StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 618 Electronic Karaoke

Chapter 618 Electronic Karaoke
After the storm, the sunset at the Glacius facility was even more beautiful than usual.Dangerous peaks stand in the distance, and small pieces of pale golden clouds float over little by little, which is too beautiful to behold.The sea breeze blew the whole row of imperial flags, and the Royal Marines stood upright under the setting sun. They stood motionless, silent, waiting for the emperor's order.

The Technology Collection, one of the few buildings in Glacius' facility that still survived the Great War, was a platinum building enveloped in a rose-colored light, humming with the harmonic resonance of the Purifier Matrix.

Augustus and Durham's high-level executive Artanis are standing on the suppression tower outside the science and technology collection hall to discuss countermeasures.This soaring purifier tower is built on the coast, connected to a towering core matrix tower, thousands of golden-orange matrix flashes echo with the brilliant rays of light.

Opposite them is a calm blue fjord, and on the other side is the guard led by Imperial Marshal Jim Raynor and Durham Protoss Consul Phoenix.

"Where is the ancient Purifier being sealed up now?" Both Augustus and Artanis thought they had to have a face-to-face detailed talk about what had just happened.Aurega may not be worthy of the protoss and humans, but what really makes the leaders of both sides have doubts is the power behind him.

"The original Purifiers were placed in the high-altitude orbit of the planet Aidion and sealed in their fortress battleship Sebros." Artanis understood the concern of the human emperor.

"After the rebellion of the ancient Purifiers was quelled, they were sealed inside the Cerbros. Then, this huge Purifier Fortress was cut off from its energy source and sent into its current orbit." He said:
"The Cerberus and its Purifiers will only be reawakened if deemed most urgent. The Purifier has long been a symbol of accomplishment but danger."

"Since this is the case, will the protoss on Eidion have enough strength to deal with an impending attack?" Augustus asked Artanis, staring at the turbulent sea.

The Dark Consul Orega has already learned of the grievances and grievances between the ancient Purifiers and the Protoss Empire, so it is obvious what he will do next.

Since the Protoss Empire has created a powerful military force that is extremely uncontrollable and extremely hostile to its creator, Orega will not miss such a good opportunity.Orega will definitely wake up the Purifiers, and even try to control them. Of course, he is an extremely smart character, and he is more likely to trigger a war by provoking the relationship between the awakened Purifiers and the Dalam Protoss.

Orega has dedicated himself to revenge, and he knows the taste of hatred. As long as one party's hands are splashed with the other's blood, there will be no peace.

The Purifiers are born for war, and it is only a common thing for them to start and win a war.Their mothership Cybros is a mobile star destroyer, on which the manufacturing matrix inside the production center can continuously produce the terrifying Legion of Purifiers. A mechanical apocalypse throughout the entire world of Durham.

The Purifiers can even be regarded as a new Protoss race and a new civilization. They can even develop, improve and produce new weapons according to the war situation to adapt to the new era.

The Protoss Empire has long been weakened, and its strength is far from what it used to be. The suppressed Purifier rebellion is very likely to evolve into another epic interstellar war.

The Purifier Protoss even have their version of the Kara, a data network that connects all Purifiers, within which all Purifiers can speak, communicate, share information - though unable to convey emotion.

The Datanet ban was seen as a poor, pale replacement for the Kara, and the Protoss engineers who designed it probably never imagined that the Protoss would ever lose the Kara.

"We have to worry about a possible attack by Orega and his minions. Aideon is a scientific research planet, and there are about 80 Kalai living on it. They are all the top scientists in the Protoss Empire." Atta Nice is much more anxious than Augustus.Sometimes, the strong emotional fluctuations of the protoss can directly hit the soul without expressing the language of the soul.

"As you know, Carlisle is not good at fighting. Their duty is to engage in research, invention and creation, not to kill the enemy." Templar troops, but that obviously wasn't enough."

"After Tassadar learned of this, he has already begun to send additional fleets to Star Aideon to completely blockade the entire galaxy."

This is the advantage of the templar class instead of the arbitrator class leading the protoss. An excellent commander with excellent strategic vision can quickly make a keen response to the situation and dispatch troops as quickly as possible.Even on a battlefield that often spans thousands of light-years, quick response and response are particularly important.

"Blockade? This is indeed the best way at present." Augustus was silent for a while before he said: "But what should we do in the future, you can't station a huge fleet in Aideon for a long time."

If the Purifiers awoke from their mothership, the Cybros, to find themselves surrounded by a vast fleet of protoss, they might not think it was there to "protect" them.

"In fact, we are preparing to do that." Artanis was also helpless: "Now is an extraordinary period, the plan to expedition to Aiur has been blocked, and the army of Orega is raging in various distant worlds of Durham. If those ancient The Purifiers have awakened again. The consequences are disastrous."

"If you have enough troops to guard, there is no need for the Tyrannian Empire to intervene in this matter." Augustus also nodded: "The swarm is still threatening the southern border of the Tyrannian Empire, and we are too busy to take care of ourselves."

When the second overlord invaded the Koprulu sector, even though the current Tyrannian Empire fleet had increased tenfold compared to before, it was hard to avoid being unable to guard the vast empire border.

And there is no doubt that even the remnants of the Protoss Empire's invincible fleet are not accessible to Tyranid humans, not to mention the current golden fleet is known as the largest fleet in the history of the Protoss.

If there is any trouble that even the protoss can't solve it by themselves, Augustus may not have a better way. He was counting on Durham to bring some reinforcements, but right now even the protoss' own home It's also crazy.

For Augustus, the most urgent task is to stabilize the western border of the empire invaded by Aurega, and eliminate the scavenger and pirate forces who are helping the evil in this area.

"Your Majesty, the Tyrann Empire has helped us a lot." Artanis was also sincerely grateful for Augustus' help.

As long as Augustus and Tassadar are still the leaders of the Tyrann Empire and the Protoss of Dharam, the relationship between the two races will continue to improve.

"I'm more worried about another thing than whether Aideon Star will be attacked by Orega." Artanis said to Augustus again:

"As for how to deal with the ancient Purifiers, Sacoolas' Council of Light and Shadow has held an emergency meeting. Some bishops believe that in order to put an end to the threat that the Purifiers may bring, the Bucebros must be completely destroyed. Compared to As for the more conservative bishops, their voices cannot be ignored, especially represented by Rohana, the Supreme Protector on the Spear of Adun."

"Artanis, I can't give better advice on this." Augustus realized that this was a problem that even he hadn't considered. The Purifier Protoss had always been regarded as a threat. It's just that they have been banned for thousands of years, so that they are almost forgotten.

The protector Rohana is indeed an unstable factor beyond Augustus' expectations. This protoss protector from the Golden Age can be said to be a representative of conservative thinking. Wanting her to change her mind cannot be solved in a few words of.

On the other hand, the Dark Consul Orega is the character most affected by the Butterfly Effect.

Orega was originally active from the eve of the Brood War to the Wings of Liberty, that is, 3 to 4 years, and was sealed by the protoss protector Zamara in 2503, which did not affect the subsequent plot .

Since Augustus made the first choice to affect the course of history, many things have changed.What Orega faced was a more powerful Dalam protoss, and the leader of this protoss force was the very prestigious Tassadar, and he had no choice but to take risks for revenge.

And Orega is so powerful, and he is so close to Void and Xel'Naga, he is more likely to be affected by darker influences when his sword goes slanted.

"But the Purifiers are likely to be a vital force, and they may be designed for enemies like the Zerg." Augustus then said to Artanis: "The Purifiers are machines, they are not Fear the war of attrition with the swarm."

Due to the loss of too many people in the Battle of Aiur, the protoss had to develop intelligent machinery to make up for the shortage of troops. Weapons such as the mechanical sentinel were born for this purpose.

"Yes, it is also the reason why Tassadar strongly opposes the destruction of the Purifiers." Artanis still seemed very worried: "But the situation has exceeded our expectations, and the disagreement on how to deal with the Purifiers has triggered another issue in the parliament. A bigger dispute, they fear the Purifiers the way we feared the Dark Templar back then."

"Tassadar is not in Sacoolas, nor can he lead the process of the meeting, and the matriarch of the Nerazim has long since stopped intervening in politics."

"With a protoss empire on his shoulders, Tassadar must be very tired." Augustus was deeply moved.Fortunately, there were not too many tit-for-tat ethnic conflicts in the Tyrann Empire, which was why he did not completely annex the Kel-Morian Federation and the United States of Umoyan.

"It is our duty, Your Majesty, and we are honored by it," Artanis said.

"Augustus, we have captured a leader of the scavenger pirates. He claimed to know where Alan Shezar is hiding, but he was only willing to tell you." At this time, Tychus Finley led several Imperial soldiers escort a scavenger pirate leader towards Augustus.

"This bastard has peed his pants in fear. If you scare him, he will be able to tell the color of Shezar's underwear."

"Because he knows that his life can only be saved if I speak." Augustus signaled Tychus to bring him up.According to the laws of the Tyrannian Empire, a pirate was either hanged or sent to a resocialization factory, which was called waste recycling.

It was a man in a black jacket and polyester pants, with a funny mustache on his face.This person's heart must be extremely dirty and cowardly, so much so that Artanis next to him was deeply disgusted, as if he saw something extremely disgusting and stayed away.

"Your Majesty, every time I see these fellow citizens of yours, I admire you and James Raynor's noble character more." He said to Augustus.

"By the way, I heard that those Purifier protoss can perfectly duplicate a person's consciousness. Is this true?" Tychus asked.

"The protoss can also duplicate your personality if you want to," Augustus replied.

"No, a bastard like me is enough for the Tychus Empire." Tychus smiled shyly.

This pirate must have known Augustus, he bowed his head as soon as he came to him, shouted something like long live the emperor, tears and snot flowed down together.

"Great Emperor Augustus, we finally have your army coming!" The little leader of the scavenger pirates looked really heartbroken.

The name of Augustus the Great is not enough to tell a baby to stop crying, but most pirates and criminals will cry when they hear this name.

"It sounds like you have been wronged a lot." Augustus smiled: "Did Alan Shezar not give you food?"

"." The little leader immediately choked. He originally thought that the emperor would reprimand him coldly, and then ordered his body to be torn into pieces and sunk into the sea, but the other party seemed to be asking if he had eaten.

"No, if you understand our situation, you will know that Alan Shezar is also involuntary." He took a deep breath, calmed down his emotions, and said:

Allen was actually coerced by that Orega. In the beginning, he asked us to provide him with a fleet with a huge commission.But things got out of hand since Orrega turned into a crazy monster, his protoss dark templar secretly took control of Alan and captains like me, forcing us to fight for him. "

"How much is this commission?" Tychus next to him asked slightly.

"It's enough for Allen to build another scavenger fleet, and it's far bigger than before." The little boss said.

"So, you are indeed forced to do nothing." Augustus said kindly: "So where is Alan Shezar?"

"Alan is on Orega's Xel'Naga spaceship - he must have been driven crazy by those protoss, more brutal than ever before." The little boss said:
"I know where the Xel'Naga spaceship is. It's in a place called Zakul. Your Majesty, I just ask you to save my life."

"Zakul?" Artanis was taken aback: "That's the holy place where the protectors live!"

"It's true." The other party emphasized again.

"Okay, this news is worth saving your life." Augustus ordered the pirate to be taken away: "I hope you have a good time in New Folsom."

(End of this chapter)

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