StarCraft: Tyranid Empire.

Chapter 691 Cut off your connection with Kara!

Chapter 691 Cut off your connection with Kara!

This is a huge and suffocating temple. The majestic dome is supported by the magnificent hexagonal pillars. The perfect lines that go straight to the sky radiate soft green light, creating a supernatural sense of mystery and harmony. sense of power.

Passing through the forest of stone pillars and across the continuous corridors, gorgeous and magnificent altars extend forward along the ancient walls on the left and right sides, and the huge open stone steps are dotted with gorgeous carvings.Every detail comes from perfect tailoring, flawless and natural, as if all the beauty in the world is a deliberate imitation of it.

Looking upwards, the towering dome looks like a giant net, made of slender pillars and giant crystals that emit blue light.

But when actually stepping into the Palace of Ascension, Augustus could clearly feel the gloomy and dead air spreading in it.

In stark contrast to this beauty, there are traces of destruction all over the Palace of Ascension.

At the feet of Augustus, the collapsed columns fell into jagged boulders, and the crystal fragments were scattered in the huge corridor, shimmering like gravel in the sun.Numerous shrines and sacred objects, which can be called works of art, were smashed and discarded like worn-out shoes.

This is no less than setting a fire in the greatest art palace of mankind, and burning all the treasures.


Even Augustus, who is not very sensitive to psychics, can realize that something is wrong, let alone the protoss such as Artanis and Zeratul.

Because of the extreme shock, Artanis even broke away from the crowd, and walked through the collapsed stone statues and pillars of the Temple of Ascension alone with the light of the psionic blade in his hand, looking for proof that Naganaga once existed here.

Zeratul also wanted to follow, but Augustus stretched out his hand and held him tightly.

"Guys, it's weird here." Renault looked around, noticing that the traces of destruction in the Ascension Hall were not recent, and there was no sign of hybrids entering it before.

"It seems that there has been a tragic battle here." Zeratul looked over the load-bearing beam wall that rose like flames, and looked at the interlaced three-dimensional vaults: "What kind of enemy can attack Urna, Enemy with Naganaga?"

Suddenly, Zeratul suddenly said: "This is the battle of the gods."

"The Temple of Ascension." Purifier executive Koloralion stood on the spiral downward stairs, his bright orange eyes were as bright as torches: "The flames of war have spread here, and even the gods can't stay out of it."

At this time, hundreds of people had entered the Temple of Ascension, a small part was the elite Durham led by Artanis, and the rest were Augustus' royal guards and purifiers, each exploring in the temple. , the psychic blade and the flash of the searchlight looming in the darkness.

Compared with the Dalam protoss who really went deep into the Temple of Ascension, the troops of the Tyranid Empire and the Purifiers have always occupied positions close to the entrance and have never been far away. Ram Protoss is blocked in it.

Through the light falling from the dome, huge corpses could be seen between the collapsed walls and broken crystals.From the perspective of Augustus as a human being, this is also a creature lacking in beauty. Their corpses are huge and bloated, and their ugly heads are covered with tumor-like lumps and giant squid-like tendrils.

Presumably in the imagination of Artanis and others, the Palace of Ascension should have such a scene: as if the gods cast by the sun were bathed in brilliance, solemnly waiting for the audience of the two destined races, as if As they were when Aiur was walking among the protoss.

And as Augustus already knew.

The gods are dead.

Not sleeping, but really dead.

It is not so much the sacred temple of ascension, but rather the mortuary of the gods.

Augustus stepped over a collapsed colonnade carved with plant patterns, and observed the Xel'Naga in front of him, which was masked under the ruins, with only its huge head exposed through the light of the searchlight on the power armor.

Once seeing the legendary Creator and the real face of Xel'Naga, whom the protoss regarded as gods, the sense of mystery shrouded in countless myths and legends and temple totems disappeared.

"It's ugly." Tychus said mercilessly, standing still behind Augustus, looking at him with weird eyes.

"Are there any living people?" Lei Nuo's voice echoed in the silent Hall of Ascension, but there was no response.

"Your god is dead," Tychus added.

"They are all dead, and already dead." Zeratul sighed a long time.

If so, who had given him enlightenment in the Temple of Ares before?But Zeratul then thought that there might still be surviving Xel'Naga who survived the battle of the gods in Urna.

"Who do you think did it?" Augustus looked around the crowd.

"It must be Eamon." Renault said, "Now it seems that he is the winner of this battle, because the loser has already died."

Amon is also a Naganaga, this point needs no further proof.

"He betrayed the gods," said Zeratul.

"Maybe he just thinks that your gods betrayed him." Augustus just shook his head and didn't say anything else.

At this moment, Augustus noticed a spiritual wail that seemed to be crying from the location of the Dalam Protoss in the distance.Such a strong mental fluctuation is enough to affect a human being like Augustus, so that he also felt a sore nose and heartache.

Compared with humans, the reaction of the Dalam protoss is much greater. Both the templar and the dark templar knelt on one knee in front of Xel'Naga's body to express their condolences, and some People even let out a sob from the spiritual level from time to time.

These protoss warriors with a heart like steel and a strong will may have been fighting on the battlefield for hundreds of years. It is hard to imagine that such a warrior would wail with a weak heart. It can be seen how much the tragedy in front of them has hit them big.

Whether it is the El Protoss or the Sacoolas Protoss, they all have devout respect and admiration for the creator Nagar.

This is a breakdown of faith.

On the contrary, an old god like Zeratul seems much calmer, but there is a bit more wisdom in his eyes that can see through the world's philosophy.No matter what, Zeratul can always predict more things than ordinary people. He is always on the second floor or even the third and fourth floors.

"They're crying?" Tychus couldn't understand, for a man as unfeeling as he was, it was just crocodile tears.

"It's too rare." Reynolds didn't have the slightest affection for Xel'Naga, but felt sad for what happened to the protoss.Who would have imagined that the gods he had believed in for thousands of years were all dead, leaving only a half-mad evil god in the void.

Protoss and humans have the same rich emotions, which is why they are regarded as a higher intelligent race equal to humans, rather than monsters like Zerg.

And Augustus sighed deeply.

My friends.

Don't cry yet.

There will be times when I cry harder.

"What a powerful, essence!"

Before Augustus could say anything more, a huge black shadow passed in front of him, it was Dehaka and Cerebral Worm Alpha.

"The old bacon that has been covered in dust for billions of years, I don't know how it tastes." The brain worm smacked his lips: "It looks quite oily - I have to pack it for the queens and princesses to take back."

Thinking of getting a compliment, the cerebrate was so happy that he wanted to wag his tail.

Dehaka's movements became even faster, and he jumped in front of the Naganaga's corpse, tore a large mass of flesh and blood with one paw, stuffed it into his mouth without any scruples, and ate so much It is full of fragrance.

Just chewed a few mouthfuls, but Dehaka's body transformed at an astonishing speed. Not only did his body size increase by more than ten inches in a few seconds, but the grey-green skin also oozes reflections like spider webs. The cracks with golden light look more and more like Guren Godzilla.

And the cerebrum on top of Dehaka's head got into Nagar's body directly, and disappeared immediately.

However, when Dehaka desperately picked up the body of LS Nagar, the scene was really horrifying.

As the same original Zerg, it is their instinct to ingest powerful essence.Even though the Xel'Naga here have been dead for countless years, it is still a great supplement to the original Zerg.

"Hold it." Renault yelled.

Dehaka can be regarded as one of his own, and it's okay to give it a few bites, but it depends on the occasion.Seeing that the gods are dead, the gods are all mourning, but you want to eat their gods in front of them.

What a blasphemy.

Humans can't stand it anymore.

Upon hearing this, several royal guard marines in heavy armor immediately grabbed Dehaka's tail and pulled it outward together, but they still couldn't pull out the original zerg with red eyes.

I saw Dehaka desperately clawing at the ground with his strong hind limbs and claws, contending with the royal guards who kept pulling behind him, wishing he could grab sparks out.

On such a heavy occasion, only this scene seemed so ridiculous that Augustus couldn't help covering his face with his hands.

Except for the protoss, no one here is in awe of the dead creator, and Dehaka can't wait to lick the corpse in public.

It's already licking, to be exact.

Eat on the spot.

Fortunately, Augustus had the foresight and didn't let in more primitive zerg, otherwise there would be a gluttonous feast that would make the protoss burn with anger.

For a while, the scene seemed chaotic, but fortunately, it didn't attract the attention of the Dalam Protoss, and Augustus also turned a blind eye.

Just like Augustus's excuse for abducting Dehaka - follow him to get a powerful essence.

For Augustus, the stronger Dehaka is, the more chance he has to defeat the Zongzu Zuerwen and become the new supreme overlord of the original Zerg Swarm.As a result, the threat to the frontiers of the Tyranid Empire was resolved once and for all, and the Primordial Zerg was used as a great help against Amon.

And it was the same for this brain worm.

Bringing them all was also in Augustus' calculation.

"Amon!" At this moment, Artanis's soul roared like a thunderous explosion came from the depths of the temple in the distance. He must have been extremely angry at this time, and he had already thought that this might be Tada Amon, the dark god of the forest.

"Did you do this?"


"I know you are here!" Artanis looked at the dome with staggered ribs on the top of the Temple of Ascension:

"Face me, you coward!"

Augustus seldom saw the scene where Artanis was furious, but since entering Urna, he has been greatly stimulated more times than the sum of the years of acquaintance with Augustus in the past.

Presumably his mentality at this time is quite different from that of Archbishop Artanis of Durham who shouldered the burden of saving the Protoss in the original timeline.

"This kid is so angry." Hearing what Artanis said, Tychus smiled: "Then Amon is not a fool, how could he really answer him!"

Unexpectedly, the next moment, the boulder shook in the direction Artanis was looking at, casting a dim red light.

"Not good!" Zeratul looked at the ominous red light.

"A door to the void is opening."

"Urna, the cradle of life. It is your beginning and your end."

"In the abyss, only the figure of the Eternal stretches forward, across the realm of annihilation." A mocking voice emerges from it: "Do you want to seek salvation in this empty temple?"

"You can't find anything. There is only the historical truth of Naganaga's failure."

"Come on, Artanis."

"I will end this cycle of corruption."

"I will grant you relief from annihilation."

All of a sudden, under the influence of the red light, all the templars including Artanis uttered wailing in their hearts, and hugged their heads in pain, the blue spiritual flames in their eyes filled like blood red.The surrounding dark templars were also stunned for a while, completely confused about what happened.

Some Dark Templar tried to lend a helping hand to their Templar friends, but were immediately attacked mercilessly.

In this split second, their minds seemed to be completely filled with horrific ravings and angry roars.

"Endless hatred!" A templar cried: "Endless pain!"

"Eamon, he has Karla!"

"What's going on? What's going on with these protoss?" Tychus couldn't figure it out, why Amon just howled, and these protoss seemed to be completely crazy.

All these changes happened too fast and too fast. Just now Artanis was scolding Emon angrily, and in a blink of an eye he appeared and corrupted Kara.

"Kara!" With the reminder from the Second Hall of Revelation, Zeratul immediately understood what he said: "Amon corrupted the templar through Kara, just like he corrupted the void."

"Artanis, cut off your connection with Kara!" Augustus wanted to say this a long time ago.

It finally came. I didn't expect Amon to move so fast.

At this time, some of the screaming Durham templars had completely lost their sanity and began to attack their compatriots and friendly forces. Colorarion and Raynor had no choice but to order their troops to fight back.

Only strong and determined templars like Artanis and Selendis could temporarily resist Amon's will, but it seemed that they couldn't hold on for too long.

"Executive Corolla Leon, there is only one way to help them get rid of Amon's control." In the shortest time, Augustus has figured out what the situation is now.For the first time, he looked at the Purifier executive Corola Leon.

"I'm going to rescue Artanis." Zeratul stepped out, but was stopped by Colorarion.

"Stand back." Colorado Leon stepped forward, his huge mechanical body was extremely majestic and majestic: "Let's meet this generation of executive officers for a while."

As Corolla Leon made great strides forward, the dozens of soldiers of the Purifier Legion behind him were undergoing astonishing transformations. The influx of a large amount of intelligent personality data streams made their orange-white bodies suddenly burst into dazzling golden light. .

"Visiting the personalities of the Council of the Purifiers."

"Loading the intelligent personality of Executive Andinunn."

"Loading the intelligent personality of Executive Damiarch."

"Executive Olaeria."

"Executor Ashredar."

"Executor Damius."

"Executive cipion."

"Executor Garudion."

"Executive Aldrion."


 The recent official book "Evolution" mentioned that Urna's Xel'Naga can extract the essence of Xel'Naga.

(End of this chapter)

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