"Look, watch me chew their gum and kick their asses!"

Tychus drove the unrivaled Odin mecha over the zerg under his feet, stepped on the broken carapace and the hot huge shell casings, and he felt like a true king of the gods, unrivaled and invincible. unstoppable!
There was no one else on Odin's comm channel, but Tychus croaked with delight when he was on the battlefield.Egon Stetman would talk to himself in front of people, and Tychus would talk nonsense on the battlefield even when no one was listening.

This is a vast and endless plain, surrounded by only slightly higher hills.At this time, the weather is clear and you can see far at a glance.

He saw a large swarm of bugs coming towards him from the display screen, the blackness was like a moving brown blanket, and the speed was like a strange wind blowing, springtails, banelings, cockroaches and The sharp-edged carapace on the back of the Hydralisk is like a silver-purple torrent in the blue-gray desolate land of Talon VII.

Looking down from Odin's cockpit, both the Zerg and the nearby Imperial Marine fire support team looked like little ants on the ground.Odin was originally a moving steel fortress, and it was no different from standing on a skyscraper looking down at the ground.

There is an abandoned missile tower in front, which may have been left by the Talon militia, and it is now dilapidated, leaving only the bare tower body.

With the missile tower as the center, the four giant cannons on Odin's back fired, and clusters of hot and shining flames exploded in the center of the swarm, and everything that the shells passed through was wiped out.

It was a truly apocalyptic sight, with screeching shells and deadly explosions setting off a sea of ​​flames.The whistling of shells and the roar of thunder continued one after another, and the dense rain of debris fell from the sky. The air was filled with acrid smoke and the smell of meat.

Odin brought about catastrophic destruction in a short period of time.

It was as if a thousand earth tearing cannons were firing at the same time. The saturated fire bombardment cleared up a large area in front of Odin, and the land was cut off by a layer.

"Da da da! Da da da! Ha ha ha ha!" Tychus was fascinated by the bloody storm brought by Odin's violent firepower, as if he was the most free at this time, and could forget all the troubles in the world.

"Die, die!"

By the time the world calmed down again, the entire region had literally been reduced to dust.Flames blazed in the dense craters, like the gates of hell.

The originally dense swarm of insects on the Tychus screen was wiped out immediately, and those that escaped were smashed to pieces by Odin's giant walking feet.He privately called this trick "Giant Cannon Fire", so far no enemy or building can resist tons and tons of shells.

"Is it strong enough? But it's not over yet!"

In the face of such shocking firepower, even the mighty insect swarm would be wiped out.

And Tychus was also very satisfied with this, and once again thanked himself for making the right decision.

The old boy laughed out loud, guessing that he might have flattened thousands of bugs or more at once.Odin's biological signal scan showed that more Zergs were still swarming.

"This thing will hurt you more than me~"

This is Odin!There are only double-digit Odin mechas in the entire Tyrannian Empire, and most of them are replaced by Thor mechas that are cheaper and easier to cast.

Odin is expensive to build, and is the heart and soul of Emperor Augustus, so its power is naturally worthy of its reputation.Only the best pilots are qualified to pilot these super heavy siege guns, as there are far fewer of them than Viking pilots.

Naturally, Tychus, as the first Odin pilot, also flourished on the front line far from the emperor.A guy like him can get along anywhere.

The reason why Tychus is living a leisurely early retirement life like a palace janitor, but the main reason why he insists on coming to the front line to be Odin's driver is because the emperor's feet are not easy to steal chickens and dogs.Originally, this guy's favorite thing to do is to do things in the dark under the lights, but the emperor has a group of ghost agents who are elusive.

In his words, when you go out to set off a cannon, there must be a recorder, an observer, and an analysis.

Another reason is that the treatment of Odin drivers is extremely high, and they can enjoy various special treatment, loose rules and regulations, loose treatment after violation of regulations, and so on.This was simply tailor-made for Tychus by Emperor Augustus, and he couldn't tolerate him not drilling into it.

Also, Tychus really likes Odin.A real man should drive Odin, and a man should do what a man should do.

"The life signs of the zerg were detected, and they are gathering in large numbers, ready to launch a new round of offensive." But before Tychus was happy for a while, Odin's mechanical adjutant issued an alarm.

"Why is it never over?" Tychus noticed the warning. He knew that Talon's bugs were outrageous, but he didn't expect the first battle of the landing to be so intense.This has something to do with the combat styles of different cerebrates. If the cerebrum commanding this swarm is Sass of the Gam swarm, he will choose to let the imperial army land and annihilate them one by one when they advance separately.

But Yemengard's Yake is different, it likes to hit halfway.

Tychus had killed enough bugs, but not enough to hurt the monsters.The swarm operates on the premise of the group as a whole. They don't care about individual casualties, but only focus on gains and losses.

After a while, more zerg appeared, and they soon filled the horizon.These monsters covered with spikes and chitinous carapaces always make a rustling sound when they move on the ground, like a swarm of mosquitoes covering the sky and the sun in a sultry summer. Just hearing the sound, people will unconsciously feel anxious.

The worms that continued to arrive on the battlefield did not give up their attack. They hesitated for a moment, but it was not because of fear. It was just that the brain worms who commanded the war were assessing the situation.

Although Odin's firepower is amazing, its shells are not endless, and the ammunition consumed by a cannon shot indiscriminately must be replenished.In other words, now it's time to switch to the swarm.

Cerebral worms may hesitate, but once they make up their minds, they will not waver.The buzzing swarm moved again, and many big guys appeared on the ground, and the tunnel worms also roared and broke through the ground. From a distance, it looked like a hill with worm eyes.

The Hydralisks and Ultralisks that appeared during Total War II were much larger than those seen before Brood War, with thicker chitin armor and sharper spikes.Odin wasn't afraid of Ultralisks, but the Jormungandr swarms were so numerous that even monsters as large as Ultralisks appeared in swarms.

There may be more cunning creatures mixed in, such as the scorpion, which has faded from the stage of history but still plays an important role in the swarm.

Fortunately, taking advantage of Odin's efforts to clear the battlefield, the landed imperial marines gathered again.The task of Tychus is to clear a landing area for the follow-up landing troops, and to cover the vanguard troops lacking fire support points to gain a firm foothold.

An officer of the Imperial Marine Corps planted a black and gold imperial flag on a hill at Odin's feet. Hundreds of marines, medical soldiers, firebats, and looters gathered in streams of people, and soon Soon moved to the battle position.

At the same time, airdrop pods continued to land on the surface of Talon, bringing more mechs and tanks to the imperial army on the ground, and the Imperial Engineer Corps driving space engineering vehicles built fortifications amidst the hail of bullets.Every company and even a platoon carried banners, and these erected banners formed a long line across the ground.

Tychus drove Odin to stay in place, using the T800 cannon mounted on both arms to provide strong support for the ground troops.

The first siege tank came into view of Tychus, much larger than the marines, but no more than a slightly larger toy in front of Odin.

Now that there is the first one, it is only a matter of time before more siege tanks appear. Not counting other models, the empire has dropped at least [-] bone-cutting siege tanks in this area alone.

Hundreds of siege tanks turned their tracks amidst the roar of their engines, crushing the shattered carapaces of the zerg.They rotated in a circle in a uniform manner, the main shaft rotated outward, the secondary rail was retracted into the body, and the hydraulic outer supports were deployed from both sides, firmly anchored to the ground.

The deployed 180mm concussion cannon fired immediately, and the shells rained down densely on the incoming insect swarm, beating them to pieces.This new siege tank is powerful and capable of providing strong support to infantry.Siege tanks are pretty much flawless, barring the occasional accidental hit on friendly units.

Of course, for tankers, they are perfect.

"He played well, but he'll have to practice for another two years to catch up with me." Tychus knew those tankers: loud, hot-tempered, stubborn but blunt enough to never wait a second to beat you, Usually they are.

Having said that, Tychus didn't dare to speak out on the channel of the Armored Division.Although he is bold, he is not stupid.

Especially the woman known as Sergeant Hammer, from whom Tychus really realized what a tiger's butt can't touch.It's just that the old rascal's little hands were a little dirty, and a super-high-temperature tungsten bullet landed at his feet. That might be the closest this guy was to death.

At this time, the Marines also opened fire, mainly the iconic click of the C-14 Gauss rifle, but other weapons were also used, including howitzers, flamethrowers, hail rocket launchers, individual railguns , cluster bombs and plasma weapons, the trajectories of various weapons dominate the entire battlefield.

The troops that arrive first are the aces, or at least the old ones, and they are armed with the best weapons.

In other words, those whose establishment can be preserved until now are capable. From the outbreak of the war to the present, it is unknown how many divisions have been beaten to pieces.The insect swarm on the front of the Tyrann Empire is almost the same as it was in its heyday four years ago. Even the Protoss Empire would have to peel off its skin when it encountered it.

If it weren't for Emperor Augustus Mengsk's vigorous development of armaments against all opinions, the Tyrann Empire and even the humans in the Koprulu sector have now become history.

Although the Mengsk family has a heart, they are always very accurate in such matters.Augustus knew that the swarm would come back, even though he had to wait every day.If it was the pigs of the old federation, they would have lost their armor and armor.

But even so, the Tyrann Empire barely resisted the attack of the swarm.

The Tyranid Empire nearly lost the Talon System, but now Marshal Horace Warfield is determined to retake it from the Swarm.Only when it is irreparable, the empire will dispatch its fleet to destroy everything on the planet.

The empire and the swarm fought to the death for these worlds, and the beautiful new worlds that had been prosperous and rich became devastated one by one.Tychus knew that the dog emperor in the Augustgrad palace was very distressed by this. The zerg didn't care about the destruction of the planet by war, but humans couldn't. The empire needed the resources, factories and population of the colony.

A group of thieves broke into your house and smashed it, and finally the house collapsed. It doesn't matter, they can't live anyway.

"Sergeant Finley, we need you to deal with that Ultralisk! It's heading towards you!" At this moment, the voice of the commander of the landing force suddenly came from the channel.

Tychus' actual level is very high, and ordinary commanders can't control him.

"Okay." Tychus replied again, always with a little arrogance in his tone, as if he was dealing with a fool: "The people below, make way for the big guys."

When Odin moved, the ground seemed to be shaking, and the marines below could only look up at the steel giant walking on the ground.

Tychus crushed all enemies in his path with unstoppable force, crushing them like ants.He faced the roaring Thunder Beast, and fired two shots at its head. This kind of behemoth has almost no flaws, except for the lack of armor for its eyes.I don't care so much about fighting, just dig out your eyes and sprinkle lime on the three roads, whatever works.

Two hits from the T800 cannon can destroy a tank, and even a few hits from the Ultralisk can't handle it well, and its head was also blown to pieces.It wailed, the roar was deafening, and it took a few steps back after a while.

And Tychus took advantage of the momentum and fired at the wounded parts of the Ultralisk one after another, trying to kill it directly.

But when Tychus focused on Ultralisk, a huge force came from Odin's feet, even shaking this extremely heavy mech.

A gigantic super monster broke out of the ground. It had a scorpion-like body and an upright body. It looked like something between a Zergling and a Hydralisk. In other words, there were many other Zerg species on its body. feature.

It is so brutal and tyrannical that Ultralisks are dwarfed in size and strength.

Once there, it spewed a mouthful of deadly acid into Odin's cockpit, which instantly rose in a ghastly plume of white smoke from its heavy armor and cockpit glass.

"Powerful biosignature A beast, the largest ground creature the zerg have ever seen."

"My mother!" The distance was too close, and Tychus fired at the beast who was almost close at hand, regardless of the risk of shooting at close range.

"What did you do earlier?"

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