StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 588 Lord of Cerberus

Torus Galaxy, Torus. (Torus system)

Taurus is the sovereign territory of the Tyrann Empire and is located within the scope of the core world.

Although Taurus can meet the minimum needs of human survival, it has not always been the best choice for settlers compared to other nearby planets.The uneven solar radiation, special magnetic field and thick atmosphere of Taurus are the main causes of its extreme climate, and the continuous formation of huge storms on those vast oceans threatens the inhabitants of continental plates and independent islands at all times.

In addition, the imperial government had already terminated the directional immigration to Taurus. By 2499, there were only less than 500 million residents living in Taurus, and the cities and settlements were mainly concentrated in the middle of the main continent.

Citizens of the Tyrann Empire know that the planet Taurus has the largest military base in the entire empire, and there are countless barracks on the islands far away from the continental plates, and its freezing polar regions are the famous harvesters of the empire. The location of the training camp Icehouse.

The most outstanding harvesters in the entire empire come from Taurus, and even though they have already tempered their steel-like will in previous wars, they never want to return to the ice cave in this life.

Few people know that the headquarters of the Imperial Cerberus Engineering was also secretly moved here at some point after the founding of the Empire.

Compared with the ice cave that all the recruits of the empire have heard about this plan, far fewer people know about it, and even those who know it keep it secret.There have been sensationalist news media baselessly speculating that the Empire is conducting zerg experiments on Torrus, and using holographic synthesis technology to falsify evidence to spread fear.

They happened to be right, and the prize was a long-term meal ticket for New Folsom.

The Cerberus Project was originally a small and medium-sized biotechnology company, but now it has become a large-scale project involving thousands of people due to the injection of a large amount of funds and talents. The people from the original biotechnology company have long been replaced.

It turns out that the Cerberus plan is to use artificial neural technology and mechanical implant scaffolding technology to form a remote-controllable neuromechanical Zerg army. The controlled swarm, the name of the official imperial documents is the Cerberus swarm.

This fearsome army also bears another aptly named War Hounds.

Today, Dr. Rudolfo Subsourian, the head of the Cerberus Project, received news that Emperor Augustus had arrived in Taurus to see the results of the project.

Dr. Sabsolian couldn't help but be nervous, the emperor didn't notify himself of his coming in advance, he was always tolerant towards others, but he was extremely harsh on things.The people of the empire thought that Emperor Augustus was a benevolent monarch, but those who worked under him were not so happy.

To date, the Tyranid Empire has poured vast sums of credit into the Cerberus Project.Apparently, the emperor who ruled the empire with an iron fist didn't want so much money thrown in just to make noise.

Keha's side is not easy to deal with. Although the visionary emperor is very patient, his patience will run out one day.

If one dared to fool the emperor, it would be considered easy to distribute Ma Sara.

In the afternoon, the resolute Emperor Augustus visited the Maguro Islands, where the Cerberus project was located, and did not give Sabsolian much time to prepare.

The imperial emperor traveled with great pomp, but there were almost no accompanying officials, but he brought half of the royal guard.

After all, Dr. Sabsolian is a management elite with a higher education background, and it only took a few hours to prepare the Cerberus Industrial Park for inspection.Considering that the emperor still had the possibility of staying here, Sabsolian still had time to prepare high-end suites and high-end ingredients, even taking into account the entourage.

Thinking of the recent accidents and casualties of the Cerberus Project, Sabsolian felt uneasy, but at this time, it was the time when the Tyranid Empire was at war with the swarm, and the emperor would not worry about these accidents. It's up to the teacher to inquire about the crime.

After reconfirming that he was ready, Dr. Sabsolian rushed to the star port of Maguroben Island to wait for Emperor Augustus to arrive.

Although this star port is much smaller than the cities of Augustegrad and Tarsonis, it still has the specifications to welcome the emperor.Subsolian not only immediately summoned the core members of the project, but also hung banners full of slogans in the most conspicuous positions of Star Port:
"Your emperor demands your loyalty!"

"Unite as one!" "Overcome difficulties together!"

"It's time to show your absolute loyalty to the Empire and the Emperor! Glory awaits you!"

These slogans can be seen everywhere in the conscription world and in the barracks, not just in Torrus.

However, even though Subsolian had already rehearsed the scene of meeting the emperor countless times in his mind, he was still surprised when he actually saw it.

When a gray military transport plane stopped on the star port parking platform, Emperor Augustus was seen holding a cerebrate worm wearing a red top hat by his left hand, followed by the worm queen who walked gracefully.

The attitude of the brain worm with its head held high is particularly eye-catching, while the worm queen is much more reserved.Counting the towering bony skull, the Queen of Worms is not much more than an Imperial soldier in power armor, but her huge body and huge abdomen really add much color in comparison.

The Supreme Queen (Overqueen) Zagara, this title makes the cerebrates jealous.

"Hi, Dr. Subsolian, today's weather is really good~" The cerebrate walked in front of Sabsolian with its head held high, a collar hung around its non-existent neck, and the other end of the collar was connected to the emperor with a rope. hands joined together.

Sabsolian knew that cerebrates could read minds, so he tried to avoid associating the look with a white caterpillar on a dog leash.According to the courses the Doctor took at the Ghost Academy in Kehausa, he desperately imagined a purple elephant in his mind.

But judging from the whining threatening sound of the cerebrate and the upside-down triangular eyes, Sabsolian clearly failed.

"Hello, Mr. α." Sabsolian extended a hand towards the cerebrate politely.

He has seen this brain worm many times, and as a core member of the Cerberus project, it is impossible not to know about it.It can be said that if it were not for this brain worm, the project of the Cerberus Project would have been almost cut off.

"Are you laughing at me for not having hands?" Unexpectedly, the cerebrate didn't play cards according to the routine, squinted at Sabsolian's hand, jumped up and bit his wrist.

The scene immediately became chaotic, and Sabsolian couldn't help but want to pull his hand back in pain, but the brain worm couldn't let go.Both the Cerberus Project and the Royal Guard were doing their best to get the cerebrate to let go.

If Augustus hadn't calmly injected the cerebrate with a powerful sedative into the built-in syringe of the remote control collar, causing it to lie down like a dead fish, I'm afraid it would still be rambunctious for a while.

"Sorry, doctor. It's really restless. You must bring a rope when you go out, otherwise you will have to jump around." Augustus raised his eyelids and threw the rope to the captain of the guard Faraday.

The emperor still had his usual image, wearing a straight military uniform, wearing a P-45 pistol on his waist, and standing with his hands behind his back.

"It surprised you, Your Majesty." Sabsolian pulled out his hand full of saliva and red marks, feeling that he had lost everything in front of the emperor.There are quite a few people in Project Cerberus who just want to see him make a fool of himself so they can replace him.

The bite force of this brain worm is amazing. If it didn't know how to restrain its force, Sabsolian's entire arm might be gone.

"Don't worry, this brain worm is not poisonous. But remember not to provoke it again." Emperor Augustus showed no signs of being frightened. It is said that a ferocious El Hydra Hydralisk was only a few feet away from him. At that time, he still didn't change his expression.

"But you might have to do some sanitizing because its mouth is full of germs."

"Nonsense, I brush my teeth every day." The brain worm was lying on the ground unable to move, and the queen next to it was still spitting on it, but it was still able to protest with the language of the mind.

"There's no need to mobilize people like this, let's all go back to work." Augustus took a few steps, and waved his hand to signal the Cerberus Project members who came to greet him to leave.

The members of the Cerberus Project who came were unwilling to leave. After all, it is not easy to see the Emperor in a place like Taurus.But disobedience to the emperor's orders is another matter.

Then he went straight to the topic: "I'm here today to see if the Cerberus swarm is really engaged in actual combat as you said. The situation on the front line is not optimistic, and the empire needs to invest in new combat forces."

"The test in terms of actual combat has entered the final stage. As the report says, everything is on the right track." Subsolian immediately replied.

"Very good." Augustus expressed satisfaction: "Take me to see the zerg you breed."

Subsolian immediately took the emperor to a special car, but the entourage could be easily arranged, but the huge worm queen could only arrange another small truck.After stuffing the brain worms into the back seat, the convoy slowly moved along the road built on Maguro Island.

Located on the ocean of Taurus, Maguro Island is the product of active volcanic eruptions. The meeting of warm ocean currents and cold air from the north creates a climate surrounded by light rain and smog.

The island is composed of east and west islands. The two islands form a beautiful environment covered by green plants and a variety of different ecological landscapes under the influence of altitude, water source and wind direction.Sabsolian built the island beautifully, retaining most of the natural landscape, but this is not to protect the nature, but to study the applicability and changes of the Zerg in different environments.

This is a rare livable place in Taurus.Tall palm-like trees and ferns dominate all the land beyond the road, and the green sea glistens in the sun.

If he didn't know that at least one hundred thousand zerg were raised here, Augustus might have regarded this place as his future vacation spot.

Not only that, but millions of insect eggs are stored in the factories and hatches of the Cerberus Project, and the frozen eggs are neatly stacked in the ice bank like bundles of kelp.As long as the creep is maintained, it is extremely difficult to die with the tenacious vitality of the larvae.

The Zerg species in the Cerberus Project are mainly divided into two types. The Cerberus Zerg that has been hatched now has undergone different degrees of mechanical nerve transplantation and removed the influence of the main hive mind. The main console can Command these zerg via remote control.

This technology is now becoming more and more perfect, and the latest Cerberus assembly project has been able to transform the Zerg in an assembly line, which not only reduces the cost but also improves the efficiency.Unrelated to security work, this section of the Zerg is primarily for recruits in boot camp.

As for the Zerg Guards specially designed to protect the commander, the Cerberus vicious dogs made of forged titanium alloy blades, jet-powered spike launchers, supporting alloy brackets, and carbon fiber nano-weaving technology are far superior to ordinary Zerg dogs. Bugs, comparable to elites.

The other is that the species is a captive, unmodified mouse-type zerg, mainly to test the power and defense capabilities of the empire's new weapons.The Cerberus Project specializes in raising a zerg hive group called Maguro Brood, which has a complete hatchery, split pool, evolution chamber, and can start producing eggs at any time.

After calculation, investing a large amount of Cerberus Zerg can greatly reduce the casualty rate of Imperial soldiers.

But the problem is that even though the Cerberus Project thinks that it has lifted the main hive mind, it has not really been put into actual combat after all.If something goes wrong, there is no doubt that it is sending troops to the master.

Therefore, Augustus must have his own cerebrates or worm mother command the Cerberus swarm, and multiple insurances must be set up for everything.

The special car came to a huge building complex composed of alloy steel, electrified fences, tempered glass and bolted iron doors. Each building was airtight, with powerful Gauss cannons, sentry turrets and Cluster rocket launch pod.

Guarding here is the Cerberus security force. They are dressed in red power armor and green Y-shaped mask helmets. They look imposing.

Project Cerberus security forces are made up of resocialized soldiers who were previously condemned prisoners, political prisoners, pirates, and members of heinous terrorist organizations.All in all, it is not a pity for these people to die, but the emperor gave them the last mercy.

As the car pulled into one of the giant structures, Augustus found himself on a bridge thousands of feet above the ground.Below is the animal pen separated by steel walls and shield force fields. Inside are thousands of springtails, and occasionally you can see Hydralisks whose thorns have been pulled out.

These zergs are all branded with the imperial insignia and barcode on their bodies without exception.

"To quote from a Dark Templar master, when a zerg pack loses the leadership of a higher individual and is isolated from the rest of the pack, they gradually succumb to the need to survive. The more self-conscious an individual is, the more The desire will be stronger." Sabsolian introduced to the emperor.

"And the stronger the need for self-survival, it also means that the masters and brain worms will have weaker control over them, and the swarm will return to their instincts. That is the wild zerg."

"The Cerberus swarm, which has been isolated from the mind of the main hive since birth, can accept the leadership of Cerebral Worm α at any time."

At this time, the brain worm who was lying in the back seat and pretending to be dead was already lying on the window and staring at the worm swarm outside.The comedian switches roles in the blink of an eye, and now it's like the real Lord of the Swarm.

"Wake up! My swarm!"

It roared, and the Zerg below also roared, and the roar was deafening.

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