A few Yemengard allosaurus spread out their ferocious wings, and swept across the magnificent canyon filled with wind and sand with the thermal air rising from the cactus canyon. Their shiny carapaces shone with a copper-colored luster under the golden sunlight.

Along with the powerful flapping of the skin's wings, the flickering black shadow of the Allosaurus quickly swept across the flowing fine sand.In their ominous orange-red eyes, the black shadows of a human fortress shrouded in the sky-covering red sand can already be seen faintly.

A few weeks ago, this place was still a wasteland. No matter the majestic planetary fortress or the breathtaking earth-shattering cannon, it seemed that they had all been erected overnight.Countless fortifications formed a huge fortress with thick armor, and thousands of cannons and missile towers stretched into the sky.

The Cactus Canyon Fortress is built on a large high-energy gas mine. The extraction wells deep underground continuously extract pure high-energy gas. The sturdy pipelines connected to the distillation and refining towers are winding and criss-cross, and those responsible for water supply and power supply. Pipes criss-cross.

The well-ordered heavy factories and barracks are located between the nuclear power plant and the substation, and tanks and mechs drive in and out of the armory.It is not only a strong fortress, but also a large city with complete facilities, sufficient ammunition, and food can last for several years.

This scene was also seen by Yark, the cerebrum worm of the Yemengard swarm at the other end of the mind link. At this moment, these different dragons were like its eyes.

The closer they got to the fortress, the more conspicuous were the corpses that hadn't been buried by the yellow sand, and the air was filled with the smell of blood and choking black smoke.

Only the bravest commandos and death squads among human beings dare to approach an obviously insurmountable barrier of death, but these different dragons have no hesitation or timidity.

The mind of the main hive shapes the countless zerg individuals into a whole. All the zerg are just a part of the swarm, and even a mighty army of zerg is just a tentacles stretched out by the swarm.The ethnic group is above all else, and under the righteousness of the ethnic group, there is nothing that cannot be sacrificed.

The Allosaurus pounced on the fortress was not a small target, and the densely packed anti-aircraft missile towers in the fortress responded immediately.The muffled metal frames of the dozens of missile turrets closest to here moved in unison, the hydraulic system hissed, the tracking scanners and automatic sensors locked on the targets in the sky, and the Longbow missiles were sent to the sky. into the launch pad.

The missile turret covered with a shiny titanium alloy armor shell roared, and the missile dragging flames seemed to be the spear of Longinus thrown out and burning with raging flames, creating halo ripples in the sky. Suddenly, large pieces of blood and carapaces fell from the sky.

An Allosaurus whose wings were torn apart by missiles fell heavily on the thick concrete ground poured by the base fortress, blood and flesh splattered immediately, it was horrible.Even so, it is still alive, even with such a heavy injury, it can heal itself with the vitality of a different dragon.

It was trembling in the blood pool formed by its own blood and wanted to stand up, even though it was soaked in blood, it seemed that it couldn't feel the slightest pain.Just like a real dragon, deep scratches appeared on the ground under the scratching of the exaggerated sharp claws, and the snake-like body covered with spikes made a sharp stinging sound every time it struggled. …

But the sound of heavy footsteps soon approached, and two teams of marines in red power armor surrounded it from both sides, and Roaring's electromagnetic rifle immediately ended its life.

At the last moment of falling, a gray-haired and grey-eyed face was reflected in the dimmed eyes of this allosaurus, and this face immediately made Yake, the brain worm who was paying attention here, shrink back solemnly. Worm body.

In the mind link of the insect swarm, the cerebrates who were whispering to each other were suddenly in an uproar, gnashing their teeth, as if they wanted to tear this face apart, until the most powerful cerebrate, Dagos, spoke and gradually calmed down.Augustus Mengsk, his greatest crime was not beheading countless zerg, but daring to enslave their powerful and proud cerebrate brothers in an attempt to steal the power of the zerg.

At the same time, Emperor Augustus, who had watched the allosaurus disappear, received an alarm from the seismograph the next moment, and the fleet also issued an early warning, showing that multiple swarm Leviathans were entering the atmosphere of Phaethon.

This is not the first time that the swarms have launched an attack on the fortress. Since Augustus arrived at the Phaedon planet and brought the Xel'Naga artifact, the swarms that had gathered on the eastern and southern borders suddenly moved towards Koplu The Phaetons from the far corner of the star sector rushed in.

The assembled Xel'Naga artifact has an unimaginable attraction to this race, and the mysterious signal it sends out even makes the Protoss "want to stop". The nearest colony of the Protoss Empire came to inquire about the news. All the dark templar Xel'Naga scholars who wandered across the stars arrived in Phaethon, looking for clues about the creator Xel'Naga in the heavily weathered wind-eroded canyon.

"How does it feel to be at the center of the war? Using yourself as a bait, if you make a careless move, you will lose everything." Arcturus dodged the splashing blood of the different dragon with a look of disgust.Once exposed to the air, the blood of the zerg turns into some kind of extremely corrosive acidic liquid.

"If I had a choice, I would generally put others on the hook instead of myself, and by the way, I could also eliminate dissidents." He said to Augustus beside him: "You have to know which approach is more effective in consolidating your rule. favorable."

"When I have a big killer like the Naganaga artifact in my hand, it must be reserved as a last resort."

There is a saying among the people.The Mengsk family ruled, and they decided who should die for the health of the empire and who should shed the last drop of blood for the emperor.The palace of Augustegler is now inhabited by a pack of wolves, so the empire dominates Koprulu and looks down on the earth.

"You should let me bring the Xel'Naga artifact to Phaethon instead of coming with me." Arcturus said: "Even the loss of a prince can arouse the fighting spirit of the imperial people."

"I swear I will never do such a thing again," Augustus told him.

"One thing I learned from Jim is that the hearts of the people are supreme." Augustus did not agree with Arcturus' words: "My people and soldiers should know that their monarch is willing to give for the well-being of the empire and the people." What kind of sacrifice, the propaganda of practical action is far better than a thousand invented boast and ruthless iron law."  …

"I have always believed that only power can create an empire." Arcturus is not ignorant of people's hearts, nor is he ignorant of people's hearts, but his self-interested personality determines his style of doing things.

Arcturus thought his brother was too kind in some ways, but that had nothing to do with weakness.Augustus is this kind of emperor. He was born in a noble family and never came into contact with common people before he became an adult. However, his ability to empathize with common people is exactly what Arcturus lacked.

If Arcturus's family had died as before, he would have shown no pity for the suffering of others.He was the Son of Vengeance, never the savior.

"I don't think this is a conflict." Augustus looked at the desert in the distance. The surging yellow sand undulated like a mountain roaring tsunami. This abnormal phenomenon indicated that a large number of swarms of tunnel worms were moving at high speed in the desert. .

From this position of Augustus, he could even see the huge snake-like body wriggling in the desert.When their ugly heads jumped out of the sea of ​​sand, the terrain of the cactus canyon even changed its appearance, and the sand dust raised by these monsters finally formed a rolling small sand dune when it fell again.

Nydus worms are a great threat to human defenses. This terrifying giant worm can even drill through the ground of Augustgrad and the walls of the Xel'Naga Temple.

"Nydus worm!" An imperial officer shouted, and within a few minutes, a large number of fully dressed imperial marines merged into the main roads from all over the barracks, and tens of thousands of armored soldiers moved at the same time. It is extremely shocking to watch from the air.

After a long period of tempering in the second all-out war, those imperial troops newly formed after the big conscription have become well-disciplined and able to recruit and fight well.

"We need both power and the hearts of the people." Augustus took a needle gun from Faraday, and the multiple giant Goliath mechs of the Spartan company were moving with heavy steps To the preset firing points of the fortifications.

"If you were the one who said that, I wouldn't think he's an arrogant man. I heard Jim say that he learned his revolutionary ideas from you." Arcturus always obeyed himself brother, but he still raised his own doubts.

"Stick to the front line, soldiers, the emperor is with you." Augustus was silent for a moment and saw a group of imperial marines rushing to the front line, and immediately shouted at them: "... go and see the Sarnaga artifact , and now it is more important than the entire fortress."

The emperor obviously didn't care about Arcturus's question: "That's Jim, he's too humble, I always tell him he should be tougher."

Arcturus shrugged and followed Augustus through the barracks of soldiers, encouraging these brave warriors to fight bravely.

The first military officer regulations that the Tailun emperor must recite is: the emperor is the supreme commander of all the armed forces of the empire, the place where he is is the empire, and guarding the land under his feet means the last battle.

Augustus walking among the soldiers should also boost morale. This year, the emperor living in the Augustegrad Palace seems to be getting farther and farther away from his loyal soldiers. Those who are alone on the edge of the world The imperial army, who fought hard and could not wait for reinforcements, inevitably felt abandoned. …

But now he's back.

"The airdrop bag is falling into the surface of Phaethon, and the estimated time of arrival is 3 minutes later." The chief security officer in charge of the network communication of the fortress, the young Lai Ou reminded all the imperial commanders on the command channel where Augustus was.

In the thin cloudy sky of the Cactus Canyon, small black spots are falling rapidly and becoming larger and larger, and the number of these black spots has rapidly increased to tens of thousands of 10,000+.

Similar to the drop pods of the Empire, the swarm also has means of airdropping ground troops. These airdrop capsules, which are made of hard carapace, shock-absorbing sponge tissue, and cushioning filling liquid, can hold a large number of zerg and safely deliver them to the ground. battlefield.

Today, the number of swarm Leviathans in the Phaethon galaxy has reached an astonishing number, and the genomes of as many as seven large swarms and 21 regional secondary swarms have appeared. The number of zerg in a galaxy can even be calculated in trillions.

Most of the zerg swarm were attracted to the Phaeton by the signal released by the Xel'Naga artifact, and the Imperial Navy was powerless to stop such a huge number of zerg.

The entire fortress was engulfed in the roar of giant cannons. All kinds of missile launch platforms, anti-aircraft laser cannons, and machine gun platforms sprayed deadly tongues of flame. The flames and thick smoke of the explosion quickly covered the sky, and most of the airdropped capsules It was shattered by anti-aircraft fire before it hit the ground.

Even so, a batch of airdrops still fell into the fortress, and the impact force was strong enough to smash into huge pits, trample on the buildings, and crush the people and vehicles below to pieces.

One of the airdrop bags landed on a high-level supply station not far from Augustus. After a loud noise, metal splashed and debris flew across, causing a commotion.The Imperial Marines who reacted below quickly rushed here, and suppressed many springtails and hydralisks that jumped out of the cracked airdrop bag at the landing point, and then the looters with heavy weapons came support.

"They're everywhere!"

"Then fire everywhere!"

Ignoring the imperial soldiers who were firing at them, several springtails leaped across the crowd toward Augustus, as if sure he was there.

"Give me a gun, Corporal Faraday." Arcturus, who saw all this with his own eyes, was not flustered even though he was a prince. .

Faraday handed Arcturus an AGR-28.

Without waiting for the surrounding royal guards to fire, Arcturus opened the safety and drew his gun to shoot. The marksmanship was accurate and ruthless, and the heads of the springtails were blown off one by one.

"The marksmanship remains the same as before, Arcturus." Augustus also fired a few shots, but missed.

"The jackals are at our door." Arcturus put down his gun.

"Well, here comes the jackal with a shotgun," replied Augustus.

At this time, a figure that seemed to be stumbling in a panic broke into the vision of Augustus and Arcturus.

The man was wearing a researcher's uniform and a white windbreaker, with a frightened expression on his white bearded face.

"Ah! Zerg!" Narud saw the corpses of several Zerglings, and was thrown into chaos.

"I, I am a scientist, Your Majesty, I study Zerg, but I have never seen such a scene." He then stammered an explanation to Augustus to hide his embarrassment:

"I'm not good at fighting."

Augustus couldn't help admiring Dr. Narud's acting skills, and said to himself that Dr. Narud is the best at pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.It looked like Narud was about to jump into Augustus' arms like a little girl and screamed in the next second.


"It's really hard for you. Doctor, I hope you came to tell me that the Nova Impact of the Xel'Naga Artifact has been fully charged."

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