are constant frictions between the major guilds.The upper-middle class of the guild lived a wealthy life not inferior to the founding family of the Federation Tarsonis, but the lives of the people at the bottom were miserable.

Being able to force the Kelmorians who hated the Tyranids to seek refuge and help from the Tyranid Empire shows how dishonest the top executives of the Federation are.

As for the attitude of the Camerian Consortium, Augustus actually didn't care much at all.Although the Federation enjoys sovereignty over Redstone, the Empire does not have to abide by the agreement signed by the Federation.

As for the inside of the consortium, in fact, they only dare to shout.Even the newly established Tyrannian Empire is not something they can provoke.For now, Ke Morian is still a vassal force of the Tyrannian Empire.

Augustus dealt with such tricky problems one by one, and the group seemed indifferent to the new victory of the empire.After all, everyone in the empire already knew about this matter, and the real details and records of the battlefield are in the hands of UNN, who sent reporters with the army.

"The empire only pursues one principle, that is, selfless dedication to the people is the fundamental principle of governing the country." Finally, Augustus once again emphasized his own governing policy.

"All the achievements we have achieved today, the hard-won peace and prosperity come from the struggle and sacrifice of countless warriors." He said:
"Today, all Tyrann territories will once again unite under the same banner. The Tyrann Empire will fight to protect human civilization and protect the future of mankind. Only by uniting can we succeed, only by uniting can we win, only Together we can overcome all difficulties."

"These are dark times, our enemies are tireless and the struggle will never stop."

After Augustus finished speaking, the still entangled reporters were pushed away by the royal guards, clearing a way for the emperor to go outside the airport.Outside the air port, at least [-] residents of Augustegrad were waiting to welcome their emperor, followed by a rather grand triumphant ceremony.

"Who put these wolves in." Prince Arcturus walked towards Augustus from another aisle under the protection of several royal guards.

Prince Arcturus wore a crimson coat embroidered with a golden wolf, a symbol of royalty.During the period of managing the empire for Augustus, Arcturus not only was not exhausted by the heavy official duties and tedious things at all, but was also full of energy and fighting spirit.

"I thought you arranged this." Augustus shrugged.

"If it was arranged by me, it would not be that simple. Who wouldn't want to know the emperor's little secret." Arcturus spread his hands.

"Even psychics can't guess what questions these reporters want to ask. Dealing with these people is not an easy task." Augustus said sarcastically.

"You have to be more cunning than them, but even if you carefully consider every word, they may still catch you." Arcturus said: "Recently, the paparazzi who were keeping an eye on the founding family of the Federation The team began to focus on the royal family. Fortunately, Angus and his sister have long been used to dealing with these idiots."

"They better know how to distinguish the boundaries." Augustus said coldly.

Family was important to both Augustus and Arcturus.It's not easy to piss them off, but there are always those precious people who just can't be touched.

"They must," said Arcturus again:

"By the way, the Kel-Morian Commonwealth is now in full swing. A few days ago, the revolutionaries in Moria asked you to send troops to help them launch an uprising and bring freedom to the people there. - Just like what you did to the Commonwealth .”

"The empire can't and can't make any substantive promises." Augustus: "Although Ke Morian was hit hard after the Guild War, after these years of recuperation, it has slowly recovered some strength."

And even within the empire, there is a large number of federal remnant fleets waiting to be cleared, and there are still more than 60 federal worlds and more enclaves that need to be recovered.It will take at least several years to completely solve these hidden dangers, and this is the most optimistic estimate.

"It would not be wise to annex Kel-Morian now." Arcturus nodded.

"You are always so domineering, be careful not to be greedy." Augustus smiled.

"Well, welcome back." Arcturus embraced his brother:
"Now that you're back, let's go back to work. We still have an empire to build."

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