StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 612 Glacius Purifier

Chapter 612 Glacius Purifier

The Tyranid Empire fleet resolutely and quickly wiped out the zerg on the surface of the Sami planet, burned as many as 178 infected settlements with orbital strikes, and wiped out the worms that were spreading on the planet with raging fire.

However, it is obviously not enough for those Sami refugees who are suffering from the loss of their homes to overcome their fear of the Zerg and regain their confidence in rebuilding their homes.Augustus knew that he had to eradicate this swarm that was wreaking havoc in the western part of the empire, and deal with the scavenger pirates and dark consul Aurega behind them.

Then, the imperial fleet commanded by the emperor himself set off for Glacius, the protoss world of Dharam, in the starry night.

Glacius is a mysterious ocean planet. Even though the distance is relatively short, its coordinates were previously hidden from the humans of the Tyrannian Empire.And once the exact coordinates are known, it only takes one day for the imperial fleet to arrive.

"It is now AD2500.01.02, 8:04 onboard time, and the fleet is underway. Welcome back to the bridge, His Majesty Augustus Mengsk."

When Augustus walked into the command bridge of the Hyperion, he heard the shipboard intelligent adjutant greeting himself.This is a gentle female voice without much emotional fluctuations, which has been used for more than ten or twenty years since the Federation era.

"Good morning, dear." The uniformed crew saluted him as he walked onto the bridge.

Before the Hyperion left the super-space navigation state today, Augustus inspected the restaurants on the main deck and the upper deck.Since the supplies had just been replenished, the breakfast of the crew was not bad, including bread, butter, bacon and vegetables. Augustus was very satisfied with this and ate a lot.

Life on the battlecruiser was still as dull as ever. The steel-built battleship was divided into many uncomfortable spaces by hundreds of identical corridors and airlocks.Whether they are experienced officers or young sailors who have just boarded the ship, they have to live in such a daily life without any ups and downs. Only when they are fully aware that they are a group of solidarity in this dark universe can they survive all challenges. kind of challenge.

But in general, the conditions of the navy are much better now than before.

Luckily enough for the crew of the Hyperion, they always saw the Emperor himself, and even got a chance to chat with the supreme leader of the Tyranid Empire.The distinctive personal charm of Emperor Augustus made him very popular among the soldiers, and many people were willing to die for him.

"You came at the right time, Augustus. The staff officer on duty in the communication room received a communication from the protoss after the spacecraft left the transition state." Jim Raynor turned the command chair he was sitting on and looked up at him.

"What did they say?" Augustus walked towards the nautical star map in the middle of the bridge, and a green planet was impressively in the center of the holographic scene.

"It's the defense map of Planet Glacius. Tassadar doesn't want our warships to be accidentally injured by Glacius' plasma artillery defense facilities and the latest information from the dark consul Orega." Renault paused, and said to Aogu Stu said:
"During the recent fights, the Dalam Protoss discovered that Orega was still using Xel'Naga technology, and his car was a mysterious Xel'Naga spaceship."

"Given the Dark Templar's obsession with Xel'Naga culture and centuries of research, it's not unbelievable." Augustus was not so surprised: "Don't forget, Zeratul also has a Saar'Naga ship. Nagar spaceship, it is not difficult to pilot the spaceship left by Nagar, even we have it in our hands."

"If Orega can crack and use Naganaga's technology, that will be a headache."

Augustus unfolded the hologram of the planet Glacius on the star map, and was shocked by the vast ocean of this planet.The modeling of the holographic image is so detailed that he can even zoom in and see the mysterious and unknown large islands through the thick floating clouds.

"It seems that this Orega is enough for us to have a headache." Reynolds then said to Augustus: "Look at this again."

A video available for Augustus to consult appeared on the Star Chart Platform. It was the influence of the protoss, and it recorded the last appearance of the dark consul Orega.

The picture above made Augustus frowned. It had been five or six years since he last saw Orega.

Orega was originally a dark templar in azure blue robes, but his current appearance is hard to connect with the hateful protoss in Augustus' memory.

When the Dark Archon Aurega appears, his overflowing psychic power can even cause drastic changes in the weather.It was a hot, radiating vortex of energy, a darkness filled with scarlet thunder that moved as if night had come, and the earth burned beneath his feet.

Orega is a pure energy body full of chaotic and destructive energy, and he himself is a terrible natural disaster.

That can no longer be called a "creature".

"The dark templar of Aurega's Fist believes that Aurega is loyal to an extremely powerful being."

"You mean that Orega still has a boss?" Augustus snorted.

"Maybe it's Emon, maybe it's not." He seemed to be talking to himself: "Maybe I should ask Dr. Narud, he's in the Hyperion's laboratory."

"Even Dr. Narud doesn't know everything. You always put too much pressure on him. Look how tired he is now." Renault glanced at Augustus.

"No, he will tell me," said Augustus.

"Unless Narud is a Xel'Naga like Emon, hahaha, this is too funny." Renault's face was brilliant.

"Even the dark templars don't quite understand what Orega is now, even for the dark consul, it's too scary." Reynolds said: "Orega was defeated by himself. Few of Artanis's legions of dragon knights could hurt him. The followers of Aurega consider him a demigod."

"In other words, even Tassadar doesn't know how to kill Orega." Augustus' expression became serious.

Even in the eyes of the Dark Templars, the Dark Archon is an extremely powerful and uncontrollable existence, so before the Brood War, it was regarded as taboo knowledge that must be sealed.To become a Dark Templar needs to be fused by two Dark Templars voluntarily sacrificing themselves, and Orega is a super Dark Consul who uses ancient knowledge to fuse seven Dark Templars.

After such a long time, Orega has become more and more paranoid and crazy. He and his minions raided the world of Dalam protoss in the galaxy, just to make the darkness 1000 years ago. The Templar's Aiur Protoss suffered much as his ancestors who betrayed the Khala were once hunted by the Templars.

From the standpoint of Augustus, it is impossible for him to persuade Orega to let go of his hatred and become a Buddha immediately.In this universe, there are not so many right and wrong to talk about. Augustus has always had revenge, and it is only a matter of time.

Since Orega is threatening the Tyrannian Empire, Augustus will beat him severely.

"Tassadar said that only energy weapons can harm Orega. In other words, the trick that killed the master is also effective against this guy." Renault shook his head as he said:
"Honestly, Augustus, I'm getting more and more confused about the current war. I used to shoot a Camerian in the face, and he couldn't spit the bullet out for me unscathed. .”

"Things are impermanent, Jimmy, the enemies you will face in the future will be far beyond your imagination." Augustus thought for a while and said, "Perhaps the newly developed EMP electromagnetic pulse disruptor energy drains Orega's plasma shield." Shields and energy, but that also does a lot of damage to our protoss allies."

Over the years, the newly designed weapons for the Zerg War are constantly being updated, and the new weapons against the protoss are not left behind.

EMP Scramblers are weapons designed to target the Protoss, emitting an electromagnetic pulse that slowly weakens the plasma shield fields of Protoss units and can disrupt communications.

"That's right, once Orega's shield is exhausted, we can use Yamato cannons and nuclear bombs to kill Orega." Renault spread his hands: "But the problem is that Orega will not just stand there and wait obediently." Be our living target."

"In fact, Orega hasn't shown up again for a long time. He has been manipulating his puppet army behind the scenes to work for him, burning, killing and looting around the star area, doing all kinds of evil."

"I have to say that Orega has a large army at hand." Augustus looked at Lei Nuo: "There are many controlled insect swarms, pirates and mercenaries who want money and life. And Orega Fist of the Dark Templar. Aurega, he'll take anything."

"The Dalam Protoss also discovered that Orega was enslaving the El Protoss to produce warships and weapons for him. Compared with Orega's cruel methods and open oppression, Tadalin is just a group of secretly playing tricks. Thieves with tricks." Renault also said: "It's hard to imagine that among the kind-hearted and upright Nerazim protoss, Orega would come out of this kind of alien."

Orega not only planned a series of massacres against the El protoss, but also sent the dark templar of the Fist of Orega to assassinate the protector of the Dharam protoss who was responsible for preserving knowledge and history.

This dark templar from the Nerazim protoss Alessa tribe was once a scholar who guarded and preserved knowledge, and drew terrible power from those forbidden ancient knowledge that was sealed.

And Orega believes that as long as the protectors in the El Protoss are killed, they will no longer be able to understand the history of their ancestors, and a lot of precious knowledge and technology will be lost.

"I think I can better understand why Tassadar is so angry. The protoss have lost too many people after the Battle of Aiur, and every member of the protoss is indispensable to the protoss." Augustus operated the control panel of the star chart platform to call up some information about Orega.

"Jimmy, have you noticed that the time record of Orega's appearance is actually traceable." He found a record about it: "Every time Orega appears, Orega will cause great damage, and Attacks from the Protoss will also weaken him."

"But when Orega shows up next time, his strength will reach its peak again."

"I dare not say." Renault's mind turned quickly: "But Orega must be able to use some method to replenish the energy he lost."

"Among the zerg, scorpions replenish their energy by devouring their own kind," Augustus said.

"You mean that Orega eats Protoss. I think it may be something like a shield charger. You know, Protoss has various crystal matrices." Renault said.

"Assuming that Orega is ready to show up again, is it possible that he will appear there?" Augustus continued.

"I guess, it might be in Glacius." Renault said after thinking for a moment: "Artanis told me that the Protoss Empire restarted an ancient project in Glacius, and this project once created the most terrifying beast of the Protoss." Weapons. They had to be sealed because they were too dangerous."

The relationship between Raynor and Artanis is good, and the Protoss all like this upright Marshal of the Empire.

"Advanced and powerful ancient technology again." Augustus knew that if someone else showed off their ancestral technology to him, it would probably be a joke, but if the protoss, especially the templars, were honest people, since If they say so, it is true.

"Since it is a restart, it means that this project has already matured in ancient times. Protoss are always like this, and they are not willing to take out all the treasures until the fire burns their ass."

During the First Total War, the Protoss revived an ancient program on the planet called the Purifier Project, which produced the most powerful weapons of the Protoss Empire.

This is a battle robot made by protoss. These protoss-like machines have extremely high intelligence and can be called another race.

"They also used quantum predictive analysis technology, which can make a person's personality into data and upload it to the data network, and achieve immortality in this way!" Renault touched his newly shaved forehead:
"These mechanical protoss can live to the end of the universe, you'd better not mess with them. Because these machine heads won't forget a single thing, and they can recall from the database what you provoked them 3000 years ago. "

"I can't believe that one day you and I will be made into robots. This is so weird. Hell, my rusty head has been treated to too many new things these days."

"Strictly speaking, it's just a copy of your thoughts and memories, not you. This is a paradox." Augustus smiled and said:
"You and I are unique, Jimmy," he went on:
"If I were Orega, then I must get these technologies and use them to deal with the El Protoss."

"I'm afraid this matter will not be easy. Tassadar has mobilized the golden fleet from Saguras." Raynor said.

"Usually, accidents always happen when we think there will be no accidents." Augustus has never seen the golden fleet make a move.

"Jimmy, I was thinking, if we can catch the Dark Consul Orega, then the new batteries for the Xel'Naga Artifact will be available."

"You are so kind, Sass and α will definitely thank you." Renault smiled.

"Your Majesty, the fleet is sailing towards Glacius." At this moment, Matt Horner's image appeared on the holographic screen:

"Radar detects multiple pirate scavengers."

"Get rid of these pirates." Augustus immediately ordered: "Matt, remember to keep the prisoners, I will interrogate these scumbags."

(End of this chapter)

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