StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 58 Who is the ghost

Chapter 58 Who is the ghost
Next, Augustus and Warfield took out the internal map of Fort Howe to discuss the next step, while the rest of the first company gathered around and listened to the conversation between the two of them.Before he knew it, Warfield had already regarded Augustus as his deputy. Except for the third platoon, his platoon leader and squad leader combined now only had three people left.

"Although the Alpha Squadron is not good at fighting, its fighting style has always been known for its toughness and roughness. No matter what, they are indeed a very elite force. They should be able to take back most of the important facilities and buildings in this fortress soon." said Augustus.

"But Duke's troops lacked a goal, and they were completely rampaging in the fortress. A tough tower would drag them down for a long time."

"That's right, but we have to get the armory back first, and we can't let the Kel-Morians vacate it." Warfield said, "Assemble, brothers of the first company, we still have a tough battle to fight, find Come out with some armored personnel carriers that can drive."

Although the soldiers of this company had been fighting nervously for a whole night and were very tired, they still obeyed Warfield's order and re-formed in front of him, checking their weapons while waiting for orders. The platoon leader of the third row, Reagan, Take someone to find the car that the company commander wants.

“I’ve been to the Armory, and there are sets of brand new CMC-300 power armor hanging on the walls, and on the ground are boxes of 20-compound shotgun ammunition and piercer rifle bullets. There are about two truckloads in it from Yu The spider in the palm imported by Moyang is a lightning sensor, it is a high-end product, it is said that it can automatically identify the identity of the enemy, and can effectively avoid accidental injury."

Augustus said: "If we can keep or recover this batch of supplies, I dare say that people from the Ministry of Military Affairs will definitely rush to award us honors."

"Umoyan? How do I remember that the Umoyans are on the side of the Kel-Morian Federation?" In the communication channel of the first class, Reynolds said: "Didn't they always condemn the Tyranids in their 'local' media? The Federation's brazen invasion of Kel-Morian?"

"It's money," said Tychus. "Who would want less money?"

"Let's go. By the time we arrive at the armory, Edmund's people may have driven the Higoron Legion out of Fort Howe." Warfield said.

"By the way, where's Vanderspoop?" When Augustus looked at the group of marines, he didn't see Lieutenant Colonel Vanderspump's power armor that still looked glamorous even after a hard night's battle.

"Has anyone seen him?"

The marines looked at each other.

"That bastard Vanderspump would just hide behind us in battle and let his subordinates go to block the guns. He's just a coward. Now, he must be hiding in a corner and shivering!" A surviving Marine in the first platoon spoke out, and the other Marines who were deeply moved immediately laughed out loud.

"Who can assure me that Vanderspoop must be shivering in his comfortable tortoise shell right now." Augustus's stern question made the laughter subside immediately.


"This is very wrong." Augustus said with a serious expression: "Lundstein, you, no, take everyone from the third fire team, and bring an extra heavy machine gun. Go to the hangar on the ground to find Van der Spur, if you can't find it, search the entire parking platform, and report to me by radio."

"Understood." Without any doubt, Rundstein immediately complied.

"Get in the car!" Warfield immediately issued an order, and dozens of marines immediately boarded several armored personnel carriers driven by Reagan and drove towards the armory.

"Why, what do you think is tricky with Vanderspump?" Warfield's armored personnel carrier was at the forefront, and he was driving this time, with Augustus sitting in the co-pilot.

"People from the Haigelong Legion quietly attacked the outpost, and then easily passed through the gate of the fortress, as if it was undefended. When I learned that the enemy had almost reached the company camp, I was in the On the landing platform, we met Vanderspump who was about to escape."

"He abandoned the command center and gave up the most heavily defended part of the fort. I always knew he was a hypocritical coward, but he also ran too fast."

"Vanderspoop just sent his only battalion to a deserted city ruins two weeks ago. This is the real reason why Fort Howe's defenses are empty. And yesterday, he was about to launch an attack in the Higoron Legion. A platoon was previously dispatched to scout for Meridian's Kel-Morian forces. It's definitely not a coincidence, and I suspect Vanderspoop has gone over to the Kel-Morians," said Augustus.

"Now the situation is becoming more and more clear. Everyone knows that Camerian will lose sooner or later. What is Van der Spump trying to do?" Warfield said.

"I don't know, money or anything else worth a human being's soul." Augustus shook his head.

"He won't be free for too long." Warfield said with a chuckle, "He has exposed too many telltale feet, and people from the Security Bureau will find him soon."

Warfield didn't drive for a long time. There are direct roads from the parking platform to important facilities such as the armory and the command center. on the sidewalk.

"There's a car in front!" Augustus' eyes were sharp, and he saw a heavy truck driving out of the main entrance of the armory, only three or four hundred yards away from them.The other party also saw the convoy of armored personnel carriers rumbling towards them, and immediately turned north, turning into a road leading to the gate of the fortress.

"I'm going to chase that car, you guys are going to take down the armory," Warfield said on the [-]st Company's comms channel. "Third Platoon Reagan is in command of this operation."

After that, Warfield's armored personnel carrier accelerated toward the truck after a beautiful sharp turn, and the first squad of Marines in the body of the armored personnel carrier could not help but complain.

The heavy truck was clearly fully loaded, and it never left the armored personnel carrier behind, with a difference of only five feet.

"See if you can blow his tire!" Warfield said.

Augustus opened the door and fired at the truck, but he couldn't find a good angle to aim and just sent a stream of sparks on the truck's alloy body.

This thrilling chase did not last long, and although Augustus missed his target, the gunfire also put great pressure on the opponent.

The driver of that truck made a fatal mistake, driving into a cul-de-sac—a cul-de-sac that was clear on the navigator, except that a broken-down Camerian tank was now jammed there.

The truck was forced to a halt and Augustus surrounded it with the first squad of Marines.

"Hands up, sir, or we'll shoot," Warfield said loudly.

But when the driver got out of the car, everyone was shocked.

"Perhaps you have many reasons to excuse yourself, Lieutenant Colonel Javier Vanderspoop," Augustus said.

"However, it is illegal to steal Confederate military supplies."

 Thank you, oh, haha, clam shrimp, it has been very quiet qwq, the coffee is cold, B and Z, the monthly pass of the ashes that are out of stock, thanks to commandllche, book friend 150105153217605, agent Rongrong for the reward.Thanks for the votes and investment.

(End of this chapter)

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