StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 616 Renaming at the Speed ​​of Light

Chapter 616 Renaming at the Speed ​​of Light

"Ah, my old friend Phoenix, I am so fascinated to hear these glorious deeds of yours. It reminds me of that great battle, when I fought with you at Dannuth VII and the Tagal )’s army, although the ratio of the enemy’s strength to our own is a desperate 30:1, but in the end we have achieved a brilliant victory!”

But at this moment, a young and upright high-ranking executive obviously didn't have a good understanding of what it means to "polish up a little bit". Instead, he was aroused by these impassioned words, and he also talked about it like a treasure.

"How nostalgic. You should have told me the story of your past earlier."

Calculated, Phoenix is ​​already 397 years old this year, and Artanis is almost 135 years younger than him.For the younger generation of templars like Artanis, they may have grown up listening to the stories of these legendary warriors.

Artanis didn't have any uncommon human sense of humor, or poke fun at the dark history of the old man, he just meant it.

"If Edmund Duke is here, he must compare with them the glorious deeds of kicking the Supreme Council and slashing the ruler." Reynolds turned his face and whispered to Augustus, who was nodding seriously. Looking at something, the smile on his face almost didn't stop.

"I'm sorry, Emperor Augustus." Phoenix pretended to look back, but behind him was the empty bulkhead of the Dragon Knight's nutrition cabin:

"My army is about to launch a new round of offensive, and now I have to leave."

It’s bad, Kara’s bad point is here, and it won’t take long for the entire Golden Fleet to know about Phoenix’s bragging rights, and then most of Durham will know it.

This is no less than using the Korha UNN radio tower to inform the entire empire of Emperor Augustus's childhood embarrassment.

"Don't worry, Phoenix, we are tight-lipped." Before Phoenix's image disappeared, Lei Nuo leaned on Augustus's hand, assuring him that he would never speak out.

"If it were me, I would run away at this time." Augustus shrugged and sneered: "This is probably the difference between Phoenix as a protoss, and that's why we love him."

"It's great! If I want to become heroes like Tassadar and Phoenix, I still have a lot to learn." Artanis recovered from his imagination of the past glory days and couldn't help sighing.

Compared with a legendary fanatic like Phoenix, Artanis' record is obviously not worth mentioning, so he must always be humble.Phoenix is ​​big-hearted, fearless and unashamed. If he is human, he must be a hero.

"You are too young, Artanis." Seeing that Artanis actually believed it, Renault couldn't laugh or cry.

The protoss are like this, they may not try to brag to other protoss, because of the existence of Kara, the lie is very easy to be exposed, and it is taken for granted that other protoss will not deceive and hide themselves.

"I don't like you saying that, friend Renault." Artanis was unhappy: "According to human beings, I am more than 200 years older than you."

"It's the same thing, brother." Renault shrugged his eyebrows: "What are you going to do with this Purifier Phoenix, he may be a little insane now. I mean, if he has such a thing as a mind."

"I can roughly understand this feeling. It may be similar to when a clone who has been implanted with the same memory knows that he is not the only one."

Following Lei Nuo's gaze, one can notice that the Purifier Phoenix at this time is constantly and mechanically repeating the black history of his source body of consciousness, which has not calmed down until now. It is no wonder that Phoenix himself can't listen anymore.

It seems that after Glacius's Purifier project was interrupted for a while, the Kali Phase Technician in charge of the project did not take into account the encounter between the archetypal Purifier warrior and its Source Body.

At the same time, the Imperial Goliath robot driver who was standing around Purifier Phoenix on the ground also became more nervous, and seemed to open fire immediately if he saw the situation was not going well.With the conflict just now, everyone knows how terrifying this huge mechanical protoss will be when it starts to surge.

"Hmm" In this case, it is difficult for Artanis to regard a mechanical protoss with the memory of Phoenix as his compatriot. He only wanted to recover a weapon in the Glacius facility as a routine.

"Phoenix may be the first prototype fighter after the restart of the Purifier project, which is crucial to the follow-up research." He said: "The chief Kalai phase technician is on his way to the Hyperion, and he will be responsible for the follow-up maintenance and Recycling work."

"The most urgent task is to prevent Orega's army from continuing to approach the science and technology collection hall. Once he obtains Glacius' Purifier project technology, the consequences will be disastrous."

"Bring back Phoenix the Purifier, and be careful not to provoke him." Augustus nodded and ordered.

"That's a war machine built for war. I dare say that if he gets angry, he can definitely poke a hole in the Hyperion." Raynor added.

Then, the two monarchs and ministers looked at each other and smiled. I am afraid that today's Phoenix joke is to nail their old Phoenix friend to the pillar of shame forever.

Augustus is also very interested in the Purifier technology of the Protoss Empire. As long as a few samples available for research can be obtained in the Glacius facility, the AI ​​and intelligent mechanical technology of the Tyranid Empire can make great progress. The protoss will not interfere.

At this moment, the weather outside is getting worse and worse. The transport ship departing from the Huberian dock is like a fragile light spot looming in the storm, as if it will be blown away by a gust of wind at any time.

And in the center of Glacius's facility, a terrifying cyclone containing destructive power is slowly taking shape, and countless scarlet lightnings crackle and crackle on the ground, like wandering blood snakes.

Above this cyclone is the entire Dalam protoss fleet. The incomparably magnificent protoss mothership Purifier is pouring terrifying purification beams on the ground. The astonishing power almost razed half of the Glacius facility to the ground. .

These reawakened protoss motherships once created the golden age of civilization development in the history of the protoss empire. The powerful power contained in the crystals of their hearts can instantly destroy several enemy fleets and even razed the planet.

And the dark consul Orega was even able to confront the fleet, which is a rare sight in the world.

The Tyrann Empire fleet also joined the siege of Aurega. This formidable steel fleet appeared on the other side of the Glacius facility. Thousands of flashing searchlights were as bright as stars. The blue lights of the fleet echoed each other.

After a series of dazzling flashes, the laser cannons of the battlecruiser let out a roar, sweeping across the scavenger pirates and zerg below, and the whole ground suddenly became a slaughterhouse, with smashed stumps everywhere. The unison even drowned out the wailing of the wounded.

"What kind of monster is that Orega? I have never seen anything that can survive a round of Yamato cannon fire." Under the bridge of the Hyperion, Reynolds and Augustus You can clearly see the dark consul who is under the indiscriminate bombardment of the two fleets.

If you just look at it with the naked eye, it is almost difficult to discern the specific outline of Orega. He looks huge, but most of it is illusory light and shadow, which is extremely difficult to hit.Even if it is attacked, Orega's shield is enough to offset the firepower of the mothership's main gun.

It was as if Orega had become night itself, he could be driven away by light, but always came back when the sun went down.

"Since Orega has become a pure energy creature, it is time for our EMP electromagnetic weapon to take effect." Augustus was also looking at Orega outside the porthole of the bridge, and he could only blur Seeing lightning lingering in the sky.

"The EMP scrambler can only slowly weaken the power of the protoss shield, and I'm afraid it won't have much effect on Orega." Renault said to Augustus:
"Narud said that he is trying to adjust the Xel'Naga artifact to a mode that can harm the protoss, but the water far away cannot quench the thirst."

Theoretically speaking, the Nova Impact of the Xel'Naga Artifact can also take effect on the genes of protoss and humans, but no one has ever succeeded.Narud's calculation was very good. If the artifact can directly absorb the power of Orega, then it will be just around the corner before Amon returns to the real universe.

"Blunt knives hurt the most, Jimmy." Augustus just lit a cigar, and the golden-red cloak on his body fluttered with his movements: "Also, if we deploy enough EMP scramblers If there are too many, then even Orega will have a headache."

"You may be right." Renault agreed. "But it may also be a double-edged sword. EMP weapons are indistinguishable."

This is the Seven Injuries Fist, which hurts oneself first and then others.Putting aside the feelings of the protoss for the time being, EMP weapons will also disrupt the communication between the imperial army.

"Well, Artanis knows that we will use this weapon and is already prepared. They may still have concerns, but EMP weapons are not used to deal with the Protoss of Durham." Augustus was talking, just Hear Tech Soldiers report on completion of EMP Scrambler deployment.

Almost everyone could sense Aurega's irritation when the EMP scrambler deployed under Augustus' orders took effect.The appearance of the human fleet exceeded Orega's expectations. Although he was still standing still, he lost a lot of strength to resist the artillery fire of the two fleets.

Although slow in effect, the EMP Scrambler is actually reducing the power of Aurega's shield.

"This is to avenge Sami Star, Orega." Augustus said, staring at the flickering darkness outside the porthole.Then, the bridge of the Hyperion was once again illuminated by the flash of the Imperial fleet's Yamato cannon firing.

For more than half an hour, the Imperial Fleet and the Protoss Fleet pursued and fought the Dark Consul Orega, and the guns roared. Orega's army was completely lost, and his strength was also greatly weakened.

When the entire Glacius facility was almost razed to the ground, Orega's psionic index gradually dissipated.Suddenly, as if he had appeared, he disappeared in an instant, as if he had never existed.

Dark Consul Aurega is far more powerful than his kind. It is said that he can move at the speed of thought, which means that he can move in an instant and appear in an incredible position at an incredible time.

What is puzzling is Orega's intentions. Maybe he didn't expect the human army to appear, or he didn't take humans seriously at all.But judging from the results, Orega almost suddenly appeared at the Glacius facility, and then took a fleet salvo before fleeing in a hurry.

"Orega ran away?" When Orega suddenly disappeared, neither Renault nor Augustus could react. Either he admitted failure and escaped, or he finally got what he wanted.

In an instant, the dark clouds hanging over the Glacius facility stopped, and the terrifying storm dissipated. After a while, the weather gradually improved, and the clear blue sky was like a clean blue sky. satin.

"It looks like this." Augustus frowned.

Orega may indeed be the largest evil force other than Amon, and his might alone is enough to contend with the fleet.If it wasn't for the fact that the military forces controlled by Orega couldn't compete with the Golden Fleet and the Imperial Fleet, he would have overturned the Koprulu sector long ago.

"Your Majesty, Callai phase technician Karax has arrived on the bridge." At this time, a communications officer came and said to Augustus.

"Let him in." Augustus said immediately, "Send that Purifier Phoenix in too."

Moments later, a squadron of royal guards escorted the Purifier Phoenix into the bridge.Phase Technician Karax has long been an old acquaintance of the Tyranid Empire, and he didn't see him. He directly checked the status of Purifier Phoenix on the bridge. Fortunately, the latter's mood was still very stable.

"The Edman alloy shell is composed of trillions of compressed structures, and its structure is very advanced." Karax checked the interface of the Purifier Phoenix's alloy shell with the tools he carried:

"It's great. It's the pinnacle. The Purifier project in the Glacius facility is inspired by the ancient Purifier project, and the ancient technology is extremely advanced even now."

"These new Purifiers are engineered to rival any technology we've ever conceived. It's nothing short of miraculous!"

"That's enough. I'm a templar. I've risked my life for the Supreme Council countless times. How can I be used as a specimen for research!" When he was first carried onto the bridge, the Purifier Phoenix could be described as ashamed, at the mercy of others.Now he was suddenly suddenly angry, almost startling Karax.

"Calm down, Phoenix," Augustus yelled.

"No, I'm not Phoenix, although I have his memory, as if I experienced it personally." He said: "I am willing to accept the fact, no matter how bitter it is."

"I don't think I can go by the name Phoenix anymore, it's more than a name, it's another person."

"Given Phoenix's embellishment of those files, you are not him." Augustus's words are laughable, but true: "I suggest you choose a new name."

(End of this chapter)

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