Chapter 714
It was already night when Augustus returned to the Augustegrad Palace.

As if not affected by this disaster, the outside is still brightly lit and radiant.All kinds of flying cars, promotional airships, and advertising airships pass between the towering skyscrapers and buildings, like fish swimming in the river.

When the Tyrann Empire was first established, Keha was still in ruins.Protracted wars have destroyed many originally prosperous and wealthy planets. Local governments are faced with a mess left by the old Federation. A large amount of public debt cannot be repaid, government agencies cannot pay a single star and a half of salary, prices are soaring, and social turmoil.

The revival of this vast interstellar empire is inseparable from Augustus' single-handed governance.

The emperor of the Tyrannian Empire and his fleet had been traveling between the stars for several months, and it was too late to rest when they returned to the palace, so they immediately picked up the affairs of governing the country that he had put down for a long time.When the battleship enters the transition state, the concept of time and space will become very blurred. Sometimes it is only a week, but it feels like a year.

In one night, so many officials were summoned to the palace, which can be called half of the empire's political circle.They were called by Augustus, and they still took it for granted.

Augustus has to admit that the job will never give him time to spare, but he hopes it will be worth it.

The enemies of the Empire never seem to need a break.The swarms have made a comeback, and even their once steadfast allies of the Protoss have become tools used by the God of Darkness to destroy the world. What's more terrible is that now that Amon has completely controlled the Protoss and Zerg, he can create more unscrupulous Own army of hybrids.

The advantage was too great, and Emon didn't even know how he lost.

Unfortunately, Augustus has never heard from his old friend Tassadar since the Golden Fleet lost contact.Augustus still believes that this venerable Protoss hero can still save the day as he has in the past, but in any case, the situation is not optimistic.

The Dalam protoss not only lost their proud huge fleet, but also lost their most important spiritual leader.Apart from Augustus, even Artanis himself has doubts about whether he can take over the heavy responsibility of Tassadar.

Now on the star map of the Tyrann Empire with Korhal as the center, the swarm army is pressing on from the south and east, and the golden fleet of the protoss has jumped into the empire from the other direction, burning everything they can find. all living planets.

The stars are burning.

Every day, the latest information from all directions outside of Korha poured in like snowflakes, bringing news of the continuous advancement of Amon's army.The empire was vast, spanning hundreds of thousands of galaxies, and even the quickest news from the frontier came weeks ago.

While returning to Korhal from Sacoolas, Augustus' fleet nearly collided head-on with a massive Celestial Hive Fleet leaping through wormhole space.

Judging from the direction of progress of this Hive Fleet, their goal can be clearly defined as the Tyrann Empire's Sharpsburg colony (Sharpsburg). generations.

At that time, Augustus was surrounded by not only the Imperial Fleet with the Alpha Squadron as the main force, but also the Purifiers of Colorado, the Spear of Adun of Artanis, and all the warships and fighters of the Nerazim Protoss.

Just when the people in Sharpsburg were not aware of this crisis at all, a great war broke out in this star field a few light-years away from this world. The interstellar cemetery left after this interstellar war is It can still be found now, and the battlefield of Nuo Da is full of unparalleled warship wrecks and insect corpses.

There is only one thing to be thankful for. Even though Amon already has an army of protoss, zerg, and hybrids, his army is only obsessed with destroying every planet along the way to attack the Koprulu star sector, and truly slaughtering all planets. All lives are spared.

However, this will inevitably slow down the attack speed of the Amon army. They have spent too much time flattening every planet over and over again. Some planets even only have the Tyrann Empire or the planet Durham An outpost of the spirits, and some of the planets attacked even had relatively primitive life forms.

Obviously, Amon wanted to solve the human race smoothly in the process of destroying the world, instead of taking the lead in injuring the Tyranid Empire and forcing them to withdraw from the ensuing war.

From a tactical point of view, they should give priority to attacking important worlds with the largest population or the most resources and industrial areas in the empire. The golden fleet should drive straight to Korhal, and no imperial fleet can stop them.

Although Amon did launch an attack on Keha, but so far, it was nothing more than that.Part of the reason why Augustus rushed back to Keha was to show his weakness to the enemy, and the other part was because he was really afraid that Amon would make Keha go nowhere.

For now, Amon seems to believe that he can take Korhal with an invasion from the void like Sacoolas, without having to use the protoss and zerg armies.

But Amon obviously failed, he might not be annoyed, it might just be fun.

Alarak once instigated a Rakshir ceremony involving thousands of ascenders in the chain of ascension, which resulted in the death of a large number of powerful Tadarim army leaders, while he was reaping the power of the fisherman.

Such large-scale casualties at the top level caused large-scale chaos in the Tadarim army, and the fleet was leaderless, which delayed Amon's plan, but Amon didn't care.

Amon looked down on humans, this has long been a conclusion.At the same time, he was overconfident, even arrogant, otherwise he wouldn't have told Artanis that I had set up an evil spirit host in Aiur, and it was about to come to reality, so hurry up and fight.

As a Naganaga, Amon was not stupid, he just thought that the victory was in his hands from the very beginning, and looked down on all living beings with the mentality of the creator and the overlooker.He claims to be a god, but he is not omniscient and omnipotent, and may have deceived himself over time.

Facts have proved that Augustus's continuous expansion of the empire's territory is extremely correct from now on.The Tyranid Empire may have only established a few mining stations on an extremely remote, barren planet or asteroid belt. These mining stations may not even have names, only a series of numbers, but they are still counted as the territory of the empire.

Amon's army spent a lot of time razing these mining stations and the surrounding world to the ground, but the people inside had actually evacuated long ago, or there was no one at all.

There were many such areas during the expansion stage of the Tyrann Empire, and they were prepared by Augustus to confuse Amon.Of course, if you decide to destroy all the inferior creations in Naganaga, why not kill them all? It may take time to burn up a bunch of bugs, but what is the comparison with the countless years dormant in the void?

Even so, the situation is not optimistic. This can be seen on the star map of the Territory of the Tyranid Empire. The dense red dots almost block the entire border, and the dots of light symbolizing the territory of the empire are constantly going out.

In the short time since he returned to Augustograd, Augustus appointed a large number of front-line commanders of the Empire who were granted the right to make independent operational decisions, and ordered them to lead troops capable of rapid reaction and mobility between the stars. The periphery of the world on the edge of the Tyrann Empire tried every means to slow down the progress of the Protoss Gold Fleet and the Overlord Swarm, buying time for the main fleet to complete the defensive circle in the Empire.

On the other hand, Zulwin, the lord of the original swarm, has allied himself with the Tyrann Empire, and fought inextricably with the invading Tadarin Death Fleet in the west of the empire.

Augustus originally planned that if Zulwin refused to form an alliance because he was afraid of Amon's power, he would have to regard the primordial zerg as a potential enemy and help Dehaka unify the primordial swarm, because they are not without the possibility of defection.

It has to be said that even if Zuerwen is just a primitive zerg, it is still a primitive zerg that has lived through the years and matured.As it turned out, the primordial zerg feared losing their freedom more than Amon.

As Dehaka said, if Emon were to destroy the entire universe, then they would have no essence to plunder.

Primal Zerg is a very special group, the pursuit of the essence drives them to hunt and collect, and the more powerful the ancient Primal Zerg like Zulwin, the more worried they will be enslaved by Amon like the master.

Arcturus has been complaining to Augustus about sending diplomats to the primitive swarm, but there is still a sense of ritual.

The imperial diplomat who was entrusted with the important task only went to a planet where the original Zerg now resided under the protection of a legendary Imperial ghost agent, and met the Zerg Zulwen in the original swamp of the planet.

Its legendary level can almost be compared with the trip to the giant country in Gulliver's Travels. There is no diplomatic etiquette and treatment, no good wine and meat to enjoy the wine and talk, only a bunch of violent primitive creatures who treat you like meat.Opposite was the most powerful primordial zerg that ever lived, and he had to raise his neck to speak to the sky to see its huge eyes looking down from the clouds to the ground.

Fortunately, this diplomat is also a capable person. Speaking of Augustus, he also has a set of tricks for making long-distance and short-range attacks.After all, Zuerwen is an intelligent creature who knows how to judge the situation, and of course he doesn't care about his two ounces.

However, there are many factions within the original Zerg, and even Zulwin cannot rule all the tribes.Aside from these things, Zuerwen will sooner or later be a confidant, and Augustus will get rid of it sooner or later.

Alarak was also dangerous, but Augustus didn't mind cooperating with them temporarily.Even if it is the solar system empire of the earthlings, Augustus is willing to let go of the past, but there has been no new news in the direction of the Orion cantilever for a long, long time.

"I know that Amon will not let Keha go, just like he did to Sacoolas of the Dharam Protoss."

Not long ago, Augustus was in the throne room of the Augustegrad Palace to receive the audience of the imperial ministers. He had too many things to be reported by these people, too many things to be resolved, and these things were not It can't always be thrown to other people.

Of course, Angus, Arcturus and their staff have been doing very well before. They have done a lot of work and made a lot of efforts to maintain an efficient bureaucratic government.Without them, Augustus would not be able to leave Augustograd without worrying about Keha messing around in his absence.

"However, Amon must have overestimated the power of the void creations and underestimated our defense strength in Korha." Augustus walked to the throne and said to Arcturus and Kerrigan below.

"No matter what Amon wants to do, everyone in the empire is now worried that Amon will launch a second attack against Keha and Augustgrad. Not only Keha, other worlds may also be in Emon "I don't care what people think, but I think there will be such concerns among our troops because their families and property may be being put at risk," Arcturs said. in danger."

"We should have had more resocialized troops at our disposal, since hybrids can control ordinary people with psychic powers, but they're helpless against 'robots'."

"If Amon is coming, let him come, and we will meet him with more artillery fire." Augustus looked at Arcturus and said: "This is the way of hospitality among the Tyranids. .”

"You know that not everything can be made public. What we really need to do next is not to defend, but to attack. We have to take back the golden fleet first, and then go to the void in one breath."

"Crazy battle plan." Arcturus said: "But if it is not crazy enough, how can it break the rules and turn defeat into victory."

"Kerax says he has made a breakthrough with the Xel'Naga Artifact, if that can indeed be used to temporarily contain Amon's will, thereby banishing him from the Kara."

"And after that, we'll convince the protoss to cut off the nerve bundles." Augustus said, "After experiencing the pain of being corrupted, it shouldn't be so difficult for them. Besides, we will find Artanis persuaded his people."

"Tell Karax he's a genius."

"I said."

"I remember, didn't you remind him of that?" Kerrigan said. "You were thinking how stupid he was."

"You have an excellent memory," said Augustus.

"Your Majesty, Dr. Narud has arrived outside the palace." At this moment, a soldier of the royal guard walked in and said to Augustus.

Dr. Emir Narud is also the scientific and technological advisor of Emperor Augustus. After he repaired the Xel'Naga World Ship, he has no other merits that can be compared with it. It is impossible for Augustus not to do it. make any indication.

As usual, Augustus first commended Dr. Emil Narud for his outstanding contribution to the Tyrannian Empire, and then invited him to the palace to discuss important matters.

But this time, something is different.

Augustus asked Vorazun and Artanis for three Shadow Guards. Among them, the Dark Templars were also the top masters in the Nerazim tribe. They were also allowed to fuse into the forbidden Darkness at the most critical moment. The consul, respond to all changes with the same.

As long as Augustus throws the cup as a sign, the Shadow Guard will immediately show up and arrest the rebels.

Narud might be the only one of Amon's subordinates who was still racking his brains to realize his master's great cause, and was single-minded about digging holes for Augustus.

In the past, the Tyranid Empire had benefited so much from Narud that Augustus felt a little regretful when he had to get rid of him, wondering if he could find a cryogenic chamber to bottle Narud Save, then squeeze out the value.

"I don't know how you can see that Narud intends to rebel." Arcturus said, "If he really did this, he must have done it seamlessly."

"It doesn't matter whether there is evidence or not," Augustus said. "What matters is that I think he betrayed me."

"I won't be surprised if you are called a tyrant later on," said Arcturus.

"I am," said Augustus.

 The starting point has a new error correction function. I saw in the background that someone has corrected the error for me. Although I can't see who it is, I am really grateful.

(End of this chapter)

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