StarCraft: Tyranid Empire.

Chapter 626 Damn!Cthulhu!

Chapter 626 Damn!Cthulhu!

"Scavenger pirates deserve what they deserve." Dr. Narud immediately said, "In this world, no one has more power to judge their crimes than you!"

He said righteously and indignantly, while a team of Tyrannian Empire Wolf Helmets Royal Marines led a dozen or so ragged pirates from a distance away from the steps.

These pirates looked desolate, emaciated, and skinny, and I am afraid that even the beggars and vagabonds in Augustgrad lived a much more decent life than them.It was a group of people who were starved out of shape due to lack of food, so hungry that they seemed to be able to eat their own arms.

Augustus looked in that direction, and the one he saw was Alan Shezar, the leader of the Scavenger Pirates.Although already skinny, the former scavenger butcher was starved into a Galbanese dog, but the shiny bald head is really impressive.

"Your Majesty, he is Alan Shezar, the leader of the scavenger pirates." The officer of the royal guard who escorted the prisoner brought the pirate leader to Augustus, holding his hand tightly with a broad power armor arm. neck, ordered him to kneel down to the emperor on one knee.

When the emperor looked at a sinner, he was not qualified to stand still, so he could only bow his head and repent.

"He sold his soul for vain money." Zeratul gazed at the notorious pirate, burning eyes that seemed to pierce his soul.

"Alan Shezar, you have committed numerous crimes against the human empire and our people." The voice of the high-level executive Artanis contained clearly audible anger: "This is not true."

"You are not human, shut up! Protoss!" Alan Shezar looked so thin that he seemed about to fall down at any time, but his voice was still extremely ferocious.He struggled hard to get rid of the hand that was holding him and raised his head, his light green eyes sunken deep in his sockets were wide open.

"I am Artanis, the high-level executive of Durham, and I have the right." Artanis' voice was as bright as a bell, and his momentum was extraordinary.

"Fuck it, how old are you?" Allen smiled coldly, not like a prisoner being interrogated, but still the fearsome pirate king.

"Can you manage me?"

"You" Artanis was surprised by Alan Shezar's arrogance. In his opinion, this human being was no braver than others.

"But I can control you." Augustus moved closer, allowing the vicious pirate leader to see his power armor boots:

"It's even more unfortunate that the lives of you and your scum are still in my hands."

If someone thinks that Emperor Augustus was just a noble son and gentle gentleman who won the throne by luck, he is very wrong.Ten years ago, Augustus, the leader of the rebel army, was well known for his murderous reputation.

"I really don't know what you shameless pirates are so arrogant!" Dr. Narud angrily scolded.

"Hmph, I knew there would be such a day." The pirate chief's arrogance was not as arrogant as before, but he still hadn't surrendered.

"I don't think there's much to talk about. What our group of people are doing is violating the laws of the Tyrannian Empire, and earning shady money by walking on the edge of gray and white." He snorted again: "But between me and The Tyranid Empire didn't even exist when my men pulled up the first scavenger fleet."

"I know how you executed Captain Jackson, and now it's my turn. It will happen sooner or later. How can you always walk by the river without getting your shoes wet?"

"I will not execute you." Augustus took two steps: "It is too light to execute you so easily. Think about it, you have killed so many people, and [-] deaths are not enough."

"I'll admit it too." The pirate leader swallowed, "You can't scare me."

Alan Scherzal had heard of the tortures suffered by the pirate captains who had been famous in the Koprulu Sector before their death, but that was far from the most horrific.They will be resocialized and become the lowest mine laborers or socialized soldiers who will often be incorporated into death squads, which is really worse than death.

The resocialization project was originally created by the former Tyranid Federation to create cannon fodder and dead soldiers, but now it has become the cruelest punishment of the Tyrann Empire.

"You are not a good person either! Augustus Mengsk!" He took a deep breath and shouted, "Everyone knows that the Mengsk family in Keha was just a wealthy manor owner 100 years ago. The worms took power, and you're nothing but a self-proclaimed."

Before he could finish speaking, the pirate leader was slapped severely by an invisible hand.Shezar should be thankful that Emperor Augustus on the opposite side wanted to save his life, otherwise the ghost of the head of state beside him could twist his neck with a flick of a finger.

"You will suffer retribution!" Shezar spat out a mouthful of blood: "It won't be long before those who oppose you will enter the palace and kill everyone in the Mengsk family!"

"You don't need to worry about it. Tanya, teach him a lesson." Augustus turned his head, lit a cigar, and suddenly let out a long breath:

"I really don't want my life."

"Ah!" With an order, the ghost of the head of state next to him injected a powerful spiritual force into the pirate's bald head, making him scream involuntarily.

"This guy really has a personality. I haven't seen such a tough pirate for a while." On the other side, Jim Raynor, dressed in gray-black power armor, came up with a few imperial officers. The pirate walked slowly by.

"You don't have to reason with such desperadoes." He pointed to Shezar and said, "You scum, I should have shot you, but that's too cheap for you."

Renault has been in charge of the command of the Imperial Army, and just now he personally commanded a Nova Squadron assault force to attack the Temple of the Twilight Fortress to search for survivors.It is worth noting that Renault was accompanied by a tall protoss executive, but his battle robe and armor were badly damaged.

"Mojo executive!" Augustus raised his eyebrows and recognized who it was.Moyo can be regarded as an old acquaintance of the Tyranids. They have worked together to kill the enemy on the battlefields of Al and Sacoolas many times.

"you are still alive!"

Mojo has not been heard from since being captured by the scavenger pirates.But in the end, both Augustus and Artanis believed that something bad might have happened to Moyo.

"I am Mojo." The tall, lanky protoss executive is a respectable warrior, and a small defeat against human pirates is not enough to erase his past achievements: "Augustus Montgomery Emperor Sk, it is a shame to let you see me in such a state of embarrassment."

As a protoss executive, Moyo may first be remembered firmly for his humiliating defeat against humans.This is really not a glorious thing, so that the protoss are ashamed to say it.

"It's nothing to be ashamed of, and now we all know what happened at that time." Augustus said: "The people of the Tyranid Empire thank you for everything you have done for them."

When the swarm arrived, Moyo, the protoss executive, led the fleet to divert the army of the master in order to save the colony of the Tyranid empire.After a fierce battle, Moyo's flagship crashed on an uninhabited planet, and the first to find them was Alan Shezar's scavenger pirates.

Alone by then, Moyo's templars were ashamed to be defeated by the Scavenger Pirates.

"It's not something to be ashamed of, Mojo." Reynolds said to his old friend with a smile, "If you're really sad, think of something funny."

"Moyo, my brother. When we found out that you are safe and sound, Kara was overjoyed." At this time, in a flash of the warping matrix, Grand Consul Phoenix came in front of Moyo.

"Tassadar is also worried about you, brother. Even now, we can only vaguely sense your presence in Kara. Moyo, only if you open your heart, can the tribe understand your pain and heal it !"

"Brother Phoenix, in the words of Renault's friend, let me be alone." Moyo really didn't have much energy and didn't want to talk: "After that failure, I have been imprisoned in the stasis cabin , and those humans seem to have completely forgotten me."

"He just wants to be quiet, Phoenix," Raynor said.

"James Raynor, I'm sorry, I didn't see you just now." How could Phoenix not see Raynor, he did it on purpose.

"He seems to have a little temper, you won't talk about that incident everywhere." Augustus laughed, and pulled Renault to his side and whispered to him.

"Don't worry, my mouth is tight." Renault thought for a while and said.

Indeed, our Marshal Renault hasn't mentioned Phoenix's adaption of his Purifier clone memory being discovered and known to everyone for a minute, but he won't be able to resist telling it again soon.

Even with Phoenix's thick skin, it was a little embarrassing to see the current Purifier Talandar.The so-called king does not see the king, Phoenix always avoids appearing where Talandar is.

"Well, when did I doubt you, damn Jimmy." Augustus shook his head.

At this time, Alan Shezar, the head of the scavenger and pirates, had already stopped crying, but he did not dare to speak out.

Augustus looked at Shezar again and asked, "What did Orega give to make you willingly work for him?"

Shezar was silent for a while, until the officer of the Royal Guard next to him called out to him, "The emperor is asking you something," and then said slowly:

"Orega is fair among my clients, and takes care of a lot of our business. He spends a lot of money, and he doesn't pay on credit. Much better dealing with him than with those old fritters. What we do It’s okay, as long as you have money to take it, and you don’t care whether it’s a person or a dog who pays.”

"So, Orega is still a good boss?" Augustus asked.

"This was before he turned into the ghost he is now." Shezar said depressed and bitterly: "It was already too late when I realized what kind of monster he had become."

"That hateful Dark Consul, Orega! He's a lunatic!" He shook his head while talking:

"He's crazy! He's crazy! Totally crazy!"

"In order to control my fleet, he locked me on a Goliath robot and installed a self-destruct device inside. Once I don't follow his orders, there will be no bones left." Also due to long-term absence In the sunny environment, Shezar's complexion became extremely pale: "Later, I don't know why, Orega no longer even needs to use me to control my subordinates."

"At that time, I was just a useless prop for Orega. Then, as you can see, me and my people became useless garbage, which was thrown into the garbage by Orega Heap, can only scrape some green moss, berries and mushrooms in the temple to satisfy our hunger."

Augustus nodded hesitantly, not asking why there were berries in a closed temple.

"Speaking of which, at that time I really hoped that you would defeat Orega sooner." Shezar was completely discouraged after speaking, as if he had resigned himself to his fate and didn't want to suffer any more.

"I didn't expect you to actually do it."

"It's not that easy, we just beat Orega again, but we haven't killed him yet," Reynolds said.

"How can that kind of monster be killed?!" Shezar seemed to think of something that frightened him, and he trembled all over: "I saw Orega eat those protoss with my own eyes. It's like sucking their souls dry! That's why, that's why Aurega is immortal, why his power never runs out!"

"What's going on?" Augustus looked at Renault.

"I don't understand either. Maybe you should go and see for yourself." Renault spread his hands.

"Your Majesty, we all thought that the existence of the hybrid Mar had desecrated this holy land. Now it seems that his and Orega's blasphemy did not stop there." Artanis walked towards Augustus at this time All.

"Although Orega is no longer here, he has been to Zakul a long time ago." He said with great heartache: "This is the most cruel and inhuman torture since the catastrophe of all ages, and the most terrifying evil in this world But that's all."

"The reason why Orega is eternal is that he continuously draws spiritual energy from the bodies of other protoss. Even the powerful Zakul protector has become extremely weak now."

"Research shows that the power of the Zakul Protoss is infinitely close to the void, perhaps it was deliberately made to facilitate the absorption of energy by Mal and Orega." Narud did not continue: "These monsters! How cruel! "

"What would happen if Orega drained all the power from a protoss?" Augustus asked after a moment of silence.

"Have you ever seen those sponges that have been dried in the sun, or the ancient earth mummies recorded in electronic history books, the ones that turn into powder when touched." Reynolds must have seen it:

"Exactly. Orega and Mar are like vampires, draining the blood from the protoss to nourish themselves."

"I've seen such a tragic scene, it's really horrible." Narud sighed: "Your Majesty, this is the most heinous scene I have ever seen. Every pulse and ripple of spiritual energy released by Orega is based on At the cost of the lives of countless protoss."

"A dark age has arrived." Zeratul was also stunned for a long time, and after a while, he stopped and sighed.

"." Augustus looked at Narud, as if he wanted to get an answer from him: "Doctor, what kind of thing is the master they are loyal to. This is an evil god."

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(End of this chapter)

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